After a few seconds he will continue in common, though much quieter, just loud enough for Musharib to hear. ""It wasn't a test. And if it was, I would fail harder than you Musharib! No, it's just that we're here on a mission looking for a specific artefact, but as you can see on our map, we're pretty much in the dark here. So I'm just gathering as much information as I can before we head of. I am considering your employment, since you're a native and your ability to connect with nature is a big plus!"
Looking at his map for a second, he writes the words forests and rivers with a bit of charcoal in the blank spot in the north west. "The Heart of Ubtao. Sounds like an ancient site on top of a mountain peak, or even the name of a mountain itself. What is it?"
Persuasion (disadvantage) - (2d20L1+6)
(78) + 6 = 13