Saving Face

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Aug 28, 2024 4:20 pm
Lorenzo accepts the food and drink offered to him as not to offend anyone, but he does not touch the ale. Instead, he simply sips his water and partakes in some of the chaw. It is rare that the priest overly indulges himself. After observing the goings on with the party throughout their meal, he perks up in particular at Hugh's remark.

"A mythical Face-taker accompanied by Ol' Peg's facial scar, Long Bob Dree's odd facial tics, a face fungus, and lips like sea slugs. I do believe that Rock Rump's culture and issues have a certain focal point, but it could also be odd coincidences, I suppose. Well, now that we've filled our stomachs, we do have a mission we need to attend to."

Waving his hand over the crowd, Lorenzo tries to catch the teenage server's attention.

"Young Bob, you mentioned your liege lady. Lady Haraldsdotter doesn't happen to stop by the South Wind at all, does she? We would like to meet with her and lend official support to your town in the name of the New God, at least for a time."
Last edited August 28, 2024 4:30 pm


Lorenzo - Per. Challenge (+Prayer) - (1d20+3)

(9) + 3 = 12

Aug 28, 2024 8:14 pm
I should note that challenge rolls require you to hit 10 or higher to pass. Hugh's result of 15 passed, while Fachtna's result of 8 did not.
Long Bob answers, saying, "No, sir, she does not normally come down here. She's up in the manor."

He's happy to give you directions, and you may recognize some of those directions as the same ones you had been given in your assignment to come here. Lady Haraldsdotter is the person you were supposed originally meet.
Aug 29, 2024 4:08 pm
"Well then, should we be off to see her? I am sure she can shed light on the situation in town better than most here," Sigrid says, gesturing to the other patrons.
Aug 29, 2024 5:31 pm
"It is our mission, so that would be best. Caranthir's current state will hopefully highlight the importance of the rabid sea gull problem."

Lorenzo stands up to leave, waiting for the others.
Aug 29, 2024 9:41 pm
"Its not so bad actually smells like chum." Caranthir gloated
Aug 29, 2024 9:41 pm
"Its not so bad actually smells like chum." Caranthir gloated
Aug 30, 2024 6:08 am
Fachtna finishes his drink and stands up as well. "Let's be about it then. And hope the Lady doesn't take offense at the smell."
Aug 30, 2024 12:58 pm
You leave the tavern and make your way to see the local noble woman's manor. The round-faced boy, Long Bob Dree, was able to give you easy enough directions. The manor is located a bit of a distance outside of the village, and there's a nice path along the shore that will get you there.

On the way there, you discover a body that washed up to shore. Male, dressed in clothing that looks a bit foreign to the local area. It's missing a face, cut off with almost surgical precision. The rest of the body is more or less intact, except for where any fish may have nibbled as it was floating. It hasn't been dead for long; less than a day. The dagger sheath is empty, but the coin pouch still has several copper pennies and silver shillings in it.
Pausing here for commentary or questions, but if there isn't any, we can move on to the manor.
Aug 30, 2024 1:50 pm
"What are the odds..."
Aug 31, 2024 3:23 pm
"It is almost as if Fate herself is giving us a clue..." Fachtna nods in agreement at Hugh's assessment. Fachtna will approach the body and look for any other identifying marks.
Aug 31, 2024 4:08 pm
"Either the folk of Rock Rump are completely oblivious or our arrival is coincidentally aligning with the resurgence of long thought dead myths. Regardless, there is no doubt left for the great evils that need to be purged from this place. The plague, the tempestuous sea, and now a man murdered. It's possible that they are all linked, but it would be unwise to assume anything."

Lorenzo dipped down next to Fachtna, only to say some blessings for the dead. There was another possibility that he neglected to mention, as he didn't want to voice such paranoia. It wouldn't be the first time that forces of darkness laid claim to entire cities. People can be corrupted or convinced to ignore the evil around them. If that was the case, well... he hoped it wouldn't come to such an incident. That was work for Swords of Astrid, not a Keeper of Lore.

"The noblewoman must have seen the signs. It would explain why she reached out for help and why we were summoned."
Aug 31, 2024 11:14 pm
Caranthir takes the time to jump into the water. He had often claimed to be able to breathe water. As he spent several minutes vigorously scrubbing himself with sand to clean off the filth of the z-gulls.
Sep 3, 2024 3:41 pm
"Aye, 'tis too much of a coincidence not to be connected," Sigrid says. "I think it's time we face the facts: we're dealing with some sort of face-stealer, for sure!"

She grins, proud of her own pun, as she readies herself to continue to the noblewoman's villa.
Sep 3, 2024 4:01 pm
Shaking his head at the horrible pun, Hugh nevertheless chimes in, "A face-stealer doesn't seem like it would cause undead wildlife though. In fact, they don't seem related at all. Completely unfounded speculation, but could something be bringing dreams -- nightmares, really -- into being? It sounds crazy, but there aren't too many ways to link totally different things." Hugh shrugs, laughing to himself at how stupid his idea sounded once he said it aloud before falling silent and continuing to follow his companions.
Sep 3, 2024 11:51 pm
Lady Eiðella Haraldsdöttir's manor isn't a large lavish one like you'd see in the cities, but rather a modest countryside estate. Larger than anything else, but not so large as to be gaudy.

Horse graze in the pasture. Guards stand outside chatting with each other as they keep post.

The Lady herself is tall for a human, and blue of skin. It's obvious she has some sort of Jotun heritage in her ancestry.

"Thank you for coming," she says with grace. "I cannot express how grateful I am you were able to come so quickly. The festival starts tomorrow night, and with all the strange events, I would like to be able to resolve all this before the crowds get thick."
Will try to post some more later today, if I can. Or tomorrow. For now, feel free to interact and ask questions!
Sep 4, 2024 8:49 am
Fachtna gives a bow to the blue-skinned woman. "Well I understand your worries. We encountered a flock of diseased or reanimated birds on our way here. If that is but one symptom, I fear there could be worse on the horizon."

Lady Eiðella Haraldsdöttir


Sep 4, 2024 1:09 pm
Lady Eiðella Haraldsdöttir
"Yes, there have been reports of the foul birds attacking people. There are also reports of strange sea monsters attacking boats - giant sharks, giant squid, giant octopus, etc - it seems everything is getting oversized and aggressive, though fortunately none have come near the clam beds just yet. For now, our divers are safe, but the Dree family is worried and keeps complaining. And the Albergs seem off from their usual demeanor. I can't have this cause havoc on the festival. Our people here depend on the income it brings in, and without it they might not have enough to buy food later in the year. Or worse yet, it might damage the reputation of the festival."

The Lady gives you a run down of the local families that more or less control the area. While she is the only noble and technically owns the lands around here, there are five powerful families that essentially run the entire bay. The three clamming families are the Albergs, the Dree, and the MacPhails. While anyone is allowed to go clamming, who goes when is done by a sort of partial lottery with preference on those who own rights, and these three families are always at the top of the list, ensuring they get the best picks.

Two other families control most of the food stalls - the Gummers and the Ardilar. Any stall not of these two families will not be able to sell the best clams, and with this year being the largest clams they've ever harvested, the two families are hoping to make a huge profit. Though competition is fierce, and there's even suspicions that some of the accidents that have caused some stalls to collapse or catch fire may not have actually been so accidental.

She also explains what they know about the Golden Tide, which the MacPhails are heralding as a true blessing. They believe the reason for such a bountiful harvest, with the largest, juiciest, tastiest clams they've ever had are solely due to the Golden Tide. And while that's probably true, others were worried - at least at first. One of their locals, an old eccentric by the name of Gnarly Peg, did a test dive when the Tide was first discovered, and he turned out fine. He was also the first one to taste the clams. After that, the Albergs, who won the lottery for first dive, started harvesting.
Sep 4, 2024 1:13 pm
Riding along with the others, Lorenzo contorts his face in skeptical thought as response to Hugh's theory.

"Dark magics make anything possible. Someone carving the faces off of others could just as easily be holding rituals in the shadows. I'm still not certain those birds were undead. Decaying and rabid, certainly. They might not have died yet to a disease that plagued them. Nightmares being made into reality is a rather large speculative jump, in my opinion. I don't say that to imply it isn't possible, but more so emphasize that it's only as relevant as whatever imaginings we could have about the culprit at the moment."

As the group finally reaches the manor, the priest admires the building and landscape. A comforting locale that contrasted the volume and crowds of the cities he was used to living in most of his life. If it weren't for his responsibilities, settling down in a place like this might have been appealing to him. His gaze turned to the majestic lady of the land before bowing his head slightly.

"We are glad to guard the people of your lands against corruption. As my companion said, we have encountered signs of villainy and unrest in the natural order. We will require the utmost vigilance to prevent whatever else is to come."

Lorenzo pauses to consider the information that has been shared with the group.

"What I find most concerning is that the cause of most of this chaos seems to be connected to the sea itself. The creatures you listed are all from the sea. The sea gulls feed themselves on sea life. The waters themselves are tempestuous and nonsensical in their behavior. The only thing that stands out apart from all of these signs is the Face-Taker. We found a corpse on the shore with its face removed. Even then, the location of the body connects it to the sea. I have to ask, were any of these signs showing up before the families started diving into the Golden Tide?"
Last edited September 4, 2024 1:33 pm

Lady Eiðella Haraldsdöttir


Sep 5, 2024 12:52 pm
Lady Eiðella Haraldsdöttir
She pauses to think for a moment, and then says, "Some have. Some have not. The sea creatures, the birds, have all started recently. But stories of the face taker have been around a long time. Do you think they are connected?"
Sep 5, 2024 5:01 pm
"It's purely speculation, but anything is possible when unnatural forces are involved... With that said, the fact that the face-taker myth has been around for so long does suggest it is unrelated to the current happenings. A hapless victim left on the beach is an extremely thin connection. I believe we will have to go out and dive ourselves to get to the heart of this. Has anyone done diving for purposes that are not commercial?"

Lorenzo winds a gear on his mechanical arm as he speaks, fidgeting slightly as he thinks about how to approach the mysteries. His gaze turns to the other paladins, wondering what ideas they may have.
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