(this is preceded by round four, followed by round six)
Deep in the pool,
"Why won't this thing die!" Ishi burbles angrily, air bubbles rising from his mouth as he hacks at the transparent glowing folds engulfing him.
The underwater monster takes 12 slashing damage.
Up in the relatively dry part of the library, the battle with the remaining guard rages on.
Lord Mayor's Man 2 swiftly pulls, nocks, draws, and looses two more arrows. He tries to retaliate against the rogue who just stabbed his friend (
Elysia takes 6 piercing damage), and then sees the cleric chanting and launches an arrow at her (which misses). Then he backpedals and disappears around the corner, out of sight, still yelling for reinforcements. The party can begin to hear distant voices of
several other robbers rapidly approaching.
Calling upon her goddess of mystery, magic, and the vault of stars above,
Elowin is granted aid to her and her companions. Glittering stardust sparkles momentarily around each of the party members.
Every PC now has 4 temporary HP.
In the depths of the dark pool, surrounded by the glowing folds of the transparent monster,
Morik growls and thrashes, transforming back into the form of a bear once more. Restored to his ursine form,
Morik savages the
monster with his claws.
The underwater monster takes 10 slashing damage.
Still waiting on Elysia and Adran's turns, here. Everyone in the party not in the pool noticed Elowin's interaction with the book, but at the same time, LMM2 can't have gone far.
Barely holding on with its claws dug into the slippery stone above the yawning pit with an unseen bottom,
Mara gnashes and snaps with its jaws again.
The underwater monster takes 4 force damage. With that final blow,
the monster releases
Ishi and
Morik and goes limp, sinking flaccidly into the depths until the glow of
Lunea's starlight disappears into the distance below them.
Ishi and Morik are no longer Grappled or Restrained, though Morik is still illuminated by Lunea's shimmering presence.OOC:
Edit because the monster was defeated:
I will wait on posting the underwater monster's turn, in case anyone wishes to add to and/or change their turns so that they will use the party's Boon from last adventure. You are welcome to do so; I will post the monster's attack in a few hours (tomorrow).[ +- ] The Library, round five
Ishi, Mara, and Morik (newly back in bear form) have defeated the underwater monster in the pool.
On the surface, there are no enemies in sight, but the party can hear Lord Mayor's Man 2 yelling for help as he runs away, and the sounds of approaching robbers suggest they will arrive in another 2 rounds.
20 - Ishi (24/35, 4 temp HP)
16 -
LMM2 (run away to the southeast around the corner)
15 - Elowin (12/24, 4 temp HP)
Concentrating on Faerie Fire
10 - Morik (Bear 34/34, Dwarf 13/33, 4 temp HP)
Underwater, Limned by Faerie Fire
8 - Elysia (18/24, 4 temp HP)
8 -
7 - Adran (26/26, 4 temp HP)
7 - Mara (20/20, 4 temp HP)
7 -
Underwater monster
1 - Eozindra (15/15, 4 temp HP)