Scene 1: Arrival

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Oct 23, 2024 6:37 pm
"I thought you knew where the temple was?" Larsie exclaims. "Well, we best be off then! The sooner we can start asking around the better. And who knows what other pieces of useful knowledge we may learn along the way."

Before heading out with Tony, Larsie will ask the group.

"Do we want to meet up back here before heading to Syndra's? I'd like to change into my kit before meeting with her."
Oct 23, 2024 8:18 pm
"The bartender is fairly informed, I will see if he knows and if not we can ask around the bazaar," Tonby says calmly then heads over to speak with bartender.

"Excuse me, my good sir, do you know if there is a temple of Torm in the city or a place Torm's priests regularly gather?" He asks the man plainly.
Oct 23, 2024 9:46 pm
Bartender assure you there is no official temple of Torm in the city, but have no idea if there would be a place of regular gathering. You would have to "ask around".
So, Larsie is going to temple of Sune, while Tonby will be trying to figure out how to find Torm's priests of his interest. Is that correct and what are the rest of you doing?
Would Yendil be requesting early meeting with Syndra?
Would Elster be going to Goldenthrone to assist Razira?
Will Ren be staying another day "in bed"?

Oct 23, 2024 10:12 pm
Larsie is going with Tonby
Oct 23, 2024 11:05 pm
Tonby will wait for the others to finish talking before heading to the bazaar to ask around about the Priests of Torm.
Oct 24, 2024 1:59 pm
@TatharCiryatan Not digging deep into Baldur's gates politics, your PCs will gradually realize how much broken the politics/law situation is in this city. If you invest learning city history we could together research reasons for the situation. While knowing the reasons will not provide useful to any of the side quests, it may be fun to explore

While still waiting for other players to confirm their plan, let's proceed with Tonby + Larsie already as it may take quite few posts for you to do what I believe your PCs could achieve
Tonby and Larsie are asking around the Red Bazaar, but most merhants seeing you are not interested in purchasing goods avoid longer conversation with you and throw at you short answers like "I don't know". You could notice their attitude were completely different when you were trying to buy clothes.
What do you do?
Oct 24, 2024 7:56 pm
"While we're here I may as well pick up a few things."

Larsie scans the bazaar for any merchant that looks like they may sell general adventuring supplies or possibly weapons. "A nice dagger might come in handy while in the jungle."

Once she spots a place that looks like it may have what she wants, she motions to Tonby to follow her.

"Maybe spending some coin will loosen some tongues."
Oct 25, 2024 3:08 am
Ren will be picking up more appropriate jungle attire.
Oct 25, 2024 3:15 am
"I think we should at least try the direct approach. Let's see just how hard it is to get a meeting with Kwayothé’s. When that doesnt work, we can start digging for secrets." Elster replies to Yendil.
Oct 25, 2024 10:28 am

I think it would be nice to let Ren help Larsie and Tonby because he is into buying stuff at the bazaar
I will narrate Elster and Yendil day activities when I see players describing them, no rush there yet. Feel free to post Ren, Larsie or Tonby participating conversation with Elster and Yendil before the events I'm describing below, we will have those two timelines in parallel.
Red Bazaar
Just when Larsie suggest to spend some money Tonby notices Ren in the market and they join him to both suggest best prices/clothes and to have a chat with merchants. Chatting is easier now as they are buying, but merchants are only able to share with you that any Torm worshipers would have buy travelling equipment and move into the jungles to fight undead but has not been seen practicing any ceremonies in the city.

As you keep talking you suddenly notice an outstanding character coming from Thundering Lizard (the cheaper Inn suggested by Syndra yesterday). Tonby recalls bartender saying "finding this person wouldn't be a problem" and he understand now what he was meaning:
A taller than usual humans half-orc woman in a chain shirt on top of her vestments making her movement loud. Torm symbols are well visible on her vestments.
Oct 25, 2024 11:44 am
GreyWord says:
@TatharCiryatan Not digging deep into Baldur's gates politics, your PCs will gradually realize how much broken the politics/law situation is in this city. If you invest learning city history we could together research reasons for the situation. While knowing the reasons will not provide useful to any of the side quests, it may be fun to explore
I/Yendil would like to explore into Port Nyanzaru/Chult, but we've got more on our to do list. Maybe that is something that Yendil will casually pick up on every now and then, and I'll try to not let it overshadow the other stories :)
"Dear bartender whom I've not yet asked the name of, what is your name? I mean, you've become almost our main supplier of general information and nourishment, and I haven't given you the courtesy of asking for your name. My name is Yendil Sartoris." Finishing the conversation with the bartender, Yendil would also ask a quick physical description of the merchant princes, which could come in handy as he is heading to Goldenthrone.
"Shall we all meet here at Kaya's again over dinner, before heading to the meeting with Miss Syndra, to share what we've discovered this day?" Yendil says to the party before everyone heads off into their own missions.

"Alright Elster, sounds good! Lets go to the Goldenthrone and find Kwayothé. Do you know where that is, or should I've asked directions from the bartender?"
Oct 25, 2024 4:24 pm
My name is Trakungank, but you can call me Trak. Bartender introduces and explain that he hear a lot but see little - he have never seen any merchant prince in person. More over he sounds flattered you like how much info he provides (he explain that is part of his job description - unlike the cheaper inn on the other side of Red Bazar, this inn provides wide service to his patrons.

Following detailed instructions Elster and Yendil return to the docks they arrived yesterday and rise to the hill, pass the temple of Temple of Savras and reach a bridge connecting with other hill. That's when you finally reach Goldenthrone - one of the most opulent structures in the city, rivaled only by the grander temples and the merchant princes’ villas (you see a few of them on both hills).
[ +- ] Your journey
An honor guard of eight Chultan gladiators is on duty keeping away loiterers, one of them demands you to declare your name and reason to enter the building as well as explain armed entrance is not allowed (no weapons allowed).
That's the best picture of gladiator I can find
[ +- ] Gladiator
They wear light armor decorated shield and a spear-like weapon (3-foot wooden shaft with a steel or blade up to 18 inches long)
Oct 25, 2024 7:44 pm
Although it's unlikely that Tonby somehow missed the half-orc leaving the Thundering Lizard, she nonetheless gives him a nudge with her elbow and motions towards woman.

"I'll let you do the talking."
Oct 25, 2024 10:00 pm
"Hello, my name is Elster, and i didn't mean to offend." he says, gesturing to the mace on his hip."Is there somewhere safe to store this while we speak to Kwayothé?"
Oct 26, 2024 7:49 am
[ +- ] Just flavor
Elster. None of the Merchant Princes arrived yet. You have a plenty of time to take care of your weapons. We provide no storage service. guard reply in official voice and add casually with a smirk Why would you need a weapon inside city walls anyways?
Oct 26, 2024 8:56 am
Tonby will approach the Half-Orc women, "Greetings, my name is Tonby and I was hoping to have a moment of your time, I was told you were heading out into jungle and just wanted to ask a couple of questions." Tonby is firm and direct. "Of course I will make it worth your time. Food and drink for just a few quick questions and a few silver for the alms box to aid in your good work fighting the undead."
Oct 26, 2024 8:56 am
Tonby will approach the Half-Orc women, "Greetings, my name is Tonby and I was hoping to have a moment of your time, I was told you were heading out into jungle and just wanted to ask a couple of questions." Tonby is firm and direct. "Of course I will make it worth your time. Food and drink for just a few quick questions and a few silver for the alms box to aid in your good work fighting the undead."
Oct 26, 2024 10:54 pm
"I guess that I'm just used to grabbing my kit before I leave the door. Wasn't really thinking about it. But apparently we've been walking through this rain for nothing, and that sucks. Ah, well, lets drop our stuff at the inn, and we could be back again within the hour."
Back at the inn, Yendil walks up to Trak and says with a smile. "Let me return the service, we just learned something. Apparently, you can't bring weapons into Goldenthrone. It was easy to find though. Anyway, we're gonna store this in our room, and head back out there."
Last edited Oct 26, 2024 10:54 pm
Oct 26, 2024 11:23 pm
Elster just sighs as he damply heads up to his room to leave his shield and mace. He comes back down, refill his waterskin, and waits for Yendil to be ready to head back out into the rain.
Oct 26, 2024 11:27 pm
Yendil drops his rapier and dagger in his room, and joins Elster. Back at the guard at Goldenthrone, he asks as he shows that he is unarmed "Hey remember us from a few minutes ago? Did Kwayothé arrive in the mean time?"
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