Wess rushes in, and runs around the creatures. Wading through the water, which is luckily just dirty and not dangerous. Coming around he sweeps around with his axe, and hits both creatures, making them shaken.
Li rushes in after him and tries to toss a shuriken at the creature. He is able to hit, though it don’t seem to bother the creature, though it seems to grow tired and you don’t think it can handle many more such attacks.
Shalelu follows Li inside and seeing a shaken sinspawn, fires an arrow at the closest one. The arrow pierces its skull and it falls down dead, leaving one of them left.
Wess: Remember that Sweep targets all nearby targets (friends and foes alike), so have moved you around the creatures. This will require you to run to reach and give you another -2 penalty. But you should still be able to hit with your rolls. Your first attack was with a raise, so I rolled an extra d6 for damage and got a 3.
The creature takes 2 wounds, but uses a bennie to Soak and rolls an 11 on the Wild die. Avoiding the damage.
Will draw new cards for next round and update in next post.
GM Bennies: 0