Scene 2: The Caves

Jul 31, 2024 12:39 am
The group completes their short rest in the quiet, but safe dining room of Inn Plain Sight.

Merton settles into one of the corner booths, refocusing and recovering energy before they venture through the secret entrance. He takes nibbles at the hot wings and even a bit of karaage spider when the others aren't looking.

Hindle settles down at the opposite end of Merton's booth and takes time to rest and recover like the others. He makes sure to secure the hot wing sauce he had grabbed while using a new bottle from the kitchen for the hot wings and possibly karaage spider he eats before they continue on.

Leana settles into a cozy niche by the bar. It almost seems designed to have the best view of the room while keeping its inhabitants secure and pocketed away from eavesdroppers. She indulges in the herb-infused water she has prepared before meditating in preparation for the next leg of their adventure.

Brickowsky and Roaring Kitty make sure to help themselves to hot wings and potentially karaage spider with the good ale he had found when they first entered the inn. Once they have both had their fill, he burps in appreciation and announces to the others: "Ready when you are."

One by one, each of the adventurers suits back up and gather again at the secret entrance. No skittering can be heard, just the smell of fried spider and grease permeates the air. They walk gingerly through the entrance and turn the corner, Merton making sure to grab another torch to light their way. Brickowsky recognizes the stone in the tunnel as the same old stone from the tower he had seen in parts of the wine cellar. Soon, the tunnel splits left and right. What will our adventurers do next?
Jul 31, 2024 12:42 am
my psychic whispers lasts 6hrs. How much of that do we have left? Hate to split the party but just to be sure
Jul 31, 2024 1:03 am
You guys spent about 2 hours in Scene 1 and then 1 hour of short rest. You should have about 3 hours left of your psychic whispers
Jul 31, 2024 11:03 am
Staying still for a few heartbeats, Brickowsky tries to find a difference between these two tunnels. Noises from one side? A special odor from the other one? Maybe there arre tracks coming or going?


Investigation - (1d20+8)

(4) + 8 = 12

Aug 1, 2024 7:06 pm
Brickowsky looks from one tunnel to the other, cocking his head to one side and inhaling deep, he tries to find clues that differentiate the two. Unfortunately, the spiders that skittered about earlier seem to have scattered any tracks that may have existed before. He can tell water seems to be dripping a bit louder from the right tunnel. He also notices the stones are a bit different in each tunnel.
Brickowsky can go ahead and make a history check for his stonecunning if desired. Everyone else can also do more investigation or prep if they wish before forging ahead!
Aug 2, 2024 5:42 am
come on everybody! :)


History - (1d20+8)

(17) + 8 = 25

Aug 2, 2024 8:40 am
Moving forwards from the back of the group Hindle begins to squat down next to a crispy looking spider and says, "Eenie. Meenie. Miney. ...lets just go to the right?"

Taking out one of the bottles of sauce, he pull on one of the blackened legs until it snaps off and dribbles a little sauce on it before taking a tentative nibble on the broken end. After a bit of soft crunching, he stands, putting the capped sauce away, and takes a bigger bite. Crunching more loudly and waving the saucey leg to the right questioningly, Hindle waits expectantly for the party's decision.
Aug 4, 2024 2:00 am
As Hindle chomps down loudly on his karaage spider leg, Brickowsky crouches down to get a closer look at the stones lining each side. Both tunnels have stones from the old tower, but the left side's stones look more recently placed based on the scratches and coloring. By going to the right, it is more likely they will be following the tunnel referenced in the letter on the back of the Jadescales family portrait. With a nod of his head, he beckons to Hindle and the rest and trots down the right tunnel.
Aug 4, 2024 2:38 am
Soon the tunnel opens up into a large open cavern. A large body of water, perhaps a part of a sunken lake, appears and water drips into it from the stalactites. The sky can be seen through the large opening above the lake and the sun is barely peeking over the edge. Sunlight plays gently off the water and greenery that grows around this sunken lake. On the opposite side of the lake and through the opening, the old tower can be seen and throws a shadow onto the left side of the lake. Around the water, moss and flowers grow and spiders can be seen retreating into the shadows of the rocks and stalagmites. A tree, twisted with age, grows on the far side of this lake. On the right side of the lake, an owlbear snoozes in a ray of sun.
Aug 4, 2024 7:24 am
The druid touches the water, then smells and tastes it. She wants to see what kind of lake it is and if something dangerous might live inside. Then she looks around for material to build a raft with. "I don't suppose you want to swim through?"
Aug 4, 2024 7:48 am
Trodding along, the dwarf suddenly stops and takes the scenery in. Stroking his bald chin, he rumbles: "The tree hides the way - Evil makes merry while good sleeps." Wasn't this what he had read carved in on the bar?

Sneezing a few times, he holds his nostril closed with thick fingers and while fiddling with his other hand after the concoction Leana had brewed for him. Drinking the strange stuff with eager gulps, the wizard finds some release and lets his hand sink.

"Ah! Better." he proclaims with a thankful nod in the direction of the druid.

"I don't want to cross this lake per raft. Let us find a way around. Maybe you can talk to the owlbear, Leana?"
Aug 4, 2024 7:58 am
"If it wants to talk to me, I certainly can. But why disturb the untouched nature," Leana indicates the whole surrounding of the lake with a gesture of her right arm, "when we can glide over the water and not be a nuisance to the inhabitants of this fine place?" The young druid hesitates to become a threat to spiders and other critters if there is no good reason for it. This is a place of plants and animals - not of people.
Aug 4, 2024 10:50 am
"Then build us a sturdy raft." the dwarf grumbles, while crossing his arms infront of his chest. You've to find some compromisses when traveling with a Druid Brickowsky thinks by himself.

Helping with the woodcraft, the wizard would assamble some useful pieces.
Aug 5, 2024 4:43 am
Walking up to the edge of the lake, Hindle muses, "It's been a while since I've been on the water. Though a raft is a far thing from a ship of the sea."

"Miet, how about you fly over and take a look see what we are headed into. Keep your distance from that creature, just in case it's not as sleepy as it looks."
Hindle has Miet scout out the far shore and the base of the tower, paying particular interest to any openings or portals.

Also, how far across would we guess this lake to be? How much of the chamber does it occupy? Fully across from side to side?


Pixie Perception - (1d20+4)

(8) + 4 = 12

Aug 5, 2024 5:36 pm
I am one too, to think about avoiding the Owlbear in the distance. Merton says and attempts to help with the raft
Aug 6, 2024 1:16 am
Leana, Brickowsky, and Merton split up on their side of the lake to find wood or other material that can float over the lake and be used as raft material. There do seem to be quite a few branches scattered about the ground. They keep a healthy distance from the stalagmites and rocks hiding possible spiders and the ray of sun the owlbear snoozes in. As they busy themselves, Hindle crouches down a little closer to the lake and whispers with Miet to check out the far side of the lake. Though not a sea, it is easy to tell the water is calm and he estimates it is about 300 feet across. Looking side to side, there's a decent amount of space for them to walk around the lake two by two except where vegetation or rock formations may force them to move single-file.
Miet flies up rather high to go across the lake. Though the water is calm, her experience with Hindle has taught her not to get too close if she doesn't know what is there. The twisted old tree appears harmless as its leaves wave gently in the breeze that flows down through the opening. There is a surprising lack of vegetation within 5 feet of the tree. She can see some spiders bigger than the ones they encountered earlier running about, but they don't seem to be bothered by her, the owlbear, or the new visitors so far. She does not see any doors or openings to get out of the cavern at this time.
Does Miet want to fly up out of the opening too or explore one of the other sides of the lake?
Aug 6, 2024 2:19 am
quilltid says:
Does Miet want to fly up out of the opening too or explore one of the other sides of the lake?
Ahhh! The tower is above on the surface! Yes, please.
Aug 7, 2024 3:06 am
Miet flies further up and sees not far from the tree, but hidden by a stalagmite, are some rather large purple mushrooms. She finally exits the opening and flies closer to the base of the tower. She eyes another owlbear snoozing about 30 feet from the tower. She does a quick round about the tower, but whatever door was there seems to be buried behind rubble or vines as she cannot easily locate it. There are windows higher up the tower that appear to have no coverings. She returns to Hindle to let him know what she has found, but a little tired from flying about so much.
Aug 7, 2024 4:20 am
I do worry about what is IN the lack I will admit
Aug 7, 2024 6:39 am
valdattaMadun says:
I do worry about what is IN the lack I will admit
Calling to Merton jovially, "I shouldn't worry too much. This is more of a pond than a true lake. Can't be anything too large and bitey.

Stopping as if something in the depths caught his eye, he looks more closely at the dark waters, and continues almost to himself, "...though, given this is some kind of sink hole, who knows how deep it might be. ...nor what fell and awful things could come slithering up from unfathomable depths."

Flinching out of his reverie as Miet alights on his shoulder, Hindle listens carefully to her report. Hindle halts the others in their endeavors for a moment to relay the information. "...big tree with bare ground around it. Not sure what that means... ...giant spiders traipsing about on the far side... obvious way up or out over there... ....ANOTHER owlbear?? ...No obivious way in at the base of the tower..."
Hindle relays the information as Miet observed above in full. If I missed something in my little summary, it was just a mistake.
Aug 8, 2024 6:38 pm
A decent amount of branches, moss, leaves, etc. have been gathered to make a raft that will barely fit the four adventurers sitting. It will be another thing to test if it will bear all of their weight. A brave couple of spiders have come out behind the stalagmites and are making some webbing about 35 feet away from the group. The owlbear is still sleeping, but the ray of sun is slowly moving away from its resting spot. The water is still quite calm except for the occasional breeze that ripples it.
Aug 10, 2024 4:03 pm
Leana tests the integrity of the raft, then climbs on it. She tries to imagine what they will find at the tower. She also thinks about all the creatures in the water that must watch them from the depths.

"Have you got some tendies left?" the young druid asks Brickowsky. "Maybe the owlbear will be more inclined to form friendship with us if satiated." She considers steering the raft close to the magnificent creature to possibly gather some information about the strange place.
Last edited August 10, 2024 4:04 pm
Aug 10, 2024 4:08 pm
"Not much, but better than nothing." the wizard replies honestly. But all of them still fit their rations. That could be useful as well.

Heaving his heavy body in the raft, Brickowsky takes a paddle and awaits the others before starting to row.
Aug 11, 2024 2:17 am
Merton takes up a comically large oar for his body and sets next to the wizard
Aug 12, 2024 8:03 am
Adrasthea says:

""Maybe the owlbear will be more inclined to form friendship with us if satiated." She considers steering the raft close to the magnificent creature to possibly gather some information about the strange place.
Hindle starts at what Leana so matter of factly suggested, "What?! I think that thing will think YOU are a tendie if you walk up to it!?" In case she decides to traipse over to where the thing is now, Hindle picks up one of the makeshift oars and quickly clambers onto the raft.

Shifting his weight a bit, he nods appreciatively. "This isn't bad for what you had to work with."
Aug 12, 2024 6:51 pm
The makeshift boat holds as the adventurers start to paddle their way across. Will you stop near the owlbear or avoid it?


Fun Surprises - (1d20)

Aug 12, 2024 8:02 pm
As she does not want to unnecessarily disturb the peace of this natural environment, Leana paddles onward. The creature does not seem too interested in them and the druid is fine with keeping it this way.
Aug 12, 2024 10:32 pm
The group swiftly, but quietly paddles by the owlbear. The ray of sun it was sleeping in is almost completely gone. The spiders that were building webbing seem to be following the raft as it moves, but they certainly can't reach the party in the middle of a lake. The breeze that comes in through the opening above is quite pleasant and the water is still except for their paddling and the breeze when it passes by. Does the group do anything else other than paddle? How quickly or quietly is each person trying to paddle?


Fun Surprises - (1d20)

Aug 13, 2024 4:09 am
Though the paddle is unbalanced and awkward in his hands, Hindle tries to paddle with slow and even yet strong strokes, disturbing the surface as little as possible. He knows that some predators look for prey on the surface, and mumbles something about, "...sharks eating resting birds..."

Looking up as if someone else had spoken, he says quietly to the others, "Speak softly out here. Sound carries much farther than you'd think over flat water such as this."
Hindle is trying to be as quiet as practicable.
Aug 13, 2024 6:16 am
Not really an accomplished oarsman, Brickowsky orients himself at Hindle in technique and tempo.
Brickowsky too
Aug 13, 2024 4:40 pm
Leana nods and moves as part of the water as much as possible.
Be water, my friend.
She imagines becoming the water, flowing like the water.
Aug 14, 2024 12:59 am
As the group quietly paddles further through the lake, they are about 100 feet in when Merton's sharp eyes spot something shiny in the lake.

Leana keeps her eye on the spiders who have gathered another on their trek along the lake. Spiders seem to be moving towards the owlbear's spot as well.

Brickowsky cannot help but notice that some of the stalagmites look like they have been disturbed by outsiders as they paddle across.

Hindle is now able to tell better that the lake is freshwater and is at least as deep as it is wide.
Aug 14, 2024 1:24 am
hold on...something is down in the lake
Aug 14, 2024 11:53 am
"And up there as well." the dwarven wizard whispers to the rest of the group, showing them what he meant. "Let us hope, that they are no ropers..." he mumbles, half in a praying voice. Man! He hated ropers.

Taking a closer look, Brickowsky tries to descern if the stalagmites are ropers.
Not to be a wise ass, but stalagmites grow from the floor up. Is that what you intended to say, so they aren't above us, but beside of the lake?

If they are above us, are they within 30 feet of us? If so - and we aren't beneath them(!) - I would use my telekinetic feat and would "bump" one of them once or twice to see if it lives/reacts.
Aug 14, 2024 2:31 pm
i think there are stalagtmites at the bottom of the lake?
Aug 14, 2024 9:24 pm
Good question, Brickowsky is noticing the stalagmites, formations growing up from the floor due to the dripping water from above. There are, however, stalactites above and I can include that in this next description.
As Merton informs the others about the shiny something he spots in the water, he takes note of stalagmites in the very edges of the lake that are not in the open air near where they are heading and by the owlbear.

Brickowsky sees stalagmites surrounding the lake, but the areas of disturbance are concentrated on the left side with the spiders. He also notices the stalactites above these stalagmites and tries to figure out if they are related to the cause of the disturbance. Are they ropers perhaps? If Brickowsky would like to investigate the stalactites and stalagmites from the middle of the lake 100 feet in, please roll an intelligence check. If Brickowsky would like to wait until they are within 30 feet of the rock formations to do the telekinetic feat, that is also an option. Or any other creative thoughts on the way across the lake!
Aug 14, 2024 10:04 pm
Anyone have water breathing?
Aug 15, 2024 2:25 am
"I only have air breathing. And the bottom of this lake is far below us. You'd be hard pressed to swim down there, if that's what you are thinking."

Looking back towards the moving spiders he says, "Those things might be a problem when we try to land...."
Hindle is going to try to judge the stability of the raft and how close to the Owlbear the spiders are. He doesn't want to up end any or everyone or wake the Owlbear, but if he can he's going to swat the one of the spiders in and attempt to get them frighten them back the way they came.

Eldritch Blast (Spell Sniper): range 240ft + half & three quarters cover ignored
Last edited August 16, 2024 3:20 am


Eldritch Blast 1 @ Lead Spider - (1d20+7)

(10) + 7 = 17

Eldritch Blast 2 @ Lead Spider - (1d20+7)

(17) + 7 = 24

Damage 1 - (1d10+4)

(9) + 4 = 13

Damage 2 - (1d10+4)

(1) + 4 = 5

Aug 15, 2024 12:57 pm
valdattaMadun says:
Anyone have water breathing?
"Well...." Leana scratches her head absentmindedly "sort of...".
She puts away the oar and searches Brickowsky's look. The young druid is a bit shy about these things after all.
But maybe she can be of help and find out what there is to find out below.

"I won't be able to talk to you directly, though. I'll go see what's down there, then return." Hopefully.
Leana moves a few centimeters to the edge of the raft, holds on and lets herself glide in silently. Her eyes glow with an eerie green light as she taps into the primal forces of nature, calling upon the ancient power of the wild. The air around her ever so slightly begins to hum with energy. She holds onto the wood for a moment, then starts her dive. Not before her companions see darkly shimmering scales appear on her arms and shoulders, however. Her hand changes form as well. Fingers fuse together, transforming into powerful webbed claws that still grow.

She dives before they can see her transformation, as the change of face can be a bit rough to witness the first few times. But noone has a doubt about her current shape. When she resurfaces, the young woman is armored all over, she has thick dark scales formed along her spine, each one glistening in the light of the cave.

The primal instinct of the beast courses through her, but the druid’s mind remains sharp and focused. She is no mere animal; she is a force of nature, a guardian of the wilds in the form of one of its most ancient predators. With a last nod (an eerie thing to see a crocodile do) and a powerful lunge, the crocodile slides into the water, disappearing beneath the surface with barely a ripple, ready to strike from the shadows or protect the group she has come to think of family.

Leana dives.
wild shape 1/2
Last edited August 15, 2024 12:58 pm
Aug 15, 2024 8:11 pm
We still have a psychic link. So I think you can still communicate
Aug 15, 2024 8:22 pm
Amazing description!
Leana dives with purpose, the cold water barely fazing her in her new form. Beneath the surface, the clear water allows her to see the lake depths narrow the further down she swims. Other than some aquatic plants, there is a surprising lack of life in the water. Large pale boulders are gathered on uneven shelves of rock as she searches for what caught Merton's eye. A few tunnels can be seen around the lake depths, but she stays focused on her objective as she swims deeper and deeper. Leana, please roll either an investigation or perception check.
Leana can roll with advantage if Merton wants to help describe what she is looking for. Describe whatever you like!
Aug 15, 2024 8:32 pm
As Leana's scaly tail disappears under the water, Hindle focuses on the spiders heading towards the owlbear. With barely any cover where the spiders are, it is easy for him to fry the larger spider in the lead. The smaller spider skitters about the smoldering remains of its companion before running to the tunnel the group originally came from. The owlbear, none the wiser, flips onto its back and scratches its stomach before settling into a more comfortable napping position.
Aug 16, 2024 3:29 am
Watching the greenish beams dispatch the spider on the shore, Hindle only realizes what Leana is doing when she disturbs raft and roils the water with her entry. Abashed that he might have been the cause, his chagrin turns to confusion until her transformation is complete.

As her crocodilian form sinks below the depths, he says softly, "After a while, crocodile..."

"So, do we wait her or press on. She'll be able to catch us up in no time like that."
Aug 16, 2024 7:31 am
Giving Leana an encouraging smile and wink, Brickowsky stays in the boat and smirks amused at Dhakhan's improvised rhyme.

Feeling safer than he would have assumed on this raft, the magic user bobs his head and replies: "Let us give her a minute. It shouldn't take too long." Leaning back, he gives a thumb up to Hindle. A risky plan, but it seemed to pay off. An owlbear represents an opponent not to be underestimated and as long as the beast sleeps, no blood had to be spilled. An excellent thing, that.

Looking at the tree at the end of the lake, the dwarf tries discerning if there is some sort of entry. The tree hides the way. Sounds pretty straight forward to the wizard.
Aug 16, 2024 7:49 am
I'll roll as soon as Merton describes it :)
Aug 16, 2024 9:48 pm
Merton describes where the thing was based on their position on the boat. Describing the details and the different bits near the area
Aug 17, 2024 5:43 am
let's see...


Perception - (2d20h1+7)

(138) + 7 = 20

Aug 17, 2024 1:51 pm
With Merton's description, Leana is able to quickly push past potential distractions and easily finds the shiny items that caught his attention. About 20 feet down, nestled inside a formation of rocks and aquatic plants, are a scattering of gold coins and a large leather bag. Leana scoops up the bag in her long snout and swims back up to the group that has waited for her. She looks down a tunnel as she passes by and sees movement. Probably time to get a move on once she surfaces...

Brickowsky takes a moment to study the tree they are heading to while they wait. It looks just like an ordinary tree except now he notices that, as a bird flies in and out of the branches (perhaps making a nest), the branches seem to sway the opposite of the breeze they've been feeling...


Secret Roll - (1d20)

Aug 19, 2024 3:28 am
quilltid says:
....the branches seem to sway the opposite of the breeze they've been feeling...
Mmmmmm. Nope.
Aug 19, 2024 1:00 pm
Waiting for Leana, Brickowsky is keen on investigating the tree. Hopefully without a fight for the moment.
Aug 19, 2024 4:53 pm No more than a swiftly moving shadow announces Leana's return to the people looking out for her. She emerges in a way that is quick as well as silent. No splashing about. This in itself would be a bit eerie, but she tosses a large bag on the float as well. Then she opens her huge jaws and bites down onto the wood with admirable care so that nothing is too damaged - apart from some splintered wood, of course. Leana in her reptile form moves her powerful body and muscular tail in such a way that she pushes the raft forward and quickly gains speed.

To her friends she relates what she has seen through the psychic link. Only her thoughts are not quite ... human-like. They are more ... something else. She shows them movement in the dark, lets them feel threatened and conveys a need to scram as quick as possible without drawing much attention. The young druid hopes her friends hold onto the makeshift barge as she speeds them towards their destination.
Last edited August 19, 2024 5:07 pm
Aug 19, 2024 6:08 pm
Quickly snatching up the bag, so it doesn't fall in the water again, Brickowsky holds down his wizzard (*g*) hat and looks through small eyes upon their landing zone.
Aug 20, 2024 1:46 am
The party holds onto their makeshift raft tight and Brickowsky catches the bag Leana dropped off before it slips back into the water. Despite the speed they are moving at and the frightful impressions Leana communicates to them, the raft moves quite smoothly and quietly through the water. The party holds its breath as the only sounds they hear are the soft lapping of waves along the edges of the lake from their movements.


Hold on tight! - (1d20)

Aug 20, 2024 1:55 am
The party lands on the shore closest to the tree much faster than expected. They let out their breath and gather themselves back onto land. As the lake water begins to calm again, a large scaly tail can be seen arcing out where they had stopped, but it slips back beneath the surface and the water is still once more.

The tree is about 20 feet in front of them. About 5 feet around the tree, it is just bare dirt and stone with large tree roots sticking out, then the grass and plants start to grow again toward the lake shore. To the right are grasses and flowers, filling the area with a heady smell. To the left are stalactites and stalagmites, water dripping slowly between them. In between the rock formations, purple mushrooms grow.
Aug 20, 2024 6:49 am
quilltid says:
The tree is about 20 feet in front of them. About 5 feet around the tree, it is just bare dirt and stone with large tree roots sticking out, then the grass and plants start to grow again toward the lake shore. To the right are grasses and flowers, filling the area with a heady smell. To the left are stalactites and stalagmites, water dripping slowly between them. In between the rock formations, purple mushrooms grow.
I don't like the weird tree. :(

Seriously though, which way offers the shortest path to the tower? How big are the purple mushrooms growing around the stalagmites? Do they carpet the ground or make passage difficult without treading upon them>
Last edited August 20, 2024 6:49 am
Aug 20, 2024 10:48 am
Arriving at the lake shore safe and sound, Brickowsky jumps from the raft and takes a look around. When he deems the situation safe enough he opens the bag that Leana found and takes a closer look inside. What does he see?
Aug 20, 2024 8:50 pm
Hindle looks more carefully at the purple mushrooms to his left. They seem to grow in twos and threes around the stalagmites on the ground so it would be easy to move around them. They are rather large though, at least half Merton's height. He and Merton would have to get a bit closer to confirm though.
Are you asking your GM or the group about the shortest path? :D
Aug 20, 2024 9:02 pm
Brickowsky lands on the ground with a sound *THUMP* and does a quick check of their surroundings. No spiders nearby, the owlbear still napping, and whatever was in the lake making no noise. It seems safe enough right now, even for a short rest if they needed. He hauls out the leather bag that Leana found to see what is inside.

It is an oiled leather bag, keeping whatever contents that were inside relatively dry and protected from corrosion. It is easy enough to undo the buckle holding it closed and undoing the cord keeping the contents tucked away inside. He dips his hand into a large amount of loose gold coins. Perhaps some had fallen out and caught Merton's eye. With his experience as a dwarf and adventurer, it is easy to tell the bag must contain over 100 gold coins. On top of the coins is a gleaming golden key, similar in size and shape to the key they found at Inn Plain Sight behind the Jadescales family portrait.
Aug 21, 2024 2:32 pm
A key is a thing that could comes in handy, the dwarf decides and stows it beneath his fine jacket. "Good job, Leana" he compliments the crocodil and rings the coins as well. "25 for each of us." he proclaims further and deals out the right amount for everybody. Just for the druid he holds her share for the moment. No pockets, you know?

Walzing in the direction of the tree, the wizard cranes his neck left and right and tries to discern if there is some form of entrance. The tree hides the way. So: no more hiding. Where is the way?
25 gp for everybody!

Brickoswky would come to a stop 10 feet before the tree and would look for an entrance, or start walking around the thing.

If I should role something - please let me know. :)
Aug 21, 2024 7:18 pm
Merton pockets the coins and smiles before sitting back, getting out of the boat with Bricky and looking around with him.
Aug 22, 2024 8:51 am
quilltid says:
Are you asking your GM or the group about the shortest path? :D
The GM! Which direction would appear to Garrick to offer the shortest path from his vantage point. :P
Last edited August 22, 2024 8:51 am
Aug 22, 2024 7:34 pm
Dhakhan says:
The GM! Which direction would appear to Garrick to offer the shortest path from his vantage point. :P
Good question! Please, have Hindle do either a Perception or a Nature check. Roll with advantage due to Miet's scouting.
Aug 22, 2024 7:54 pm
As Leana rests a bit after the exertion, Brickowsky finishes counting out the gold pieces for each person and hands Merton and Hindle their shares. Hindle stops to focus on their surroundings, but keeping clear of the weird plants on this side of the shore. Brickowsky and Merton walk forward to get closer to the tree and see what it's deal is, but staying out of the brown spots around the tree.

Brickowsky and/or Merton, please roll a Nature or Investigation check with advantage since you are both working on it.
Aug 23, 2024 10:51 am


Investigation - (2d20h1+8)

(1218) + 8 = 26

Aug 23, 2024 7:33 pm
Merton takes a close look at everything around to determine if he can find anything


Investigation (Expertise) - (2d20H1+4)

(914) + 4 = 18

Psi-dice - (1d8)

(7) = 7

Aug 24, 2024 8:08 pm
Leana waits for her companions' reactions
Aug 25, 2024 1:08 am
The birds that have been darting in and out of the tree's branches scatter as its limbs start to move. One of the branches moves to reveal a wooden face that yawns and then speaks.

"Hrrm, hrrm, what's all this? Who disturbs my slumber?"

The group is surprised at the voice and face, but Brickowsky and Merton are undeterred in their investigation of the tree. Merton is able to determine that the brown spots are results of the tree moving and Brickowsky is able to conclude this as well as the fact that there is an especially large boulder the talking tree is leaning against that is the same rock as the tower.
Aug 26, 2024 7:59 pm
We are here looking for a...ummm...kitty. Any chance a feline fellow came by here?...oh yeah or a dragon. You see a dragon lately?
Aug 27, 2024 3:02 am
Hindle is jerked out of his study of the scenery by the strange basso rumble. "Who the wha...?!?". As Merton begins conversing with the talking tree, Hingle begins quitely but insistently chiding Miet on why she wasn't able to see the talking and moving tree person.


Perception - (1d20+5)

(20) + 5 = 25

Aug 27, 2024 3:35 am
As Hindle chides Miet, he notices out of the corner of his eye that to the left of the tree, in the shadows and behind a large amount of stalactites and stalagmites, are vines that go up and out the opening. From what Miet described, these vines may very well be the ones that were growing on the side of the tower. If they could climb the vines, and they reach the window she mentioned, they may be able to bypass whatever is behind the tree.
Aug 27, 2024 3:44 am
One of the taller branches shakes a little and some berries fall onto the ground. The birds that have been messing around the tree's branches swoop down and focus on eating the berries.

"Hrrm, hrrm, that is much better. A kitty you say? And a dragon? What strange creatures you expect to dwell down here. Hrrm, hrrm. I remember small wingless dragons travelled through here once in a while. Of late, a green one would be accompanied by a large black feline creature. Most recently, the dragon and a bearded fellow taller than you came through here."
Aug 27, 2024 11:22 am
Greenscale! Jackpot! - Brickowsky thinks by himself.

"Your barkness - have they taken the way in to the tower? " he acquires politely.

"And if you don't mind me asking: what lies behind this boulder? " the dwarven wizard wants to know as well.
Aug 27, 2024 5:13 pm
Taller than me doesn't really limit the options but thank you for telling us.
Aug 27, 2024 8:45 pm

"Hrrm, hrrm, respectful. All right. I usually only accept the little dragons coming by, but you seem like little trouble. And Blue seems to like you."

The blue bird being referred to seems to like Leana well enough, despite her recent crocodile form.

Around the corner, a large branch moves out of the way and door with a large lock is revealed.
Aug 27, 2024 9:01 pm
"Hrrm, hrrm. The green dragon and companion came through here last, but a while ago. Not sure where it goes."
Aug 28, 2024 7:04 am
Bowing his head as a sign of thankfulness, Brickowsky steps forward and tries the keys they had found. "Much oblieged." he adds while hoping for the best.
Aug 28, 2024 3:24 pm
@soises Which key would you like to try first: the aged one from the Inn or the gold one from the lake?
Aug 28, 2024 3:33 pm
As Hindle ponders whether they should go through the door or take the vines up to the tower, he feels his patron's alien mind in the background. It brings visions of a long scaly tail and sharp teeth, and he feels an impression of dread, whether that is from the vision or his patron's strange fascination with the monster, it is unclear. The once still lake starts to move and waves start to lap the shore they landed on.
Aug 28, 2024 4:02 pm
I look at the lock. Which key seems to be fit better.

Of none looks better than the other, Brickowsky tries the one from the inn first.
Aug 29, 2024 2:34 am
valdattaMadun says:
Taller than me doesn't really limit the options but thank you for telling us.
Aug 29, 2024 2:55 am
Hindle's grumbling is cut short as something seems to occur to him. Something ominous and dsturbing from the look upon his face. As the tree creature reaveals the doorway, Hindle says with false brightness, "Oh, look! A door! Lets go then!"

Walking that direction with some urgency while glancing back at the placid waters, he adds more urgently, "Bricko. Open the door now. We have to go!"

As the waters of the lake begin to roil, Hindle figits nervously next to Brickowsky as he contemplates which key to use. "Yes, of course! Hurry now. The key goes in this little hole." Fairly hopping from foot to foot he continues as he repeatedly look at the water now lapping at the shore, "Come, come. Hurry. I think we may have an unwelcome visitooooor."
Aug 29, 2024 11:35 am
Leana turns around to face the water and slightly opens her powerful jaws.
Aug 29, 2024 5:55 pm
Merton backs up to the door looking at Brikowsky and the keys he is holding. Let us get out of here.
Aug 29, 2024 7:08 pm
Brickowsky compares the two keys in his hands to the lock when Hindle and Merton start harrying him to move faster. Leana, still in crocodile form, retreats a little towards them, but opens her powerful jaws in preparation of whatever is approaching.

On instinct, Brickowsky starts with the aged key from the inn. He sees a slight glow from the door as he is about to insert the key, but decides to go ahead anyway as large sharp blue fins start to rise out of the lake. A low rumbling thrums through the group and a few small stalactites fall around them.


The glow disappears and the door opens smoothly as the group piles through. As Leana's tail disappears through, the door closes on its own and the tree moves back in front of the door. The last thing they hear is the tree talking.

"Hrrm, hrrm. Ah, Phineas, good of you to finally join us."
Aug 29, 2024 7:11 pm
Nice! Onto Scene 3! I'll post it tonight. Let me know if there is anything your character is doing in preparation for the next part.

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