Against the Cult: Disappearances (1.6)

May 17, 2024 7:01 am
As Aanbo, Joseph, Theran, and Xana began their training, one of the acolytes of Rao came to the Inn of Eternal Rest to congratulate the Heroes of Hochoch once again, and let them know that Diana had sent a runner to the Jarl farm to let them know that Devek was awake again and that he seemed to be recovering nicely. Albertus got into a bit of a disagreement with the acolyte at this, as he felt that they should have been the ones to deliver the good news! The acolyte was very apologetic, not wanting to upset the heroes. Despite Kragga's insistence that the man meant no offense - he was just reporting what Diana had ordered - Albertus would not calm down, instead insisting that it was only paladinic if he would go and confront the priestess herself. Olpert and Kragga tried to talk him out of this, but it was Ogbar's insistence that it could wait until morning, because this was his last night with the party, that changed Albertus' mind.

The party was stunned, but Ogbar assured everyone that his mind was made up. He thanked Olpert, and asked that his thanks be passed on to Cecily, but he would be taking his earnings and leaving for his homeland in the morning. The party celebrated mightily.

The next morning, Ogbar rose, apparently none the worse for wear, and headed out. As he was passing the last of the farmhouses, he saw two travelers he saw on the road approaching from the other direction (on their way into town): a muscular woman in heavy mail, shield strapped to her back, and, astonishingly, another clansman from the distant northlands! Ogbar greeted them warmly - these were his kind of people! - and introduced himself. The armored woman was Myrtha, the northman was Reptile. They had come by different paths and ended up hired by Cecily to bolster the numbers of Dungeon Busters in what was turning out to be a thriving franchise in Hochoch. Ogbar told them a little bit about what to expect, and presented himself as a prime example of a success story: he'd made his riches, become a hero, and was now headed home! Having described Olpert to them, Ogbar shook their hands, wished them all success, and then continued on his way.

Myrtha and Reptile arrived in town and asked after the location of the Inn of Eternal Rest. There, they found Olpert in the courtyard, noting records in his log books. "Ah!" he said, handing a sealed note to another runner. "You must be two of the new crew. Welcome, welcome! I think we'll have some work for you very soon!" Kragga the half-orc wizard approached and introduced himself. "I'm always pleased to meet others eager to plumb the mysteries of the past!" Very quickly, the wizard began talking about Boccob and the various writings of Pae that the Dungeon Busters had found in their last adventure into an ancient ruin. "Several of the others are around still: Albertus, Durren, Klak, Morgran, Sara, Thacogygax (he's a fun one) just missed Ogbar. Oh, you met him on the way into town? Marvelous! Oh, and I nearly forgot Quest." Kragga gets a puzzled look for a moment. "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Quest in days. I wonder where he went? I should ask Olpert about it."
Myrtha and Reptile arrived just a little bit before noon. You're free to introduce yourselves, talk about locations in the town you'd like to visit or people you'd like to see. The characters who were training will be out of training in-game tomorrow, so they can jump in, too.
May 17, 2024 11:08 am
Looks to large Mytha, "A room would be grand after travels." He adds on, "Something hot as well."

He looks about with his translucent blue eyes, "It will be good to meet everyone for sure, but that will happen, I'm sure. Does this inn serve good hot meals & strong drink?
Last edited May 17, 2024 11:09 am
May 18, 2024 10:38 am
[ +- ] Myrtha's description
Myrtha had become acquainted to Reptile in the last few days of walking. She was reserved, though not humorless; perhaps it had to do with the fact the large northman was a stranger, and a foreigner from these lands. Or perhaps it was just her mood. She was a good walking companion, however: never complaining and never lagging behind, despite Reptile's longer stride and her own non-negligible load.

She was surprised and glad to have chanced upon Ogbar on the road. She cherished the information he provided, as she always liked to know where she was heading, and what kind of environment to expect. If she had any reservations about this contract, his words and manner did much to allay them. She wished him safe travels and success in his future endeavors.

In the courtyard of the Inn of Eternal Rest, she listened to Olpert's words attentively. This was, after all, a representative of her employer and someone she'd better get to know well, and not cross. "Eager to do useful work, Master Olpert. And happy to have reached the end of this particular road."

When the half-orc wizard presented himself and explained the findings of the company's latest delve, she tried to commit details and names to memory. She realized that she wouldn't be able to keep it all in her mind. She'd need a notebook, or at least some parchment.

She was ready to follow Reptile on his search for a meal and refreshment. At the mention of strong drink, she averted her gaze slightly. The discomfort was short-lived and might have passed unnoticed by the barbarian and wizard. Reptile would have noticed that Myrtha had only drank water on the road to Hochoch, even when other fare had been available.
As an aside, Myrtha is about 5'7", which is slightly above average for a woman, but not an imposing size. Myrtha is no Brienne of Tarth...
May 18, 2024 4:18 pm
Reptile who isn't a massive northerner but is tall (6'2"), takes easy to travels with Myrtha. He tries to be good at conversation but is a touch lacking in some social skills. As being a northerner, they never complain about anything. Life for them has driven that into them.

He will mention, his many tattoos and some adventures. He tosses in a word or two about the god hero Azor'alq. He does tell the tale of his manhood taking out three wolves and the tattoo associated. His cleaver tactics made up for his lack of huge size and strength. Myrtha finds out he is actually an ex-city watchman. And has left his clan behind him.

When with the others, he will let Myrtha talk more for the two. He does give his name as just "Reptile". If pressed he will speak of the Northern Frozen Lands. He does appear to be armed although in more simple common clothing. His battleaxe is his friend and it can be rather friendly.

At the Inn of Eternal Rest, Reptile has good manners and lacks that more barbarian haste. Speaks more about the meal and coming work. Doesn't seem to bother him that she doesn't drink alcohol when he certainly does. The point really slips him as doesn't mention it.
Last edited May 18, 2024 4:20 pm
May 19, 2024 5:23 am
"You are fairy well-coom!" Devane Thornhill tells the two newest adventurers in his heavily-accented Imperial. "Police, heffa sit! Aye will brung you sum foot! Fairy gut!" His wife, Soraya, approaches with a smile, and introduces herself, clearly mentally noting your names. She speaks Imperial with a slight Northern accent. "We are delighted to have more Dungeon Busters heroes here. Your group has already done so much for our community!" She smiles. "If you need anything to help you get settled here in town, directions, referrals, introductions, please let us know."

There aren't a lot of people in the Inn in the early afternoon, aside from some employees and regulars. Kragga murmurs their names as Myrtha and Reptile look around the open seating. "That pretty blonde human - the one who is watching us and ignoring her suitors - is Lienne Vereel. The human in the corner, slowly getting drunk, is Rufus..." Kragga speaks out of the side of his mouth: "He loaned us the use of his wagon and we keep leaving it out by the Jarl farm...we should really get it back to him before someone steals it or breaks it down for firewood..." He points out an elf sitting by herself with her eyes closed, either meditating or deeply asleep. "That's Mironund; she came in with Quest. Have you met Quest yet?" When they shake their heads, Kragga says "I haven't met him yet, either, but everyone says he helped out a lot with that problem at the mill..." He points out a halfling who totters up to Lienne's table to deliver a tray full of drinks. "That's Tap - he works for Devane and Soraya. The brunette woman eating dinner with the kid there is Mathilda, and the kid is Durren Elderblade, another Dungeon Buster. They seem to be getting along pretty well since I was in town last. Olpert says that we can fraternize with the locals only so far as it doesn't interfere with our duties as heroes and representatives of the company. Lastly, there's Wellin over there - " The half-orc wizard points to a haggard-looking human man sitting in the corner, staring into the distance over his small bowl of stew and cup of cheap ale. "He was a trader, running goods between Hookhill, Orlane, and Hochoch, but he was robbed by Bandit Black and ever since he's been trying to scrape enough coin together to get out of town. Last couple of days he's been hiring himself out as a farmhand, from what I hear."
May 19, 2024 10:27 am
Myrtha greeted the inn keeper and his wife, Soraya, without formality. When Soraya offered information, she did not hesitate to ask: "Could you recommend a smithy around here? Might need to get some work done...".

As Kraga presented the other patrons of the Inn of Eternal Rest, she once again regretted not having something to scribble on. "Would you know why the blonde... Lienne was it? Why would she be looking at us so? Also, who is Bandit black?" Her head was already submerged by all the references, as she added "...and no, we haven't met Quest yet. He seems to be sought by Master Olpert as well..."
May 19, 2024 11:00 am
Reptile offers an answer to Myrtha questions, "We are rather new. Perhaps they are sizing us up. Such happens you know."
May 20, 2024 12:16 am
Soraya nods. "I can recommend the work of Pever; he's done some very solid fine metal tools for us."

After she leaves and Tap serves the food, Kragga chuckles at Myrtha's first question and Reptile's response. "Yes, Reptile has the right of it. Lienne...likes to find out things, and tell others about them. You could call her a gossip, or maybe an 'information broker.'" The half-orc frowns. "Master Olpert is also looking for Quest? Hmm. I suppose he could have left town without telling for Bandit Black..." Kragga sighs and takes a drink. "Bandit Black is apparently a scourge in these parts. One of the first things our group did here in Hochoch was liberate a mill that had been captured by some of Black's bandits. They were holding the miller's family hostage and getting him to grind for them." He considers. "You know, it's still not clear what they wanted with the mill..."
May 21, 2024 6:40 pm
"The men at the mill have been completely dealt with, then? No one survived who could tell more about Bandit Black’s plans?"

Speaking of something concrete facilitated Myrtha’s settling down in this new space. She had almost forgotten Lienne the Gossip’s insistent scrutinising from afar. Almost.

"Do you know this Pever, the smith, Kraga? I’ve prenticed as a smith, been looking forward to getting some work done on my mail, perhaps my blade. And in between assignments, I like to keep busy. Helps me think."



May 22, 2024 6:58 am
Kragga shakes his head. "I wasn't with the party at the time. But I heard that Black himself wasn't there, and any lieutenants he had in charge of the place were killed or ran off." He frowns. "Come to think of it, they told me that some of the bandits surrendered and were captured. They were taken back to town - here, in Hochoch - for judgment. Tuan Vo and his monks took them away, I think."

When Myrtha asks about Pever, Kragga grins a fanged smile. "From everything I've heard, he's the best smith in town. When we get a chance, I can show you where his smithy is, if you like."

Lienne saunters over and leans on Kragga's chair. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your new friends, Kragga?" She smiles prettily. "I'm Lienne Vereel. I must say I feel safer with so many heroes around...especially big strong ones like...well, all three of you. No offense, Xana dear." The others look around and are a bit surprised to see that Xana is sitting at the table with them. Was she there the whole time? She's not normally that stealthy...
May 22, 2024 7:25 am
Soon enough the rest of the party arrives from their training sessions, and as they sit at the table with the others, Olpert joins them. Knowing the drill by now, Tap arrives with drinks for each person.

"I was waiting for enough of you to be in one place that I could talk about your next assignments. First of all, though, I'd like to welcome our newest members, Myrtha...uh...and Reptile! You both come with very high recommendations from Cecily, and we're glad to have you on the team!" Olpert taps his mug on the table and then takes a drink: genteel applause for the new members of the organization, Myrtha the fighter and Reptile the barbarian.

"But now: Dungeon Busters business. You all" he gestures to include Aanbo, Joseph, Theran, and Xana "Did a great job with that Jarl boy (not to mention all the loot your brought back with you): the town can talk of little else. Which, as you know, is good news for Dungeon Busters." He taps his mug and takes another drink. Then he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "You know what isn't good news for Dungeon Busters? Borrowing things and not returning them. Like a WAGON." Olpert looks over at Rufus on the other side of the covered patio and raises his cup in salute. Rufus waves back, a little unsteadily. "I've had to buy that man drinks for days now, because he's out two oxen and a wagon. I understand that the oxen ran off - they've probably been eaten long since - but some of you should get a plowhorse or another ox to hitch up to the wagon and bring it back before the man loses his livelihood. Need I remind you that we're here to make people safer, by solving their difficult or dangerous problems, not by losing their assets?" Olpert does tend to talk like an accountant at times. But then again, he is the one handling all the books for this branch of the organization, so perhaps it's expected.

"That's just wrapping up the previous job. As for new jobs, well, there's not a lot happening here in Hochoch that I'm aware of, and I've been asking around and having the other Dungeon Busters spread the word. But there are two things of concern that I think could bear fruit:
First, we don't know if we've driven off Bandit Black, so there's the possibility that he's still in the area, biding his time to assault the next caravan or merchant. That ties in to the second thing: ever since I got here, I've been hearing rumors about weird stuff going on in Orlane. There's a lot of wild stories, but the fact is that trade from Orlane has practically ground to a halt, and nobody who has gone out east to Orlane or Hookhill beyond it have come back to tell us what's happening. Just about the only contact we've had with Orlane recently is that kidnapper you guys brought in..."
He looks at a scrap of paper that he's filled with notes in tiny, crabbed handwriting, "...Jonbon, that's his name. Jonbon was from Orlane, right? We need to find out what's happening with Bandit Black - is he still a threat? - and what's happening with shipments from Orlane. People can't shut up about the great produce that Orlane produces, and they're pretty unhappy about only eating the stuff grown around here. Is that all clear? I hope so. If you have any questions for me, ask away. But I think you could start by talking to the bandits and Jonbon to see if you can find out anything more."
May 22, 2024 3:03 pm
"Perhaps a few of us can go get the cart in question, while the others question the kidnapper?" Theran suggests. "I'd get the cart myself but if I'm honest... it predates me, and I'm not entirely sure what cart we are supposed to be getting. But I will help get it."
May 22, 2024 5:17 pm
After Olpert's presentation of Reptile and her, Myrtha nodded at each one of the veterans sitting around the table, and smiled in acknowledgment of their welcome. She then spent the next minutes absorbed in Olpert's description of the tasks ahead.

Following Naïlo's comment, she was eager to share her mind. "I will help with whatever you need, though I'd definitely want to meet these bandits, and the kidnapper. Make myself an idea of who you've been dealing with."

Then, turning back to Olpert, she added "Do we know of any trader's heading East soon? We could try to join them and try to fend off any attackers..."
Last edited May 22, 2024 5:18 pm
May 22, 2024 10:13 pm
Aanbo takes his usual tea; Tap undoubtedly knows of the dwarven monk's peculiar taste for bitter leaves by now. He listens carefully to Olpert's tome of accountability and nods at the what he considers the appropriate time.

"I think the wagon was damaged in the battle?" Aanbo remarks when Theran offers the question of cart recovery. He glances up at the ceiling to search his memory and continues, "Someone with carpentry skills might be good to come along, but I'm willing to give it a try if we can scrounge up some tools. And we ought to bring a horse or other animal to help pull the wagon, so if there's someone among us that works well with animals, it would be a blessing."

He sets his empty cup on the table. "Theran, I would gladly go with you to get the wagon. Just let me find some tools, and maybe a healer's kit. Does anyone remember where the general store might be?"
May 23, 2024 5:12 am
It's been about one tenday in-game since the party first set out with Rufus' wagon and team. Aanbo would probably assume that the wagon (and one ox) is still at the Jarl farm, which is where they left it after rescuing Abel's family from Jonbon's kidnapping attempt (the wagon that was damaged was Jonbon's, destroyed when the owlbear attacked). There shouldn't be any need for repairs, unless it is as a "detailing" to return the wagon slightly better than they borrowed it from Rufus.
Kragga frowns and steps aside with Olpert to talk for a few minutes about Quest. Olpert seems to think he's just left, but what Kragga remembers doesn't seem in keeping with that version of events.

OK, so it sounds like some people want to get the wagon, and some want to talk to the bandits, some want to talk to Jonbon, and some want some combination of the three. Declare which thing your character is doing first.
May 23, 2024 5:38 am
Aanbo will fetch the wagon, thankful for the reminder that he was thinking of the wrong one. "It would be good to check on Devek and the Jarls while we're there," he adds.
May 23, 2024 1:28 pm
Barbarian Reptile says with some thought, "We should get that wagon back most of all as it was barrowed."

Reptile is rather particular about stuff and who it belongs too. He is an ex-city watchman.
Last edited May 23, 2024 1:40 pm
May 23, 2024 2:20 pm
"I agree, Aanbo. It will be nice to see how they are," Theran says, making it obvious what he intends to do.
May 23, 2024 9:29 pm
Although Myrtha is personally more interested in interviewing the prisoners, she realizes that she cannot, and should not, do this alone : after all, she is utterly unknown in these parts, and the bandits would have no reason to give her questioning much weight. It'd be much better to interrogate these culprits along with the veterans who actually defeated them.

"Recovering the cart first might be a useful first step. Always better to wrap up unfinished business."
May 24, 2024 10:47 pm
Olpert and Kragga finish their conversation over by Olpert's makeshift "office" in the open-air area of the Inn of Eternal Rest's courtyard, but they're joined by a new arrival to the Inn: a tall, black-haired elf carrying a lute. The elf gives a deep, courtly bow, and Olpert begins looking through the papers he has on his makeshift desk. He finds what he's looking for and nods. Then he says a few words to Kragga, who leaves slowly, with many a backwards glance at the elf. No doubt he'll be back later to make good on his promise to show Myrtha and Reptile around town.

Olpert takes the elf companionably by the arm and leads him over to the table where the party is gathered. "I've sent Kragga off on an errand, but the rest of you should proceed with retrieving that ox and wagon. But first, may I introduce to you another new Dungeon Busters recruit: Karliel." The man with the lute smiles and you all see that he's not entirely an elf - he clearly has some human ancestry - but he seems to have been blessed with the best traits of both races. You each feel an aura around Karliel that makes you want to trust him and gain his approval. "Karliel tells me that he's interested in finding other musicians, so if any of you have any interest in music, that's something you can discuss on the way out of town."
Of course you can play your characters however you like; my description of Karliel's astonishing personal magnetism is mostly just to establish for you that your characters can immediately tell how easily he'll be able to sway and/or manipulate other people (NPCs) with his superhuman charisma. Everyone feels that pull, but PCs don't have to be swayed by it.
Having decided that it's better to stick together, Aanbo, Joseph, Karliel, Myrtha, Reptile, Theran, and Xana gather together and start to make introductions and get to know each other a bit better as they head through town. Various townsfolk smile and wave, recognizing the heroes of Hochoch that they've either met themselves or heard so much about in the past couple of weeks. They're also very curious about the charming musician in the group. The party also sees the dwarven cleric, Morgran, aim a blessing in their direction, swaying slightly on his feet (this early in the morning, he's only slightly in his cups).

The party proceeds south out of the East Gate. The continue through the outer town to the bridge crossing the Realstream River to get to Cecily's Road. Once on the Road, they set a brisk pace and within three hours they have passed through all the cultivated lands of Hochoch farms and entered the outskirts of the Dim Forest. The thick canopies of the trees overhead cast a dense shade, leaving only the center of the road illuminated by bright midday sun. It is a relief after the heat of the hasty march. If they can maintain a fast pace, shortly after nightfall they'll get to the place that Aanbo, Joseph, and Xana know: where a narrow path leads north off of the Road to the Jarl farm.


Secret Roll - (1d6)

(4) = 4

May 25, 2024 2:16 pm
"How is everyone doing?" asks Aanbo. "If we need to slow our pace, just let us know. We can find a suitable spot to camp, before we arrive at the farm."
May 26, 2024 5:18 am
Within a couple of hours of walking along through the Dim, the afternoon sun has moved enough that there is no direct sunlight on the path anymore, and the journey lives up to the name of the forest. In mid-afternoon, the party sees a man pulling a cart approaching them from the opposite direction. The more keen-eyed members of the party see a bit earlier what everyone sees soon enough: it's a broad-shouldered young human man with curly dark hair, skin weathered from long years working in the heat. The hand cart he's pulling must weigh a ton, for its wheels are digging ruts in the packed earth of the road. No wonder, for the back is loaded with a small anvil and various tongs, hammers, and slabs of what Myrtha recognizes as pig iron. He stops several paces away from the party and straightens his back with a groan. "Gooday t'ye!" he says in rustic Imperial, wiping the sweat from his brow with his palm. Then he smiles, revealing even, white teeth. "How far is't to Hochoch, then? M'name's Zahm. D'they have room fra smith in d'town?"
May 27, 2024 5:44 am
"You are at least 5 hours from the outskirts of Hochoch," says Aanbo. He glances up into the trees, as though he could see through the dense canopy. "I dare say you could make it there by nightfall, but I imagine your heavy cart might have other ideas about a brisk pace. As for a smith, I know there is one in town, but I think there's room for more, yes?"
May 27, 2024 12:47 pm
"I've been told there are a few smiths in town, aye...", Myrtha added, as she observed the cart and the man inquisitively. "Did your work dry out up the road, friend? Or is there trouble up ahead?". She begins taking relaxed strides towards the man, her eyes going from the man to the contents of his cart.
Does the man seem armed or armored? And what can Myrtha discern from a few steps away from the cart? I'll be sending a perception roll with disadvantage, as I'm assuming the gloom under the canopy reduces visibility.
Last edited May 27, 2024 12:51 pm


Perception - (2d20l1)

(138) = 8

Zahm Smith


May 27, 2024 3:46 pm
Zahm Smith
Zahm Smith is neither armed nor armored. He reminds Myrtha a bit of the smiths she's worked with in the past: blocky, leathery, with calloused, hairless hands and singed eyebrows. "Thank'ee, master." Zahm gives a little bow to Aanbo, then responds to Myrtha's question. "Troubles? Nay, there 'eren't no troubles I know of. I were ver' happy there, but 'ere just harn't enough work 'n'Orlane f'r two blacksmiths, so'm moving on to someplace where 'ey need me. Hochoch's a bigger town, 'n' even wi'nother smith, I figure I could find reg'lar work shoeing horses if'ere's a big enough stable or enough merchant traffic, then see if I c'n work'p to summat'other jobs." He takes a moment to look at the party, and notices their metal weapons with professional interest. "What 'bout all o'ye? Are ye lookin' f'work in Orlane? What sort o'work d'ye do?"
May 27, 2024 4:24 pm
"We are from the Dungeon Busters, under the guidance of Lady Cecily Raptor," says Aanbo, hoping the names provide enough recognition so he wouldn't have to explain too much. "You are from Orlane? Did you encounter any trouble on your way? We heard that caravans have been fewer lately, or were scheduled and never arrived."
May 27, 2024 5:12 pm
Reptile who doesn't say a word but looks over the situation and steps close to the cart and all. He views it only as to gander weather or not it is going to survive the journey ahead for it. His judgement is rather weak being his lack of general knowledge about carts. And of course, the cart looks fine to his eyes.
May 27, 2024 5:52 pm
Karliel observes for a moment the smith then the cart. Then the smith once more.
He himself was the rather weak kind and he could barely conceive one could haul a cart like that by himself and for that long.
He take mental notes of the man promising to make a song about that.

Realizing he was day dreaming he only catches up at Aanbo's answer.
"We do all sorts work of course" says the half elf with a smile.
"I for one would be happy to entertain folks in Orlane. Is any subject taboo there. I would not want to offence anyone."

Zahm Smith


May 29, 2024 5:15 am
Zahm Smith
Reptile examines the hand cart; it's very sturdy and seems to have weathered the trip from Orlane quite well. In response to Aanbo, Zahm replies: "Nay, nay, han't been any trouble on th'road. Ye're th'first people I've met since I left yeste'day mornin'. Come t'think on't...that is a bit strange. Usually there's more's come far a' wide to Orlane for th'farmers' crops. Dunno why people've stopped comin'." To Karliel, he says: "Taboo?, I can't think o'anythin' unusual that would be off-limits. People tend to be friendly, and expect to be treated in kind. If ye can do that, ye'll be fine. If ye do go, I recommend ye visit the Golden Grain Inn. Bertram is in charge there; tell 'em I sent'ee and ye'll be treated like royalty!"

Soon enough after this, Zahm realizes how late it's getting. "Five hour is a fair piece yet. Best be on m'way now. Gootalkin' t'you!" He waves cordially and then hefts the handles of his hand cart and resumes trundling down Cecily's Road toward Hochoch.

The party continues east on the Road.
May 29, 2024 5:20 am
Just after the sun has set and the first stars are showing in the narrow ribbon of sky they can see between the trees, the party arrives at the little path that leads off of Cecily's Road to the Jarl family's farm. It's very dark under the trees, but one of the party produces a light and they creep down the forest path. Within ten minutes, they arrive at the edge of the area the Jarls have cleared of underbrush, weeds, and ivy. After that, they quickly spot the Jarl family's cottage, lights already shining from behind the shutters.

"Hello, the house!" Aanbo calls out before Joseph can, and one of the shutters open slightly.
"Who is it?" comes a familiar voice from inside.
Theran calls "Just some old friends!".
"Speak for yourself - we're not all that old!" Joseph laughs.
Xana calls out "It's good to see you, Abel. Would you let us rest for a while and catch up on news before we return the ox and wagon?"
Ever vigilant for the purpose of their journey, Reptile checks the yard and sees the wagon. He gives a nod after he inspects it: it's in good shape, still. At the same time, Myrtha pokes her head in the barn: the ox is in a stall and seems fine. Karliel tunes his lute, plucking a few strings. Aanbo puts his hand on Karliel's shoulder and whispers: "Just so you know, it might take them a while to be ready for another bard."
The Jarls happily welcome the party into their home.
May 29, 2024 6:07 am
Aanbo adds in a whisper to Karliel, "Just don't be too... y'know, out there. I suggest not offering anything resembling a performance. Don't worry, I'll tell you why, later."

To the Jarls, Aanbo inquires how Devek is recovering.
Last edited May 29, 2024 6:08 am
May 29, 2024 12:36 pm
Back from the barn, Myrtha stood next to the others as they greeted the Jarl family. Not sure she understood the reference to "another bard", but as with all new things she experienced during this exciting day, the warrior stored the information for later reference.
May 29, 2024 1:03 pm
Karliel takes not of his new companion warning. Appart from tuning his lute he does not play or hum anything.
He will remember to ask them about that other bard later when the time is right.
Instead he mostly listens to the exchange to get a sense of what kind of man this Jarl was.
May 29, 2024 2:25 pm
Theran will greet the Jarls warmly. He was a newer member of the team himself, but had met them and enjoyed their hospitality previously. He had also done his best to contribute to saving their son, so he felt a certain affinity for the family. He will go to check on Devek if the parents say the lad is up for it.
May 29, 2024 3:21 pm
Reptile gave this usual intro and then pulled back from conversation. He often makes a nice stone statue in gatherings. He instead will head over and check on the wagon.
May 29, 2024 4:29 pm
Aanbo waits for a good moment to ask of the Jarls, "Did a blacksmith pass through here? We met one on his way to Hochoch, said he was from Orlane. Considering the current word of trouble on the road, I was surprised to see him in good health and good spirits."
May 30, 2024 7:29 am
Elista welcomes everyone and invites them to sit at the table again. The various Jarl family members make room, sitting at different spots in the kitchen and observing the new members of the party with interest. Elista and Abella serve anyone who wants to eat a bowl of their stew. They seem a little nervous anytime they get close to Karliel, but their value of hospitality prevents them from treating him with anything but warmth. Anyone who wants any gets a second serving.
Abella smiles shyly at Theran, uncharacteristically at a loss for words around the druid. The family is delighted to hear the story about Devek's recovery from the party again, even though they got the message earlier that day. "If the Magnificent Lords and Ladies don't mind spending the night again, we can come back with them in the morning to see our son." Abel suggests.
Reptile steps out to inspect the wagon; it remains in good shape. In answer to Aanbo's question, Abel looks around at his family for confirmation before he responds. They all shake their heads. "Glorious Legendaries, we haven't seen anyone come up to the house since you all left with the antidote days ago, until earlier today when the messenger arrived with the happy news about Devek's recovery. To be frank, we've all been celebrating a bit, and none of us went down as far as the Road this afternoon. If someone came down the Road, we wouldn't know it." Abel's face darkens a bit. "It is good to hear that something good can come from Orlane, not just tempters that come and try to steal families away." He looks up. "What of the bard, Illustrious Masters? What punishment has been chosen for him?"
May 30, 2024 4:33 pm
Aanbo makes sure to take a seat next to Karliel, not only to show that this particular bard is a Dungeon Buster, but also to help curtail any actions that might seem suspicious to the Jarls.

"The kidnapper remains in custody, and the authorities continue to question him in case there are further motives. I believe we were also asked to participate in the interrogation," answers the monk, glancing to his companions to verify the case. "I know that we should precautions against his peculiar voice so that he might not talk his way out of this.

"For now, we have come to retrieve the wagon and return it to its owner. You are very gracious hosts to watch over the man's belongings, and we will be sure to let him know of your generosity."
May 30, 2024 4:48 pm
Myrtha took mental note of the exchange as she accepted any food or water the Jarl's proposed, with a quiet smile. Was this "other bard" one of the prisoners they were supposed to interrogate back in Hochoch? Sure seemed like it. Also, this bandit apparently manipulated these good people with the use of some sort of vile sorcery. This was important information, and she was thankful for Aanbo's careful handling of the talking.
May 30, 2024 4:49 pm
Myrtha took mental note of the exchange as she accepted any food or water the Jarl's proposed, with a quiet smile. Was this "other bard" one of the prisoners they were supposed to interrogate back in Hochoch? Sure seemed like it. Also, this bandit apparently manipulated these good people with the use of some sort of vile sorcery. This was important information, and she was thankful for Aanbo's careful handling of the talking.
May 30, 2024 6:46 pm
Reptile makes his way back from checking up on the wagon. He just quietly slide into the table have a bowl of stew and some drink. He nods in appreciation and doesn't say much. He mostly listens and really gets in more details that he wasn't aware of. As a side note he mentions, "The wagon looks good."
May 31, 2024 6:06 pm
Karliel take mental notes of the exchange. From what he understood the other bard had perhaps tried to kidnap someone from the Jarl's family. With this new information he decides to make himself forgetable unlike the usual. Not saying much and letting the others handle the discussion.
May 31, 2024 6:39 pm
Xana casually leans a hip against a counter overlooking the seated group and glances at Reptile as he makes his way back to the table. "The wagon? It's alright. Craftsmanship these days isn't what it used to be!" She then takes a few small objects and attempts to balance them on the counter as she listens in on the conversation.
Jun 1, 2024 6:02 am
The party rests the night, with the accommodations being similar to what they were before: the Jarls clear chairs and other small furniture out of the kitchen/dining room and lay out straw tick mattresses for their guests. Since there are now just six guests, they manage to squeeze everyone into the same room.

The next morning, the younger children enter the kitchen, laughing, with the berries that they've picked from the forest, which add a sweet zing to the mealy hot porridge that the Elista, Abella, and Emiless serve with chunks of meat and cheese. Abel, meanwhile, has brought out a large clay jug. "We're celebrating your Exalted Magnificences, and the return of our son!" There are many toasts, in which even the boy Torren demonstrates the rustic Keolish tradition of referring to normal adults by hyperbolic titles, though the mead hasn't fermented long enough to have much of a kick. Then, as soon as the bowls and mugs have been scrubbed, they accompany the party out to the barn, lead the ox out and put it in the traces of the wagon. "Which Illustrious Adept will guide the wagon?" Abel asks.


Secret Roll - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jun 1, 2024 12:19 pm
"I have some experience driving carts and wagons, if it can help," Myrtha stated, after enjoying her porridge with berries. Wholesome food made by salt-of-the-earth, decent folk.
She’s proficient in land vehicles, is what she means.
Jun 1, 2024 3:15 pm
Aanbo thanks their gracious hosts for yet another night of shelter and sustenance. He makes a mental note to describe to Olpert how the Jarls have done much to help the Dungeon Busters even as they have benefited themselves.

"I can walk alongside, so as not to laden the wagon too much," says Aanbo. "Don't worry about leaving me behind. Despite the hearty meal, I feel light on my toes this morning."
Jun 1, 2024 3:27 pm
Reptile says in response to Myrtha, "I shall accompany you Myrtha while driving the wagon. We can chat more as we did as we come here."
Jun 1, 2024 10:44 pm
Myrtha climbs up onto the buckboard, and Reptile sits beside her. Elista and Wenderly start in the bed of the wagon as Myrtha prods the ox into motion onto Cecily's Road back west toward Hochoch. The others walk alongside, chatting amiably. Xana gives helpful advice from time to time. After a while, Abel lifts Torren up to sit on the ox's back for a while. Then Emiless has a turn.

Despite all this, the early start and the steady pace has the party making good time, and it is only a bit after sunset that the party arrives back at the bridge crossing the Realstream into the town. By that time, Wenderly and Torren are asleep, Emiless is barely able to keep her eyes open, and Abella is chattering incessantly, eager to see her brother again but also thrilled to be in Hochoch and maybe able to see other people her age. Her excitement is such that she's forgotten to be shy around Theran, which is secretly a relief to the druid as well as her parents (though Theran expects some gentle ribbing from the rest of the Dungeon Busters). The trip to Hochoch is clearly an adventure for the whole Jarl family.

Abel, who has been to town to barter produce and homemade goods before, thanks the party and guides his family to the Temple of Rao, carrying Torren and Emiless in his arms. Elista carries little Wenderly, and Abella gives everyone who will tolerate it an impulsive hug and a wave goodbye, then hurries after her parents.
I haven't referenced it in a while, but here's a reminder that, if you're confused about all the NPCs, you can refer to the characters list to remind yourself of who's who.
The party has returned to Hochoch with Rufus' wagon, his ox, and the Jarl family. Where do you want to go now?
Jun 2, 2024 3:32 am
"I think we still have time to question those bandits, and maybe even Jonbon the bard," says Aanbo. "Truth be told, I do not know what to ask of them. Perhaps others have an idea of how to guide the interrogation?"

To Karliel, now that the Jarls are out of earshot, Aanbo explains, "Jonbon was a wandering minstrel that joined us at the Jarl farm. He was helpful in the kitchen and entertained everyone. Unfortunately, his entertainment was an enchantment to get Master Abel to leave the farm with us, and his help in the kitchen was to poison the family so that they fell asleep, making them easy to bundle into a cart as kidnapped victims. We managed to discover the ruse and track them down, but understandably this incident is still fresh in their memories. I hope their reaction to you did not make you too uncomfortable."
Whenever there is time, Aanbo would like to see how much a healer's kit would cost. Doesn't have to be right away, but at least before the party has to set out anywhere.
Jun 3, 2024 6:52 am
Due to the late hour, the party swings by the Inn of Eternal Rest, where they find Olpert entertaining a small crowd of residents with a tale of pasts exploits. Lienne hangs on Olpert's one arm, while Tap refills the stein Olpert has clutched in the other. "...and then when we entered the room, there was another Sir Valiset, just sitting there eating his supper!" Everyone laughs. Olpert sees the heroes and rises from the group, ignoring Lienne's moue. "There they are! You see, Rufus - I told you they'd be back tonight with your wagon!" Olpert leans toward Theran and says, under his breath: " did return with the wagon, right?..." Then he sees the ox and wagon himself and spins around with a big smile on his face, addressing Rufus again: "It's back and returned with our compliments! You did us a good service, and by helping Dungeon Busters, you helped Dungeon Busters keep Hochoch safe!" Rufus goes over and reclaims the wagon, exchanging details of how the vehicle has been handling and its condition from Myrtha.

Each PC gains 25 XP for actually returning the wagon.

Does everyone want to rest for the night and continue with questioning various captives tomorrow, or is there something else you want to do first?
Jun 3, 2024 4:21 pm
Aanbo quietly asks Tap if a blacksmith named Zahm arrived in town. He tries not to arouse too much suspicion, but he will explain that he came across the traveler the other day whose destination was Hochoch.
Jun 4, 2024 1:31 am
Tap smiles and nods. "Yeah, Zahm stopped in to all the taverns to tell people that he was available for work! Very friendly man!"
Lienne, demonstrating her unnatural gift for gossip, speaks up: "Oh! Are you talking about that handsome new smith from Orlane?" Olpert looks sour at this. Lienne continues: "He says there wasn't enough work in Orlane, but I bet it had something to do with the problems they've had with the water over there. That, or he was fleeing romantic troubles. Big strapping man like that, you can see how he might get some girls in a family way." She pulls up a chair and plops down between Aanbo and Tap. "But what have you heard?" She looks deeply into Aanbo's eyes, and the intensity of that beautiful blue gaze gives the monk a momentary sense that he's the most interesting thing in the world. Olpert clears his throat, and Aanbo comes back to himself, freed from the charisma of this young human woman. "If you have any news about the new arrival, or if you think he could be a candidate for our organization, seek me out and tell me private." He looks meaningfully at Lienne, who is surely memorizing every gesture and utterance to share with anyone who will listen.
Jun 4, 2024 2:57 am
"Ah. Yes," says Aanbo, recovering as best he can. "I just wanted to know if he made it here safely. Good to hear that he has.

"Um, you mentioned something about water?"
Jun 4, 2024 5:05 am
Tap hurries to provide Aanbo some spring water, and everyone exchanges small talk until the locals all excuse themselves and leave for other tables. Lienne is the last to go, which she finally does with a disgusted sigh. "You'd think adventurers would be more interesting..." she mutters as she goes. She's immediately welcomed at another table with cheers and applause.

"It's late," Olpert addresses the party, "and I want to make sure that you get your rest. But I want to let you know that there's been no change in our priorities in the days since you've been gone. We need to find out what's happening in Orlane, and I'd like to find some assurances that Bandit Black won't be a problem again." After paying for a final round of drinks, Olpert bids you all good night and heads off to lock up his cart, taking the papers in a lockbox with him into the Inn. The rest of you eventually retire to your rooms as well, and sleep the sleep of the just all through the night.

The next morning dawns and you are each greeted enthusiastically by the inn's proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Thornhill.

What do you want to do first? You can try to gather more information here in Hochoch, or head out toward Orlane to see if Bandit Black appears on the way and see firsthand which of the accounts of what is happening in Orlane is true.
Jun 4, 2024 5:28 am
Aanbo makes no mention of the sudden avoidance of Lienne's rumor that something's wrong with the water in Orlane, since rumor is all it was. He files it away as something to investigate should further clues point in that direction.

Come morning, Aanbo spends a bit of his time in ritual communion with the earth, meditating within a quiet patch of bare ground just around the corner of the inn. As typical, he grabs a handful of dirt and casts it upon his shoulders before heading back inside.

"I think it's time to talk with those prisoners and see what we can find out about all this trouble. The bandits didn't have much to share as they claim they weren't given any knowledge about Bandit Black's plans, but maybe we weren't asking the right questions?"
Jun 4, 2024 11:44 am
Reptile offers into Aanbo statement, "Perhaps a show of force could aid the matter."
Jun 4, 2024 4:07 pm
Aanbo shrugs, non-committed. "We gave them plenty of force at the mill," he offers, "but perhaps having spent some time to think about their actions, they'll be more open to your brand of suggestion."

He adds, "Also, I don't know if he's connected to the bandits from the mill, but Jonbon the Bardic Kidnapper was headed to Orlane when we caught him. Just something to keep in mind should we question him."
Last edited June 4, 2024 4:08 pm
Jun 4, 2024 7:50 pm
"Way I see it, we have nothing to lose by speaking to the prisoners," Myrtha said. "One way or the other, we’ll be heading to Orlane. Maybe Bandit Black is waiting on the road. Maybe the prisoners reveal something about what Black wants, or about how he has his men do their plundering… and if not, if we don’t learn anything new, we’re still no worse off than if we headed straight to Orlane right now…"
Jun 4, 2024 8:01 pm
Aanbo nods. "Let's find out where the prisoners are being held," he says.
Jun 4, 2024 10:36 pm
Olpert claps his hand on the shoulder of a dwarf who is just finishing a stein. "Aye, I'll show ye where those blackguards are," Morgran sets the vessel down gently, with the exaggerated, careful precision of someone who is already drunk but trying not to show it. Morgran, a fellow Dungeon Buster, has spent the weeks since he helped save the miller's family in the quest to find a more permanent location for the franchise. His appearance here may indicate that the search is finally over. He gets to his feet slowly and gracefully, wavering only a little, and beams a smile at all of you. "The Brenin's man in Hochoch is called a Reeve; Ansola Behir be his name. It took some doing, finding 'im, at first. T'was Cormac who eventually tracked 'im down. But the County Reeve is the official in charge of capturin' and detainin' crim'nals. He's got a house over by North Gate where he keeps 'em all while he decides what to do with 'em." By now, Morgran has led the party down the street and through the center of town; at this point they're crossing the town green (where the market is held each Starday). "They've got a strange system here; justice on a ship were very different. I'm still getting used to it. By rights, the Reeve can pass judgment on crim'nals, but the way I hear it, Reeve Behir holds a hearin' each month so's people can air they grievances and he can consider all sides. But he's not just in charge of Hochoch; his jurisdiction covers the whole county, so he be often away, checkin' in on farms, hamlets, and villages. He's got an assistant, Louis Marks, takin' care of the prisoners now."

The party arrives at a squat, sturdily built log cabin with bars sunk into the windows. Morgran ushers you inside; the front room is an office with two tables serving as desks. A door in the back leads to the locked rooms that function as cells. The short, sallow-faced and slightly rotund man seated at one of the desks rises to his feet with a smile and a twirl of his magnificent, oiled mustache. Morgran beams: "Louis, you old dog! I was just tellin' these other Dungeon Busters about you!" Louis folds into a graceful, sweeping bow despite his oversize paunch. "Any friend of Morgran's is a friend of mine! What can I do for you all today?"
Jun 5, 2024 2:11 pm
"We would like to speak to the prisoners," says Aanbo, "and determine if there's any connection to the bandit Black or the troubles in Orlane. Have you or Reeve Ansola already questioned them?"
Jun 6, 2024 12:29 pm
The warrior-woman followed Aanbo silently, paying close attention to Morgran's slightly slurred explanations on the way. She greeted Louis from afar, with a short nod, happy to have Aanbo lead the discussion. She assessed the safety of the log cabin serving as Hochoch's gaol : it seemed a simple enough structure and she wondered whether it could resist a concerted assault by determined outlaws.
Jun 7, 2024 4:56 am
Louis Marks responds to Aanbo's question. "The Reeve hasn't questioned them yet; he's been in and out pursuing his duties in the surrounding area. But I was considering whether to ask a priest to come in and oversee the process. They've done some amazing work in the past..." he lowers his voice, "They can tell when you lie!!" He shudders. "They can always tell. It's terrifying, but I must admit it's a useful thing when hearing one person's word against another's. Still, I don't know if I should wait for the may be another week before he returns. Of course, you could talk to them without a priest present, if you think you can trust what they'd say."
If you'd like to, you can make a check to help convince him to send for a priest. He's well-disposed to the Dungeon Busters in general and Morgran specifically, so it'd be DC10. Or you can just go in and start talking to them.
Myrtha considers the heavy timbers that form the walls of the cabin. None of the walls could be physically breached with anything short of a boulder thrown by a mangonel, and even that might bounce off of the walls. The roof is more vulnerable; being made of beams, boards, and shingles, an attacking force could scale the walls and begin hacking their way through the roof with axes or pry it apart with levers, getting through in a matter of minutes. And of course the roof could be set on fire much more easily than the timbers, which would require a concentrated blaze for a sustained amount of time to ignite. She notes approvingly that the bars have each been set in holes drilled for them, so the only way to remove them would be to saw through the bars or disassemble the roof and lift off all of the timbers above the windows. All of these could only succeed in the absence of any kind of organized defense: how would you get a mangonel close enough to volley a boulder without getting attacked? How would a gang of marauders large enough to take apart the building remain unmolested for long enough to make any progress? A direct assault is unlikely to succeed; the place is pretty secure. But she knows that the exploits are more often in the people more than in the infrastructure. How are the doors locked, and who has the keys? How many people guard the prisoners at a time? Right now, it seems like Louis is just by himself.
Jun 7, 2024 9:20 am
Myrtha nodded appreciatively as she assessed the gaol's security. Seemed like the doorway and it's sole guardian were the weak spots in the defensive design, and outlaws would have to be quite bold to just walk into town and try to force entry. Louis' suggestion that they appeal to a priest's inner eye to discern falsehoods from truth seemed like a great suggestion, though she was somewhat eager to start talking to these prisoners soon. Well, she was eager to have someone talk to the prisoners: she wasn't sure she'd be the most impressive interrogator. But she could send dark looks from a far wall, while Aanbo or someone more capable did the actual talking.

"Don't think we can wait a week for the Reeve to return," is all she volunteers openly, as she looked at her companions, wondering if anyone will try to have Louis call a priest in.
Jun 7, 2024 11:00 am
Reptile says in agreement with Myrtha, "I believe it is prudent we speak to the one so that much time should not elapse. Memories have a way of fading. Many nights of already passed."
Jun 7, 2024 1:35 pm
Karliel follows Aanbo's lead. He was new to the group and did not fully understood their situation yet. Following the groups explanations about the other bard trying to kidnap the jarl's family he was glad he had kept a low profile during their stay.

"If you want I can try to speak to him. We will see who can be the most persuasive between the 2 of us. If you don't trust me yet, I couls just provide moral support to the interrogator"
Karliel will use a bardic inspiration on the one conducting the interrogation
Jun 7, 2024 2:09 pm
"You seem to have a way with words," Myrtha said, following Karliel’s proposal. "Could be a group effort."
I mean, assistance can maybe provide advantage, on top of bardic inspiration and of any mind-influencing magic we might have at our disposal.
Jun 7, 2024 3:43 pm
"I think it would be best if we had a priest oversee our questioning," says Aanbo, his hands fidgeting with the stones of his prayer beads. "And it would be good to have a neutral party present to validate our intentions. Master Louis, you have the right idea in bringing a priest to this task. If you could arrange it, please do so."

He turns to his fellow Dungeon Busters. "Who should we question first? Jonbon?"


Persuasion, DC 10 - (1d20+0)

(13) = 13

Jun 7, 2024 8:36 pm
He offers, "I would think all present to avoid asking the same question and per say pass the baton so there are no interruptions one's questioning." ('Pass the baton' appears to be a local saying.)
Last edited June 7, 2024 8:38 pm
Jun 8, 2024 4:25 am
Louis Marks nods. "That's a good idea. I'll send someone right away." Louis opens the outside door, sticks his head out, and gives a shrill whistle. Moments later, a sprightly young girl trots up. "Yes, Louis?" "Ah, Varah. Would you dash over to the Temple and ask if Diana can spare one of her Dellebenes? We'd like to ask our suspects some questions, and you know how helpful their presence is." Varah nods and runs off. Louis turns back to the group and smiles. "We've got a bunch of 'deputies' in the area - city kids without apprenticeships, mostly. Younger siblings without much chance of an inheritance or a profession; they're always useful for odd jobs. The Reeve thinks we should give them work, and it's worked out well so far."

In a few minutes (during which time Louis tries to get a sense of the extent of each party member's interest in gambling games), there's a knock at the door. Varah opens it before anyone can answer the door. "This is Brother Jamin, Louis." Louis smiles as the Brother enters the room and tosses the girl a shiny cub from his pouch. Varah attempts a curtsey and tiptoes out, closing the door behind her. Brother Jamin is a man of middle height but VERY stocky, skin leathery from the sun and with medium-length brown hair swept back so that it adds perhaps four inches to his stature. He is dressed in the charcoal grey typical of the knights of Delleb, god of reason. He looks dourly at the assembled party. "I am led to understand that you have need of the blessings of Delleb the Wise, Discoverer of Secrets." the Brother says in a deep, sonorous voice.
"Y-yes, Brother. We wish to question some people accused of serious crimes..."
"Well I'm yer man!" the Brother says, in a completely different voice, smiling widely at his fake-serious persona. "Sorry fer the old joke; it's something that we love to pull on newcomers, and I haven't met many of you before now!" He introduces himself warmly to each of you. "Now!" he claps his hands, "I've got a lot of studying to do, so let's get started! There's a few ideas some of the farmers and I have been talking about that could improve how much water the crops get in the summertime that I'd like to get to drawing up..." Louis leads the way through the inner door toward the cells. Brother Jamin immediately adopts his "serious" persona again: long, humorless face, flinty eyes, hands tucked into the sleeves of his robe.

Louis bangs on a door. "Jonbon, you've got some visitors. Step away from the door and have a seat. We want to ask you some questions!" He waits a moment, then opens the door. Brother Jamin turns to give you all a quick look (with a wink) then turns back and enters the cell ahead of the rest of you. There's not a lot of room for everyone to move around, but it's not a cramped dungeon. Jonbon sits on a stool, with a pleasant smile on his face. "Ah! It's good to have visitors! Conversation is so much better when there's more than one person talking, don't you think?" "KNOW THIS! Brother Jamin intones. "DELLEB IS WATCHING AND LISTENING. THE MASTER OF KNOWLEDGE KNOWN AND UNKNOWN CAN SEE INTO THE HEARTS OF ALL AND KNOWS WHEN YOU TELL TRUE AND WHEN YOU LIE." Jonbon smiles pleasantly and inclines his head; one performer acknowledging another. "That's very impressive! And good, too: let's all be honest with one another!" Jonbon notices Karliel for the first time and smiles with delight. "Ah, a fellow devotee of song! That's quite an impressive instrument you have there!" His smile falters a bit. "They've taken mine from me." Brother Jamin nods solemnly to the party: they can ask their questions, he has already invoked Delleb's Zone of Truth spell.
Jun 8, 2024 6:04 am
Aanbo turns to the others while they remain outside of the cell. "What should we ask? I am not very experienced with questioning criminals about their motives or goals. I know of the circumstances as I was a witness, so if you need details of what happened I can tell you."
Jun 8, 2024 7:09 am
"We’re looking to know more about Bandit Black, yes? So maybe we ask him why he went to the Jarl’s what he was looking for, and we go on from there, trying to have him reveal any contacts with unsavory types… "

matmaisan sent a note to spaceseeker19
Last edited June 8, 2024 7:10 am
Jun 8, 2024 4:09 pm
Aanbo nods. "He arrived with Xana and the others after a battle with an owlbear. Some of us were already at the farm seeing to Abel's son. In my eyes it looked like Jonbon just happened to be there and sought shelter with us, but maybe you are right and he had some other purpose. I believe he was coming from Orlane, too." The monk pauses, and mutters aloud to himself, "Just like Zahm the blacksmith." He scratches his beard and looks to the door as if he could see outside.

"Well, let's get to work, then," Aanbo finally says. He steps into the cell behind the priest and clasps his hands before himself at his waist, thumbing through his prayer stones. He addresses the prisoner with a rudimentary question. "What is your name?"
Jun 9, 2024 5:41 am
"I'm Jonbon Zhaffe. I'm a traveling entertainer."
Thanks to @matmaisan, I've corrected by inconsistent references to the god Delleb in the previous post.
Jun 10, 2024 1:36 am
"We met you on Cecily's Road some time ago," continues Aanbo. "Where did you travel from, and where was your intended destination?"
Aanbo wasn't actually present when Jonbon first showed up, but is it safe to assume that someone would have told him after everyone met at the farm?
Jun 10, 2024 6:04 am
Jonbon smiles genially. "I've traveled much. Most recently I traveled from Orlane, and I was looking for a new audience in Hochoch. But I didn't make it; I was attacked by that monster and your group showed me to the Jarl family farm."
Absolutely: by now, Aanbo and everyone else in the party has heard at least as much of the story as is summarized at the beginning of 1.4, plus a high-level review of what happened at the Forest Ruin in order to cure Devek (part 1.5).
Jun 10, 2024 8:39 am
Myrtha steps in to confer quietly with Aanbo.

She whispered in the dwarf's ears, "If he'd been seeking a new audience here, why was he heading back to Orlane with his victims, when you all caught up with him? Where did he expect to take them?"

Aftter these brief words, she stepped back, though her eyes never left the prisoner.
The above action assumes that Myrtha had been made aware of the contents of your linked summary at the onset of chapter 1.4.
Last edited June 10, 2024 8:39 am
Jun 10, 2024 2:42 pm
Aanbo nods silently, and returns his attention to Jonbon. He continues his questioning, leaving room for others to add their own:

* "What did you say to Abel Jarl?"

* "What did you put into the Jarl family's food? Why did you do it?"

* "Why were you heading away from Hochoch with the Jarl family packed like cargo? Where were you going?"
Jun 11, 2024 3:24 am
"I thanked him for his hospitality, and for letting us all in to recover after my horses were killed. Later on, when your group suggested taking Devek into Hochoch for care, I agreed." He smiles again at Karliel. "That really is a lovely instrument. I'd love to get a closer look at it. How is the tone?" At Aanbo's next question, he considers: "The little missus and the kiddies were quite upset with worry about their brother, and nervous about the owlbear, too. I offered to help take their minds off of their troubles with some music and some herbs that I had for just such occasions. When they all fell asleep, well...I'm not a healer, but I knew that there are people in Orlane who could help. I was all by myself and there were five of them. I didn't want Abel to come back and worry about the rest of his family, too. So I went out into the woods - I was pretty scared about that owlbear, too - and found one of the oxen from your wagon, hitched it up, and moved them in so I could take them all to Orlane to get help. I was hoping that they'd be back home and safe before Abel ever came back. That was foolish, I know now. I thought he would spend more time with making sure his son was being helped."
Jun 11, 2024 7:58 am
Having heard Jonbon's response from the back of the cell, Myrtha followed-up with a further question: "Who would you have sought out in Orlane to help you with the Jarl's? I mean, Hochoch is a bigger town, more temples... and closer. And it would appear obvious Abel would've been happy to be reunited to his family, dont' you think?"
I'm assuming that if he's telling any outright lies, Brother Jamin will be telling us? Also, would it be possible to get an intuitive read of Jonbon's state of mind? Does he look stressed or relaxed, does he seem very careful about what he's saying, or just blurting out immediately the first thing he thinks? I'd suppose this would take an opposed insight roll, but I'll just send you a straight d20, in case you need it for any checks...

EDIT: Thanks CancerMan for the assist, even if Myrtha is unlikely to get a better result on a reroll…
Last edited June 11, 2024 7:25 pm


Insight or other check, as needed... - (1d20)

(19) = 19

Insight (advantage?) - (1d20)

(10) = 10

Jun 11, 2024 4:19 pm
Aanbo listens carefully to the responses and attempts to determine sincerity, or lack thereof.
Assisting Myrtha's Insight check so she can roll with advantage. If there needs to be a separate Insight check from Aanbo, I will include it below (otherwise ignore).


Insight - (1d20+5)

(11) + 5 = 16

Jun 12, 2024 2:42 am
"I wanted to make sure that they were awake and happy when he returned. It would've been much worse if I'd taken them into Hochoch; he would've been very upset, and he was already so concerned about his boy." Jonbon shrugs and looks sad. "I was alarmed when they fell asleep and wanted to make things right, not attract attention to my role in their condition. I figured that a priest could help. I figured they'd be happy to help, since I attend services regularly! I could be in and out and get them back home, and we could all laugh at what happened." He smiles again, ruefully. "But you caught up with me when I had them asleep in the wagon, and that looked really, really bad. I would never harm them, but I'm sure it looked like I had some nefarious deeds in mind. I didn't have time to explain myself."

Myrtha and Aanbo both glance at Brother Jamin the Dellebene, who confirms with a nod that everything Jonbon has said is true. He is very charming and affable, and his answers seem reasonable. Could it be a misunderstanding? But at the same time, they are also aware that he is answering very carefully, sometimes making statements that don't directly answer the questions asked.
Jun 12, 2024 12:59 pm
Aanbo sighs. Perhaps a different line of questioning is in order. "Who were you going to see in Orlane?"
Jun 12, 2024 6:18 pm
"Indeed," Martha added cryptically, her steady gaze still assessing the man’s behavior. "This priest you speak of, the services you partook often, who was he? Who were they?"
Last edited June 13, 2024 12:51 pm
Jun 13, 2024 2:32 pm
Jonbon leans forward earnestly. "I said a priest, but really there's a priest and a priestess. The people at the temple of Merikka treated me like family, even though I was a stranger. There is great comfort in the arms of Merikka. When the Jarls fell asleep and I couldn't wake them...I'm not a religious man myself, and my prayers have no particular power, but I figured either Abramo or Misha would be able to help the Jarls."
You all know that Merikka is an Oeridian goddess of fertility, cycles, and seasons.
Brother Jamin pulls his earlobe; about half of the time of the power granted to him by Delleb (ie, the Zone of Truth spell) has elapsed.
Jun 13, 2024 4:31 pm
"Ah, right, the Jarls fell asleep," says Aanbo. Truly this bard has a way with words to weave perceived truth into the fluff of extra statements.

Seeing as how Delleb's blessing has a time limit, Aanbo seeks to give Hochoch's authorities something to go on. "What did you put in their food to cause them to fall asleep?"
Jun 13, 2024 4:39 pm
Myrtha pressed her lips in a sign of growing frustration. The bard’s story seemed all too coherent. He was obviously a slippery one.
Is that half of the time allotted for this interrogation, or for both Jonbon and the other group of bandits? In other words, is brother Jamis available for two castings, or just this one?
Last edited June 15, 2024 5:36 am
Jun 15, 2024 1:54 am
"It's a spice blend; it contains basil, garlic, buteo, shaved rind of a lehmin (it's a kind of fruit from the southern lands - they had some in Hookhill when I passed through), onion, salt, and fermented pepper, all mixed together and ground into a powder. It's very savory! My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Of course, I am thirsty, too. My skills at entertainment aren't just limited to musical performance, you know: I'm quite the cook, too! I like to pick up new recipes and new ingredients everywhere I travel." Jonbon smiles, clearly pleased with himself. "I love to talk about food! Would you like to hear about some of my other recipes?"

Each PC should roll a Nature check, DC15. If your character is not proficient, the check should be made with Disadvantage.

Brother Jamin can cast Zone of Truth once more.
Jun 15, 2024 5:13 am
Aanbo considers writing down the recipe for that spice blend, but maybe now is not a proper time.
I am not proficient in Nature, but would proficiency with an Herbalism Kit help in any way?


Nature (disadvantage) DC 15 - (2d20L1+1)

(910) + 1 = 10

Jun 15, 2024 5:48 am
Myrtha took note of the casual, nearly flippant manner in which Jonbon admitted he had drugged the Jarls. She considered what her next question might be.


Nature (disadvantage) DC 15 - (2d20L1+1)

(152) + 1 = 3

Jun 15, 2024 11:51 am
Side lines Reptile.


Nature (disadvantage) DC 15 - (2d20l1+2)

(810) + 2 = 10

Jun 15, 2024 11:55 pm
CancerMan says:
I am not proficient in Nature, but would proficiency with an Herbalism Kit help in any way?
That's an excellent point! In addition, one of you expressed disappointment that lack of proficiency would lead to Disadvantage.

So I'll amend it: characters with proficiency with herbalism kits should roll with Advantage, otherwise, roll Nature checks (ie, without Disadvantage) to see. If you've already rolled, you can keep that roll or reroll it, since I'm amending my directions.
Jun 16, 2024 12:11 am
Reptile really has no idea so I'm keeping my failed.
Jun 16, 2024 4:44 am
I'll keep my two rolls as advantage, which still doesn't beat the DC.
Jun 16, 2024 9:13 am
Myrtha’s first roll was ok, and cleared the DC, so I’d keep it if I may. Otherwise I’m happy with failing! :-)
Jun 16, 2024 2:00 pm
Myrtha recognizes that "buteo" isn't something you would normally find in a spice blend. Myrtha hadn't thought about it in years. It was that summer after father had left and everyone was still trying to figure out how they were going to fill the hole he'd left in their lives, before Myrtha had started as an apprentice. Myrtha's sister Peka couldn't sleep for nightmares; the traveling wise woman had come through the valley and agreed to stay with the family for a while and provide simples for payment. She'd described to curious, 12-year-old Myrtha some of her process: "graybird for insomnia" she'd said, using the common name of the plant. "They say that the sages call graybird 'buteo,'" she said, while shaving two tiny slices of a root into a pestle, grinding it up, and adding the powder to a jug of mead. "That's just like sages, making things more complicated than they need to be." After a week, during which time Peka continued to wake everyone with her night terrors, the wise woman had said that the mixture had "cured" enough, and was safe to use: a couple of drops in a spoon at supper and Peka was able to sleep through the night for the first time in a month. The wise woman had left a while after that, but the memory of the family's gratitude (Peka was able to sleep unassisted again after about a month, well before the mixture ran out) and the curiosity that a plant (unknown in those parts) would be named after a bird stuck with Myrtha.
Jun 16, 2024 2:18 pm
Louis Marks has been observing the questions and answers. Now he interjects with a question of his own: "You expected the family to be better after you got help in Orlane?"

Jonbon considers, then nods. "Yes, they'd be awake."

Louis followed up: "But not just awake again. Did you expect them to be changed somehow, too?"

Jonbon frowns and answers carefully. "I didn't expect any noticeable change."

Louis slaps the wall in frustration, takes a deep breath, and tries again. "But when you brought them back, whether it was noticeable or not, it's not just that they would be awake again, and not just that they would be days older and in a different place: they would be changed in some other way from how they were before they fell asleep. Correct? Yes, or no?"

Jonbon looks at the ceiling with shifting eyes, struggling to speak. But he can't tell a lie. Finally, he mumbles: "...yes."
Jun 16, 2024 4:47 pm
Aanbo is thankful that the assistant Reeve was able to finally reveal an ulterior motive in Jonbon's flowery actions. The choice in taking the family to Orlane was intentional, and not out of misplaced fear of facing the farmer.

The monk understands that there is more information surrounding these rumors than he was aware of. He also knows that by asking such general and open-ended questions, he left Jonbon with plenty of room to couch the answers. Lacking some of the context clues, Aanbo opts to listen and observe the remainder of the interrogation.
Jun 17, 2024 5:01 pm
As Jonbon described his spice mix, Myrtha’s gaze became softly unfocused as her mind delved into reminiscence. An unexpected smile came to her face a few seconds later, a sweetness brought to her from a distant, half-forgotten past.

"Buteo. Have you used it in your spice mix for other people, Jonbon? Yes or no? And have you taken more sleeping folk to Orlane?"
Last edited June 17, 2024 5:01 pm
Jun 17, 2024 9:19 pm
"Yes." Jonbon presses his lips together as he answers Myrtha's first question.
"No, this is my first time in Hochoch."
Jun 18, 2024 1:46 pm
"That ain't what I asked, though. Have you put other folk to sleep with buteo and taken them to Orlane? Yes or no?" she pressed on, wondering what would've happened had the Dungeon Busters not intercepted Jonbon's cart.

After he answered this question, she would add "Have you met Bandit Black?"
Last edited June 18, 2024 1:47 pm
Jun 18, 2024 2:28 pm
Theran observed quietly, as this wasn't really his area of expertise. Still, the information was important. Hopefully, it would put them on the trail of this bandit.
Jun 18, 2024 3:52 pm
Now that he has a moment, Aanbo begins to write down some of the answers to the questions.
Jun 18, 2024 11:24 pm
"No," Jonbon replies, "I haven't put others to sleep with buteo and taken them to Orlane before the Jarls." He smiles, a little sheepishly. "..or after, of course." He frowns in apparently genuine puzzlement. "Bandit Black? No, I don't know that name, nor have I met him. I get along with everyone, but I don't claim to know everybody."
Jun 19, 2024 6:20 am
Brother Jamin gives the nod: there's time enough for one more question before his Zone of Truth runs out.
Jun 19, 2024 10:42 am
Myrtha looks back at her companions. Unwittingly, she has set herself in a position she had not expected, or wanted. She had not meant to take any lead in the questioning, and so looked around for the others to suggest any last question.
I don't think we can get a straight answer from him concerning his contacts in Orlane, or about what is the nature of this "change" that seemingly affects those who go there. But maybe it's an issue of wording the question right....
Jun 19, 2024 1:19 pm
Theran's eyes widen a bit. He glances to Aanbo, then asks a question of his own. "You expected the change to be spiritual, correct? What did you expect to change in their beliefs?"

It made sense to Theran... he wasn't taking them to priests just to wake them. After all, Jonbon believed the priest's prayers had power. Theran couldn't help the feeling that there was something more to that answer...
Jun 19, 2024 4:19 pm
Aanbo casts an approving nod to Myrtha. "When the narrow tunnel stops at a dead-end," he whispers quietly, "the person behind becomes the best lead towards the way out."
Last edited June 19, 2024 4:52 pm
Jun 19, 2024 6:11 pm
"Spiritual, yes." Jonbon's eyes widen with a manic fervor as he continues to speak. "So many things change when you come face to face with the goddess...Their sense of purpose, of direction, of being a part of something greater than themselves, of the value of service, of wanting to earn her favor, of belonging to a growing, tight-knit community. It is such a blessing, a change for the better, that all must experience!"
Brother Jamin sighs; the presence of the deity has left him and no one is being prevented from lying any longer. But Jonbon remains earnest as he continues: "You will see! You will be blessed too, and see how wondrous it is to be joined in the sight!" His smile fades and his brows fall into a frown. "Unless fear overtake you and you flee from the goddess. Some cannot bear the sight and instead choose the darkness."

Louis takes the group out of the room and locks the door with Jonbon inside. Back in the front office, he shakes his head. "Well, you got a clear confession out of him: he added something to their food that put them to sleep, loaded them on a wagon, and was taking them to Orlane to be converted to some religion. I'm noting that all down, and with let the Reeve know when he returns to pass judgment. Thank you, Brother." He shakes Jamin's hand and claps him on the back. "We're much obliged for your help." Then he turns to everyone else. "I know you all want to talk to the bandits, too, but I gotta wonder: what is going on in Orlane?"
Jun 19, 2024 6:51 pm
"I feel that's a bit closer to the information we were after," Theran observes after exiting the room. "I'm sure there are missing pieces, but it's a start."
Jun 19, 2024 10:01 pm
Aanbo nods. "Yes, we were already thinking of making the trip to Orlane, but that was to draw out Bandit Black. But now it seems as though Orlane itself might be the source of the problem. If we talk to the other bandits, we can see if Black is connected with Orlane in any way."

He turns to Louis. "There was another traveler from Orlane," he says. "Zahm, a blacksmith, was met on Cecily's Road and said he was looking to ply his trade in Hochoch. Broad-shouldered human male with curly dark hair. He claimed there were no troubles in Orlane, so if he was not under the influence of Jonbon's spiritual leaders he did not seem like he was running away from anything. He just said he was happy there, but there wasn't enough work for two blacksmiths."

Aanbo thumbs through his prayer beads. "If his version of happiness is the same as Jonbon's, he might need to be observed."
Jun 19, 2024 10:35 pm
Quiet Reptile, "Perhaps Orlane will give us more info there. as we don't appears to have much otherwise."
Jun 20, 2024 9:30 am
Since her companions had already responded to Louis' inquiry, and she found nothing useful to add to their response, she turned to Brother Jamin, and addressed him instead:

"Thank you for your assistance, Brother Jamin. Jonbon certainly squirmed under Delleb's all-seeing gaze!" she stated with a thin smile, in guise of an introduction. "I wonder about something he said, though; And as a servant of Delleb, you will certainly know much more on this matter than I, a simple country girl: are Merikka's faithful always this committed? Sounded like they were really very militant. Is that usual?"
Jun 21, 2024 5:00 pm
Louis replies to Aanbo: "Yes, I've heard about Zahm from Lienne; he's already set up his forge and has been making friends. I'll take your advice into account, and let the Reeve know your concerns when he returns."

To Myrtha, Jamin the Dellebene monk replies: "No, that doesn't sound like Merikka at all. The people of Orlane honor Merikka as the goddess of fertility and the harvest in particular, because they have been so blessed with bounty in their produce. Their vegetables have been second to none for as long as I can remember, and the Orlane farmers have long been the highlight of Market Day. I have no idea what he could mean by "earning her favor," either, or what "service" people could provide to Merikka, other than growing good things and...uh...making babies." Jamin blushes a little at this last item; as a devotee of Delleb, his attitude about procreation is usually academic, his discussions about it clinical and usually in a dim library, and not face to face with a larger-than-life musky musclewoman hero in the light of day.
Jun 21, 2024 5:05 pm
Karliel spares Brother Jamin any further embarrassment by pulling him away to begin the interrogation of the captive bandits. They are clearly much less civilized and intelligent than Jonbon, with very little charm or guile. They don't engage in the misdirections, half-answers, and oblique statements that the entertainer did in his questioning; they either answer openly or grimly refuse to respond.

From their answers to Karliel's questions, the party discovers:
- One of them was an orphan who ran away from the temple in Hookhill and joined up with Black's band years ago. Two were minor thieves on the run from the Guild in Hookhill. One was a failed Hochoch farmer. All are
- Black's organization has never had fewer than a couple dozen bandits in it, but they almost never gather together at once.
- They never stay in one place for very long; they set up camp in one place, then move on again. Usually they set up camp in the Dim or the Rushmoors
- Bandit Black assigns tasks to smaller squads, who then go off and perform them. They've been divided into as many as eight different groups robbing in different areas.
- Black has a fantastic success rate at figuring out ways to steal or otherwise acquire money. Each of them has gained much more money than they ever earned in their previous lives, or ever were likely to earn in any other profession.
- They've preyed on a lot of people leaving Orlane recently, but then they were told to take the mill
- The attack on the mill was unusual: they don't usually attack a target that close to a town, and when they do, it's usually hit-and-run, not to occupy it. None of them knew why they were holding the mill, other than that Black told them to do it.
- The mill plan was relatively complicated; rather than sacking the place, they were to occupy it and continue operations by holding the family hostage
- While it wasn't clear how they would profit from operating the mill, they never doubted that it would have got them a lot of money had it continued according to Black's plan.
If you wish, you can also interject questions of the bandits here.
Jun 21, 2024 6:15 pm
"It is strange," admits Aanbo. "I doubt Hochoch would have lent Black any legitimate claim to the mill after the way his men took over. Maybe they intended to keep themselves hidden while the original family was propped up as the owners, but their plan was foiled after the father escaped to warn everyone."

He thumbs through his prayer beads, trying to remember the events. "I have a memory of someone mentioning little lizard-like creatures, but not how they were involved. Do the bandits know if such creatures were in their ranks, or if they were told to expect such guests at a later time?"
Jun 23, 2024 3:32 am
The bandits respond with enthusiasm that Black treats all people equally. With considerably less enthusiasm, they admit that this included kobolds from time to time. They were told to expect the little monsters, and give them access to the basement. After they took the Miller family hostage, kobolds that Black sent met them at the mill, and the kobolds had tools and instructions to dig in the basement. After this, the bandits don't agree on what the purpose of this was: one is indifferent, one thought they were digging a tunnel that would go under the Realstream, while the other two were convinced that they were there to find treasure buried on that spot long before the mill was constructed.

Whatever it was, though, it was a big project: one or two more kobolds arrived every day, and they were taking the dirt and dumping it downstream into the River.

None of them are sure what happened to the kobolds after the Dungeon Busters arrived, though they're fairly interested. Were they killed? Did they scatter? Did they jump in the Realstream? The bandits seem eager for gory details.
Jun 23, 2024 6:42 am
Aanbo whispers to his companions, "I did not go into the basement. I think other members of the Dungeon Busters did, however. We should get a report from them. It does sound like there was an ulterior motive for taking the mill."

Looking to Louis, Aanbo asks, "Did Hob report anything unusual in his basement?"
Jun 23, 2024 3:10 pm
Instinctively, Xana wants to say "The kobolds were all dead when I got there!" but finds that she can't. She makes a number of attempts, and eventually hits upon: "There were some kobolds down in the basement. When I realized that no one else was going to handle the problem, I realized it was all up to me again. Sometimes even the best leader has to do the work herself."

Louis remarks: "The miller, Hale? He didn't report anything, but when Cormac told the Reeve about the incident, we went down to look it over right away. That was before Hale was fully healed; he was still at the Temple. We didn't find anything in the basement except a bunch of dead kobolds and the start of some diggings that weren't extensive enough to know what they were for. We've been on the lookout for kobolds ever since, but no one has seen any more. Aside from that, all I know is that Tuan Vo has been caring for that insane man, Tap. We talked to him, too, but it's difficult to get much sense out someone whose mind is broken. He saw something in that basement that drove him mad. We've gone over it, but there's nothing else out of the ordinary about that basement. Since then, Hale has returned to work and filled in the hole."

Several times during this account, Xana starts to say something, but stops herself. In the end, she says simply: "I didn't see anything in the basement that would drive me mad."
Jun 23, 2024 4:48 pm
Aanbo sighs. "Hale, that was it," he says, and he nods an apology. He always had trouble with names and faces.

He turns to the others. "Anyone have other questions?"
Jun 24, 2024 8:15 pm
Listening to Bandit Black's men talk was quite different from her experience trying to extract anything from Jonbon. She tried to put in some questions before concluding the interrogation.

"What does Bandit Black look like? Is he tall? Strong? A lot of hair? Does he move alone or do you always see him with his associates? Did he come in person to give you instructions, or did he have messengers for that? Does he fight up close, or is he the thinking type who has other folk do the fighting for him?"

Regarding the excavation at the mill, she turned and questioned Louis.

"Was this Tap in the service of the miller? Or was he a bandit? No one can get straight answers from him then?"

And regarding Xana, Myrtha was curious, but too self-conscious to ask any questions. As a fellow Dungeon Buster, Myrtha assumed she was telling everything she could about these kobolds and whatever was being excavated under the mill.
Basically trying to get a physical description of Black, and an idea of how he operated with his different bands of highwaymen. Also curious about this fellow who went mad. What was his deal?
Last edited June 24, 2024 8:16 pm
Jun 26, 2024 3:13 am
"Black is huge, as big or bigger than any man I've seen before."
"No, that's his bodyguard. Black is the elf who stands in the background and gives commands."
"I tell you, Black recruited me, and he was a huge man!"

The third captive clucks his tongue. "Black, an older dwarf, has many lieutenants who speak with his authority, such as both of those."
Silent until now, the last captive blows a raspberry. "No, no, NO! Black is the dragonborn. You know? The one with black scales? I mean, come ON: that's WHY he's called Black!"
Each remains adamant that the person they identified as Bandit Black is the real one. Apparently, a group of leaders came and gave the bandit party their initial orders - each person can't agree on which leader was actually Bandit Black. But after that (and this is typical behavior), they would get notes or relayed commands from a messenger.

Louis responds to Myrtha's question about the other survivor of the battle for the mill: "No, Tap isn't a local. Or at least he's not from Hochoch: he might be from any number of crofts that are hidden in the Dim nearby, or he might be a wanderer from afar. All we know is he was a fellow of the bandits - the bandits in these cells have already vouched for him - and he was in the cellar with the kobolds, and sometime when he was down there, he went mad. Now he just rants about 'Everlasting Darkness' and the 'Deathly Coils from Beyond' in between bouts of gibbering and shrieking."
This is all meant to be a fun callback: the first group of players all fought the bandits in the mill, but while the others were all valiantly fighting, Xana decided that discretion was the better part of valor and fled. Unfortunately, she fled alone down into the basement and was dismayed to find Tap and a bunch of kobolds in the basement ready to slice her up. In her desperation, Xana called upon her dark warlock pact, casting her terrifying L1 spell - Arms of Hadar - that killed all the kobolds and broke Tap. While it's confusing for the NPCs, it's not really intended to be a mystery for any PC.
Jun 28, 2024 8:11 am
Myrtha listened to the men's different accounts of the mysterious Black. Their foe had clearly taken good care not to reveal its identity to its hirelings. So be it, she thought. She turned to her companions and wondered if they had any questions left for these bandits.

She listened, wide-eyed, to Louis' account of the strange occurrences in the mill's underground chambers. "Sounds quite terrifying! If his mind is lost, I guess there's no point stopping by to talk to him, yes?"
Cool! I like to think that Myrtha is quite puzzled by the madness that took Tap, but she will not be itching to pursue this mystery. I don't think she has any further questions for the prisoners. Anyone else have something to ask?
Jun 28, 2024 1:49 pm
"It looks like the only way to determine who Black truly is... is to find him ourselves," Theran muses quietly. "Perhaps we should be off then?"
Jun 29, 2024 6:17 am
So, with the knowledge that Bandit Black was working with kobolds to dig...something...from beneath a legitimate business in Hochoch that was being operated secretly by his henchmen, and with the rumors (and one account) of suspicious, nefarious things happening in Orlane, the party thanks Brother Jamin and Louis Marks and heads back to the Inn of Eternal Rest.

There, they are met by Olpert Razorsson, who has a special job for Xana (he takes her aside to exchange a few words, whereupon she grins, shakes his hand, and leaves [1]) and introduces them to the newest member of Dungeon Busters.

"This is Chase Brandstone, everyone. I'd appreciate it if you'd take him with you, see how he works with the action team." Olpert smiles, and waits to hear if there's anything they learned from their interviews...particularly anything that might lead to more business for Dungeon Busters.

1 - After which, Olpert checks his hands to make sure all his rings are still present on his fingers.
Jun 29, 2024 11:52 am
Looking at the group Chase make a quick assessment of the group with a glance. With his elite training as a Boundary Warden Chase is pretty good at spotting true warriors and this group fits that bill.

Well met fellow Busters. Glad to be aboard. We should have a meal and ale and get acquainted. For it has been a long journey from my homeland of Agaden Reach and I am both famished and parched.
Last edited June 30, 2024 11:45 am
Jul 1, 2024 6:05 pm
Aanbo spares some time to bid farewell to Xana as she departs for her mission.

Returning his attention to the group at hand, the dwarf offers his hand to Chase. Aanbo is plainly dressed in common clothes and backpack, with his bare feet kneading the earth on occasion. "Good tidings to you, Master Brandstone," he says. He declines the offer of ale and opts for water or tea. "I am not familiar with your homeland, but it certainly sounds like you've experienced a lot in your travels to arrive here. How did you come to join Ms. Raptor's Dungeon Busters?"

When there is a moment, Aanbo will divulge their findings from the interrogation to Olpert as best he can.
Jul 1, 2024 6:28 pm
Reptile makes eye contact with Chase, and he simply says, "I be Riptile."
[ +- ] What Reptile's appearance is.
Last edited July 1, 2024 6:37 pm
Jul 2, 2024 3:37 pm
"Name's Myrtha," the warrior woman profferred in a casual tone, extending a hand to the newcomer.
[ +- ] Myrtha's description
Jul 4, 2024 6:18 am
After Aanbo and the others have relayed the latest news to Olpert and Chase, Olpert considers for a while. "On the one hand, problems with shipments, rumors of monsters, corrupt priests, and attempted abductions. On the other hand, a criminal organization with scattered cells that’s working with kobolds. It seems to me that while the two may be related, we shouldn’t assume that." He rubs a hand over his bare, scarred head (possibly a habit he developed long ago when he still had hair to push back). "Luckily, we have enough adventurers here to investigate both. I’ve got a pretty solid team established here in Hochoch; I’m having them track down any evidence of bandits here. The next step for your team is to investigate what’s happening in Orlane directly."
By the "local team," Olpert means all the NPC members of Dungeon Busters (the retired PCs except for Ogbar, who went home, and Quest, who disappeared).
Jul 4, 2024 5:25 pm
"Hochoch is in good hands," says Aanbo. "I think we can head for Orlane with good conscience."

Turning to the others, the monk says, "I don't think we need to pretend we're merchants on the way to Orlane, but maybe we need an innocent reason for visiting. If the residents of Orlane are like Jonbon, they might appear welcoming and genuine, but only as bait to lure us into a false sense of security. What should we say to them when we arrive?"
Jul 4, 2024 6:04 pm
Slightly foreigner Reptile plainly offers as an easy solution to organizing Aanbo needed request. He easily answers with strange accent, "Could we come up with another place that we are traveling to and just passing through Orlane" (His accent is from the tribes to northern wastes.)

GM: Not sure which language we are using Imperial, Keolish, or Marchian since we don't use "Common"? LOL. I need to write that on my character sheet to remember it.
Last edited July 4, 2024 6:16 pm
Jul 4, 2024 9:33 pm
Ahh, a mission, and so soon. I will be glad to get moving. Don't want to start gathering moss. I have been hearing about the exploits of the Dungeons Busters on my travels. Glad I arrived when I did. Chase finishes his last bite and polishes off his ale.
Last edited July 5, 2024 10:30 am
Jul 5, 2024 5:48 am
Myrtha pondered the monk’s question and Reptile’s suggestion. Chase seemed eager enough to leave; admirable for someone who had just arrived from afar. Well, she and Reptile, had been in the same state; she could relate.

After a moment of quiet consideration, she broke her silence.

"We could say we were on Bandit Black’s trail, having lost him in the wilderness…" the warrior-woman mused, mainly to herself. "Way I see it, they’d be mighty suspicious of a band of armed strangers walking into their village, unless that band had a good purpose… would explain why we’d be there, and even explain why we might poke around the outskirts of the village for a few days. Could just say there’s a bounty for the bandit, and we’ve come to look around."
Last edited July 5, 2024 5:50 am
Jul 5, 2024 4:27 pm
Aanbo considers the suggestions. "Using Orlane as a temporary stop seems like a good idea, but we might arouse suspicion if we stay too long. On the other hand, if we claim we are hunting the Bandit Black we still mask our true intentions, but we risk resistance if they are related."

He thumbs through his prayer beads. "I'm inclined to go with the bounty-hunting story. If Black and Orlane are connected, it's still part of our investigation and we'll just figure out a way to come through.

"I don't speak for everyone, of course. What do you all think?"
Jul 5, 2024 5:25 pm
"My only concern with our story being that we are there after Black -- bounty or not -- is I would think it immediately sends him to ground," Theran counters. "I'm not saying it's a bad idea, but we need to understand it likely makes actually finding him that much harder."

He leans on his staff for a few, and then pipes up. "We could always just say we are a group that travels, looking for work -- including bounties, if the town has any active. Depending on what Black is up to, that might actually get us closer to him if they're looking for random folks... sort of like the lot we questioned?"
Last edited July 5, 2024 5:26 pm
Jul 5, 2024 6:43 pm
Listening Reptile agreeingly nods to fellow traveler Myrtha for her fine suggestion. He carefully listens to all the other members giving advising thoughts and then adds on as he surmises the situation, "Perhaps we could proceed with some other criminal wanted or not to work with Myrtha's attractive plan that we are currently hunting for bounty and feel out the uncertain situation."

The ex-city watch showing a bit, I have always found it is best to stir the pot some but too much.
Jul 5, 2024 7:31 pm
Chase listening to the others as he finishes preparing for travel agrees with Reptile on the pot stirring. He found as a boundary warden that sometimes the quarry gave their own signs with a little stir. Stirring the pot is always fun.
Jul 6, 2024 5:30 am
GeneCortess says:

GM: Not sure which language we are using Imperial, Keolish, or Marchian since we don't use "Common"? LOL. I need to write that on my character sheet to remember it.
Most people who aren't from Keoland default to Imperial. That's probably what the Dungeon Busters speak amongst themselves, since they come from all over the continent. The local NPCs all speak Keolish at a minimum.
Jul 6, 2024 5:38 am
Having (roughly) decided that this time they would pose as bounty hunters, the party prepares for the two-day journey down Cecily's Road to the famed agricultural town of Orlane. On the way, they can decide which bounty they can announce that they are pursuing (if an announcement is even necessary).
Is there any other preparation that you'd like to make? Are there supplies you'd like to get?


Secret Roll

Jul 6, 2024 2:14 pm
Before they leave, Theran would like to pick up an herbalism kit and some empty glass vials and bottles.
Jul 6, 2024 6:15 pm
Aanbo looks to purchase a healer's kit to complement his herbalism kit. He recalls how Tuan Vo and the other monks patched up their wounds, and even though other members of the Dungeon Busters carry such kits, it wouldn't hurt to have extra supply.

Speaking of supplies, Aanbo replenishes his stock of torches and purchases three, while adding a bedroll to his traveling gear.
Assuming we're using the standard prices in the PHB, it would cost Aanbo 5 eagles for the healer's kit, 1 eagle for the bedroll, and 3 cubs for the torches.
Jul 8, 2024 6:14 am
Theran and Aanbo visit Fantikaflar's Fantastic Items to purchase some commonplace items.
MaJunior says:
Before they leave, Theran would like to pick up an herbalism kit and some empty glass vials and bottles.
Each vial is 1 eagle, each bottle is 2 eagles. You decide how many you've purchased; Fantakaflar has a fair supply of glass as a traveling glazier visited Hochoch recently.
CancerMan says:
Assuming we're using the standard prices in the PHB, it would cost Aanbo 5 eagles for the healer's kit, 1 eagle for the bedroll, and 3 cubs for the torches.
Yes, you've got it. As no one (including party members) have been throwing large sums of money around, the prices are currently all default as listed in the Players Handbook. At the moment, anything listed as "Adventuring Gear" (page 150 of the PHB) is available...including healer's kits. Between Gwydn and Diana, there is a steady supply of remedies and liniments for people living outside of town to purchase on Market Day (or any other day, if they come into town at some other time).


Secret Roll

Jul 8, 2024 6:44 am
The party heads out from Hochoch, taking the now-familiar route: crossing the Realstream River via the bridge and continuing east on Cecily's Road. The day passes uneventfully, with few travelers met on the road. Once again, this strikes everyone as strange, as Cecily's Road ultimately leads to the border of the Gran Marches and the bustling town of Hookhill. It's several days' travel distant, on the far side of Orlane, but this is a trade road and traffic is usually much more brisk outside of the winter months.
How far does everyone wish to travel? You can stop by the Jarl homestead and see if you can impose on their hospitality again, or you could press on a bit further and find a place to make camp down the road, some fair way closer to Orlane. The travel difference would be arriving in Orlane tomorrow after sunset (if you stay with the Jarls) or arriving in Orlane tomorrow in the early evening/late afternoon while there's still some daylight. On the other hand, it might be safer in a house rather than camping in the open.
Jul 8, 2024 1:39 pm
3 bottles, 4 vials is 10 Eagles. 3 more for the Herbalism Kit. 13 Eagles spent before we headed out.

"I appreciate the Jarls, but I feel we should press on tonight. The sooner we reach Orlane the better. Also... I don't want the Jarls to think we expect their hospitality. At some point, stopping in for room and board simply because we can is just rude. I would prefer not to impose without real need," Theran says to the party -- although mostly Aanbo -- as they discuss the plan while walking. "Sleeping under the stars won't kill any of us."
Jul 8, 2024 3:09 pm
"I agree!" Myrtha stated enthusiastically from behind the two men. Walking suited her, and she seemed to be enjoy her day thoroughly.
Jul 8, 2024 4:26 pm
Just there Reptile strides along placing himself adjacent to warrior Myrtha as they have travel together it appears just like this before allowing for simple conversation. He concludes, "A warm bed is pleasant, but I do possess a bedroll." Having lived a simpler life away from general civilization, foreigner Reptile has no immediate qualms with peacefully sleeping on a warm bedroll in the current wilds.
Jul 8, 2024 4:39 pm
Aanbo nods. "Your thoughts match my own, Theran. The Jarls are good friends, not innkeepers."

Turning to Myrtha, Reptile, and Chase, Aanbo says, "I'm sorry that you all have to travel again, so soon after arriving in Hochoch."
Jul 8, 2024 7:36 pm
"Don’t mind that, friend Aanbo. I enjoy the road," Myrtha responded simply. It was no lie, she did indeed enjoy the open air. She had gotten used to road-side fires and quiet talk with Reptile on the way to Hochoch. The change of company would be refreshing, and the greater numbers of the party would allow her to sleep with less concern for any nighttime surprises.
Jul 8, 2024 8:35 pm
I also enjoy the great outdoors. Being a boundary warden in my homeland I spent a lot of nights under the stars alone and sometimes with fellow wardens. And have no fear Aanbo I also love traveling and keeping on the move. Chase thinks back to home and the forests he used to roam for months at a time. He will return someday to set things right.
Jul 8, 2024 9:30 pm
Aanbo helps keep an eye out for a good camp site, a place that affords some protection from the elements.
Jul 8, 2024 10:14 pm
Wandering Reptile scoots up with watching Aanbo leaving warrior Myrtha to her own devices, "Two eyes are better than one." as watchful Reptile aids searching for a fine camp spot to nice rest the hopefully pleasant night.
Jul 8, 2024 10:39 pm
Favored terrain: Forest
When traveling an hour or more in your favored terrain, you:
- remain alert to danger
- can move stealthily at normal rate by yourself
- find twice as much food when foraging
- find number and size of creatures you are tracking (and how long ago they made the tracks)
- prevent your group from getting lost (except by magic)
- prevent difficult terrain from slowing the group
Jul 9, 2024 7:38 pm
The warrior-woman was quite glad to let Reptile and Chase identify an adequate camping spot. She was ready to volunteer to take first watch once the party had set up their camp.
Jul 10, 2024 2:44 pm
The party continues in the cool dimness of the road through the forest, reaches the now-familiar place with the trail leading to the Jarl farm, and continues onward as, unseen, the sun sets and the sky overhead (half seen through the canopy that nearly covers the road) turns rosy, then purple, and finally black. Chase roves ahead with Reptile at his side (one of them activates a light source); nearly three miles further, Chase finds a game trail and follows it off the road for a short distance. It leads past a rocky overhang where a doe and her fawn had rested the previous night. With cover above and a wall at their backs, the two agree that it is a good place to set up camp. Chase began with clearing a small place for a fire, then began picking some miner's lettuce while Reptile returned to the Road to escort the others to the site. Aanbo is impressed at the find; though he had seen other places that would suit to rest the night, this particular camp would prevent the party from being surrounded by foes. Everyone settles down, those that have them set up their bedrolls, and they relax a little bit, stretching sore muscles and otherwise recovering from the day-long hike as they talk and share a meal together before going to sleep. As they talk and get to know each other better, Myrtha dutifully remains more alert, scanning their surroundings during the meal so the others don't have to be looking over their shoulders all the time.
You decide whether you will eat some of the preserved rations you brought, or whether you wish to forage for a meal.
Jul 10, 2024 3:15 pm
Theran will scavange up some food, viewing rations as a last resort for when nature does not provide.

He will also take the last watch, enjoying a full rest without shirking his duties to the party.
Jul 10, 2024 3:17 pm
You decide whether you will eat some of the preserved rations you brought, or whether you wish to forage for a meal.

Observing Reptile suggests, "I will go out with any they need to forage." He implies that he does have to.
Last edited July 10, 2024 3:18 pm
Jul 10, 2024 5:47 pm
Myrtha stands guard at the camp, so she dutifully ate her rations while Reptile and Chase foraged. She was quite used to eating the hard, dried stuff, after weeks on the road. She chatted amiably with Aanbo whenever the dwur ascetic gave signs of wanting to converse. Being a perceptive listener, he would certainly notice that she would just as likely enjoy silence: she seemed eager to project a friendly attitude, perhaps to hide her more natural, withdrawn self.
Jul 10, 2024 7:26 pm
Aanbo remains at camp and keeps Myrtha company, eating his own rations in kind. During conversation he does not reveal much about his past and neither does he pry into Myrtha's, reasoning aloud that history is often buried under layers of time, and prospectors only do a little digging when there's a need. "Otherwise, the land would be full of holes and we'd not have anywhere to walk!"
Jul 10, 2024 8:30 pm
Chase will forage food for the party being a forester.
Jul 10, 2024 8:47 pm
Reptile is there mostly for a second. He has average hunting abilities but favors close in combat as opposed to range. He does require his hooded lantern for light. He has plenty of oil.
Jul 12, 2024 1:31 am
As the party settles down around the fire, Chase gets up to leave. Theran and Reptile nod; they, too, have energy for the task of foraging.

Chase, Theran, and Reptile should roll WIS (Survival) checks, DC13 (plenty of water, food is not so abundant).

Myrtha remains watchful as Aanbo and Joseph settle down and dig into their rations.

Myrtha, please roll a WIS (Perception) check.


Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Secret Roll

Jul 12, 2024 1:48 am
As the first and last shifts are spoken for, Aanbo volunteers for the second/third watch.
Jul 12, 2024 2:05 am
Theran will wander off and look for some food.
Last edited July 12, 2024 2:06 am


Survival (WIS) - (1d20+5)

(15) + 5 = 20

Jul 12, 2024 2:49 pm
MaJunior says:
Theran will wander off and look for some food.
Theran finds a little grove with some ripe plums that haven't all been eaten by birds or squirrels.

@MaJunior, make a 2d6 roll to determine how much food & water you find.

@mathias0077 and @GeneCortess - if you succeed on your WIS (Survival) checks, you should also roll 2d6.

@matmaisan, I'll continue with Myrtha at the camp after I see the results of that WIS (Perception) check.

@CancerMan and @JoshuaMabry - you can each roll WIS (Perception) with DISADV if you like. Aanbo and Joseph are eating, but they're still alert.
Jul 12, 2024 3:35 pm
Myrtha talked softly as she sat, stood up and walked around their camp only to sit again at another spot.
Perception check incoming.
Edit: Lol, all that shifting and chatting sure can be distracting…
Last edited July 12, 2024 3:36 pm


Perception check - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Jul 12, 2024 4:03 pm
Chase, Theran, and Reptile should roll WIS (Survival) checks, DC13
@mathias0077 and @GeneCortess - if you succeed on your WIS (Survival) checks, you should also roll 2d6.

Foraging Reptile easily succeeds the needed Survival check with a fine18 and finally rolls an average 6 later.

And getting Myrtha a cane to go with her blinders.
Last edited July 12, 2024 4:10 pm


Reptile's survival check and possible 2d6 roll. - (1d20+2, 2d6)

1d20+2 : (16) + 2 = 18

2d6 : (24) = 6

Jul 12, 2024 4:09 pm
Aanbo eats, filling in the idle conversation with anecdotes of tunnels and underground ponds.


Perception (disadvantage) - (2d20L1+3)

(1618) + 3 = 19

Jul 12, 2024 5:14 pm
GeneCortess says:
Foraging Reptile easily succeeds the needed Survival check with a fine18 and finally rolls an average 6 later.
While Theran is finding plums, Reptile spots some movement in the trees. Quick as thought, he spins and flings two handaxes. Each one hits its mark: a pair of fat squirrels go into the bag for provender. Shortly after, as Reptile is done cleaning the animals, he finds a small spring and fills his drinking flask again after draining it.
Per the foraging rules, the d6 rolls for how much you find are modified by the character's WIS mod, so Reptile has foraged 4 pounds of food and 6 pounds of water.
Jul 12, 2024 5:23 pm
Excited to find a grove of plums, Theran picks as many as he can. Nothing wrong with sharing!


Food and water - (2d6)

(31) = 4

Jul 12, 2024 7:56 pm
Foraging check does my forester background make a difference?
These dice are sucking in every game I am in.
Last edited July 12, 2024 7:58 pm


Survival, foraging - (1d20=4, 2d6)

1d20=4 : (5) + 4 = 9

2d6 : (45) = 9

Jul 13, 2024 4:25 pm
Deep in their conversation, Myrtha, Aanbo, and Joseph are dismayed to see a large bear walk out of the darkness into their camp, making for their packs and rations. The bear grumbles at them - something between a grunt and a growl - and in the firelight, they can see that the irritable bear has been injured recently. The bear sniffs at Myrtha's pack first - open right by her feet - and sticks its shaggy muzzle inside, preparing to snarf up anything edible.

There are six packs in the camp, belonging to Aanbo, Chase, Joseph, Myrtha, Reptile, and Theran.

Everyone should roll initiative, though for the first round, only the three that are in camp can interact with the bear. If they raise an alarm or some other way communicate to the foragers, the people away from camp can return in a round (they didn't go very far).


Which pack does it seek? - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Bear initiative - (1d20)

(15) = 15

Jul 13, 2024 4:52 pm
Aanbo whispers, "Does anybody speak Bear?"


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(19) + 2 = 21

Jul 13, 2024 5:02 pm
Note: you can also declare your actions, particularly if you find that you're acting before the bear in initiative. Those with lower initiative than the bear's 15 can declare later, to react to what the bear does, of course.
Jul 13, 2024 6:01 pm
Currently collecting all those plums.
Last edited July 13, 2024 6:12 pm


Initiative - (1d20)

(16) = 16

Jul 13, 2024 6:16 pm
Everyone should roll initiative

Traveled Reptile has an 8 for initiative.
Last edited July 13, 2024 6:17 pm


Reptile's INIT - (1d20+3)

(5) + 3 = 8

Jul 13, 2024 8:02 pm
Myrtha stood up as soon as the bear entered the clearing, leaving her pack with nine remaining rations on the ground to be found, and eaten, by the massive animal. Even assuming the creature was somewhat weakened, it did not seem reasonable to start a fight over rations… as she stood observing the bear she attempted to draw her longsword, and hide behind her shield.
Last edited July 13, 2024 8:03 pm


Initiative - (1d20+2)

(18) + 2 = 20

Sleight of hand (drawing quietly as the bear ravages her rations) - (1d20+2)

(11) + 2 = 13

Jul 13, 2024 9:16 pm
Chase is having an awful time foraging will head back to camp.


initiative - (1d20+3)

(16) + 3 = 19

Jul 13, 2024 11:42 pm
Aanbo whispers "Does anyone speak bear?" and the bear turns its head and glances in his direction. Detecting no threat, the bear resumes munching on Myrtha's rations. Myrtha, meanwhile, has stood very still right by the bear, and sloooooowly and silently draws her sword. She's close enough to see the fur matted with blood from the deep gash in its shoulder. Joseph, keeping very still, purses his lips and attempts a bird call, a pre-determined noise that the Dungeon Busters have been trained to use to communicate "Danger!". Unfortunately, in his nervousness, his jaws are too tight, and the sound is strained, like a bird with something stuck in its throat. Chase is heading back to the camp, consoling himself that it's early in the trip and there isn't a keen need for supplies yet. He hears the whistle. Theran gathers ripe plums, resisting the impulse to eat the succulent fruit all by himself. He is, he assures himself, not that kind of a monster. He hears the whistle. The bear, having finished eating Myrtha's rations, tosses its head, ripping the pack and sending Myrtha's pot, shovel, torches, and smithing tools scattered across the camp. Then it begins sniffing for more food at the remaining packs. Perhaps attracted by the whistle, the bear moves over to Joseph's pack and begins tearing into it, getting slobber and blood all over his stuff.

@GeneCortess, what does Reptile do for round one? He hears the whistle, and recognizes that someone at the camp is trying to communicate something.

What do the rest of you do for round two?

21 - Aanbo (19/19)
20 - Myrtha (12/12)
20 - Joseph (13/13)
19 - Chase (11/11)
16 - Theran (13/13)
15 - Bear
8 - Reptile (15/15)


Which pack does it find next? - (1d5)

(3) = 3

Joseph initiative - (1d20+4)

(16) + 4 = 20

Joseph CHA (Performance) for bird call - (1d20+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

Jul 13, 2024 11:45 pm
Aanbo follows Myrtha's example, allowing the bear to rummage through their packs. He avoids making any sudden moves or loud noises, anything that might appear threatening or provoking, but he prepares to evade any attacks should the creature become aggressive. "Looks hurt, but probably won't want us coming near him," he says.
Ready action to Dodge.
Jul 14, 2024 12:18 am
Chase hearing the whistle gets his bow ready and nocks an arrow as he picks up his pace to get back to camp.
Jul 14, 2024 12:26 am
Rushing Reptile quickly strides back to the our camp with his trusty battleaxe ready and has popped on a defensive shield too as he quickly prepares himself for ready trouble.
Last edited July 14, 2024 12:27 am
Jul 14, 2024 7:25 am
Theran's ears perk up at the whistle, and even though it was... off... it was close, and Theran would rather be safe than sorry. Plums in arm he heads back towards camp, making haste to see if there was trouble.
Jul 14, 2024 2:46 pm
Reptile ends round one by coming back to camp after hearing the strange whistle.

So far, for round two, we have Aanbo dodging and Theran coming back to camp (though see below). What about the rest of you?
mathias0077 says:
Chase hearing the whistle gets his bow ready and nocks an arrow as he picks up his pace to get back to camp.
@mathias0077, Chase spent round 1 coming back to camp. As round 2 begins, Chase draws close enough to see Myrtha with her sword drawn, Aanbo tense, and the bear, in the camp, tearing apart Joseph's pack as Joseph is inching backwards away from it. What do you do?

@GeneCortess, Reptile spent round 1 coming back to camp, so he's in sight of the camp...but feel free to declare your action after the bear's turn.

@MaJunior, because of initiative order, Theran would've heard the whistle before his turn in round one (even though I posted Joseph's turn after you did). Thus, you can choose to retcon and say you started to come back to camp in round one instead of picking more plums. If you choose that option, go ahead and declare what Theran does as he, like Chase, sees the situation in the camp.

@JoshuaMabry, I took a passive action for Joseph in round one on your behalf. I default to having the PCs-as-NPCs behave to support what everyone else is doing, rather than trying to drive the narrative. Feel free to step in as you are able.
Jul 14, 2024 3:05 pm
Seeing the scene as he approaches Chase figures he is just in time before battle with this bear erupts seeing how it is tearing through the camp will fire an arrow at the bear. He stills himself draws string to cheek exhales and releases.


to hit, damage - (1d20+3, 1d8piercing)

1d20+3 : (7) + 3 = 10

1d8piercing : (1) = 1

Jul 14, 2024 8:39 pm
Having headed back to camp upon hearing the whistle -- such as it was -- Theran immediately notices the bear.


A simple spell later, and Theran addresses their guest. "You look hurt friend. Let me heal you."
[ +- ] Speak With Animals
Jul 14, 2024 8:50 pm
Fast moving Reptile sees the chaos situation with his trusty battleaxe in a hard griped hand. Waiting him fully readies his battle worthy self to quickly charge in and furiously attack the deadly bear to totally defend should hungry it noticeably decides to claw attack one of his party of friends.

Reptile is in close enough to easily rush and attack.
Last edited July 15, 2024 4:20 pm
Jul 15, 2024 4:10 pm
Myrtha observed the large animal in silence as it moved she attempted to keep within range while not moving closer. She’s ready to shield the other party members, if necessary. She hears, more than she sees, an arrow fly through the camp without touching the bear. Seeing Theran attempt a more peaceful approach, she kept her guard up while hissing "Don’t shoot!".
Action-wise I’d say this is Myrtha readying to attack if the bear charges anyone, including herself. For now, she’s happy to have the bear eat some of their rations if that avoids unnecessary conflict. We’re only one day away from the closest settlement, food can be had quite easily…
Jul 16, 2024 12:18 am
As round two of the encounter with the injured and ravenous bear begins, Aanbo relaxes into a calm-but-hyper-alert state, poised, as the masters at the monastery used to say, "like a pebble at the top of a talus field," ready to spring into motion at the slightest provocation. The smell of the blood and musk of the bear is very strong.
Myrtha slowly draws back her sword, ready to leap forward if necessary to strike down the injured and dangerous wild animal if it so much as tries to move on any of her companions. Seeing Chase, Theran, and Reptile running up, she hisses a warning: "Don't shoot!"
Seeing Myrtha's sword raise in the background, Joseph slowly gathers his legs under him, watching unblinking as the huge claws tear his bag apart and the jaws snuffle up his rations, ready to spring aside when/if things turn violent.
Chase runs up, recognizes how dangerous a wounded male like this is, and draws, aims, and looses nearly as fast as the thought registers. The shaft sinks into the bear's shoulder. The bear takes 4 piercing damage and coughs in anger, its snarling muzzle rising up out of the ruins of Joseph's pack as it looks for something to punish.
Chase's attack didn't include his proficiency bonus, so it seemed like it missed when it actually hit. The bear is about to attack, and Aanbo and Joseph are adjacent to it (both are dodging). The four other characters are not adjacent, though Myrtha can take a step and attack as her prepared action, and the other three can reach it in one move. @MaJunior, if you wish to modify your action (because you thought the bow attack missed), you may. @matmaisan, go ahead and roll your prepared attack and damage. If it's still up, the bear will act, and then @GeneCortess will attack (roll Reptile's attack and damage, too).

21 - Aanbo (19/19)
20 - Myrtha (12/12)
20 - Joseph (13/13)
19 - Chase (11/11)
16 - Theran (13/13)
15 - Bear
8 - Reptile (15/15)
Jul 16, 2024 12:24 am
Keep it. I figure it all happened more or less simultaneously. Although Theran, seeing the arrow hit, will immediately try to talk the bear down. I'll make an Animal Handling check I guess, just in case you want it.

"No no, ignore that! Let me help you feel better!"


Animal Handling (WIS) - (1d20+5)

(5) + 5 = 10

Jul 16, 2024 1:28 am
Below is if the Bear attacks. Otherwise, I will be creating something else.
Racing Reptile observes the hungry bear going into kill mode and so does quick Reptile as he becomes fully raged. He forcefully closes on the furious beast with his hungry battleaxe. He mindless slashes away on it fearless to his situation.
Reptile moves & bonus action Rages. He attacks with battleaxe for a 12 and may have done 9 slashing damage. He is AC 18 with his battleaxe & shield. Round 1 of Rage.
[ +- ] Rage
Last edited July 16, 2024 1:42 am


Battleaxe while raging - (1d20+4, 1d8+4)

1d20+4 : (8) + 4 = 12

1d8+4 : (5) + 4 = 9

Jul 16, 2024 1:41 pm
I'm in a a bit of a conundrum: if Myrtha can understand what Theran is saying to the bear, she would probably forfeit her readied action. She would really prefer that we handle this situation without having to kill the bear and eventually get mauled in the process. But if what she hears from Theran is gibberish, she wouldn't understand that he's still trying to calm the bear down, and would see the imminent threat of him attacking someone as a reason to strike first. So I'm proposing two versions of my action, and once @Spaceseeker19 explains what she made out of Theran's words, I'll delete the action not taken. [EDIT: As it is clear that Myrtha did not understand what Theran was saying and that the bear was hostile, I've deleted the text concerning the path not taken.]
In the chaos that swiftly unfurled before her eyes, Myrtha did what she was trained to do. Seeing the bear readying to charge her allies, she thrust her long blade with all the vigor she could muster, aiming to deliver a killing blow. She quietly cursed that it had come to this, but she had to protect her comrades before the bear could reach any of them.
Last edited July 17, 2024 7:37 am


Action A — Intimidation/persuasion/animal handling check (attracting the bear's attention) - (1d20+1)

(7) + 1 = 8

Action B — Readied action attack, damage - (1d20+5, 1d8+3)

1d20+5 : (12) + 5 = 17

1d8+3 : (4) + 3 = 7

Jul 16, 2024 3:41 pm
matmaisan says:
I'm in a a bit of a conundrum: if Myrtha can understand what Theran is saying to the bear...
No, he's magically speaking to the bear in its own language: huffs and grunts. Two things are clear: whatever Theran is doing, it is not changing the bear's intent, and that the bear's intent is lashing out in attacks at the closest creatures - Joseph and Aanbo - which may be the ones that have caused it further pain (it doesn't understand the source of the arrow). As I understood it, the bear attacking was the trigger for Myrtha's attack action. I'll use that roll.
Jul 16, 2024 3:51 pm
The bear grunts in rage and lashes out at the closest threats - Aanbo and Joseph. But before it can land a blow or bite flesh, Myrtha steps in and thrusts deep into the back of the dangerous beast. The Bear takes 7 damage.

The bear follows through with the attack on Joseph, slashing with his heavy claws, and the bite at Aanbo, gnashing teeth and snapping jaws trying to catch the monk. But both of the heroes were ready for this, and they easily dodge the ravening beast. Then the bear spins in place to face Myrtha, the source of the latest hurt. But at that moment, the charging Reptile arrives, yelling incoherently, muscles and eyes bulging, and hacking down with his axe. The bear takes 9 damage.
Please disregard my typo in the attack on Aanbo, which resulted in the GP adding the two rolls instead of taking the lower one. Neither of those rolls - 8 or 4 - would be a hit on the monk. Both of the PCs dodge successfully.
That ends round two. The bear is very hurt now. What do you all do for round three?
21 - Aanbo (19/19)
20 - Myrtha (12/12)
20 - Joseph (13/13)
19 - Chase (11/11)
16 - Theran (13/13)
15 - Bear
8 - Reptile (15/15)


Claw attack on Joseph AC15, slashing damage - (2d20l1+5, 2d6+4)

2d20l1+5 : (43) + 5 = 8

2d6+4 : (53) + 4 = 12

Bite attack on Aanbo AC15, piercing damage - (2d20l+5, 1d8+4)

2d20l+5 : (48) + 5 = 17

1d8+4 : (5) + 4 = 9

Jul 16, 2024 4:30 pm
Nearly bent backwards from avoiding the massive jaws, Aanbo continues his motion to twist in place. His hand grabs his quarterstaff and as he recovers to a fighting stance, he thrusts one end up at the bear's muzzle to drive the pointy teeth away. Whether or not he is successful in his first strike, the monk continues with two sharp kicks to the bear's leg, seeking a joint.
Action: Attack with quarterstaff, two-handed.
Bonus Action: 1 ki point for Flurry of Blows.
Movement: None.


Quarterstaff 2H to hit, bludgeoning damage - (1d20+4, 1d8+2)

1d20+4 : (14) + 4 = 18

1d8+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

Unarmed Strike to hit, bludgeoning damage - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (4) + 4 = 8

1d4+2 : (1) + 2 = 3

Unarmed Strike to hit, bludgeoning damage - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)

1d20+4 : (20) + 4 = 24

1d4+2 : (3) + 2 = 5

Critical Hit, Unarmed Strike - (1d4)

(1) = 1

Jul 17, 2024 9:28 am
Now that she was committed to downing the large animal, Myrtha renewed her attack to prevent it from harming her companions. She kept trying to keep the bear's attention focused on her as she weaved in and out of close range with the beast.
This round, Myrtha is using her protection fighting style. If the bear attacks anyone other than her within 5', she will use her reaction to impose disadvantage on said attack.
Finally, if she delivers a killing blow, would it be possible to deal non-lethal damage? It could be interesting to talk to this creature, understand who harmed it prior to it reaching our camp, etc.


Longsword attack AC12, slashing damage - (1d20+5, 1d8+3)

1d20+5 : (17) + 5 = 22

1d8+3 : (7) + 3 = 10

Jul 17, 2024 3:38 pm
Aanbo swats the bear's head to the side, turning it ever-so-slightly. But as its mass shifts, the dwarf drops his weight into a spin, leading with his heel in an axe kick that connects with the bear's leg. There is an audible crack! and the bear's leg collapses under it. It thrashes, trying to sink its teeth into the monk as he leaps away.

Myrtha steps in and swats the bear across the nose to draw its attention away from Aanbo and Joseph. But it is unable to stand on the leg, so she is able to circle it and deliver repeated stunning blows with the flat of her blade and the pommel of the sword each time it rolls over, trying to reach her. Was my battle with the ogre like this? she wondered as she danced in, slowly beating down the much-larger opponent, and then leaping away before it could reach her. In a few seconds, she has finally battered the ursine opponent into unconsciousness.

With the bear unconscious and no longer a threat, each PC gains 34 XP.

The DB adventurers take stock after the fight: none of them were injured, though both Myrtha and Joseph lost all their rations (the packs are easily repaired by the time the party sets out again, though the stitching and patches are obviously done by thick-fingered heroes). The bear seems to have been injured by some kind of slashing attack a day or two before it entered the camp.

The rest of the rest period passes uneventfully, and everyone gets the benefit of a long rest.
Jul 17, 2024 3:50 pm
"Is everyone all right?" asks Aanbo. He helps gather the items strewn about by the bear, and checks on Joseph.

Seeing everyone else has returned from foraging, he says, "I'm glad you all arrived when you did. Thank you."
Jul 17, 2024 3:57 pm
"That was uncalled for."

Theran will simply take his ruck and return to the grove where he found the plums for the night.
Jul 17, 2024 6:54 pm
Cha ching as my EXP meter inches up.
Raging Reptile takes a brief moment to turn away from the party's chaos area a moment as he calms himself down with a deep breath or three. Even as he completes and shortly returns that you can notice that he was certainly stressed. He takes a moment or two to clean his halberd as well.

Loaded up Reptile politely offers warrior Myrtha half his recent haul observing that luckless her lost her survival rations. "Just take the extra." as simple him fully offers ration'less Myrtha more than one minor day's worth (3 days worth). Returned Reptile is glad to take notice that his nightly bedroll didn't suffer during the chaos.
Last edited July 17, 2024 6:55 pm
Jul 17, 2024 8:10 pm
"I’m not hurt," the warrior answered Aanbo’s question between two gasps, as she tried to calm her nerves and her racing heart.

She walked to the remains of her backpack and brought out rope and started studying how to tie up the great bear’s paws together, to restrict its movements if it were to wake later during the night.

"Were you trying to calm it down? Speak to it? Can you still do it, if it awakens?" she asked Theran.
Don’t want to slow down the game with a useless distraction. If the speak with animals spell is still going, could we heal the animal for1hp and then ask him what he knows? If it is a waste of time, I have no problem skipping ahead and getting on with our remaining travel to Orlane…
Last edited July 17, 2024 8:11 pm
Jul 17, 2024 8:38 pm
Aanbo offers his own rope should Myrtha require more.
Jul 17, 2024 9:33 pm
Being a former Boundary Warden and used to this kind of action Chase is thinking about replenishing the rations lost. We should finish this bear off and skin it and replenish lost rations with the meat. The bear skin could come in handy also.
Jul 18, 2024 12:03 am
A few notes:

1) Left alone, the bear will remain asleep until some time after the party leaves in the morning.

2) You could assess the bear while it is unconscious, to get a sense of why it risked coming into the camp. That's be an INT (Nature) check.

3) You could attempt to bind or contain the bear in order to revive and speak with it. That obviously presents a number of logistic challenges, as the bear would be hard to restrain and likely disinclined to talk - it's not clear whether it would have even been ready to talk before the combat.

4) Slaughtering and butchering a big animal like the bear takes a lot of time...and then smoking or otherwise preserving the meat so that it wouldn't spoil and work as rations would take days.

5) On a meta-level, the PCs all got the XP benefit of completing the bear encounter already; there's no additional mechanical benefit of sticking around to kill it. If left to survive, this bear will forever be wary of humanoids and you will not encounter it again (an explicit result of the wandering monster table for the Dim Forest is that, once encountered, you do not have the same encounter ever again).
Jul 18, 2024 12:21 am
Looking at the bear knowing some present would take killing the bear poorly and he really doesn't care one way or the other, he suggests "We don't need to bother with it now. Haul it out of camp and mother nature we take its hand."
Jul 18, 2024 12:34 am
Looking at Reptile Agreed, I will help you drag it out then a meal and some shut eye sounds good.
Jul 18, 2024 12:50 am
Aanbo stows his rope. "No need to bind the poor creature, then," he says. "Before you remove him, let me treat his wounds lest they become infected."
Will use either my herbalism kit or the healer's kit, whichever is appropriate. I'll remove the arrow and apply a salve/poultice to the cuts.


Medicine - (1d20+5)

(18) + 5 = 23

Jul 18, 2024 12:18 pm
Myrtha gave up on her initial idea, recognizing there was little to be gained from pressing the great bear any further. She helped Aanbo as she could while the dwarf administered his curative salves on the multiple wounds the beast had seen inflicted upon it. Once it is time to remove the body, she will aid in dragging the animal away, and will return to keep watch until she is relieved by one of her companions.

Once settled down to resume her watch, she accepted Reptile's offering of fruit with a smile. "Thanks friend, the fighting opened my appetite. These are good," she added, munching down on one of the fruits.
Myrtha is down four rations — having eaten one just before the bear attack — and her ruck sack is no longer in good condition. She'll think of replacing these items once they reach Orlane.
Jul 19, 2024 5:32 am
Aanbo tends to the beast's wounds using his healer's kit. Satisfied that the beast will live, several of the PCs drag the unconscious animal away from their campsite. Everyone gets a good rest, and as day breaks, those who were asleep stretch. The PCs gather up their packs (a couple of them hastily repaired), take up their belongings, and resume their trek.

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