Before we actually have it, I'll post some experimental rules for combat I'm working on. My intention with these is to not get it to bogged down, but be swift.
First things first, instead of what the rulebook states, You will be rolling the target's defense along with your attack (and I will be rolling yours), that way, we'll cut a phase of back-and-forth.
Secondly, and this is the most experimental one, is for we to agree on a time-limit (in real life hours) for you to post your action, when expired, your character would lose his turn in the round, but would receive proportional bonuses on their next turn: a free action or 2 extra dice. This would, by my accounts, perfectly substitute the lost turn, and guarantee that battles wouldn't last forever. (A free action can't be used to repeat the same action to the same target)
Keep in mind, this ruling's purpose isn't to penalize people who can't post as quickly, but to ensure everyone's fun, and to not let the combats take too much time of the game.
My initial idea is: We'll have a thread for you guys to state and describe your actions, and roll initiative; Then, in the scene's thread, I'll wrap up the round. You guys will be able to modify your actions at will (maybe to react to another PCs actions, or do some teamwork), until I close the actions for that round, in ~24 hours. Then I'll write the post describing everything on the scene thread. Also, if you want to act after or together with someone with lower initiative, you can delay your action.
I ask that you consider burning up endurance liberally for extra dice and special moves, as to avoid having rounds where your PC simply rolls low and does nothing.
I'm considering some ways of rewarding players with extra dice too, that they could use, something like (the group) electing the funniest PC of the day, and reward for using their weaknesses.
I hope I wasn't too confusing with that; as always, feedback is always welcomed!