Journey to Lands Far Far Away (RP)

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May 24, 2024 8:43 pm
"Yeah, me neither. Those things gave me the creeps." Albert agrees. "It's a nice blade though. I hope it serves you well."

Albert watches as Ezme comes back into view.
"Ah, break's over, Roald" He chuckles and grabs the pole to hoist it onto the other shoulder this time
May 25, 2024 7:44 am
Your party moves on. It is probably approaching midnight before you are far enough from the area of the mist to be comfortable stopping and setting up tents.

• Did anything important happen during this part of the walk?
Lille: What was your reaction to the bottled blood you found?

What do you do?
May 25, 2024 2:28 pm
Due to their urgent wish to get out of that region, they've walked late into the evening, and Ezme does not have much time to hunt. It seems as though they would have to rely on their rations to hold them tonight.

The foreign woman sets and bates a trap a little ways off and makes only a small fire -- just large enough to heat a pot of water. She erects the tent as the water heats, then proceeds to tear her old blood-stained tunic into smaller strips. She grinds the pungent white root of the plant she'd gathered into a pulp, plops it down into the center of one of the cleaner pieces of fabric, folds it into the strip, and soaks it in warm water for a span before applying it to her stitches (modestly, away from the men).

She looks between the men as she finally returns to rest by the fire. "... I do not know how valuable these packages are. Is it necessary to keep watch?"
May 26, 2024 2:35 am
Lille settles down near the others’ camp, mostly content. Yes, it was good that they went far from the mist, and also that they hadn’t pressed on too much more. Lille wanted to get an early start to do some hunting away from the mist, and though her legs weren’t tired, she’d still need some rest.

But the foreign woman’s actions had been puzzling her for hours now. After the group had moved on, Lille had cautiously approached the deposited object. It was... a bottle of blood? She had put it back without opening the top to check if it was human or animal. Even more curious was the missing plant. A quick check in the dirt had turned up an errant bulb, and a sniff confirmed its identity. But why trade blood for that? Lille clearly had a lot to learn, especially about foreign ways. At least she had a clue to something the strange woman desired. Several other of the plants were easy to locate, and a few more seconds saw them tucked through the buckle of her pack. Lille had hesitated a moment, then whispered Wankle into the trees as the other woman had done. She would have to ask about the rest of the ritual later.

Now she waited in the dark trees, looking to see if they would set any sort of watch. The plants were back with her gear, downwind of the group camp and far enough away that none of them would be likely to get near while gathering firewood or anything. When most or all of them were asleep, she’d fetch the bundle and hide her gift near enough for them to find.
May 26, 2024 8:18 am
- Lille -

Whether they set watch of not, you have little trouble hiding your bundle of herbs near the camp without notice.

You get some rest, but a fair bit before you would really want to arise, you are awoken by the sense of a bear, lumbering through the woods, minding its own business. Bears are not always 'straight-path' creatures, but you heavily suspect that the party you are tracking will end up right in its wandering path, and, since it is approaching from your downwind side, it might not know about them till it stumbles upon their camp. It will be startled and that could be bad.

What do you do?
I said: 'awoken by the sense of a bear' on purpose, leaving it up to you what 'senses' you wish to describe, be they mundane or something more. (Awareness coupled with Stealth, along with Reflexes coupled with Wild makes you pretty hard to sneak up on in nature).
May 26, 2024 9:11 am
Roald Watches Ezme's 'ritual' while he stuffs some of the bread they purchased at the inn in his mouth. Only with the first bite he realizes how hungry he is. How long has it been since he had a nice calm satisfying meal.
That should be priority number one tomorrow evening. Stop in time to make camp and roast something above the fire. Ezme looks like a capable woodswoman.
'' Maybe we should set some traps so we can have a decent meal tomorrow ''
After another bite
'' I'll take first watch, we are a large group to be attacked but you never know. Humphrey might have followed us seeking vengeance... ''
May 26, 2024 9:15 am
Lille sits up from her sleep with a grunt before she quite realizes what is happening. When she tries to rub her snout with a paw and finds a nose and hand instead, she comes the rest of the way awake. The pre-dawn forest is mostly quiet, so the little cracklings of snapped twigs and occasional snufflings are loud and clear. She lets the warm cloak fall the rest of the way from her shoulders and rises on silent feet, winding through the trees toward the sounds.

She makes a wide circle to be sure she’s approaching from the front, then stops and settles her body in a neutral stance, neither aggressive nor submissive. When the bear comes just into view between the trunks, she reaches out with her mind. Cousin, she thinks towards it, the animal concepts not translating perfectly into human speech, I am here in peace. There are Others nearby who also seek peace. Let your path go up that slope, so you may all avoid meeting and Contest. The route she indicates comes through as a group of sensations; the smell of the pines up a shallow incline, and the rushing sound of a stream just past them.

With the suggestion put forward, Lille opens her hands and looks towards the creature’s feet, quietly awaiting a response or direction change.
I can add a Wild roll to see how convincingly she speaks Bear :)


Bear persuasion with Charisma(+0) - (2d6)

(12) = 3

May 26, 2024 10:30 am
- Lille -

There is a strange buzzing inside the bear's mind, it shakes its head as you try to 'talk' to it, and completely ignores you, making to push past where you are sitting in its path.

What do you do?
May 26, 2024 2:10 pm
Airshark says:
''Maybe we should set some traps so we can have a decent meal tomorrow... I'll take first watch, we are a large group to be attacked but you never know. Humphrey might have followed us seeking vengeance... ''
Ezmaray finishes chewing her bite of bread before responding. "I set one trap already in woods," she lets him know, gesturing with one arm vaguely in the direction she'd gone. "Splitting watch between between five of us, we should all get decent amount of sleep. I can take next watch after you...." She frowns quietly to herself.

"... Think you that Humphrey would follow?" She looks at Roald's face searchingly, hoping he might reveal a little more about what had gone down earlier that day, but hesitant to ask directly. She was absolutely sure Humphrey had been saying something about her right before the punch. Had Roald risen up to her defense? No one had ever really done anything like that for her before...
May 26, 2024 2:17 pm
Humphrey definitely seemed resentful that things did not go his way, but your group is a little scary —as the mob can attest— so it would be madness for him to follow you. However he might be even madder after receiving the bill for Ezme's private room, medical supplies... and fancy drinks [ref], while everyone else shared rooms and subsisted on common ale.

That butcher was also angry, but he, hopefully, does not know where you are headed, and may seek revenge from Humphrey first.
May 26, 2024 2:32 pm
Roald smiles at the thought of fresh meat... Hopefully...
'' I'll wake you when I get sleepy. And about Humphrey, I don't know, it's always the sneaky ones that you have to watch out for. Better safe than sorry ''
May 27, 2024 3:15 am
Lille frowns as the bear ignores her. Sure, it was not only common but expected for a bear to ignore your will and follow its own. But that buzzing... In a flash she leaps back a few paces, her mind made up. She hates having to "speak" to animals with her body like this, since it comes across as shouting. The safety of the group is important, so she will do what needs to done.

"Stay back!" says the first posture, her arms spread wide and chest upright. While Lille’s human form is ill-suited to the task, years of practice have made her surprisingly fluent. "I am dangerous!" Her next series of arm waves includes a shuffling of her feet, and some subtle torso movements that most humans might not notice. "I will escalate to a fight!" Though her stomps and grunts are not comparable to a bear’s, she accentuates the threat by banging a large stick against a tree trunk with a solid thud.

Lille adds on a few more peaceful sensations through her mind, emphasizing the peaceful sound of the breeze in the pine boughs and the cool, sweet water of the stream. But most of her efforts are focused on her body, hoping that the direct threats and loud sound will jar the bear out of.. whatever is happening. Worst case, she is ready to head to the group camp and warn the others.
That’s the best I’ve got for using Dex here: her high proficiency in communicating with body language in a body not designed to be used quite that way. If you remain as unswayed as the bear was, ignore the +3 and it can be another Cha roll.


Body language to dissuade bear - (2d6+3)

(56) + 3 = 14

May 27, 2024 8:32 am
- Lille -

The bear shakes its head again, as though trying to clear an irritating distraction, snorts —spraying bear boogers at your feet— and sits down, looking pathetic.

You can see that its fur is matted and it has not been taking proper care of itself. It whines sadly and looks to you for help.

What do you do?
May 27, 2024 8:58 am
Lille sits down with the bear, disregarding her wet feet. Her posture says "Friend" and her movements are slow and simple. She opens the mental connection again, but this time only to listen. She leaves it going passively, ready to pay closer attention if something interesting comes through.

When the bear looks her way, Lille gestures back towards where the mists generally were, with as much flavor of a question as she can put in the motion.
May 27, 2024 9:29 am
- Lille -

The bear still gives off a sensation of 'buzzing', but, now that you have its attention, it has tried to push that to the back of its mind. It still makes your teeth stand on end, and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth. It is definitely not bees.

The bear indicates confusion about your question concerning the mists, it has not been that way and does not know about problems near the 'stinking human lair'. Its stomach rumbles and it retches, then it quickly stands and, in full view of where you sit, proves that bears do indeed shit in the woods. After relieving itself it looks uncomfortable, even though bears should not care about embarrassment from bodily functions, and shuffles off to sit as far away from the scat as it can. I don't know how familiar you are with fresh bear scat, but this does not smell (or look, if you check) healthy (at least there is nothing moving in it).

What do you do?
May 27, 2024 10:25 am
Lille scrambles back as the bear stands, and watches its actions in confusion. She looks at the scat just long enough to determine that something off, and rises deep in thought. Her concern about the bear has evolved dramatically since she first sensed it, and new ideas race about in her head. She sits down again slowly in front of the bear, regarding it with fresh eyes.

Hello, she says uncertainly out loud, looking to the bear’s face and trying to remember Jordash’s descriptions of human social interaction. My name is Lille. She hesitantly extends her arm as if to shake hands, the action clearly unpracticed. There’s no way this should work.. but worth a shot, she thinks to herself.
May 27, 2024 12:06 pm
- Lille -

The bear sniffs at your extended hand, it was too much to ask for it to follow those strange 'human social interactions' and 'shake' —if that were even possible, given the size of its paws. The bear seems satisfied by what it smells and sits back down in front of you and waits, its attitude seems to be one of 'there are problems I can't deal with. You fix.'

What do you do?
May 27, 2024 1:33 pm
Giving up on gleaning more from Roald, Ezme turns to Albert, to the other question that has been gnawing quietly at her mind. "So. Why Raynor? You do not strike me as 'conquering type.'" One brow raises briefly and her eyes flash challenge, but then she looks away, brushing the crumbs from her finished bread off her hands as she awaits his response.
May 27, 2024 5:19 pm
"Humphrey?" Albert asks Roald after mentioning that he could be following. "He's probably out messing with the wrong woman again. And most likely drunk. I don't think we'll see him again." He shakes his head. "Poor Tina. I gave her hope that he could change." Somewhat in a sad mood, he gets himself ready to sleep when Ezme's question follows.

He grabs a hunk of bread himself. Munching in between his words. "To be honest, I don't feel like the conquering type either." He laughs. Bits of bread visible between his teeth. "I used to be an initiate at the temple. My parent's idea. But it wasn't for me and I left long before I became a true priest." He continues. "But somehow, Raynor worked his way back into my life after I lost my bar in a fire. And he's been watching over me ever since." He looks up at the sky briefly, then back at Ezme. His expression is calm and still a bit on the sad side. "I'm not the one conquering, nor the one healing. But Raynor chose to do those things through me."

He pauses for a moment, looking at Roald. Remembering that he also channeled Raynor's power once before.

"I'm not sure I can answer the question you gave me." He takes another bite. "The better question is, 'why me?'" His own words raise dozens more questions in his mind. He really didn't know why. He may never know.

"What is it you're looking for, Ezme?" He asks in return. "Why join a couple of strangers on the road? Don't get me wrong, we're happy to have your company and help." Albert reassures her with a smile.
May 28, 2024 8:37 am
It’s strange to me too, Lille murmurs as she accepts the sniff and then lowers her hand. At least that was one thing ruled out. Unfortunately, she did not have the time or inclination to follow the bear’s tracks and check everything it had eaten. Besides, with the matted hair, the problem had obviously started a while ago. Perhaps it kept eating something bad without knowing which thing caused the problem?

As long as we’re ruling things out.. Lille clears aside some leaf litter and finds a small stick. In the bare dirt she draws the clear outline of a mushroom, then asks the bear if it had eaten any.
I’m simplifying her various body language and other communications since we’ve established how they work. I will still throw in some descriptions, especially when other PC’s are around. I just wanted to make these posts shorter and clearer. If the exact actions matter, I can keep describing things more fully.
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