Knighthawke says:
... if do come across typos, etc. and point them out. ...
I have been actively ignoring these since they are seldom useful nitpicks at this stage of development. :)
The only I recall, both because it would not show up in a spell check and because of the irony of Muphry's law is:
Page 31, Attention to Detail: 'you can’t help
put pick out': should obviously be: 'you can’t help
but pick out'.
How are you editing this document? PDF is a difficult format to work with for any but the final product. Copying out of this PDF is a pain since it regularly selects from the wrong column (try select the whole of Bodyguard on the page mentioned above, or worse, Fighting Style: Grappling on the next real page). If there is any chance you are using a text format (markdown for instance) and can give us access to that (possibly in version control, like github) that would make this task much easier.
I started extracting the Talents to compare the names in the Archetypes and Packages to the ones that exist, but copying from PDF quickly became too onerous.
Knighthawke says:
... 1) No Skill? - That was pretty well copied from the SRD ...
Maybe the SRD did not have Gear and Drama dice and such things that are added?
Knighthawke says:
... but you would not add any additional dice to the roll for the Skill ...
I am not sure how much you need to spell this out. The Skill is zero (0) so you add 0 dice from the skill.
Knighthawke says:
... Maybe an example would help clarify in this case? ...
That is always the case. :)
But examples take up space and time, so we, unfortunate, can't have them for everything.
In this case an example might be all that is needed, you could probably avoid the whole complex and redundant explanation with two examples, one showing a roll with 0 in the skill.
Knighthawke says:
... 2) Skill ranks ... designated as a Key Skill ...
It seems to me these 'Key Skills' are only used for character creation? They don't have any affect later in the game?
Knighthawke says:
... only need to spend 2 Skill Points to maximize the Key Skill ...
Since there is no increasing cost in points to buy high skills, this 'only need to spend' business is unneeded complication, no?
All you are saying is: 'Starting skills can not be more than 3 unless they are a Key Skills which can reach 4'.
So maybe:
'... spend points with no skill level exceeding level 3 for normal Skills or level 4 for Key Skills.'
'... spend points with no Skill level exceeding level 4 for Key Skills and level 3 for all others.'
Knighthawke says:
... As an Archetype and Training Package may both increase the same key skill ...
There is absolutely no mechanical reason to take the same Key Skill twice. I could just not mention it as an option, if the player does, the above rule still limits it to 4 since you are not adding anything.
Knighthawke says:
... "Attribute ranks can begin no higher than a 3. The Key Attribute is an exception to this and may begin at up to rank 4. You have 13 Attribute Points ...
The math does not work out: 13 points is 3 3 3 4, so everyone is at maximum.
Knighthawke says:
... to spend after the free rank from your Archetype and Training Package." ...
Ignoring that his means you will have points left over from the 13, I still don't see the point of having the Archetypes and Packages give you points, especially with your adding them
before you distribute the starting points.
Same as with Skills, just give the appropriate number of points and set the maximum levels?
I would remove the minimum level, 2 seems very high for our 'weak point' (though I don't know the engine well enough to know if that is needed to survive), maybe a minimum of 1? Some player like having their characters be bad at things and I found the 5 5 3 2 or 5 4 4 2 spread to be very uninspiring.
Knighthawke says:
... Seems like may need to reduce points too. ...
I can not comment on this till I see it in play, but it does seem high.
Knighthawke says:
... 4) Nothing fits - maybe should be "Select Two or Three skills. Key Skill at +2 and another at a +1)." ...
Seems very complicated when these effectively do nothing?
Just say you have three Key Skills. Key Skills can start as high as level 4? This focuses on the mechanic and effect rather than the procedure.
Knighthawke says:
... 5) upgrading? - I think the upgrade a die step is something I missed. It should just be that a +1 modifier adds an additional die ...
Cool. Makes sense. Step Dice add an additional layer of complexity that we just don't need. If we want to use Step Dice they need to be integrated into the system a lot more.
Knighthawke says:
... I would definitely like to hear thoughts on using a pool of d6 to roll vs. rolling 2 die of same or differing sizes ? ...
We can chat about it more. But Step Dice (different sizes) seem fun but are very unintuitive for players and often just lead to disappointment. Unless they are bringing something extra to the table stick with adding more dice, 'more dice' is always fun, so my opinion is to stick with that.
Knighthawke says:
... d10+d10 should both dice roll a 10, you could end up with 4 successes ...
Oh, yes. This can be fun, but look how much that has complicated things already. That has added the need to consult a table for how many success are added. The Dice Pool equivalent would be 4d6 and therefor the maximum success would obviously be 4, no complication. (The odds are different, of course, but we are not tweaking odds here, and that tweak can be done with adding more dice.)
Knighthawke says:
... Did I cover everything you asked? ...
Maybe rewrite the 'Nothing Fits My Concept?' on page 10. It lists different numbers to the rest of the rules. It has one less Key Skill and one less Key Attribute. The Key Attribute did not matter before since they made no difference at all when they could all be level 5, but if you reduce the cap then they matter a bit.