I know I keep copy/pasting this, but it helps me keep track of things.
Attack (+3)
Agile (+2)
Highened Senses - Hearing (+1)
Knowledge - Art (+3)
Knowledge - Folklore (+3)
Knowledge - Craftsmanship (+3)
Knowledge - Literature (+2)
Perceptive (+2)
Resistance - Blunt Force (+3)
Shapeshifter (+3)
Strong (+4)
Iron Willed (+1)
Tough (+4)
Armor (+3) - Hardening her body to take hits.
Bizzare Appearence - Mannerisms (+1)
Complusion - Protect the Weak (+3)
Dull (+2)
Emotionless (+2)
Infamous - Known to get into fights (+2)
Impulsive (+2)
Loner (+1)
Outcast (+2)
Rude (+1)
Vulnerability - Water (+3)
Vulnerability - Magic Rune tampering (+3)
Vulnerability - Fire (+2)
Does this work? Also have a few ideas for physical appearance. She's around 6'0 tall.
(The FC is Shibuya Rin from Idolmaster Cinderella Girls)
This would be her human form, I can't find a good ref of her monster form, but I imagine that it's just a humanoid shaped figure made of slightly melting clay