FYI : I created a les damagingg Shamanic warrior variant
[ +- ] Shamanic Warrior
You can Test to gain the help of Spirits in combat. If successful you gain a random Boon that lasts 3 turns. You can sacrifice 1 HP to the spirits, after the roll, to either Pick a boon or Double the duration.
1. Fast feet: You gain a free movement action each turn and can jump great distances.
2. Spirit Armor: You gain 2 HP of protection.
3. Vicious Strike: You deal additional critical damage.
4. Spirit Guide: You gain focus without expending an action.
5. Touch of Luck: Reroll one roll each round.
6. Revitalize: You can heal any creature you touch 1 point.
But if you want to go the cursed/troubled route we can mix it a bit with the Diehard or Drunken master Traits and either the original or my revised Shamanic Warrior.
Shamanic Berserker : roll with disadvantage to activate. Any time you take damage you roll can roll with advantage to activate your shamanic abilities.
Repressed Shaman : When intoxicated or under the influence or narcotics you can enter a trance to access your spiritual heritage and use an action to roll a random shamanic warrior ability without testing to activate it. However, you have Disadvantage on all rolls that require careful and delicate manipulation, social grace, or might be severely impacted by your frenzied, intoxicated, or inebriated state. (If you combine this with the revised version it would require a test to be able select the shaman ability when sacrificing HP)