The rest of the first day and much of the next is spent in tutoring, a bit more light touch sparring, hand teaching Nel and you about boats and the river, and other activities that are used mostly to fill the idle hours on the boat. The boat stops only three times each day, morning, noon, and evening, and is steered with much familiarity even in the dim of night. During dinner on the second evening Hand indicates that trouble is likely to start on the next evening as it is unsafe to travel at night along the stretch of river you will have reached by that time and pulling up to shore is equally dangerous with beasts and pirates being a persistent threat.

Course it is mostly goblins and hobgoblins causing trouble lately. Most of the other pirates have been driven off or dealt with. I don't suppose you have any skills that might come in handy to help us out? A spell, scroll, or other magics mayhaps?
Hank does not include you in the watch rotation designting it mostly to the 4 guards but supplementing them with a couple of his eight boatmen for half shifts each. Nel is assigned to stay close by to you and keep and eye out for your as despite his younger age the boy has been involved in several skirmishes already and Hank seems to think it unlikely that you will reach the base without something happening. He relates stories of the pirates, hobgoblins ambushes on shore at night, some of the large beasts, called dinosaurs, being intentionally wounded to cause trouble for river traffic, and more.
Let me know if you have any questions for me/Hank/Nel Anything you want to do in specific, stay up on watch, rest early, etc . . . Winds of fate will be shifting Glidbem's course to intersect the other players soon, hopefully .
Juggling stories with multiple other individuals makes predictions a bit iffy