Saving Face

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Aug 12, 2024 11:36 am
Shadow, glad the horrid birds have left opts to just let them be as she turns and rushes over to the old man who they'd come to save. "Are you alright?" she asked with genuine concern.

Gnarly Peg


Aug 12, 2024 9:16 pm
Gnarly Peg
"I... Yes, thank you. I am alright. That was frightening. Thank the gods you showed up when you did. I thought I would die."

The old man, with wrinkled and tanned skin, and a wooden peg leg, brushes himself off.

"They call me Gnarly Peg. You can call me Peg." As he speaks, he pulls out a small jar of some black tar-lile substance and puts a piece in his mouth, similar to chewing tobacco. It smells foul, but not nearly as foul as the horrific excrements covering the smaller of the two Jotun.
Aug 12, 2024 10:39 pm
"Well met, Peg," Hugh says as he comes riding up, holstering his freshly reloaded pistol. "Good to see you aren't too much the worse for wear." His eyes glance in the direction the disgusting birds had flown off.
Aug 12, 2024 10:42 pm
"We should track them down and kill the creature responsible. Clam Fest can wait."
Aug 12, 2024 11:04 pm
Lorenzo places pieces of scrap and esoteric engineering back in his cart, making sure nothing was lost. The sad donkey at the front of the cart looks even more depressed than usual as it stares at the swathes of bird shit scattered over the road. After a couple of reassuring pets, the priest looks over to the others.

"I echo Caranthir! That manner of plague has to be dealt with before Clam Fest turns into a massive quarantine zone. Fortunately, I placed a tracker on one of the birds. If they're fleeing back to their nest, we can eradicate them and hopefully find some clues as to the plague's origin."
Aug 12, 2024 11:55 pm
Fachtna gives a very small bow to Peg. "I'm glad my spell had the desired effect and you were spared the ire of those birds." When the others begin speaking of revenge against barely sentient undead birds, Fachtna cocks his head. "I don't think the birds will understand the concept of revenge. They also could have flown miles away which will be long and tedious to track. I believe our efforts would be better spent elsewhere."
Aug 12, 2024 11:59 pm
"I am of course open to alternatives. But the argument that they went far away is not a good reason why we shouldn't. Our efforts are best spent resolving the issue at the source. How can we do that if we do not pursue?"
Aug 13, 2024 1:03 am
"By using our deductive reasoning and investigative skills. Perhaps Master Peg here can enlighten us to any strange happenings lately tha will give us a clue. Or we could continue with our mission to meet Eidella Haraldsdotter and gain information that way. Chasing the birds relies on two assumptions: that they will head back to their nest, and that their nest is the source of corruption. If either of these are false, we will have lost valuable time."
Aug 13, 2024 1:04 am
Lorenzo blinks a couple of times in confusion, furrowing his brow as he looks to Fachtna.

"No one said anything of revenge. This is a plague from rabid birds near a festival that will see people coming from all over. That's a serious cause for concern. Also, I can tell you exactly where and how far the birds are thanks to my tracker. Its range is one mile."

The priest pulls out a metal sheet with a hole in the center and a small metal orb the size of a marble. Holding the sheet horizontally, he places the orb on it. It immediately moves to a new position on the sheet.

"The hole in the center is our position. The orb is the bird. Also, even if their nest isn't the source of the plague, the birds still are a source and must be culled. There might also be clues as to the plague's origin."
Last edited August 13, 2024 1:06 am
Aug 13, 2024 1:07 am
"So one recommends canvasing people for second hand intelligence which could give us some actionable rumors and suspicion. Going to Eidella is a waste of time, undead birds are a symptom and were she aware of the cause it would have been included in our summons. She is not our authority, we do not answer to her. One has first hand intelligence we must work for. One that will give us concrete data. What do you want to do gang?"
Last edited August 13, 2024 1:10 am
Aug 13, 2024 3:46 am
"Why do I get the feeling 'not get covered in undead bird shit' isn't a viable answer here?" Hugh says with a groan. "The obvious answer is to follow the foul birds themselves and wipe them out, and once that's done we can look into if there is more at work here."
Aug 13, 2024 10:47 am
"Yes, let us eradicate this menace!" Sigrid agrees. "And then we can eat our fill of clams to celebrate!"

Gnarly Peg


Aug 13, 2024 8:11 pm
Gnarly Peg
"Yes yes, I'll tell them. Shut yer trap," Peg says, out of no where. He spits a bit of the black tar out of his mouth and onto the ground. "Them birdsa cursed, if'n you ask me, cursed I say. Prolly by that ol' bitch. Shut up, I'm talking. Where was I? Right. The Golden Tide; brought 'bout the best clams in years. Absolutely delicious. I was the first one out there, when the Tide came. First one! And it made the best clams. This is the first festival since the Tide came in, and it's gunna be a good one I tell you what."

He spits out another stream of tobacco, and stops talking.

The moment someone says anything after his short screed, he interrupts with, "Watch yer face! Haha!" and then let's them continue uninterrupted.
Aug 13, 2024 8:51 pm
Caranthir looked dubiously at the insane hobo and his mixed herb dip. Wondering for a moment if it was toxins in the herbs or generations of intermarriage between cousins that had addled him. He decided it was most probably both. He looked over to Sigrid sharing a knowing glance. This madman, proof patent as to why humans were despised by their kin. He raised both eyebrows as if to say "well that figures," but said nothing.
Aug 13, 2024 9:24 pm
Shadow listened as the others discussed their plans of what to do next. She wasn't liking the idea of purposely looking to reengage those disgusting birds again but the argument for doing so did seem well reasoned. The fact that they could track them and not just have to hope to come across them by chance was a boon to that course of action. With their talk of plague and it spreading among the populace she looked at the old man. He didn't seem to be suffering from anything and he'd been amongst those foul creatures longer than they had.

To the old man she asked, "Um, Peg... How do you feel? Did your encounter with those birds leave you feeling ill in any way?"

Gnarly Peg


Aug 14, 2024 3:32 am
Gnarly Peg
"Ol' Gnarly Peg is as he always was," the old man says, words wrapping around a spot of chew on his mouth. "Been here long time. Long time. Long enough to see Stone lose to Sea." He sounds wistful as he speaks, as if he's momentarily seeing something from his past, long ago. "Seven days and seven nights they fought, til Stone was thrown down so hard his body left a hole in the ground, which Sea filled up."

"Long time. Long time. Long enough to see that old rocky bottom turn into Rock Rump. Long enough to see the the clams come, and then the harvesters. Then more Harvesters. The face taker; he don't take my face! Ha! ha! Watch yer face!" He spits a bit of chew on the ground.
Aug 14, 2024 10:25 am
Sigrid smiles at Caranthir's look. She turns to Gnarly Peg. "You mentioned a witch? Can you tell us more about her?"
Aug 14, 2024 5:21 pm
Lorenzo listens with some curiosity to the seemingly mad ravings of Gnarly Peg. His attention is divided by the magical device tracking the supposedly cursed seagulls.

"And what's this face taker? He's mentioned watching our faces twice now."

Gnarly Peg


Aug 16, 2024 12:33 am
Gnarly Peg
Sigrid says:
Sigrid smiles at Caranthir's look. She turns to Gnarly Peg. "You mentioned a witch? Can you tell us more about her?"
"A witch? Ain’t no witchies here, girly. What? Oh, the bitch? That ‘ol bitch, the Sea. She a mean one, she is. ‘Ol Peg don’t like her. I’m a Stone Man, meself. Been a Stone long as I ‘member. And Stone ain’t like Sea. No, he don’t like her much. They used to fight, you know. All the time. But it’s been a long time since Stone and Sea fought. Long time. Not since before Rock Rump. And Sea, we’ll she may have fooled all them fools down there, but she’ll come back one day and devour us all, she will."
Lorenzo says:

"And what's this face taker? He's mentioned watching our faces twice now."
"You ain’t heard o’ the face taker? Ha! Old story! He comes in the night, takes yer face!

When the moon is high and pale,
And the night is cold and frail,
There’s a tale of shadowed fright,
Of the Face-Taker’s ghostly flight.

In the dark where whispers creep,
And you’re tucked in fast asleep,
He comes with steps that barely sound,
To snatch your face without a bound.

If you don’t behave or heed the call,
The Face-Taker will come to all,
With a touch that’s icy cold,
He’ll take your face, so brave and bold.

He creeps and crawls through every room,
In the silence and the gloom,
If you’re naughty or if you stray,
He’ll take your face and drift away.

So mind your manners, don’t you dare,
For the Face-Taker’s always there,
And if you’re caught in midnight’s snare,
You’ll wake to find no face to wear."

He pauses for a moment after reciting the rhyme, and then says in a soft tone, "He came for me once. Long ago. When I was a wee lad. He was cloaked and hooded, covered with stinking bandages. With a swipe of its sharp talons, he stripped the ear from my head." He points out his missing ear and the scar that runs down the side of this face - now barely visible within the folds of his wrinkles. "I'm certain I'd have lost the rest of me face as well, if'n my folks didn't hear me screams and come rushing in." He spits on the ground, another spot of black tar to mix in with the fecal drippings of the birds.
Aug 16, 2024 1:25 am
"The Face-Taker sounds like one of the Wraiths of Morhogg." Caranthir mused thoughtfully. He traced the runes of the Navigator's staff idly. "Maybe not an enemy, but certainly a hazard."
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