3-2 The Forgotten Abbey

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Nov 22, 2024 3:44 am
Faith levers up each sarcophagus' lid, then Morik and Ishi hoist the heavy stone slabs and set them aside.

The inside of each coffin is substantially similar: signs that there was once a body of an abbot interred within, which has long since decayed into a fine grey dust. The only recognizable item in each sarcophagus is astonishing in that it is completely intact, not aged or blemished at all:
a gorgeous snow-white robe with silver thread tracing a pattern of shimmering trees, lined with a rich green velvet.
Any PC who wishes to may roll an INT (Medicine) check to attempt to discern something about the long-dead abbots.
Nov 23, 2024 12:17 am
Studiously committing to memory as much detail as she is able regarding the movement of rich and noble, Eozindra speaks in hushed whispers with her sister about the details within the documents. At the jarring sound of rock crumbling, Eozindra snaps her attention to the felled wall and progress being made by the rest of her compatriots. "Fantastic work!" She calls out as she stuffs the parchments away for safekeeping. Still pondering the meaning of cheese and goats and men, she follows after the group to the sarcophagi. She pats Faith on the back supportively as the lids begin to heave away from their resting places. Curiously, the bard examines the remains, completely enrapt by the robes, their detail and quality of craftsmanship.
Besides Medicine for the bodies, can Zin try to discern anything from the robes? If there’s any significance to the pattern or design or something telling by the make and material?


Medicine - (1d20+3)

(2) + 3 = 5

Nov 23, 2024 1:50 am
Eozindra is fairly convinced that the trees depicted on the flawless robes are meant to represent the Greenwold itself, which legend says was at one time one giant primeval forest. As for the abbots, the bard is unable to discern anything about them from their powdered remains.

Everyone suspects that the four Abbots' robes were the source of the magic that Faith detected earlier. The craftsmanship and artistry is unrivaled by anything any of you have seen before now.
There are the four robes and the staff that are magic. What do you do now?
Nov 23, 2024 8:56 am
"Whatever danger we’re about to face, any help we could get would be good, and the dead surely won’t need magical items," Morik said aloud, as if saying it made grave-robbing more right than it was. Elowin’s death was still fresh in his mind, emboldening bhim, but he glanced at the others to see what they thought, before going ahead and taking the items for better inspection. He had the decency to mutter a prayer and ask for forgiveness from the dead before doing so.
Nov 23, 2024 9:12 am
These are fine robes - clearly enchanted. I think the previous owners will support our wish to use them in defence of Greenwood. But identifying them is not a skill I have.
She referently holds one of the robes, that could be in her size. I'm pretty sure that they have some sort of protection magic on them, but it will take some time to deduce*
*aka short rest
She folds the robe and puts it in her pack.
The staff could be more difficult to deduce. What do you think Eozindra?

For now I think we should check out the wall that fell when I said that about the oathbound.
Nov 24, 2024 12:32 am
Carefully considering the staff, Eozindra nods carefully. "Definitely worth examining. I am not sure what I can glean, but perhaps something with enough time. Or trial and error."
I can Identify after our next level and I pick the spell up lol; keep an eye out for pearls! Material for the spell. Until then, I can give it an arcana check to see if the design work indicates any hints?
Last edited November 24, 2024 12:35 am
Nov 24, 2024 6:44 am
btw, I can't remember if this Abby is dedicated to any particular faith. Have we learned that?
Nov 24, 2024 6:50 am
As the heroes takes up the robes, the dust of the abbots falls cleanly from them, and they remain spotless. Faith, Morik, and Eozindra each get a flawless white robe. Ishi takes the fourth one, then thinks of his dear departed aunty and hands the robe to Adran. "If this is some sort of protection magic, it seems to me that you should have it, to better keep the Galanodel line...and your sister's memory...alive." For the moment, Eozindra takes the staff.
Please note that you each have an "abbot's robe" and Eozindra has the "Lord Mayor's Staff." In addition/as an alternative to casting Identify, PCs can each choose to evaluate an item during a short rest, which will let your character learn the nature of the magic of that item. If the item requires attunement, that PC can attune to an evaluated/identified item at another short rest.
Nov 24, 2024 7:01 am
runekyndig says:
btw, I can't remember if this Abby is dedicated to any particular faith. Have we learned that?
No, you have not determined anything about the nature of the Abbey...not yet.
Nov 24, 2024 9:18 am
"So… time to see what’s behind the fallen wall that leads to a vast black hole? Based on our luck thus far, it must be something wonderful, I just know it!" Morik began walking back.
Nov 24, 2024 1:32 pm
This place is full of secrets - and something important - I just know it.
Lets for good measure just use the Divine Sense as they walk through the revealed tunnel
[ +- ] Divine Sense (5)/LR
Nov 25, 2024 1:54 am
Wrapping up their long rest, the party eats a meal (whether that is goodberries or rations is up to you) and then prepares to enter the dark passageway...
I'm going to wrap up this thread now (locking it as complete tomorrow), and have started the next part in a new thread called "The Inner Sanctum." A reminder since you all have rested: if you want to engage in further in-character conversation from the eight hours of grieving, exploring, and getting (re)acquainted with Faith, feel free to use the "Rest Interludes" thread.

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