Journey to Lands Far Far Away (RP)

May 12, 2024 11:18 am
Continues from Lightning in a Bottle.

Theo hears the laughing and comes out of his room, looking flustered and sleep tousled. He and Daryl were guarding the goods while Albert and Roald went out for a look, but he did not expect you to be all night, and he remembers the fear of the mist from back at the inn. Daryl was itching to go with you, but was wisely persuaded to stay back here.

"Are you guys alright?" He asks. "I was so worried."

Then Theo stops when he sees Roald and Ezme exchange keys and the word 'sex' registers in his mind. He straightens his hair and self-consciously checks his clothes, not meeting anyone's eye.

What do you do?
May 12, 2024 2:12 pm
Albert comes back to the group after talking to the innkeep. "What's this about tents?" He looks puzzled, but quickly changes when Theo distracts him.

"Oh Theo, have we got a story to tell you! Don't worry, we're all ..." He looks at his companions with blood stains. "... mostly fine." He gestures to one of the tables. "Let's have a drink and we'll tell you all about it. Oh, and this is Ezme."
May 12, 2024 2:15 pm
Theo seems confused by Ezme, he shuffles his feet and looks down, his face covered by his hair, and does not meet her eyes as he mutters. "Uh... morning."

What do you do?
May 12, 2024 4:46 pm
Ezmaray turns to the innkeeper. "In my room, I require washbowl and cloths, mirror, small bowl, and clean needle and thread." She pauses. "... And some hard liquor."

The extent of her injuries is pretty obvious, so she feels no need to offer an explanation.

She turns as Albert introduces Theo and inwardly wilts as she is forced to acknowledge that morning has, indeed arrived. She really could have used a good night's rest...

Since Theo awkwardly avoids looking at her, Ezme addresses Albert and Roald instead of the lad. "Is this carriage driver?"
May 13, 2024 7:45 am
''No this is Theooooohw, a friend of ours"
Roald tries to suppress a yawn but only partially succeeds.
'' I think I need some shut eye, please wake me in a couple of hours.''
He asks the innkeeper for some bread and cheese and retreats to the room.
May 13, 2024 2:16 pm
"Ah..." Ezme says, quietly wondering to herself how many men were in this party.

Roald's yawn triggers her own sympathetic one, which she attempts to hide behind her key-clutching fist as she watches him depart.

"...I think I will follow Roald. It has been long, exciting night, and before I rest there are ... matters ... I must attend to..." she glances down at her wounds to communicate her meaning (though Theo likely misses this, as he seems thoroughly engrossed with the floor).
Feed the confusion! Feeeeed it! LOL.
"We will talk later," she nods, then makes her exit.

Arriving at her inn room, Ezme spies an oval mirror affixed to a wall over a small bedstand. Striding over to it, she grimaces with chagrin at her reflection and brushes the lingering smear of dried mud from her forehead. With a moaning sigh of discomfort, she sets her pack down on the bed and digs out a small bottle of disinfecting thyme oil, setting it on the stand. Soon after, the rest of her materials arrive. Once alone, the woman tenderly removes her top and peels away the moss compress to inspect her wounds. She grimaces at what she sees and washes her hands. Frack...

The trapper braces herself with a long swig of bourbon, then holds the threaded needle over a candle flame to disinfect it. This was going to be fun....
May 13, 2024 2:25 pm
"Are you sure you don't want..." Albert tries as Ezme leaves, offering his healing help once again. But it's too late. She's already gone before he finishes the sentence. "Sturdy lady, that one." He says to Theo after a few seconds. He didn't mean anything bad nor good by it, it was merely an observation. "Anyway, let me tell you what happened before I too head off for some sleep. You can let Daryl and Humphrey know what's going on then."

He takes the better part of half an hour to explain what went on in the mist and answer Theo's questions and give him some instructions concerting the packages and wagon. "We'll meet up just after mid day."

Before going to bed, he makes sure Roald is doing alright.
May 13, 2024 2:29 pm
- Albert -

Theo tries not to show his confusion as Roald and Ezme head off to bed. He knows that Humphrey was responsible for arranging the rooms, and does not know about new rooms that may have been added.

"Um..." He says when you mention the driver. "Do you know where Humphrey is? He was not in our room when I went to sleep, and also not there when Daryl woke me a couple of hours ago so I could stand guard when he needed to sleep. I thought he might be out here?" Theo indicates the tap-room where there is no sign of Humphrey.

What do you do?
May 13, 2024 4:55 pm
Albert ponders where Humphrey may be hanging out and thinks back to where they found him in the first place. "Oh he's better not be where I think he might be!" He tells Theo with a furrowed brow. "We'll worry about him if he's not back before noon. If he got in trouble, it would likely be his own doing."

Unless Theo objects, he heads to bed.
May 15, 2024 10:09 am
After eating Roald lies down on the bed and instantly falls asleep. He has no idea how long he has been sleeping when he hears a tapping at his chamber door. The memory of the drunk man standing on the imaginary balcony runs through his head. With every knock a chill runs down his spine. He opens the door... But there is nothing to be seen except an empty hall. Soon again he hears a tapping somewhat louder than before. '' surely '' says he '' surely that is something at my window lattice. Let me see than what there at is and this mystery explore''

''Roald wake up! I want be calling you no more!''

Roald opens his eyes.
It's Theo, standing beside his bed. He must have been vast asleep dreaming about past events.

'' I'm up, I'm up,... Give me a minute I'll be right down. Are the others awake?''
May 15, 2024 12:47 pm
"That depends on what your definition of 'awake' is exactly." Albert says from down the hallway and follows it up with an audible yawn and a grunt as he stretches. He recently was woken in a similar manner as Roald.

He heads down to order some breakfast.
May 15, 2024 12:50 pm
- Roald and Albert -

"...they say they are going to beat the tar out of him..." Theo continues his story and reason for waking you. You missed the start, but you are both sure it is about Humphrey.

What do you do?
May 15, 2024 2:14 pm
Ezmaray awakens. The bourbon had blissfully knocked her out cold, but now she was reaching that alcohol-induced stage of sleep that is light and restless, and she easily blinks to wakefulness. Her stomach grumbles in protest over last night's missed meal, and her chest burrrnnnns. She glances down at the long line of stitches and grimaces. Alas, walking around shirtless was not exactly an option today. Ah well, at least she'd been unable to effectively claw at her back during her fits of itchiness....

Ezme delicately pulls on her lightest blouse and packs up her belongings. Before she left this establishment, she would be sure to acquire an empty bottle for storing the blood she'd saved in this small bowl. (She didn't know if the mistling was still out there, but she felt indebted to it now.) Her belongings gathered, she makes her way downstairs to find something to eat.

As she makes her way down the hall, the trapper experiences a flash of anxiety. Roald and Albert had been oddly kind and accepting, without her having to invest much energy to prove herself. It had been refreshing, and she realized she liked the idea of working alongside folks like this. That said, it could very well be that people in these parts were just more ... subtle. Mentally, Ezme prepares herself for the possibility that they had stepped out the minute her back was turned....
May 16, 2024 4:45 pm
Ezme sees that they have not 'stepped out' on her, but are about to step outside this minute. Theo is looking distressed and motioning that Albert and Roald need come with him quickly, that someone is in trouble.

What do you all do?
May 16, 2024 6:13 pm
Ezme swiftly makes her way to the others, her eyes jumping between them. "What is going on?"
May 16, 2024 6:23 pm
Theo is not quite sure who Ezme is, though he may have been relieved to find Roald alone in his own bed when he woke him. He does not see a reason to keep this a secret, though, so he explains.

"Humphrey," —he assumes, since Ezme asked about the driver, that she knows who is being spoken of— "got himself in a bit of trouble. Caught... um ... anyway... some big-wig is angry and they are threatening to... What's 'tar and feather' mean? They made it sound worse than I thought it did."

If any of you are familiar with the practice, boiling tar is poured onto a person, leaving serious, third-degree burns that often result in death; they they are then covered in feathers, mainly so as to add humiliation, but also adding to the likelihood of infection. Angry mobs are no joke.

What do you do?
May 17, 2024 2:27 am
Frowning, Ezmaray follows the boys out to the street to see what there is to be seen.
May 17, 2024 7:04 am
"They're WHAT?!?" Albert says in disbelief. "What did he do then?" Without waiting for an answer he walks out of the building to see what's going on exactly.
May 17, 2024 7:33 am
'' I'll catch up with you, just gonna get my stuff''
Roald runs back up the stairs to get his weapons. It only takes a minute or two. Still he has to run to catch up with the others who are walking with a hastily pace.
May 17, 2024 9:31 am
You, indeed, see a large group of angry men moving down the street, carrying a squirming and protesting Humphrey. The guardsmen... er,, this town only has a few... looks worried but unwilling to intervene. These are obviously influential men in the town.

What do you do?
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