GreyWord sent a note to badbaron
I'm sorry if it was not clear the first time. You can't see much into the room mostly because skeleton heads block the vision. Not because of the lack of light. I only noted the lack of light inside because one player wanted to send the only creature that would suffer of it.
Nyx manage to get the seed into the room and take risk summoning flying monkey in the space he don't see lucky enough monkey is alive and zombies don't care about it. Through your familiar ayes you see that The gnashing heads belong to three zombies that are chained to a pulley bolted to the ceiling on the south side of the door. (you can't know what that pulley would do when turned, but it's obvious zombie moving south would trigger pulley rotation)
You can also observer the rest of the room: Six glass cauldrons brimming with humanoid bones line the walls of this tomb, at the center of which stands an ancient chariot bearing a bronze sarcophagus with treasure strewn atop it. Paintings on the chariot's body show a tall bird with a long, sharp beak. On the south wall, a bronze shield bears the embossed image of a Chultan warrior carrying a spear, below an inscription that reads, "Bow before no one." Four bronze statues stand on pedestals to either side of the shield. They depict Chultan warriors: one holding a sword, two with spears, and one missing its face.
Ceilings in the room are 12 feet high