Against the Cult: Disappearances (1.6)

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Jul 6, 2024 2:14 pm
Before they leave, Theran would like to pick up an herbalism kit and some empty glass vials and bottles.
Jul 6, 2024 6:15 pm
Aanbo looks to purchase a healer's kit to complement his herbalism kit. He recalls how Tuan Vo and the other monks patched up their wounds, and even though other members of the Dungeon Busters carry such kits, it wouldn't hurt to have extra supply.

Speaking of supplies, Aanbo replenishes his stock of torches and purchases three, while adding a bedroll to his traveling gear.
Assuming we're using the standard prices in the PHB, it would cost Aanbo 5 eagles for the healer's kit, 1 eagle for the bedroll, and 3 cubs for the torches.
Jul 8, 2024 6:14 am
Theran and Aanbo visit Fantikaflar's Fantastic Items to purchase some commonplace items.
MaJunior says:
Before they leave, Theran would like to pick up an herbalism kit and some empty glass vials and bottles.
Each vial is 1 eagle, each bottle is 2 eagles. You decide how many you've purchased; Fantakaflar has a fair supply of glass as a traveling glazier visited Hochoch recently.
CancerMan says:
Assuming we're using the standard prices in the PHB, it would cost Aanbo 5 eagles for the healer's kit, 1 eagle for the bedroll, and 3 cubs for the torches.
Yes, you've got it. As no one (including party members) have been throwing large sums of money around, the prices are currently all default as listed in the Players Handbook. At the moment, anything listed as "Adventuring Gear" (page 150 of the PHB) is available...including healer's kits. Between Gwydn and Diana, there is a steady supply of remedies and liniments for people living outside of town to purchase on Market Day (or any other day, if they come into town at some other time).


Secret Roll

Jul 8, 2024 6:44 am
The party heads out from Hochoch, taking the now-familiar route: crossing the Realstream River via the bridge and continuing east on Cecily's Road. The day passes uneventfully, with few travelers met on the road. Once again, this strikes everyone as strange, as Cecily's Road ultimately leads to the border of the Gran Marches and the bustling town of Hookhill. It's several days' travel distant, on the far side of Orlane, but this is a trade road and traffic is usually much more brisk outside of the winter months.
How far does everyone wish to travel? You can stop by the Jarl homestead and see if you can impose on their hospitality again, or you could press on a bit further and find a place to make camp down the road, some fair way closer to Orlane. The travel difference would be arriving in Orlane tomorrow after sunset (if you stay with the Jarls) or arriving in Orlane tomorrow in the early evening/late afternoon while there's still some daylight. On the other hand, it might be safer in a house rather than camping in the open.
Jul 8, 2024 1:39 pm
3 bottles, 4 vials is 10 Eagles. 3 more for the Herbalism Kit. 13 Eagles spent before we headed out.

"I appreciate the Jarls, but I feel we should press on tonight. The sooner we reach Orlane the better. Also... I don't want the Jarls to think we expect their hospitality. At some point, stopping in for room and board simply because we can is just rude. I would prefer not to impose without real need," Theran says to the party -- although mostly Aanbo -- as they discuss the plan while walking. "Sleeping under the stars won't kill any of us."
Jul 8, 2024 3:09 pm
"I agree!" Myrtha stated enthusiastically from behind the two men. Walking suited her, and she seemed to be enjoy her day thoroughly.
Jul 8, 2024 4:26 pm
Just there Reptile strides along placing himself adjacent to warrior Myrtha as they have travel together it appears just like this before allowing for simple conversation. He concludes, "A warm bed is pleasant, but I do possess a bedroll." Having lived a simpler life away from general civilization, foreigner Reptile has no immediate qualms with peacefully sleeping on a warm bedroll in the current wilds.
Jul 8, 2024 4:39 pm
Aanbo nods. "Your thoughts match my own, Theran. The Jarls are good friends, not innkeepers."

Turning to Myrtha, Reptile, and Chase, Aanbo says, "I'm sorry that you all have to travel again, so soon after arriving in Hochoch."
Jul 8, 2024 7:36 pm
"Don’t mind that, friend Aanbo. I enjoy the road," Myrtha responded simply. It was no lie, she did indeed enjoy the open air. She had gotten used to road-side fires and quiet talk with Reptile on the way to Hochoch. The change of company would be refreshing, and the greater numbers of the party would allow her to sleep with less concern for any nighttime surprises.
Jul 8, 2024 8:35 pm
I also enjoy the great outdoors. Being a boundary warden in my homeland I spent a lot of nights under the stars alone and sometimes with fellow wardens. And have no fear Aanbo I also love traveling and keeping on the move. Chase thinks back to home and the forests he used to roam for months at a time. He will return someday to set things right.
Jul 8, 2024 9:30 pm
Aanbo helps keep an eye out for a good camp site, a place that affords some protection from the elements.
Jul 8, 2024 10:14 pm
Wandering Reptile scoots up with watching Aanbo leaving warrior Myrtha to her own devices, "Two eyes are better than one." as watchful Reptile aids searching for a fine camp spot to nice rest the hopefully pleasant night.
Jul 8, 2024 10:39 pm
Favored terrain: Forest
When traveling an hour or more in your favored terrain, you:
- remain alert to danger
- can move stealthily at normal rate by yourself
- find twice as much food when foraging
- find number and size of creatures you are tracking (and how long ago they made the tracks)
- prevent your group from getting lost (except by magic)
- prevent difficult terrain from slowing the group
Jul 9, 2024 7:38 pm
The warrior-woman was quite glad to let Reptile and Chase identify an adequate camping spot. She was ready to volunteer to take first watch once the party had set up their camp.
Jul 10, 2024 2:44 pm
The party continues in the cool dimness of the road through the forest, reaches the now-familiar place with the trail leading to the Jarl farm, and continues onward as, unseen, the sun sets and the sky overhead (half seen through the canopy that nearly covers the road) turns rosy, then purple, and finally black. Chase roves ahead with Reptile at his side (one of them activates a light source); nearly three miles further, Chase finds a game trail and follows it off the road for a short distance. It leads past a rocky overhang where a doe and her fawn had rested the previous night. With cover above and a wall at their backs, the two agree that it is a good place to set up camp. Chase began with clearing a small place for a fire, then began picking some miner's lettuce while Reptile returned to the Road to escort the others to the site. Aanbo is impressed at the find; though he had seen other places that would suit to rest the night, this particular camp would prevent the party from being surrounded by foes. Everyone settles down, those that have them set up their bedrolls, and they relax a little bit, stretching sore muscles and otherwise recovering from the day-long hike as they talk and share a meal together before going to sleep. As they talk and get to know each other better, Myrtha dutifully remains more alert, scanning their surroundings during the meal so the others don't have to be looking over their shoulders all the time.
You decide whether you will eat some of the preserved rations you brought, or whether you wish to forage for a meal.
Jul 10, 2024 3:15 pm
Theran will scavange up some food, viewing rations as a last resort for when nature does not provide.

He will also take the last watch, enjoying a full rest without shirking his duties to the party.
Jul 10, 2024 3:17 pm
You decide whether you will eat some of the preserved rations you brought, or whether you wish to forage for a meal.

Observing Reptile suggests, "I will go out with any they need to forage." He implies that he does have to.
Last edited July 10, 2024 3:18 pm
Jul 10, 2024 5:47 pm
Myrtha stands guard at the camp, so she dutifully ate her rations while Reptile and Chase foraged. She was quite used to eating the hard, dried stuff, after weeks on the road. She chatted amiably with Aanbo whenever the dwur ascetic gave signs of wanting to converse. Being a perceptive listener, he would certainly notice that she would just as likely enjoy silence: she seemed eager to project a friendly attitude, perhaps to hide her more natural, withdrawn self.
Jul 10, 2024 7:26 pm
Aanbo remains at camp and keeps Myrtha company, eating his own rations in kind. During conversation he does not reveal much about his past and neither does he pry into Myrtha's, reasoning aloud that history is often buried under layers of time, and prospectors only do a little digging when there's a need. "Otherwise, the land would be full of holes and we'd not have anywhere to walk!"
Jul 10, 2024 8:30 pm
Chase will forage food for the party being a forester.
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