Gluttony___I says:
The amount of dice you roll isn’t the issue. The healing power requires a round of complete focus, you can’t be attacked or make any action other than focusing on healing. That doesn’t fit the description of Rosario’s vampires regeneration.
I planned to make it a unique ability, but you told me to do a subset of the healing power with self only. I don’t think that’s going to work.
Maybe you could take other Abilities and fluff them as regeneration. For example, Barrier lets you spend Endurance to buy off damage to Health, so perhaps you could buy Barrier and say that, instead of a magic forcefield, your character gets walloped but regenerates the damage so fast that he keeps going.
Aline says:
BlondeDragonGenie says:
My character is very much not an introvert. It's nearly impossible for her to avoid notice. She does, however, just sort of expect that people will follow along behind her. Who wants to get adopted by the extrovert first? =D
Pretty sure our characters will get along just fine. Soft Spot 2 (Cuteness) vs Cute! (+3). ^^
I must have it! I mean. Her!