Scene 1: Inn Plain Sight

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Jun 27, 2024 6:03 pm
"Be well, Oswin. May you swiftly find your way into Moradin's halls." Brickoswky growls in an unexpectedly old-fashioned way, a final blessing for the old dwarf. Stealing a dragon egg is an act that will bring him fame and honor among his ancestors, no doubt. Oswin had shown courage and bravery, so it is only right to pay him a last respects.

Turning away, the magician agrees with Leana. It is time to save this feline. Feeling for Roaring Kitty with his own soft hand, the dwarf has to smile and looks around at what his comrades are doing.

Brickoswky himself would like to trudge up to the first floor and check on the animal. But right now he is still waiting for the reports from the others.
Jun 28, 2024 3:33 am
Dhakhan says:
Briefly concentrating on the pixie, Hindle thinks at her, "Yes, I like sparkles too. Have a look see what it is."

Hindle sends his words down to Merton, "I'm just having a look around in the kitchen for anything... suspicious. Well, more of anything suspicious."
Hindle checks the bag first, feeling at its contents through the material before looking inside and dumpting it out (if solid objects are contained). He then inspects the cupboard above the barrel, before having a look inside the barrel itself and having a final sniff of the tangy sauce.
Miet excitedly flies closer to the sparkles at the end of the hall. She stops and squints her eyes when she realizes the sparkling is light reflecting off the plaque and pictures on the wall. She snorts aloud, annoyed at the lack of treasure and looks about for more. There are doors on either side, but they are all closed and she must wait again for someone to open them.

Hindle feels through the bag and realizes it must be the rice flour sack that Merry had put their chicken wings in. He dumps them onto a plate on a nearby counter. They still smell deliciously, but they are covered in leftover rice flour.

As he reaches up and opens the cupboard, he is carried away by sneezing from the rice flour left on his hands and jerks the doors open. One bottle of hot sauce tips over and spills some into Hindle's eyes! He takes 1 point of damage.


After wiping the hot sauce out of his eyes, he notes 5 bottles of unopened hot sauce lined up in the cabinet. It must be what is left of the famous Inn Plain Sight wing sauce. Finally, he carefully leans over the barrel to sniff the tangy sauced wings. They seem to be magically preserved, still smelling delicious with no signs of decay or mold. It would be tempting to eat one if Hindle hadn't already had a face full of sauce just a minute ago.
Heh, rolls definitely make things interesting!
Jun 28, 2024 3:37 am
Ah yes, perception to follow the rat and now perception to see if Leana notices...
As Leana leans in closer to look at where her fox is paying interest and where the rats must have escaped through, she can see there is a brick that seems to be quite scratched up by a claw. She pushes on the brick and a secret door pushes back, revealing a dark rocky passageway!
Jun 28, 2024 4:51 am
Merton is following Leana. Looking at their surroundings


Perception - (1d20+4)

(19) + 4 = 23

Jun 28, 2024 8:26 am
Those down below hear a few muffled sneezes and then, "GAAAAHHHH!!! HELLS that stings!!" This is followed momentarily by a more quiet, "...Mmmmm. Tasty though."

After wiping his face and hands on a nearby cloth, Hindle reaches up into the cupboard and retrieves a couple of bottles of Wing Sauce and tucks them into his belt pouch. "I'm gonna put this ...stuff on everything!"

Walking back over to the hatch in the floor, Hindle calls down, "What's the holdup? We looking around up here or following Owsin's ghostly gaze?"
Jun 28, 2024 3:01 pm
As Merton peers into the dark passageway that Leana reveals, he is at least relieved there are no obvious traps around. He can hear skittering in the darkness that appears to be getting louder...
Jun 28, 2024 3:03 pm
Extra inspiration point to Hindle for taking the wing sauce event in stride!
Jun 28, 2024 9:31 pm
With his telepathic link Leana be careful I believe something is coming this direction
Jun 30, 2024 7:47 pm
Leana nods, then gazes at the darkness that is the passageway. Might it be the lost kitty?
She feels the tension in the room and decides to choose safe over sorry.
The young druid spills some of her water at the threshold, then wills the water to form a barrier between the darkness and the room they are in. With a sharp hand gesture, she freezes the water to seal the entrance but also create a see-through barrier, a window into the darkness.
Whatever is coming towards them, will have to break through the window of ice. If it is friendly, she will let it melt instantly. Should an enemy approach them, it will give them a moment longer to react.

Before the ice reaches the bottom, Leana sends her shadowy fox forward, though the liquid wall. She has come to trust Merton's instincts and another safeguard against what might be coming, can only help.
cantrip: shape water
Last edited June 30, 2024 7:47 pm
Jul 1, 2024 3:25 am
The ice wall sparkles and solidifies, faintly blurring what may be beyond. The fox elegantly passes through the water wall before it solidifies and Leana can see it sniffing around the passageway. As the skittering gets louder and louder, the party readies itself for the worst and the fox growls low and crouches.

Those with darkvision see the spiders first as they dash around a corner in the dark. They are almost as large as the shadowy fox and skid to a halt once they reach the edge of light from the torch and see the myriad of obstacles. They ready their bodies to spring, but surprisingly spring backward instead of forward. They seem to pause almost as though they are not sure whether to move forward or retreat back into the darkness.
Jul 1, 2024 4:09 am
Big things...arent they.
Merton looks through the ice at the spiders.

hope they dont get out
Jul 1, 2024 7:20 am
"I think we are finished here." Brickowsky says with determination and turns back to the stairs.

The dwarf waddles upstairs, not in the mood to fight some spiders over an useless cellar. Looking out for dangers, the magician starts to rummage through the stuff he finds.

"Kitty, kitty , kitty, ..." he tries to find the lost animal.


Perception - (1d20+4)

(3) + 4 = 7

Investigation - (1d20+8)

(5) + 8 = 13

Jul 1, 2024 4:40 pm
Brickowsky waddles up the stairs, Roaring Kitty energetically winding about him as he ascends. He meets Hindle at the top, ready to traverse the Inn. Nothing of danger appears. He can see the rice flour-covered hot wings spread on a plate, the spilled hot sauce and lid removed from the barrel. As he peeks into the dining room, Brickowsky sees nothing changed, even the lute he found behind the bar still in its place.
Jul 1, 2024 4:54 pm
It looks like I expressed myself poorly. I meant that Brickowsky goes up to the first floor. Thanks!
Jul 1, 2024 4:55 pm
As Brickowsky goes up to the second floor of the Inn, he sees a dusty corridor of doors. Most of the rooms are empty. One is even under construction. The last door on the right, of course, is locked and must be the interesting one. He sees the pictures and plaque Miet noticed earlier on the wall as well.
Jul 1, 2024 4:59 pm
One of the spiders behind the ice wall is quick enough to skedaddle back up the corridor it came from. The second spider is still shocked, turning its body to the fox.
Jul 1, 2024 5:06 pm
"SOMEONE ABLE TO UNLOCK DOORS?!" Brickowsky's deep voice carries through the last corner of the Inn, while the dwarf is stroking his beardless chin and eyes the door with distaste.
Jul 2, 2024 5:32 am
Having followed along behind Brickowsky, Hindle has a look at the plaque and images ah the wizard checks the doors.

Flinching at the shout, Hindle squats down to see how big a space there is under the door. "Think you can squeeze under there, Miet"?


Acrobatics/Dex to wriggle under if space: - (1d20+4)

(7) + 4 = 11

Jul 2, 2024 3:15 pm
Miet gives Hindle a funny look, but gently lands on the floor and crouches down to look at the space between the door and the floor. She sneezes a bit like a kitten, but soon lies prone and army crawls through the space. As she gets up to dust herself off, she looks about. This room contains a bed and a closed chest. Above the bed hangs a family portrait: two dragonborn parents with an unhatched egg. One proud parent has light-green scales; the other has golden scales.


While Miet is checking out the locked room, Brickowsky and Hindle glance quickly at the plaque and pictures on the wall. One picture depicts a harp nestled between the horns of a crescent moon. Another is a green-scaled dragonborn in a heroic pose. The plaque has a mountain scene carved into it.
Jul 6, 2024 10:25 am
"Doesn't MERTON have some lock makers tools?" the dwarf asks Dhakhan. "Where is the fellow?" Brickowsky grumbles further while craning his neck looking for the halfling. "Hiding in the shadows again, most likely..."

As his comrade doesn't appear, the wizard shakes his head in frustration and turns to the picture and takes it down from the wall. Taking a closer look, he also views the backside of the frame to see if there is an inscription. Who may this person be? And if it is the same dragonborne as in the picture above the bed and so on.
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