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Aug 14, 2024 5:50 pm
For off the topic and OOC talking, as well as communication with the GM. Feel free to give suggestions and criticism about the game.
Aug 15, 2024 5:23 am
It's late and I am absolutely about to crash for the night, but I wanted to say I am looking forward to the game and playing with all of you.

Tomorrow, I work on fleshing out a concept!
Aug 18, 2024 5:07 am
Alright. Just wanted to let everyone know, I'm not coming up with a concept so I think I'm going to bow out. Thanks Moyreau for running something different, and I hope BlondeDragonGenie and jollycooperative have a ton of fun!

All the best.
(Also, thanks for the chance to get a little more character sheet coding under my belt!)
Aug 18, 2024 5:11 am
Thank you for your hard work. I'm sorry it didn't work out. Good luck to you in your future endeavors!
Aug 18, 2024 3:45 pm
No problem MaJunior. Thank you for the the sheet! We'll enjoy your sheet to the fullest!
Aug 19, 2024 4:27 am
Thanks for the help, MaJunior! Good luck with your endeavors!
Oct 5, 2024 3:27 am
Welcoming two new players! Now we can get things going!
Oct 5, 2024 3:54 am
Thanks for the invite! This looks like plenty of fun!
Oct 5, 2024 4:15 am
Be assured: we got a serious commitment with fun in here!
Oct 5, 2024 4:36 am
Hi new people! Let's be friends!
Oct 5, 2024 6:02 am
Hello. I'm not familiar with the manga/anime (other than through skimming TVTropes), and only started figuring out the system recently (never played it).

I'm not sure what the concept constraints are, so for now I don't have a solid concept, just a bunch of ideas. One of which is to play either a temporary foreign exchange student, or a foreigner who stays here long-term with the family partially because this is the only place to provide such an academy.

In terms of yokai types, I'm partial to the Kuchisake-onna, to Psychics (if those can count as 'foreign yokai'), with some fallback onto Harionago and Yasha (as an ultimate fall-back that actually has a canonical entry, though one that I don't fully understand).

In terms of what the character would be like, I am interested in trying to play someone moderately famous, somewhat pretentious and scandalous (for good and ill), possibly with the ability to flip between 'nice mode' and 'scary mode' (and not necessarily in a sense of physical transformations).

In terms of supernatural abilities, I'm particularly interested teleportation and telepathy, though my choices are likely to be shaped and maybe changed once I figure out which concepts fit and which don't.
Oct 5, 2024 11:54 am
'Ello 'Ello glad to see more people around!
Oct 5, 2024 4:19 pm
Hey Vicky, if you need any help with you character concept just ask. Personally, I'd say that the foreigner aspect and Yasha are good matches. In the manga, the Yasha are presented to be the Chinese mafia, and the student who do figure in it is a foreigner and the son of the mafia boss. I believe you could do something similar, and that would take care of your (in)famous, pretentious and scandalous, &c. idea.

Powers-wise, they are very encompassing, the wiki mentions they have shapeshifting abilities (turn into animals - though I don't remember seeing that happen - but are also a major sorcerer monster-race, along with witches, mainly in summoning, besides being capable of turning into decent martial artists. If you picked it, you'd have magic, which could cover any idea of abilities, I. e. teleportation and telepathy (which I'm pretty sure the Yasha have some natural capability for it).

If you go for that route, you could even be child of canon the characters from the series.
Oct 5, 2024 5:35 pm
So far I'm treating the Yasha as a last resort - a fall-back option in case nothing else works out. Which is why I'd like to know, what are the prospects for concepts built around the other mentioned ideas (psychic/psionicist, Kuchisake-onna, or perhaps Harionago)?

Also, by foreigner, I was primarily thinking either someone not from Asia (psychic, or Kuchisake-onna due to implicitly anyone potentially becoming one by way of giving the wrong answer upon meeting one), or maybe from India (in case of picking the Yasha option).


Also, I'm currently reading through the rulebook to see what kinds of options are on the table. I have a (gradually growing) bunch of questions, but it'll take some while to put them onto a page.
Oct 5, 2024 8:09 pm
Uh, ok, based on that: I don't think psychic would be considered a monster race per se, but could be part of it or be treated like witches, who are considered "half-monsters", which would be fine; unless you're thinking of something else when you say psychic, as I only imagine a normal human with powers of the mind; as for Harionago, that sounds like a cool yokay! Now I must say, the Kuchisake-onna looks kinda too creepy for a protagonist in this story, hahaha. Seriously though, not being very familiar with them, I can't see how that would be interesting, isn't she just a normal girl with a disfigured face?
About the system, I recommend you read the sections in the game forum that aim to explain the rules and character creation in a summed up way, they can make your reading of the rulebook clearer.
Oct 5, 2024 8:13 pm
Hello everyone! I'm glad to be here. I'm thinking of playing a witch that is an aspiring doctor, but I'll save the meat of it for the student forums. She'll take a mostly supportive role though.
Oct 5, 2024 8:16 pm
Moyreau says:
Uh, ok, based on that: I don't think psychic would be considered a monster race per se, but could be part of it or be treated like witches, who are considered "half-monsters", which would be fine; unless you're thinking of something else when you say psychic, as I only imagine a normal human with powers of the mind
Yeah, approximately like that. Telekinesis, telepathy (filed as Psychic in OVA), Teleportation being the prime picks of interest. Maybe Time-Freeze depending on whether that can represent just great multitasking (the forum description seems to differ from the book description in a way that implies the former is more spell-like).
Moyreau says:
Seriously though, not being very familiar with them, I can't see how that would be interesting, isn't she just a normal girl with a disfigured face?
On this front, I was thinking that 'oh yeah, I did not consider her disfigured and said that, to which she reacted by slashing at me, and now I have these odd abilities, but the only institution that teaches them also insists I keep my nature secret and disguised'.
Moyreau says:

About the system, I recommend you read the sections in the game forum that aim to explain the rules and character creation in a summed up way, they can make your reading of the rulebook clearer.
I did, but sometimes that doesn't quite disambiguate things (e.g. is there a limit on the number of perk+flaw sets for a single ability that can be pre-built?) and sometimes, like with Time-Freeze, they increased my uncertainty.
Last edited October 5, 2024 8:16 pm
Oct 5, 2024 10:16 pm
Hm, I thought about doing a custom race but I’m gonna go with the Transformer Bat! That seems like it could be fun.
Oct 6, 2024 12:54 am
vicky_molokh says:
I did, but sometimes that doesn't quite disambiguate things (e.g. is there a limit on the number of perk+flaw sets for a single ability that can be pre-built?) and sometimes, like with Time-Freeze, they increased my uncertainty.
No there's not a limit on perks and flaws, the more perks you have, the greater the cost of the ability, and the flaws subtract from that, that's it. About time freeze, basically, it's an ability that give you a bonus for rolls concerning speed and quickness, and it also detracts from the penalty on doing multiple actions (though the activation of it is in itself an action); honestly, I couldn't find the ambiguity with this one.
EchoAC says:
Hm, I thought about doing a custom race but I’m gonna go with the Transformer Bat! That seems like it could be fun.
Ok, so: transformer bats aren't people, they're merely animals. Your character could certainly have one as a pet, but you being one would be pretty limiting for you.

Ok, I'll be opening the threads for your characters, so all of this can be discussed in there.
Oct 6, 2024 1:06 am
Ah, that was a misunderstanding on my part then. Sorry about that! I'll think a little more about my character concept.
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