In urban areas this makes her a kind of outcast and she has learned to not trust the city folk and their strange ways. They are puzzled by her erratic nature and ramblings to what seems like no one.
Poppy in Peril
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Oct 30, 2024 4:24 am
[ +- ] Poppy
Poppy is a scavenger and forager. She is most at home in natural settings where she can connect to the spirits. She is a bit of a traveling vagabond and seeks out the plants, animals, and life force of the earth.
In urban areas this makes her a kind of outcast and she has learned to not trust the city folk and their strange ways. They are puzzled by her erratic nature and ramblings to what seems like no one.
In urban areas this makes her a kind of outcast and she has learned to not trust the city folk and their strange ways. They are puzzled by her erratic nature and ramblings to what seems like no one.
@beefbrain We will start your story here. Sorry about the delay, RL has been hectic so I missed adding your story in. Lets get you going. Oct 30, 2024 4:34 am
Poppy stands at the bottom of the small rocky vale and looks around. She should have wondered why the spirits indicated she could find the plant she sought but warned her not to come. With a sigh, she considers her situation. The spirit she summoned lead her to this place but warned of "evil spirits" in the area. Thinking her shamanic gifts would allow her to talk with the spirit so she could find a way to still obtain the last ingredient she was looking for. Now she knew that the spirits were actually the spirit folk, or fey, and dark ones at that. She had not sensed them until she was well within the steep and rocky vale, too deep to withdraw safely. Her only protection had been when she found the faerie circle near the bottom of the valley near the plant.
Now in the circle and with the plant seeds in her pouch you look around. The sun has nearly set and long shadows stretch across the rocky slopes around you. Your options are to try and scramble up the steep slopes, run back up the length of the valley, or crawl into the small cave at the back of the valley. You feel as if the dark fey are driving you there but when you sent a spirit to investigate it indicates there was no danger, which only confused you more.
Now in the circle and with the plant seeds in her pouch you look around. The sun has nearly set and long shadows stretch across the rocky slopes around you. Your options are to try and scramble up the steep slopes, run back up the length of the valley, or crawl into the small cave at the back of the valley. You feel as if the dark fey are driving you there but when you sent a spirit to investigate it indicates there was no danger, which only confused you more.
Nov 1, 2024 7:48 pm
Poppy doesn't like her options. She knows that night is a time when one must be careful, as dangers can lurk in the shadows. Above all, she trusts her spirit protectors for their guidance and makes her way into the cave.
Nov 6, 2024 1:08 am
Dont hesitate to speak up. RL has been hectic and apparnently made me a dit distracted. Lets get you to a group quick and hopefully this will keep you more in my mindOOC:
While I often do not bother with test rolls when you have time to do the required task lets get a test from you on your next action : climbing in the dark, conjuring a spirit to generate light, sending a spirit to scout ahead[ +- ] Tests
When you attempt to accomplish tasks your performance is determined through a test. A test is made by rolling two six-sided dice (d6). If any of those dice roll a '5' or '6', you've accomplished your task!
Nov 6, 2024 5:12 am
Nice roll :) When rolling a test just declare your intent or desired results. I do not always consider a failed test a complete failure so even if the rolls are low you may achieve your objective, just not exactly the way you wanted. I added details on your traits to your sheet
[ +- ] Save Tests
These occur when something undesirable happens to your character and are handled just like regular Tests unless otherwise noted by the rules or the Game Master. A failed save will have effects as determined by the GM or the adventure.
DM info for new players says:
The ~Tiny Info~ has a bunch of information for quick reference and can be accessed by tapping the grey button below the Rolls section or opening it from the Characters menus at the bottom of the page. Additional information can be added in your PC thread or TinyInfo upon request. Common queries are added to Tiny Q&A | ![]() |
[ +- ] Formatting
I will put DM questions/comments/instructions for characters in purple
Character communication is in bold
Character thought is in italics
Use colors for additional emphasis, like on a characters name
OOC is for Player thoughts, comments, and story specific questionsUse the Q&A thread to ask for any clarification
Use the Chat thread for anything not related to the current game
[ +- ] Subscriptions & Notifications
I know some people subscribe to threads and post online when they get email updates to their threads. If you are doing this you should be following at least 2 threads : the story (this one) and your personal player/character thread but I would also suggest following the Chat thread.
When a player is tagged, like @player-alias it adds a linked notice to the gamersplane home page for that player. This can be done by typing it out or using the Page

[ +- ] Gameplay
Your character is free to go anywhere and try anything.
Roll a Test anytime you think there is a chance or failure so I don't have to ask for a roll or roll for you This keeps the game moving.
Nov 9, 2024 8:10 pm
Poppy is exhausted, driven further down into the earth's depths than she expected. She is more accustomed to the surface, where life thrives, so finds little solace in the lichen and other fungal growth that clings to these rocky caverns with little sustenence.
She is encouraged by her spirit guide that others can be found ahead and sees this as her best way to escape the dark fey creatures, which pursued her so far underground.
She is encouraged by her spirit guide that others can be found ahead and sees this as her best way to escape the dark fey creatures, which pursued her so far underground.
Sorry but this is a lot of info to take on, all at once. I'm not seeing in your last prompt how to roll a save and don't see anything to click on in my character sheet regarding saves.Nov 9, 2024 11:37 pm
Unless otherwise stated, a Save Test is just a 2d6 roll. So, just use the 2d6 button on your character sheet. Sometimes it will be at Disadvantage and use 1d6, but you will be explicitly told that. There is a trait, Resolute, that lets you have Advantage on Save Tests, allowing you to use 3d6. But, none of that seems to apply here, so just use the 2d6 button.Nov 10, 2024 10:38 pm
sorry if that was overwhelming. I will tone it down.[ +- ] Roots:
You can heal by absorbing nutrients, water, and sunlight even without rest. You heal half as fast in darkness.
1. Escape the caverns by
1.a. Return the way you can and fight or sneak past the dark fey there
1.b. Head toward the other people under the surface.
1.c. Move away from the fey territory where you may be able to escape on your own.
2.a. Try and call a spirit that can heal your wounds (Standard Test)
2.b. Call on the spirits to learn more about the effects from the dark fey (Standard test, will improve chances of treating the effects.)
2.c. Wait to heal after leaving the darkness of the caverns.
3. Other
[ +- ] Tests
When you attempt to accomplish tasks your performance is determined through a test. A test is made by rolling two six-sided dice (d6). If any of those dice roll a '5' or '6', you've accomplished your task!
Nov 11, 2024 2:10 am
Poppy continues to head toward the others that she detects nearby. She hopes they may have been where her spirit was leading her and can find safety or support with them.
She will make sure to be careful and approach with caution to see who they are before engaging.
She will make sure to be careful and approach with caution to see who they are before engaging.
Nov 11, 2024 4:11 am
Moving with the guidance of your spirit guide you reach a thin crevice that is wide enough for you to slide through. Your spirits indicate there are several "people" at the end of the narrow opening, as well as a passage that leads back to the surface far from the dark fey valley. Scrambling through the rough opening you worm your way along, between the two rough surfaces till you feel a faint breeze and your heart lifts a bit at the fresh scents you smell.
The crevice opens as it enters a larger cavern. But as soon as you step into the cave your spirits fade and you are left in the dark. Fortunately you see two light sources in the cavern, a large fire illuminates the far end of the cavern to your right and several smaller lights to your left. As you stand there you hear movement in the darkness of the cavern.
The crevice opens as it enters a larger cavern. But as soon as you step into the cave your spirits fade and you are left in the dark. Fortunately you see two light sources in the cavern, a large fire illuminates the far end of the cavern to your right and several smaller lights to your left. As you stand there you hear movement in the darkness of the cavern.
Nov 11, 2024 5:01 am
Poppy feels relieved to be in the presence of life and hopeful signs she can find a way back to the surface. She remains on guard, and tries to listen in and peek from the shadows to see what kind of "people" these are.
Nov 11, 2024 1:13 pm
I ask players to roll a Test (2d6) when performing actions with a chance of failure or unknown results. Apply advantage (roll 3d6) for appropriate traits that say to or if you feel your trade applies to the test. I use the rolls to simulate PC skill as well and randome situational factors when describin outcomes. This is not always needed but when you feel it is appropriate it helps [ +- ] Advantage
If a Trait, tool, or situation would grant you a bonus, you get advantage. This allows you to roll with 3d6, instead of 2d6!
[ +- ] Disadvantage
If you would be hindered or set-back, you have disadvantage. This forces you to roll with 1d6!
Poppy: Test DC: 5 - Adv : Perceptive - (3d6)
(344) = 11
Nov 13, 2024 5:18 pm
Poppy, still timid to reveal herself, summons an animal spirit to go investigate. She whisper's into its ear to let her know if these beings seem safe or dangerous.
Summoning a spirit animal to investigate the - (2d6)
(25) = 7
Nov 13, 2024 8:14 pm
The spirit scampers a few steps before shifting to become a bat and flitting off into the darkness to investigate the cavern and its denizens. It returns after about a minute, landing before Poppy and shifting to become a small mole that proceeds to shitter at poppy.
Spirits are umbral, but take the shape of a particular animal—typically no larger than a medium-sized dog—that is visible to anyone. Despite being able to be seen by anyone, Spirits cannot speak, and instead communicate telepathically with their summoner. They have a standard movement and can fly or swim as determined by their form. Summoned spirits are able to remain manifested so long as they are within a 100 foot radius of their summoner. Maintaining a spirit requires the summoner to concentrate on them, treat this as an action when in combat. Only 2 spirits can be summoned/controlled at once.
Some spirits are summoned for specific powers they may possess, such as the ability to heal, create minor magics, commune with beasts, etc. These will typically listen to a single request. Additional activities may require a test to control or re-summon the spirit. EX: a light sprite may glow indefinitely, a healing spirit may heal multiple individuals but tire after several, a trickster may "taunt" a specific target for a minute before growing bores and requiring additional instruction to refocus.
Summoning a spirit requires a test to complete. They are incorporeal to everything but their summoner, and as such, are unable to physically interact with other objects or individuals. That does not mean they are impervious to damage; when summoned, a Spirits has 1 Hit Point, and can be damaged by magical effects. If a Spirit's Hit Points are reduced to 0, the Spirits disappears and its master takes 1 point of damage.
Psybermagi sent a note to beefbrain
You can summon spirits, see details below and on your character sheet, or find and commune with local/natural spirits. When summoned the spirits are loyal, friendly, and obedient. However wild spirits are treated as independent creatures that must be convinced, tricked, or bargained with to perform actions. If you have an idea feel free to describe it, as you just did, and roll a Test. Depending on the situation I may enforce these guidelines or be more flexible, as I have with your spirit guide. This is just to give you an idea of how I will typically limit your ability.[ +- ] Details on Summoned Spirits
Spirits are umbral, but take the shape of a particular animal—typically no larger than a medium-sized dog—that is visible to anyone. Despite being able to be seen by anyone, Spirits cannot speak, and instead communicate telepathically with their summoner. They have a standard movement and can fly or swim as determined by their form. Summoned spirits are able to remain manifested so long as they are within a 100 foot radius of their summoner. Maintaining a spirit requires the summoner to concentrate on them, treat this as an action when in combat. Only 2 spirits can be summoned/controlled at once.
Some spirits are summoned for specific powers they may possess, such as the ability to heal, create minor magics, commune with beasts, etc. These will typically listen to a single request. Additional activities may require a test to control or re-summon the spirit. EX: a light sprite may glow indefinitely, a healing spirit may heal multiple individuals but tire after several, a trickster may "taunt" a specific target for a minute before growing bores and requiring additional instruction to refocus.
Summoning a spirit requires a test to complete. They are incorporeal to everything but their summoner, and as such, are unable to physically interact with other objects or individuals. That does not mean they are impervious to damage; when summoned, a Spirits has 1 Hit Point, and can be damaged by magical effects. If a Spirit's Hit Points are reduced to 0, the Spirits disappears and its master takes 1 point of damage.
Nov 13, 2024 10:21 pm
Poppy bows to the mole in gratitude and then weighs the information in her mind, tapping her finger on her mouth. She assumes this assessment means there is no danger.
She decides to approach the group at the end of the cavern to her left. Once she gets close enough to be detected, she recites one of her calming songs, a sweet melody that her tribe elders sing to the children to put them to sleep. This way the group won't be startled.
She decides to approach the group at the end of the cavern to her left. Once she gets close enough to be detected, she recites one of her calming songs, a sweet melody that her tribe elders sing to the children to put them to sleep. This way the group won't be startled.
Poppy: Test DC: 5 - Basic - (2d6)
(12) = 3
Nov 13, 2024 10:55 pm
Moving through the cavern you head to the gathering to your left. The cavern floor is irregular and rough but by now your eyes have gotten as adapted to the darkness as possible without magical aid and you manage to arrive without incident. As you get within sight of the group you spy two of the large creatures your spirits described, 10' tall with 2 heads. They looks to be threatening or scarring the others, a Dwarf, a several small Duende of various clans, and a pair of humans. Where could the 3rd giant, an ettin by your reconing, be you wonder?
Pulling out your pipes you begin to play and all turn to look on you as you step out of the darkens into the light over the other people.
You can go ahead and join the others in their story HERE and introduce yourself as you do.
Your intro is done and Poppy is now a Novice. There are other newcomers in the story you are joining so I will still walk through some mechanics for you and the others.
Characters advance after the introductory session to become a "Novice" gaining weapon mastery or a trait of your choice. After another short time they will advance to "Veterans" and gain whichever of mastery or trait they did not pick.
Pulling out your pipes you begin to play and all turn to look on you as you step out of the darkens into the light over the other people.
The People in this setting refers to all sapient humanoid races that were of one race before the Shattering at the end of the Dawn War, over 50 years ago. Since that time the term "People" now refers to the various races that have sprung up from, including your own. The Giant kin, likt the 2 headed Ettin, though intelligent are not considered to be of the People. You can go ahead and join the others in their story HERE and introduce yourself as you do.
Your intro is done and Poppy is now a Novice. There are other newcomers in the story you are joining so I will still walk through some mechanics for you and the others.
Characters advance after the introductory session to become a "Novice" gaining weapon mastery or a trait of your choice. After another short time they will advance to "Veterans" and gain whichever of mastery or trait they did not pick.