Scene 1: Inn Plain Sight

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May 30, 2024 12:23 am
"Sure comfortable..." Derv says with a groan... Looking around, before thinking to ask "We are staying the night here right?"
May 30, 2024 4:43 am
Even though Rumwell has gone in back, Hindle tries to keep his voice low, "Something seems amis. I have sent Miet to follow him into the back to see what is to be seen. I'll be back shortly." With that, Hindle closes his eyes. Opening them back up and eyeing everyone pointedly, "No jokes." Closing his eyes again, Hindle slumps in his seat with head drooping."

Hindle is going to wear Miet's senses to see and hear what she does.

Info on Find Familiar.
Info on Pixies
Last edited May 30, 2024 4:44 am


Pixie Perception - (1d20+4)

(18) + 4 = 22

May 30, 2024 3:39 pm
As Hindle closes his eyes and his head starts to droop, it feels like his whole being drops down into darkness. He looks up and opens his "eyes," everything looking much bigger and glowing colors he only sees when he wears Miet's senses.

Miet swiftly ducks through the swinging doors as Merry rushes through them. On the other side, Hindle/Miet sees a spacious kitchen that is empty and looks like it has not been used for some time. A trapdoor to presumably the wine cellar sits on the left as Merry veers to the right. He grabs a bottle of red liquid and a bowl from the shelf. He scoops out chicken wings that already appear to be seasoned from a large barrel and pours them into the bowl. He shakes a good third of the bottle onto the wings and tosses them before searching the kitchen for something else.

"AHCHOO! *snort* What in the world, I thought I had a spell to deal with the allergies in this area. The only thing I'm really allergic to otherwise is...pixie dust."

Merry stops and starts to look around the room. Miet shrinks back, but Hindle/Miet can hear him mumble "Now where did I put that see invisibiity scroll..."
May 30, 2024 5:11 pm
Slowly coming back to his feet, the wizard straightens his blue tunic and trudges to the bar. Still empty handed, still dry throated. Not a endurable condition for a dwarf. Looking for a beer, or some more for his friends if it can be helped, the spellslinger leaves a handful copper pieces as payment for this frist round of lifesupporting beverages.

He happens to look around to see if anything else catches his eye.


Perception (darkvision) - (1d20+4)

(10) + 4 = 14

May 30, 2024 6:46 pm
Stepping carefully around the broken bottle, Enigo is able to find some glass mugs underneath the bar along with a lute carelessly deposited next to them. There is still beer in the taps and the wizard is able to pull some nice drinks for himself and his friends. He slides a drink down to Merton and toasts to Derv and Leana. Hindle's drink sits at the bar, waiting for him to awaken.

As the dwarf enjoys his drink and sets an almost empty mug down, he notices some words carved into the top of the bar.

The tree hides the way

Evil makes merry while good sleeps
May 30, 2024 9:14 pm
Satiesfied, that his instincts had served him well, the wizard taps his finger on the separate carvings and dishes out a knowing glance to Leana and the rest of the group. A lead, guys? His curiosity sparked - and now with a half-emptied mug in his hand - Brickoswky waltzes to the relatively new notices on the noticeboard and the shiny plaque next to the fireplace in the room. More clues to be uncovered?
May 31, 2024 12:21 am
"I'll take a drink too, just because I wear a pendant don't mean I can't drink!" Derv says to Brickowsky, walking over and grabbing a drink for himself.
It's true some folks among the Devout might shun him if they knew he was touching a beverage but most of those folks shunned him anyway, he preferred the word "When in Greece do as the Greeks do." Though he wasn't sure where Greece was he'd decided it applied to everywhere.

He supposed he should do his die diligence and make sure the beer wasn't evil beer before consumption.
[ +- ] Divine Sense 0/3
May 31, 2024 1:49 am
@KoldikSteelskin Good idea to check the beer and the surrounding area! What does it look like when Derv uses his Divine Sense?
May 31, 2024 2:43 am
Brickowsky first looks at the fireplace. It still has ashes piled in it and a paw print from the ash can be seen on the hearth.

His attention is then captured by the shiny plaque. Prominently across the top is a shiny metal plate with the words Adventurers of the Month - Heroes Association Guild (HAG)

"The Hard Way plundered the lair of the dragon Cinderhowl and returned alive!"

Next to the plaque is a large parchment with the following: "Missing cat. :( Large with black fur and tentacles. Answers to Pouncy. Loves milk. Please contact Alax Jadescales if found."

Brickowsky or anyone that followed, please make a perception check.
May 31, 2024 4:12 am
In annoyance, Hindle thinks at Miet, "How many pixies has this guy been around to know he's allergic!? Hide, quickly!"
If the trap door is open, he'll tell her to quickly hide down there if she can, otherwise find someplace high, or an opaque container to crouch down in, but hopefully maintain watch. If she looks likely to be spotted, Hindle will send her back to the aether for the time being.
May 31, 2024 5:57 am
Does the print look like a cat's? Brickowsky has RoaringKitty's as an example.



(14) + 4 = 18

May 31, 2024 10:50 am
quilltid says:
@KoldikSteelskin Good idea to check the beer and the surrounding area! What does it look like when Derv uses his Divine Sense?
Essentially his expression changes, like he's wearing a different lego head to one that's slightly more contemplative and his head swivels around slowly.
May 31, 2024 1:36 pm
"Oh no, the poor kitty!" Leana exclaims as Enigo relates what he has found. Instantly she goes to check out the paw and look for tracks. She also tries to estimate how old the picture and the paper are. Heroes of which month? How long might the kitty have been lost? How old is the paw print and where does it lead?


perception - (1d20+7)

(15) + 7 = 22

survival (tracking) - (1d20+7)

(11) + 7 = 18

May 31, 2024 2:07 pm
Heroes of the month you say? Merton likes the sound of sone praise and maybe money he thinks as he looks at the poster.

That kitty doesnt sound the nicest...but there might be a reward and money is money
May 31, 2024 5:21 pm
Derv’s expression changes and his head swivels left and right as he uses his Divine Sense. He sniffs his beer as well and finds that it is not cursed. In fact, it may be a little blessed, which kept it good quality in the taps all this time. He is able to sip his drink as his Divine Sense reaches further out. It is rebuffed at the crumbling tower nearby, but he soon smells a noxious odor. He detects an undead presence at the Inn. As he moves about with his drink, he notices the smell seems to be coming from the direction of the kitchen.
May 31, 2024 5:23 pm
Dhakhan says:
In annoyance, Hindle thinks at Miet, "How many pixies has this guy been around to know he's allergic!? Hide, quickly!"
Miet looks about and spots the trap door has been wedged open with some bags of rice flour. She quickly darts down, hiding behind a wine bottle. As she flies past Merry, he sneezes violently again.

Hindle/Miet can no longer see what Merry is up to, but can hear him loudly moving items around in the kitchen.
May 31, 2024 5:30 pm
Brickowsky coaxes Roaring Kitty to stand near the print at the hearth and, indeed, it looks much like a cat paw print, but much bigger.

Leana swoops in to compare the cat paw prints and also quickly glances at the plaque and notice. The plaque is very new and does not have dust like the other items around Inn Plain Sight. Unfortunately, no indication of which month is given for when the adventurers were recognized. Only due to her great nature and tracking skills is she able to follow the weeks-old tracks to the stairs across from the fireplace.

As Merton joins the group looking at the plaques and notice, his movement is enough for them to notice another poster behind the missing cat notice. A scrap of paper with a sketch of a red dragon's face is half-hidden behind the notice with the words "Symbol of the Cult of the Dragon."
May 31, 2024 6:27 pm
Merton is shocked and a little scared with the thought of a dragon.
Imagine you are playing a Lego video game and how they silently shake and pantomime fear with the lego rattling sounds.
He will go then approach Brickowsky and whisper in his ear there is something about a cult and a dragon pinned on the notice board. we probably should be very careful
Jun 1, 2024 4:41 am
"Things Should Not Be Alive here." Derv says and when he is Inevitably given a strage look adds, "That Are."

He points in the direction of the Kitchen. "Things Should Be Dead there."

Then he look at each member of the group one by one in silence before while not looking at anyone saying,

"Care to Join me."
Jun 1, 2024 2:30 pm
Leana has already put a foot on the first step to ascend upstairs in search of the poor kitty, but returns to Derv's side with a serious look that is highly atypical of her. "If there are undead here, it must be our first priority to restore balance by setting them to rest." The young druid looks back to the paw prints and sighs, then heads for the kitchen, ready to serve nature as she has been trained to do.
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