Scene 1: Inn Plain Sight

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Jun 8, 2024 3:01 am
Hindle follows behind Brickowsky as he steps carefully around Leana and the rats, the spectral, tentacled mage hand that only he can see disappearing back into the aether it came from.
soises says:
The wizard hails the figure in the back of the cellar in a friendly manner: "Brickowksy is the name, at your service. What keeps you in this nice cosy cellar, dear fellow?"
The ghostly figure turns and focuses on Brickowsky.

"Althea, is that you in your fancy cape running around? What, you tripped again and need some more healing?"
Jun 8, 2024 2:45 pm
quilltid says:
valdattaMadun says:
Merton scurries quietly into a corner in attempt to hide
Yes, which corner would Merton like to hide in? Behind the barrels, the corner Hindle was in, the corner you guys started in, or the unvisited corner?
Unvisited corner
Last edited June 8, 2024 2:45 pm
Jun 9, 2024 12:13 am
Merton scurries through the path behind the stairs to hide in a dark area of the unvisited corner. As the gaunt figure is distracted with conversing with Brickowsky, it does not seem to be bothered as Merton melts into the shadows.
Jun 9, 2024 2:15 pm
"She sent me, but I have to be sure. Who are you? Are you by any chance Alax Jadescales?" Brickowsky answers light heartedly, still not trusting this dubious Merry Rumwell character.
Jun 9, 2024 6:51 pm
quilltid says:

"Yes, it can be quite dangerous here. A cat likes to come down and catch our friends. No cat for many days though. Enjoying the fragrant water strange man spilled. We know way out…we think."
"Who else lives here and where is the way out?" Leana askes the rats.
Jun 9, 2024 8:19 pm
soises says:
"She sent me, but I have to be sure. Who are you? Are you by any chance Alax Jadescales?" Brickowsky answers light heartedly, still not trusting this dubious Merry Rumwell character.
The ghostly figure floats towards Brickowsky, not seeming to notice his lack of footsteps.

"Ah, a fellow dwarf. Yes, yes, good to see you. Ha ha, I am certainly not Alax. Didn't Althea tell you who she was sending you for? I'm Oswin Roca, the dwarf keeping my party from being wiped out by a dragon."
Jun 9, 2024 8:22 pm
Adrasthea says:
"Who else lives here and where is the way out?" Leana askes the rats.
The rats look at each other and seem to conference before turning back to Leana.

"A green man used to come by often, even leave a bit of cheese, but now only a hooded man likes to come once in a while. Bearded man came down, but never left. We'll show you the way out...once we remember."

The rats both turn in opposite directions and scurry to a wine rack. They start to sniff along the wine racks, presumably looking for their exit.
Jun 10, 2024 4:51 am
Following Brickowsky's lead, Hindle attempts a jovial manner and chimes in, "Ah, so. Oswin, nice to meet you. I am Hindle Ambolong and friend of Brickowsky here. How is it you are came to find yourself in this cellar? ...and what of your friends? Are they here as well?"
Jun 10, 2024 9:49 am
"Can't you tell? He's dead they're dead only he's alive and he's not supposed to be." Derv says he doesn't attack the ghost though mostly because he's stuck pondering weather or not his sword would injure the ghost.
Jun 10, 2024 11:23 am
Remebering the plaque from the tap room, Brickowsky asks further with rising awe in his voice: "You're THE Oswin Roca from the Hard Way? Who plundered the lair of the dragon Cinderhowl and returned alive!?"

If the dwarven ghost replies positiv, the wizard would ask further: "What happend to you, my dear fellow?" and would try to bring it to Oswin's attention that he seems to be a ghost at the moment.
Jun 10, 2024 3:06 pm
Merton and Leana, please roll perception checks.

Brickowsky, Derv, and Hindle gather together near the ghost Oswin.

"Yes yes, nice to meet you all. Looks like you have quite the adventuring party yourselves. I am THE Oswin Roca of the Hard Way, didn't Althea tell you anything when she sent you to find me? I came down on my own to get us some celebratory drinks after visiting Cinderhowl's lair (he winks at Brickowsky and his elbow passes through his arm) and then I don't remember much after that."

He glances at Derv as he ponders.

"And what is bothering you, my son? Ha ha, I may be old, but don't let that fool you."
Jun 10, 2024 4:59 pm
So the plot thickens. The adventurer of the month - a fresh ghost in a tavern. Not run by its famous proprietor. Something stinks. And not just the powdered chickenwings.

"Well, old chap." the blueclad dwarf continues his search for truth. "She was in such a good mood that some minor details got lost." As the ghost acts innocent enough and his touch doesn't seem to affect him, Brickowsky tries to get more information by playing to the well-known dwarven lust for treasure: "She told me you found fine things in Cinderhowl's lair. Please - Oswin! - tell me more!"
@quilltid> Is Brickowsky under the impression that Oswin hasn't realized he is dead?
Jun 10, 2024 6:00 pm
Rolling with my Psi-dice please let me know if it makes a difference on success/fail


Perception - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Psionic Dice - (1d8)

(2) = 2

Jun 10, 2024 8:10 pm
The druid watches the rats scurry along trying to figure out their way. Leana cannot quite see, where they are off to or if there is another passage somewhere in the cellar. While listening to the ghostly conversation, she looks around trying to find anything useful.


perception - (1d20+7)

(1) + 7 = 8

Jun 11, 2024 2:03 am
soises says:
"Well, old chap." the blueclad dwarf continues his search for truth. "She was in such a good mood that some minor details got lost." As the ghost acts innocent enough and his touch doesn't seem to affect him, Brickowsky tries to get more information by playing to the well-known dwarven lust for treasure: "She told me you found fine things in Cinderhowl's lair. Please - Oswin! - tell me more!"
@quilltid> Is Brickowsky under the impression that Oswin hasn't realized he is dead?
"Ah yes, elves don't seem to hold their drink well in my opinion. Or maybe that's just Althea."

As Brickowsky inquires about treasure, a glow almost shines behind the ghost's eyes.

"Oh yes, we found many great treasures. Didn't you see the cape she was wearing? We found the greatest treasure of all I say, but that is top secret."

The ghost mimes locking his mouth shut and throwing away the key before winking at Hindle.
Yes, Brickowsky seems to intuit that Oswin thinks this is just another alive day for him and he seems to be ignoring what Derv has to say about his condition.
Jun 11, 2024 2:05 am
As Merton crouches in the dark corner and half-listens to the conversation, he takes a look at the bones nearby. The bones are obviously smaller than an average human's and he can see something shiny winking near the head.
The Psionic Dice didn't make a difference this time, unfortunately, so you can save that roll for another time.
Jun 11, 2024 2:08 am
As Leana looks around for something useful, she does see a cat toy lying around by the barrels. One of the rats scurries past as she spots the item, but the other rat she had talked with earlier has definitely disappeared. It seems to have finally found its exit.
Jun 11, 2024 2:11 am
does the ghostly figure a have an earring or anything? Or did the innkeeper have one?
Jun 11, 2024 12:42 pm
"Come on! You can tell me, Oswin." Brickowsky tries to coax out the information, while speaking dwarvish. "I'll tell no one."
Jun 11, 2024 1:17 pm
valdattaMadun says:
does the ghostly figure a have an earring or anything? Or did the innkeeper have one?
Merton turns from the skeleton to focus on what he can see on the ghostly figure. His sharp halfling eyes notice something dangling around Oswin's head as he turns to wink at Hindle: an earring.
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