Scene 3: The Dungeon

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Sep 29, 2024 1:50 am
Merton swiftly moves out from behind Hindle's back and unlocks Alax's cell. It is surprisingly a similar lock to the ones he saw at Inn Plain Sight so it is no problem for him to pick it. He would certainly recommend the owner change the locks in this dungeon if they were to continue using them for their intended purpose. He unlocks all the cell doors while he is at it before he melts into the shadows for whatever may come, including rest.
valdattaMadun, putting your character into hiding for now.
Sep 29, 2024 1:54 am
The constantly aforementioned Alax Jadescales now exits out of his cell. A surprisingly tall dragonborn steps out, covered in jade green scales. Though looking a little worse for wear, the dragonborn still moves with ease towards the party.

"My thanks mighty adventurers. Unfortunately, I had only been on the other side of these bars before and had no idea on how to escape. Far be it from me to be grateful, but why and how are you here...?"

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