3-2 The Forgotten Abbey
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Morik freezes in the empty void. Morik takes 9 cold damage. Eschewing the voices he hears close by, Morik plunges through the freezing darkness toward where he saw the Lord Mayor himself. He comes up against Adran shivering in the darkness, and he can smell Eozindra in front of him, too. He manages to avoid the grasping tentacles in the darkness.
Cold damage to Morik at the start of his turn - (2d6)
(63) = 9
Morik bear DEX save DC13, acid damage on a fail - (1d20, 2d6)
1d20 : (19) = 19
2d6 : (61) = 7
"Please, sir! Let us speak calmly. I know we can resolve this peaceably." She curtseys low, not quite dropping to a knee entirely but perhaps enough to appease the Lord Mayor and calm his agitation. "I beg you, release us from this darkness and let us discuss as the gentlefolk I know we both are."
Also, I know I had declared intent to cast Bane earlier. Asking because I’ve been in games that rule differently: was the spell slot consumed for the held action or do you homebrew over that mechanic and only use the slot once spell is released? I’m fine either way, I just need to know if I should mark it off my sheet.
Cast: Spell Slot
Casting Time: 1 action
Range/Area: 30 ft
Components: V,S
Duration: 1 hour
Source: PHB pg 221
Spell Description:You attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range. It must make a Wisdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. If it fails the saving throw, it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. The charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. When the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. The creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them.
Lord Mayor's Man Two whirls around, his jaw agape at the sight of Ishi behind him. He's never seen Ishi before, but he was expecting that the intruders were where he'd left them: back in the Library. "Where did YOU come from?" he wonders, as he draws his bow back to his cheek and releases the arrow. Then he pulls, nocks, draws, and releases again. The first arrow hits, the second misses. Ishi takes 2 damage (reduced from 4 by Rage).
Lord Mayor's Men Four and Seven, furthest away from this room, have to dash to get back into view. The begin to nock arrows, but they're out of actions for this turn.
Her lungs freezing, Elysia takes 7 cold damage. In the dark, she hears more and more voices of the enemy. Not particularly wanting to rush toward the spellcaster, she pushes through the void (using her Cunning Action to Dash), emerging from the darkness at Ishi's side. Immediately assessing the situation, she lunges with her rapier at Lord Mayor's Man Six. He grunts as her blade digs into him; Lord Mayor's Man Six takes 11 damage.
1st LMM2 bow attack on Ishi AC16, piercing damage - (1d20+4, 1d8+2)
1d20+4 : (16) + 4 = 20
1d8+2 : (2) + 2 = 4
2nd LMM2 bow attack on Ishi AC16, piercing damage - (1d20+4, 1d8+2)
1d20+4 : (5) + 4 = 9
1d8+2 : (8) + 2 = 10
Elysia rapier attack on LLM6 AC11, piercing damage, sneak attack - (1d20+6, 1d8+4, 2d6)
1d20+6 : (8) + 6 = 14
1d8+4 : (3) + 4 = 7
2d6 : (22) = 4
Cold damage to Elysia at the start of her round ten turn - (2d6)
(16) = 7
Face to face with the fallen noble, Eozindra begins to exhort, "Please, sir! Let us speak calmly. I know we can resolve this peaceably..." but the Lord Mayor interjects, his own dialogue continuing:
"We told her to kneel, didn't we, Dweller?"
"We did indeed."
"If she won't kneel, then she must FALL!"
The Lord Mayor puts forth his hand and a gust of toxic fumes jets forth.
There's a lot of jumping around! I will try to do better at posting a running tally of HP in each post, as well as with the master post for each round.
At the beginning of their turns, Adran and Mara try to withstand the chill of the depths of space.
Adran takes 8 cold damage.
Mara takes 5 cold damage.
Ishi can also start round eleven now.
20 - Ishi (20/35)
18 - Lord Mayor's Men Five and Eight
15 - Elowin (12/24, 9 temp HP) Twilight
13 - Lord Mayor's Men Three, Six, and Nine
10 - Morik (Bear 34/34, Dwarf 13/33)
10 - Lord Mayor's Men Two, Four, and Seven
8 - Elysia (16/24)
3 - Lord Mayor
1 - Eozindra (12/15, 2 temp HP)
1 - Adran (22/26, 1 temp HP)
1 - Mara (12/20, 4 temp HP)
Poison damage to Eozindra - (2d10)
(16) = 7
Lord Mayor WIS save DC13 - (1d20+2)
(18) + 2 = 20
Cold damage to Adran at the start of his turn - (2d6)
(44) = 8
Cold damage to Mara at the start of its turn - (2d6)
(41) = 5
Rolling with advantage under the assumption Morik helps.
Also, bonus action to keep Mara coming closer.
EDIT: Oh GP dice roller... I hate you. I mean, it's contested, the Lord Mayor could roll a 3, but really...
Attack (Shove) - (2d20H1)
(15) = 5
Athletics DC5 - (1d20)
(15) = 15
Bonus action: inspire Morik
Bonus action: inspire Morik
Rebuffed by the unexpectedly burly resistance of the Lord Mayor, Adran ends up back in the darkness, but he blindly avoids being grasped by the unseen acidic tentacles in the void between the stars. Mara scuttles forward, and ends its turn once again by Adran's side. The tentacles grab it, however, and Mara takes 9 acid damage.
20 - Ishi (20/35)
18 - Lord Mayor's Men Five and Eight
15 - Elowin (12/24, 9 temp HP) Twilight
13 - Lord Mayor's Men Three, Six, and Nine
10 - Morik (Bear 34/34, Dwarf 13/33)
10 - Lord Mayor's Men Two, Four, and Seven
8 - Elysia (16/24)
3 - Lord Mayor
1 - Eozindra (12/15, 2 temp HP)
1 - Adran (22/26, 1 temp HP)
1 - Mara (7/20)
Mara DEX save DC13, acid damage on fail - (1d20+3, 2d6)
1d20+3 : (8) + 3 = 11
2d6 : (54) = 9