Elyse is now a veteran so gains weapon mastery as you already took a trait as a Novice. Pick either shortsword or dagger. FYI : the system does not have any "thrown weapons" only light, melee, and ranged, but I do allow light weapons to be thrown but you may then loose them if they are not recovered.
I am going to take short sword. Long term, is there a way to "upgrade" spell touched, with a proficiency. I don't want to break the game with uber spells, but just make my illusions more reliable? I don't really want to add Spell reader because that wouldn't fit with the Illusionist vibe I have been building. What are you thoughts, now that you have been DM'ing me for a while now...
If you have the rules, the Archmage traits are on pp 74-76.
The main published options are:
Onyx Magic: force and telekinesis
Crystal Magic: telepathy and telempathy
Emerald Magic: life
Diamond Magic: cold
Ruby Magic: fire
Sapphire Magic: weird water
Psybermagi is also very open to making custom traits, too. Either by customizing one of the above or making a new one from whole cloth.