Saving Face

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Aug 16, 2024 2:38 pm
Ol' Peg's tales and information were being dissected in the analytical mind of the academic priest. It was difficult trying to multi-task between ensuring the seagulls didn't get too far and paying proper attention to the details of the area's folklore. Still, it was important. The Codex of Truth tells followers of the New God that no other gods are real, but instead are mere inventions of mortal mind to explain other phenomena. While that truth was held within Lorenzo, he still believed the idea of the divine generally had some root in reality. Rock Rump's folklore would surely be no different. The Keeper of Lore would add this knowledge to the collection in time. One more religion to study among many.

"That's all very fascinating. The Face-Taker sounds like the typical tale told to children of a bogeyman to keep them behaving. Your anecdote shall be considered regardless. I do think there's some logical inconsistency with your theory about the Sea cursing the birds though. You say the Golden Tide has brought much prosperity to Rock Rump, so for what reason would the Sea do this and then send accursed seagulls upon it?"

Lorenzo takes the reins of his donkey, preparing to leave in hunt for the seagulls.

Gnarly Peg


Aug 16, 2024 3:20 pm
Gnarly Peg
Peg shrugs as his spits another spout of tobacco. "Sea's a bitch. Dunno what to tell ya."
Aug 16, 2024 3:39 pm
"Well, my friend, I hope you never learn what a sinkhole is!"

Lorenzo's sincerity in that statement is belied by his smirk.
Aug 16, 2024 5:31 pm
"The Sea is also a source of red herring."

Gnarly Peg


Aug 16, 2024 5:36 pm
Gnarly Peg
"I ain't never had a red one before..." Peg says, trailing off in thought.
Aug 16, 2024 5:44 pm
"Are we trailing those disgusting birds to put them down for good, or not?"
Aug 16, 2024 6:22 pm
"Aye! Let us venture forth. We are wasting daylight," Sigrid rumbles.
Aug 16, 2024 11:55 pm
"You all go on then. I shall make enquiries in the village to learn some more information from the townsfolk." He turns to Gnarly Peg. "Shall I escort you back into town?"
Aug 17, 2024 12:05 am
"And spread this canker to the innocent? We may be immune to disease but that doesn't mean we can't carry it."
Aug 17, 2024 12:20 am
Fachtna smirks. "Only you are cankerous my big blue friend."
Aug 17, 2024 12:28 am
Caranthir, who was ashen white shrugged at the comment of his skin color. "If this spreads to the village you will be held responsible. But I am not your father and won't tell you how to live your life. Your sword arm will be missed greeny." Caranthir didn't have time to argue with anyone in his life. He had better things to do. Like check out Sigrid as she walked away. It was way better than arguing the finer points. He grinned like an idiot and followed along.
Last edited August 17, 2024 12:30 am
Aug 17, 2024 12:45 am
Fachtna can only shake his head. 'Greeny'? But I'm purple and orange... he thinks. No one has ever told him he is colorblind.
Aug 17, 2024 1:12 pm
The party splits.

Fachtna heads off towards the village with Gnarly Peg. Everyone else goes off path, following the invisible lines that Lorenzo promises only he can see, which purportedly head towards wherever the spoiled seagulls flew off to.

(Note, please let me know if you choose to go with Fachtna and Gnarly Peg instead of with the rest of the group).
The Trackers

You head off trail in the midday sun, the warmth of the sun shining upon your back as you make your way through rolling hills. It's not long before you crest a hill and come upon the majesty of the ocean beyond, nestled in a bay like an amphitheater, surrounded by green hills on all sides. The bay’s waters stretch out in a gentle curve, their surface catching the sunlight and sparkling with an array of colors - azure blues blending into soft greens and silvers. The sea breeze, carrying a tang of salt, greets you warmly, contrasting with the hill’s earthy aroma. Yet, it is mixed with an undercurrent of something else, like a hidden unpleasant odor beneath the briny smell. Each breath you breath in feels heavier, suffocating.

The waters of the bay seem to be in turmoil, waves moving in contrasting directions rather than through the direction of the winds. Frothy whitecaps splash upwards as small waves collide, moving this way and that. Some of the waves seem to shift mid-wave, as if the wave itself decided to move in on its own accord. Or perhaps it was just something beneath the surface of the water moving. From Caranthir and Sigrid's perspective, this is an ocean that looks like its on the verge of a storm, yet there's no sign of a storm in the sky. It's a calm, clear day. The waters do not reflect the weather.

Despite that, the bay is dotted with boats—some anchored in the water, others gliding across the surface. Most are small vessels, meant for clam harvesters to jump off or to explore the depths. Some are visitors coming in for the festival. If you were to stay long enough, keep a sharp enough eye out, or be guided by an expert - you may even see an occasional dolphin or - was that an octopus? Surely it can't be, no octopus is that large, nor do they visit the surface. No, it must have been your imagination.

Off to the right, some distance away, you can see the village of Rock Rump, and the people getting ready for the harvest. Beyond the village, you can see houses that dot the shoreline - likely the families that maintain the harvest or those who simply don't live near the village square. Some of them have docks that have been built out into the waters.

Then you see it. It is almost right in the middle of the bay. A golden spot of water, almost luminous, reflects the sunlight with ambers and golds rather than the emerald reflections of the rest of the waters. This must be the "Golden Tide" that Gnarly Peg spoke of - the strange event that led to an increase in the clam harvest. At first thought, it's a bit odd that something way out there would effect the clam fields, which are closer to the shore, but the two fishermen and the scientist in the party would be able to explain how the currents could move the tide from this spot throughout the entire bay fairly easily. While the spot seems to be stationary on the surface, that's no promise that it didn't move under the surface. In fact, if you look at it just right, you can see that it's not a perfect circle, but actually being slightly pulled away and melding with the blues and greens of the rest of the bay.

A caw from a seagull quickly reminds you why you came out this way. Keeping an eye to the sky, and with great help from the tracking spell, you can spot where the seagulls went. They're circling over an otter scuttling around on the shoreline, seemingly confused, its head without fur.
The Escort

You follow the trail through the hills, making your way towards the fishing village. Soon, you arrive to a small bridge, being guarded by two soldiers.

"Pegs!" one of the soldiers calls out, his voice slightly slurred "Who've you wrangled in thish time?"

"Oi. Don't you start, Johan. This man saved me, he did. Was almost killed by seagulls, I was," Peg protests.

This revelation sends the two guards into a fit of laughter. "Seagulls?!" the second guard says, his voice crisp and clear, "Oh, man, Peg, your stories get crazier every time! Remember the one about the face stealer?"

Face Taker!" Peg insists.

"Whatever. Oi, Mister. Don't you be taken in by our local crazy. He's harmless, but he'll talk your ear off with nonsense if you let him," the second guard says, wiping a tear from his eye as the giggles start to subside.

"What bringsh you way out here?" Johan says, talking to Fachtna, "Here for the clam fesht? Doeshn't shtart until tomorrow, but there'sh a couple of shtands along the road in that are shelling already. Most of them shell the shmaller shtuff that ain't owned by the Big Three. Shtill good, but just what until you try one of the big onesh."

The other guard stops suddenly, with an astonished look upon his face, and turns to the first guard, "You got one of them? You asshole! Why didn't you tell me? Who did you get it from? Ach! I'm still on this shift until sunset!"

The two guards continue like this, bickering with each other and with Peg. You're free to converse with them, but passing by the bridge is a two penny tax.
Aug 17, 2024 10:39 pm
Fachtna nods in greeting. "Aye, he's filled with more hot air than a volcano's crater, but he is telling the truth about the seagulls. I believe they were infected or diseased in some way. Please inform your citizenry not to approach or interact with any seagulls during the festival. I fear it may be contagious. May I enquire what is this 'Big Three'?" he asks as he hands over two pennies.
Aug 17, 2024 10:44 pm
"Mark me that bald otter is a zombie as well. We should comandeer a vessel and investigate that golden light. I can breathe water so I will dive if it comes to that."
Aug 18, 2024 2:16 am
Fachtna says:
"May I enquire what is this 'Big Three'?" he asks as he hands over two pennies.
"Oh, yeah," says the soldier, "the big three. They're the clammer familiesh, the three most powerful who control the harveshting. They alwaysh get the prizhed picking timesh and get th ebest clamsh. There'sh the Albergsh, The MacPhailsh, and the Dree."

The other soldier pipes in, "The Albergs are the best. Good folk. But watch out for them Dree. They'll backstab you in a second."

The first has a look is astonishment on his face, "Don't shay that! You can't go 'round bad-mouthing the clammersh, you'll get kicked out of town!"

"Bah. Let 'em. Long Bob always gets a good word in for me. That boy's better than the rest."

"True, but he seem off lately ain't he?" replies the first. Turning back to Fachtna, he says, "Then there's the Shellersh. They control the shtallsh. The Gummersh and the Ardilar. You want the best tasting clamsh in town? Shee the Gummersh. You want the best priche? Shee the Ardilar."
Aug 18, 2024 3:49 am
Making a mental note of the observation about Long Bob, the elf thanks the guards for their suggestions and insights and continues into town. "Have you noticed or heard anything unusual about this Long Bob?" he asks to Mr. Peg.
Aug 19, 2024 7:51 pm
"Perhaps the otter is in an early stage of the affliction? The baldness is odd, but that would be minor in comparison to the symptoms the gulls are experiencing. Something else may have happened to it. Perhaps that rancorous odor that permeates the air is relevant for more than just the seagulls? And those waters are certainly suspect. They move without logic. For now, we should finish our business with the birds."

Lorenzo analyzes the various bits of new information, trying to hypothesize the most likely source of the affliction. He doesn't seem too hurried to protect the otter, but he hasn't ruled out that course of action. His thumb and middle finger on his organic hand tap incessantly as he is in deep thought.

"While we could allow the creature to be eaten so we may be given an opportunity to find their nest, there is no guarantee they will actually return to it. They have some instinctual sense left since they fled from us. We can either watch and see what we discover, or we can go put an end to them here with no risk of things becoming worse. Both options have merit. I am undecided."
Aug 20, 2024 12:37 pm
How are we doing folks? What's your plan here?
To Fachtna, the guard says, "Haven't sheen him shinsh yeshterday. Sheemed fine then. Why?
Aug 20, 2024 2:33 pm
"The guards mentioned in passing that maybe he 'seemed off' lately. That could perhaps be nothing, but it could also be a symptom of illness. Maybe related to the birds that attacked you. I'd like to meet him and judge for myself. Do you think you could help me to find him?"
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