Could you help me with XP stuff?
I'm looking into Sharpe tongue talent. Does manipulation work in combat, outside of it or both?
Both! It is more likely to be feasible only during the opening rounds, but it can work and even prevent combat if you do that just after initiative. To do so, you insult, trick or convince your opponent, likely without drawing your weapon. This might even be possible in the midst of combat, maybe after one of them dies or if you are able to demoralize them somehow, if the GM judges it plausible.
Moreover, what you ask of your opponent or what you want them to do must always be within reason – no NPC will agree to do anything or act completely against their own interests, no matter how good your roll is. So they can surrender, but they can't jump off a cliff. Maybe you could have avoided the last combat by getting at least one of them with a Broken Empathy before it all started. =)
I'm not investing into talent that is designed to turn a willing to speak NPC into broken or hostile.
Don't worry. We will write this dialogue as usual. A successful MANIPULATE check with a willing to speak NPC is normally by charm, good arguments, etc. But this talent won't be used in a friendly situation, it is only used if you (the player) writes that Nindia has insulted them (ie. they are likely already hostile)
And humans and Orc speak the same language?
There are two ways we can do that:
1 - A simple yes, everyone speaks the same language or a Common one. I am using this option for now. That's the default for the game.
2 - We add a House Rule for languages. I have one that I like, by Johan Ronnlund:
[ +- ] Languages House Rule
Each character knows 1 language per point of Empathy + 1 language per level of Lore skill (do not add Wits) from the following list.
If Lore is increased by XP later, then if you train for a Quarter Day and succeed on a Wits check (the same as learning a new talent), you learn another language.
Instead of learning another language during creation or after increasing Lore, you can instead learn how to read/write one of the alphabets. If one or more languages that you speak share it, you learn how to read and write in them.
[ +- ] List of common languages
Talked by the Ailanders and poor humans, it has become the most common secondary language among others. About 50% Alderlandic with a mix of Asleni, Elven, Eori and Dwarven. So you might understand some single words in overheard conversations, when the languages shares similarities. Uses the Alderlandic alphabet.
The mother tongue of the Alderlanders. The humans of the Ravenland see it as a noble language and it is common that books are written in Alderlandic. Both the Rust Brothers and the Snake Church see it as their official language, which have helped to preserve its status in the Ravenlands.
The mother tongue of the Aslene. A fiery and expressive language. Those who speak Ravlandic can recognize many words, for example things like gold, nobility and titles, horses, theatrical plays, and also some around nomadic life-style. Uses the Alderlandic alphabet.
The language of the elves. It is soft and melodic that most listeners perceive as beautiful and singing. Those who speak Ravlandic can recognize many words that have to do with nature, magic and art. Uses soft rolling runes in writing.
The language of the dwarves. Often perceived as mushy and cruel with long sentences. Those who speak Ravlandic can recognize many words that have to do with mountains, forging and mining. Uses angular runes in writing.
A language developed from a mix of Dwarf, Elven and later also Ravlandic. Orc males' speech difficulties have had a strong impact on its development. Uses dwarven runes.
This language is spoken by halflings and goblins, though in two distinctly different dialects. Those who speak Ravlandic can recognize many words that have to do with cooking, beekeeping and brewery. Uses the Alderlandic alphabet.
The language of the wolfmen. No connection to other languages. Sounds most like animal sounds for the uninitiated. Can be howled over long distances. No written language.
The language of the Saurian people. Have no connections to other languages and uses a unique alphabet. They only use the vowels a, u,and e, but have their own consonants of which eight are throat clicks that are reminiscent of "g", and six smacking sounds that are close to "t". Their speech most closely resembles long, rambling harangues of syllables.
Besides those, there may be rare or exotic languages like Ancient (still spoken by some Giants and Trolls), Deep dwelver, Demonic, Draconic, Whiner, etc.
What do you think?
Should we use multiple languages and the house rule above? Public
No, it just complicates things
I'm also looking into defender talent. Does it allow me to parry even though I used my fast action to attack with the dagger?
Yup. But only
once, for free. To parry a second attack, you need a fast action.