Scene 2: The Caves

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Aug 8, 2024 6:38 pm
A decent amount of branches, moss, leaves, etc. have been gathered to make a raft that will barely fit the four adventurers sitting. It will be another thing to test if it will bear all of their weight. A brave couple of spiders have come out behind the stalagmites and are making some webbing about 35 feet away from the group. The owlbear is still sleeping, but the ray of sun is slowly moving away from its resting spot. The water is still quite calm except for the occasional breeze that ripples it.
Aug 10, 2024 4:03 pm
Leana tests the integrity of the raft, then climbs on it. She tries to imagine what they will find at the tower. She also thinks about all the creatures in the water that must watch them from the depths.

"Have you got some tendies left?" the young druid asks Brickowsky. "Maybe the owlbear will be more inclined to form friendship with us if satiated." She considers steering the raft close to the magnificent creature to possibly gather some information about the strange place.
Last edited August 10, 2024 4:04 pm
Aug 10, 2024 4:08 pm
"Not much, but better than nothing." the wizard replies honestly. But all of them still fit their rations. That could be useful as well.

Heaving his heavy body in the raft, Brickowsky takes a paddle and awaits the others before starting to row.
Aug 11, 2024 2:17 am
Merton takes up a comically large oar for his body and sets next to the wizard
Aug 12, 2024 8:03 am
Adrasthea says:

""Maybe the owlbear will be more inclined to form friendship with us if satiated." She considers steering the raft close to the magnificent creature to possibly gather some information about the strange place.
Hindle starts at what Leana so matter of factly suggested, "What?! I think that thing will think YOU are a tendie if you walk up to it!?" In case she decides to traipse over to where the thing is now, Hindle picks up one of the makeshift oars and quickly clambers onto the raft.

Shifting his weight a bit, he nods appreciatively. "This isn't bad for what you had to work with."
Aug 12, 2024 6:51 pm
The makeshift boat holds as the adventurers start to paddle their way across. Will you stop near the owlbear or avoid it?


Fun Surprises - (1d20)

Aug 12, 2024 8:02 pm
As she does not want to unnecessarily disturb the peace of this natural environment, Leana paddles onward. The creature does not seem too interested in them and the druid is fine with keeping it this way.
Aug 12, 2024 10:32 pm
The group swiftly, but quietly paddles by the owlbear. The ray of sun it was sleeping in is almost completely gone. The spiders that were building webbing seem to be following the raft as it moves, but they certainly can't reach the party in the middle of a lake. The breeze that comes in through the opening above is quite pleasant and the water is still except for their paddling and the breeze when it passes by. Does the group do anything else other than paddle? How quickly or quietly is each person trying to paddle?


Fun Surprises - (1d20)

Aug 13, 2024 4:09 am
Though the paddle is unbalanced and awkward in his hands, Hindle tries to paddle with slow and even yet strong strokes, disturbing the surface as little as possible. He knows that some predators look for prey on the surface, and mumbles something about, "...sharks eating resting birds..."

Looking up as if someone else had spoken, he says quietly to the others, "Speak softly out here. Sound carries much farther than you'd think over flat water such as this."
Hindle is trying to be as quiet as practicable.
Aug 13, 2024 6:16 am
Not really an accomplished oarsman, Brickowsky orients himself at Hindle in technique and tempo.
Brickowsky too
Aug 13, 2024 4:40 pm
Leana nods and moves as part of the water as much as possible.
Be water, my friend.
She imagines becoming the water, flowing like the water.
Aug 14, 2024 12:59 am
As the group quietly paddles further through the lake, they are about 100 feet in when Merton's sharp eyes spot something shiny in the lake.

Leana keeps her eye on the spiders who have gathered another on their trek along the lake. Spiders seem to be moving towards the owlbear's spot as well.

Brickowsky cannot help but notice that some of the stalagmites look like they have been disturbed by outsiders as they paddle across.

Hindle is now able to tell better that the lake is freshwater and is at least as deep as it is wide.
Aug 14, 2024 1:24 am
hold on...something is down in the lake
Aug 14, 2024 11:53 am
"And up there as well." the dwarven wizard whispers to the rest of the group, showing them what he meant. "Let us hope, that they are no ropers..." he mumbles, half in a praying voice. Man! He hated ropers.

Taking a closer look, Brickowsky tries to descern if the stalagmites are ropers.
Not to be a wise ass, but stalagmites grow from the floor up. Is that what you intended to say, so they aren't above us, but beside of the lake?

If they are above us, are they within 30 feet of us? If so - and we aren't beneath them(!) - I would use my telekinetic feat and would "bump" one of them once or twice to see if it lives/reacts.
Aug 14, 2024 2:31 pm
i think there are stalagtmites at the bottom of the lake?
Aug 14, 2024 9:24 pm
Good question, Brickowsky is noticing the stalagmites, formations growing up from the floor due to the dripping water from above. There are, however, stalactites above and I can include that in this next description.
As Merton informs the others about the shiny something he spots in the water, he takes note of stalagmites in the very edges of the lake that are not in the open air near where they are heading and by the owlbear.

Brickowsky sees stalagmites surrounding the lake, but the areas of disturbance are concentrated on the left side with the spiders. He also notices the stalactites above these stalagmites and tries to figure out if they are related to the cause of the disturbance. Are they ropers perhaps? If Brickowsky would like to investigate the stalactites and stalagmites from the middle of the lake 100 feet in, please roll an intelligence check. If Brickowsky would like to wait until they are within 30 feet of the rock formations to do the telekinetic feat, that is also an option. Or any other creative thoughts on the way across the lake!
Aug 14, 2024 10:04 pm
Anyone have water breathing?
Aug 15, 2024 2:25 am
"I only have air breathing. And the bottom of this lake is far below us. You'd be hard pressed to swim down there, if that's what you are thinking."

Looking back towards the moving spiders he says, "Those things might be a problem when we try to land...."
Hindle is going to try to judge the stability of the raft and how close to the Owlbear the spiders are. He doesn't want to up end any or everyone or wake the Owlbear, but if he can he's going to swat the one of the spiders in and attempt to get them frighten them back the way they came.

Eldritch Blast (Spell Sniper): range 240ft + half & three quarters cover ignored
Last edited August 16, 2024 3:20 am


Eldritch Blast 1 @ Lead Spider - (1d20+7)

(10) + 7 = 17

Eldritch Blast 2 @ Lead Spider - (1d20+7)

(17) + 7 = 24

Damage 1 - (1d10+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Damage 2 - (1d10+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Aug 15, 2024 12:57 pm
valdattaMadun says:
Anyone have water breathing?
"Well...." Leana scratches her head absentmindedly "sort of...".
She puts away the oar and searches Brickowsky's look. The young druid is a bit shy about these things after all.
But maybe she can be of help and find out what there is to find out below.

"I won't be able to talk to you directly, though. I'll go see what's down there, then return." Hopefully.
Leana moves a few centimeters to the edge of the raft, holds on and lets herself glide in silently. Her eyes glow with an eerie green light as she taps into the primal forces of nature, calling upon the ancient power of the wild. The air around her ever so slightly begins to hum with energy. She holds onto the wood for a moment, then starts her dive. Not before her companions see darkly shimmering scales appear on her arms and shoulders, however. Her hand changes form as well. Fingers fuse together, transforming into powerful webbed claws that still grow.

She dives before they can see her transformation, as the change of face can be a bit rough to witness the first few times. But noone has a doubt about her current shape. When she resurfaces, the young woman is armored all over, she has thick dark scales formed along her spine, each one glistening in the light of the cave.

The primal instinct of the beast courses through her, but the druid’s mind remains sharp and focused. She is no mere animal; she is a force of nature, a guardian of the wilds in the form of one of its most ancient predators. With a last nod (an eerie thing to see a crocodile do) and a powerful lunge, the crocodile slides into the water, disappearing beneath the surface with barely a ripple, ready to strike from the shadows or protect the group she has come to think of family.

Leana dives.
wild shape 1/2
Last edited August 15, 2024 12:58 pm
Aug 15, 2024 8:11 pm
We still have a psychic link. So I think you can still communicate
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