I choose Class 1-A! It's perfect for a dragon who is fully (correctly) convinced of her own greatness! Also she believes that she's supposed to be ostentatious and a show-off. Also, Kurumu is much more princess adjacent than Mizore, and my character is convinced that she is supposed to capture as many princesses as possible. That's what dragons do, you know. Capture princesses. Accumulate huge piles of treasure. Eat knights. Dispense wisdom sometimes. Do stupid tricks with magic fire.
I think that romance in roleplaying might be fine? I don't know; I've never been part of an RPG or even just freeform roleplay scenario that lasted long enough to have meaningful romance in it. I was assuming that this game would feature rom-com shenanigans as seen in the inspirational manga: panty shots, misunderstandings, and slapstick.