Adela and the Spirit (in the forest).

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Nov 24, 2024 7:15 pm
Adela listened with concerned inside her. She did not like the sound of this corruption. Maybe if she rooted out and destroyed it. Then she could help the others at this school! That could work! With new resolve she would not her head...all of this internal conflict with humorously not show on her face at all or be heard in her voice either.

"Alright, I will go find it. It's like trying to find a needle im a haystack though. Do you have any idea where one could start hunting?"
Last edited November 28, 2024 6:46 am
Nov 27, 2024 3:07 pm
Yuzuku seems to catch something inside the impregnable girl, giving her a meek comforting smile.

"The corruption would be more apparent in the middle of the night, during weak moons..." She digresses, but at her words, her expression turns graver. "W-wait now, Adela! Don't even think about going out in the middle of the night!! Specially not alone!! I... I would worry for your safety if you did..."

Her expression softens again, "Don't worry about this, alright? I'll commute with the spirits of this forest and we'll do something... Just... Be safe, and enjoy your school, understood?"

Looking up at the Sun, she adds: "Speaking about that, it seems it's almost time for you to return... My my!! Y-you didn't even ate anything, did you?!!" She seems confused for a moment, "W-wait... Do you eat, or are you like me? Oh, sorry for my rudeness..."

In the case you do, have this. She extends her beautiful arm to a vivid and stunning tree, plucking out a large fruit, a ripe and mouthwatering apple, of a rich ruby hue. "Well..." She starts, chuckling, "In the case you do, have this, as thanks for your help... and your visit." She then smirks, "And if you don't, you can gift it to some swain of your liking!"

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