You don't need to set up meeting with Syndra "
tomorrow afternoon". Anything earlier need prior notice
Elster, everyone in the inn deny that someone would be looking for you or anyone from your party (except the two guide whom you met).
There is no "front desk" in your inn. Bartender is managing all the guest queries. He laughs.
"Permit", you probably have those in Baldurs' gates. Here in Port Nyanzaru people are reasonable. We don't do offensive acts such as swing weapons or cast magic in public. If a need arise to use magic in the city streets we would request Wakanga or his people. OOC:
This is not directly in module, but more of my interpretation. Almost every spell requires verbal component. When you see someone casting you don't know is it a fireball or a spell that would help stealing something from you - all people must be afraid hearing verbal component as as we would be hearing a sound of an incoming artillery fire.
Think of it as of of visibly carrying a firearm in public places.
10 minutes later everyone but Ren gathers outside inn, trying to decide which way to go. It is still hot, but buildings are casting long shadows. Even though it has been partially cloudy with some rains through the day you find it easier to breath in a shadow. Your heads are heavy nevertheless.
Where do you want to go tonight?