Moyreau says:
Hello, I hope your Sundays have been nice so far.
It is my understanding that, in face of the inactivity from these last day, that interest on the game has dwindled, at least from most players. Thus, I'll be ending the game for now.
I hope everyone's enjoyment on these 3 months+ of game were worth your time spent in here. As my first time running a PbP game, it surely was for me!
Thank you all.
I don't think it dwindled. Some people dropped off, but others have a strong interest. I made a post and was hoping for a reaction; also BlondeDragonGenie seemed to be working hard on making quality posts despite life getting in the way. We would probably lose half of the (admittedly very large) starting group, but could maintain a smaller solid clique. Also, recruiting some more posters is an option (from off-site acquaintances).