Not all the glitters is Glidbem

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Aug 6, 2024 4:08 am

The youth tries to dodge and strike back at you. Though he is more skilled in moving around on the bobbing boat his youth makes hits strategies all too easy for you to see and anticipate.


Nel's Combat - (Evade:1d6, Attack:2d6)

Evade:1d6 : (6) = 6

Attack:2d6 : (63) = 9

Aug 6, 2024 4:10 am

You both manage to avoid any serious contact for the first round and the boy becomes bolder and shifts to a more aggressive attack.
Normally sides trade turns but I am just doing Round 1 and round 2 of Nel back to back to let you see how a full attack vs attack/evade can work. Typically you can only evade attacks that would hit you after you declare your evade action. The biggest benefit of the Evade is that a single evade action allows you to roll 1d6 prevent damage for each enemy attack that would hit you.


Nel's combat - (Attack:2d6, Attack:2d6)

Attack:2d6 : (56) = 11

Attack:2d6 : (54) = 9

Aug 7, 2024 12:49 am
With the change in the boys approach and the increase in strikes, Glidbem starts to become overwhelmed. She quickly drops all efforts of trying to land any attacks of her own and instead focuses solely on attempting to avoid being hit.


Evade Roll - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Evade Roll - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Attack roll - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Attack roll - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Aug 7, 2024 1:44 am
Each round you get 2 actions. Most characters only need to use 1 action for Evasion to last all round. Thus you Evade, roll to avoid both attacks, but then still have another action. However, as a duende you are Agile and can evade without needing to spend an action so still have 2 actions. I added 2 attacks to your post as an example of how this can work.
Heritage: Agile : You automatically dodge when attacked without needing to use an action

Nel's offensive strategy proves to be a bit much for the gnomish scholar who back up and tries to evade the blows but fails and receives a couple good knocks before she can retaliate to push the youth back. Afterward you continue only for a couple more minutes, this time slower and softer to avoid any more bruises
Aug 7, 2024 4:22 am
The rest of the first day and much of the next is spent in tutoring, a bit more light touch sparring, hand teaching Nel and you about boats and the river, and other activities that are used mostly to fill the idle hours on the boat. The boat stops only three times each day, morning, noon, and evening, and is steered with much familiarity even in the dim of night. During dinner on the second evening Hand indicates that trouble is likely to start on the next evening as it is unsafe to travel at night along the stretch of river you will have reached by that time and pulling up to shore is equally dangerous with beasts and pirates being a persistent threat.

Course it is mostly goblins and hobgoblins causing trouble lately. Most of the other pirates have been driven off or dealt with. I don't suppose you have any skills that might come in handy to help us out? A spell, scroll, or other magics mayhaps?

Hank does not include you in the watch rotation designting it mostly to the 4 guards but supplementing them with a couple of his eight boatmen for half shifts each. Nel is assigned to stay close by to you and keep and eye out for your as despite his younger age the boy has been involved in several skirmishes already and Hank seems to think it unlikely that you will reach the base without something happening. He relates stories of the pirates, hobgoblins ambushes on shore at night, some of the large beasts, called dinosaurs, being intentionally wounded to cause trouble for river traffic, and more.

Let me know if you have any questions for me/Hank/Nel Anything you want to do in specific, stay up on watch, rest early, etc . . . Winds of fate will be shifting Glidbem's course to intersect the other players soon, hopefully .
Juggling stories with multiple other individuals makes predictions a bit iffy
Aug 8, 2024 1:18 am
I'm afraid not sir, the vast extent of my expertise lie squarely in the realm of academics. I have met a few mages in my time, was tutored by some of them as well, but that was solely to improve my ability to read script she replies, lightly massaging a few of her sparring bruises as she does so. I suppose if any of the goblins are in need of reading lessons then I may be of some assistance, though I don't imagine we shall be so fortunate.

Glidbem reaches for something tucked away under her shirt before pulling out a small red jewel attached to a chain that hangs around her neck. I do have this amulet that glows in the presence of magic. It could warn us if any of our attackers have brought something magical with them. Though given this is pirates we're speaking of, by the time we know such a thing it would most likely be too late to help. Perhaps we should just hope that this trip is one of the more peaceful ones. She gives a nervous smile as she says this, recalling all the stories she's heard of the dangers present on the river thus far. Though she hates to think about it, part of her expects that such hopes will be very short lived.

As she listens to the boy speak further her worries only increase as she begins to shift about anxiously while he talks, giving hurried glances at the land surrounding them for potential threats. Much as she would like rest before they arrive, sleep seems unlikely with the thought of inevitable conflict weighing on her mind.
Aug 8, 2024 5:18 am
Hank listens and nods and you get the impression he wasn't really expecting much from you and ask just in case.

The night passes and fortunately it is quiet and uneventful. Unfortunately this actually make the crew and captain even more certain that something will happen before you can make it to the expeditions base, now calling itself New Paphos as it has grown into a seed of a town. You break your fast with the rest and the crew uses their poles to push the boat along the shallow river to speed your way. They all begin to relax a bit as you draw nearer to your destination.

It is at this point that the river around you suddenly erupts into multiple waterspouts. The crew reacts immediate to try and maneuver the boat away from the torrents of water spraying up into the sky. Only when you hear Hank call out do you look ahead and your heart it filled with dread. A swirling vortex over 30' across and growing is ahead of you and pulling the boat towards it. The crew struggles but all is vain as the boat is drawn ever closer to the whirlpool. Amidst all this the guards begins shouting something and several are looking and pointing in your direction. Then, with no further warning two rush strait at you grab your arms and move to toss you overboard. One screams as if to convince himself and apologies to you Women are bad luck on boats! We need to offer a sacrifice to the river spirits if we want to live


crazed guards attacks - (2d6, 2d6)

2d6 : (52) = 7

2d6 : (54) = 9

Aug 8, 2024 11:21 pm
As the sailors grab hold of her Glidbem thrashes madly, kicking her feet about and throwing what little weight she has against them in an attempt to try and break free. As she struggles she begins to shout at the men Are you insane?! Throwing me off this ship wont help anything! Hank! Nel! Someone tell them to stop before they kill me! In her panic she also starts attempting to bite at the sailor's arms, hoping the pain will get them to let go.


Agile Evade Roll - (1d6)

(6) = 6

Attack Roll - (2d6)

(23) = 5

Attack Roll - (2d6)

(52) = 7

Aug 9, 2024 7:04 pm
You nimbly sidestep their clumsy attempt and Ned calls out in alarm and scrambles for his training club. Hank roars in anger but yells at the crea to watch the boat as out of nowhere he flourishes and suddenly is armed with a long cutlass. The two other guards seems undecided but at least they stay back as Hank jumps to your aid slashing at the guards as you fumble for your staff but manage to connect with one of the guards.

It is at this point that several crewment shout in increased alarm and a quick glance it all you have before the world turns topsy turvy. The whirlpool has expanded enormously and the boat tips as it rushes around its perimeter. The two guards fall from the boat, distracted as they are by their foolish attempts but the rest drop to the boat grabbing for rope, the boats gunnels, or anything solid. You catch a flash of Hanks anxious face and the boat heaves and you are thrown up into the air. A small cry alerts you as you see Nel jumping at you, rope in hand.
[ +- ] Save Tests
Roll a save to grab the edge of the boat, then another to grab Nel if you fail the 1st.

Aug 9, 2024 9:49 pm
Screaming as she's tossed into the air, Glidbem notices Nel and the rope and starts grasping at them both desperately, not wanting her journey or her life to end quite so soon.


Grab the Boat - (2d6)

(43) = 7

Grab Nel - (2d6)

(62) = 8

Aug 9, 2024 11:07 pm
Glidbem misses the boat but Nel and her grab onto each other as the entire boat is pulled below the river surface. Together you and Nel tumble from the boat clasping each other tightly. The roat snaps taut and you barely manage to hold onto the boy as you all into the side of the whirlpool. Fortunately the Nel seems quite adept at tying ropes and it holds as you are dragged after to boat. Unfortunately everyone onboard is too busy to pull you back on board.

Around you is a whiling darkness that begins closing in on the boat, spinning you faster and faster but you barely register this as you are pulled roughly down into the dark depths of the river. You are about to give up hope when suddenly you realize that the suction is no longer down but instead it is pulling you sideways. Just as you realize this there is a fierce collapse of the vortex tunnel and though you and Nell manage to hold onto each other as you are slammed about this doesn't save you from the rocky walls that now surround you. The force of the collapsed vortex pushes you along and up and with a splash you find yourselves in a dark caverns with an air pocket.

At first all is dim until a trickle of light seeps out from your robes and reaching in you pull out your amulet that is emitting a dim light not. Possibly it has been glowing for a while but you were otherwise preoccupied and did not notice. As you sputter and breath in the stale air you realize the boat is not to be seen. Nel pulls the cord and a frayed end is all the sign you have that you were once tethered to the boat. A faint breeze tickles your cheek and you conclude the cavern mush have an outlet, somewhere. . . .
Aug 10, 2024 4:15 pm
Glidbem looks from the snapped rope in Nel's hand back to the cave they've both found themselves in. She spends a good while scanning the new surroundings with a stunned look on her face, still somewhat in shock from the recent events, before eventually taking a seat on the damp cave floor. Oh Nel.. this isn't good at all she groans wearily. I knew there would be danger involved in this trip, but I thought we would at least arrive at the city first before things started to go all wrong. She removes the amulet from around her neck and holds it up in front of her, attempting to assess its ability as a makeshift torch. Now I've gone and got you dragged into this cave with me, and who knows if we'll ever make it there?
Aug 11, 2024 1:34 pm
The dim light of the amulet fails to fully illuminate the cavern you find yourselves in but enough to see a couple walls and what looks to be a rocky shore several feet wide. All you see is simple bare rock save perhaps a bit of moss.


The boy seems a bit out of breath but otherwise ok as he responds This isn't your fault. I've been on this river bunches of times and that wass not natural. Someone did this to us, or more likely to the ship. Let's head to shore first

You both move to the shore and climb out. Though the river never felt exceptionally cold before, you never went for a swim fully clothed either, and the waters in the cave were definitely cooler than those on the surface. Nel proceeds to remove and wring out his slightly baggy and tattered shirt before coiling what is left of the rope. As he does this you note that the amulet is a bit brighter, still barely the light of a single candle, and the cave wall is rough and curves left and right out of sight of your meager light.
Aug 12, 2024 1:30 am
Glidbem sighs and does her best to shake off as much of the water as she can to little effect. She turns to Nel and holds up the amulet for him to see. If this is to be believed, something down here is magical of some sort. That could mean a lot of things, it may even be good for us, but given our luck today... she trails off for a moment, trying not to think of all the ways things could go worse for them than they already have. She takes a deep breath to try and tamper down some of her fear, not wanting to look too cowardly in front of the child that possibly saved her life. The cold air of the cave makes this rather difficult though as she begins shivering profusely, her soggy clothes combining with this to make her a sorry sight indeed. Well, I suppose we have no choice but to keep moving forward, and hope an exit isn't too far from here...
Would we still have our belongings on us, or would they have gotten lost in all the rushing water?
Aug 12, 2024 2:53 am
You move along the shoreline to explore the cave. The faint light barely enough for you to navigate but before you get too far you hear splashing sound from the water behind you. Turning you see to forms bobbing on the surface of the water back towards where you came in.
Lets just say your grabbed your pack and Nel has his rope and a knife.
Story continues in the River Deep thread

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