Class 1-B

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Nov 6, 2024 2:20 am
Hanami's eye twitched. Her temper was going... going... gone. "Alright, that's it!! I'll make your body remember why you shouldn't piss me off!" She growled, oblivious to the suspicious wording of her threat due to rage. She pointed her wand at Mizore and let loose a bolt of harmless but highly painful lightning. It was essentially like the spell equivalent of a taser.


Zap Cantrip (Arcane Magic, Smart) - (9d6)

(351133152) = 24

Nov 6, 2024 6:12 am
"Isn't it better to just focus on teaching those who do want to learn, instead of trying to waste time and effort coercing those who don't want to anyway . . ." said Lín Jìng quietly to nobody in particular.
Nov 6, 2024 2:08 pm
"Huh?! What did I do?" She say, as she's suddenly zapped, jumping and twitching in the air. "Gaah!!" She muffledly gasps, as electric rays run around her body. After a moment staggered in the air, she falls on the ground, sited.

"Dude... That was way to extreme... I mean, it didn't felt so bad... But anyway..." She raises to her feet, dusting off her clothes. "Heh, you're kinda cool... Not always we see a freshman willing to attack a teacher like that!" She says in a slightly excited tone. "That being said, if you're going to assault me like that, you can't judge me for stalking people anymore!!"
Nov 6, 2024 4:27 pm
Matsui blinked, processing the chaos that had just erupted between Hanami and Mizore. He watched as Hanami unleashed a bolt of what was essentially magical taser energy at their teacher, a move that would’ve gotten any student expelled at a regular academy. Yet here, Mizore’s only response was a smirk and a shrug, barely fazed by what had just happened. Matsui sighed, running a hand through his hair as he wondered what kind of academy his dad was running here.

So this is what Dad’s brilliant educational philosophy looks like… letting students get away with magical assaults in homeroom. He thought, feeling equal parts disbelief and resignation. It wasn’t like he didn’t appreciate a bit of rebellion, but this was on another level.

Matsui stood up from his desk and turned toward the door, his expression caught between amusement and exasperation."Yeah, I’m outta here," He said, half to himself, half to anyone who cared to listen. Not waiting for Mizore’s reaction, he attempted to leverage his superior speed and slip out of the classroom.
Last edited November 6, 2024 4:28 pm


Escape Class - (5d6)

(34232) = 14

Nov 6, 2024 5:47 pm
"Your sins outweigh my own by a metric ton. I'll judge you all I want." Hanami shot back with a smile on her face as she fired off another zap at Mizore. The idea of attacking a teacher would've normally appalled her, but that was before she met this particular teacher. Wait, am I already being infected with this school's brand of crazy?

She happened to hear what Lin Jing said, and she looked out at the class as she continued zapping. The light of the crackling electricity illuminated her glasses. "Wait, who was that? Hm, whatever. Some lessons need to be taught intimately, no matter how much someone doesn't want them!" She stated firmly. Again with the unfortunate phrasing.


Zap (Arcane Magic) - (5d6)

(65615) = 23

Notice Matsui's Escape - (2d6)

(45) = 9

Nov 6, 2024 5:54 pm
Lín Jìng didn't speak the next reply out loud, instead opting to send it mentally, conveying a deadpan kind of delivery. Taught intimately . . . with a shocking wand? I'm seeing you want to one-up your teacher on the front of being judged for what you engage in.
Nov 6, 2024 6:33 pm
As the successive electrocutions zap her, Mizore continually jumps and trembles violently on the air.

"D-Damn... I was right, you are into that stuff!!

Another zap, another recovery, she adds, "I hate to break it up to you, but I wont be in the receiving hand of your kinks! You could try that out with other people, I can even hand you a list, if you so desire... but for now: cool off!

With that said, she waves her hand at Hanami, and the ground around her starts suddenly freezing, her feet shiver to the cold, which was starting to spread around her legs and up.
If she doesnt want to yield, roll to escape the ice, DN 6
Nov 6, 2024 8:07 pm
Adela facepalmed. "This is beyond stupid." She would comment outloud as she looked over the other students. This school was going to be a nightmare for the golem. Sure she was known to get into fights, but this...this was ridiculous. She could easily stand in between them again...but Hanami was a witch, it seemed anyway, and Adela did not do well with magic...still she should break them up.

Her head turned to see if anyone was escaping this madness, as she wanted to..and she did notice the headmaster's son sneaking out, that was a smart move.
I didn't know if I should add my Heightened Senses - Hearing for my perception roll so I didn't this time.
Last edited November 6, 2024 8:12 pm


Notice Matsui's Escape - (4d6)

(6245) = 17

Nov 6, 2024 8:11 pm
She did see him.
Nov 6, 2024 8:12 pm
Ok I'll edit my reply to include that, thanks!
Nov 6, 2024 8:49 pm
Can I roll Barrier to defend against the encroaching ice?
Nov 6, 2024 9:00 pm
hmm, this is one of the feel cases where I dont think barrier wouldn't apply, actually
Nov 6, 2024 9:04 pm
Alright, here we go


Break Free - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Nov 6, 2024 9:33 pm
Suddenly hearing a voice in her head made her pause for a moment and really think about how her actions could be interpreted. What do you mean...? ...Wait, NO! I'm not into it! Also, who the hell are you? Get out of my damn head!

"I just said I'm not into it! I don't have a kink!" She protested desperately, her cheeks flushing. "Also, cool off? Wha-" Before she could process anything, she was surrounded in ice that making its way up her legs at a rapid pace. "Shit...!" It was already too thick for someone of her frankly mediocre strength to get loose, and the temperature shock already had her teeth chattering. Despite that, she had enough fight in her to lift her freezing arm in an attempt to get another zap off. Unfortunately, everything below the neck froze before she could manage a last-ditch attack. She was stuck aiming her wand at Mizore, only able to stare at the teacher defiantly. "Damn it...!"

Hanami was almost as upset about Mizore's line as she was about being frozen. Cool off? I couldn't have been frozen to a cooler one-liner? Wait, shit.
Nov 7, 2024 1:50 am
Mizore, approaches the frozen-in-place girl calmly. When she get's at arms reach, she says, teasingly, "Now, I understand you're probably more into restraining than being restrained yourself, but hold on in there, alright?" She struggles to keep a serious face, "So, why won't you promise to stop zapping me, eh? I believe we've started with a wrong foot, we should fix that, for my role as a teacher, yadda-yadda... don't you agree? I mean, look at this ruckus. My stalking is waay less harmful than that!"

After some consideration, she adds, "Now, if you have cooled off (here she chuckles), let me free you." And then, in a wave of her hand, the ice shatters into snowflakes. She extends a hand for Hanami, to help her support herself, and to conclude this cease-fire accord.
Nov 7, 2024 5:21 am
Lín Jìng tries to probe just a little bit into Hanami's current thoughts over the course of the last minute - or rather, just the emotions rather than thoughts even - to get a feel for whether the witch is trying to deny and hide the truth, or merely scandalised by the insinuations. And threw in another implicit question in the hopes the reaction to it would further shine a light on this matter.

Maybe I'm your introspection. Your inner monologue . . . or inner demons. Or hun, or perhaps po given a voice? Anyway, about those restraints, hmmmm, and restraining instead of being restrained . . .


Psychic 1 + Iron Will 3 + surface thoughts 1 - (5)

() + 5 = 5

fixed syntax: Psychic 1 + Iron Will 3 + surface thoughts 1 - (5) - (5d6)

(36236) = 20

Nov 7, 2024 7:20 am
Though she was pissed, Hanami knew better than to keep it up. At least, not while she was in such a disadvantageous position. "..." She barely managed not to snap at Mizore until she'd been freed. "Fne... I promise to stop zapping you... for today. But I swear I'm turning your ass into a penguin tomorrow..." She grumbled weakly, stubbornly refusing Mizore's hand in favor of making her way back to her desk on her own. She sank into her chair, pale and shivering from cold, but her pride was only wounded, not broken.

Okay, cut the shit. I know what my inner monologue sounds like, and it doesn't bring up concepts from Chinese philosophy. I said get out. Her brows furrowed. She was starting to get real tired of this mystery person with no concept of mental privacy.. Her mind instinctively pushed back against their probing...
Ah, you'd roll 7d6 for your Psychic roll. When taking an action, your roll is two dice, then you factor in your bonuses and/or penalties. I doubt the missing two dice will matter in this instance though


Resist Psychic (Iron-Willed) - (4d6)

(6353) = 17

Nov 7, 2024 7:32 am
...But her resistance wasn't strong enough, and her emotions concerning the last minute were revealed to Lin Jing. Hanami did get a perverse sense of pleasure out of shocking Mizore. Whenever she had said she 'wasn't into it', uncertainty clouded her mind, as if she was trying to convince herself more than anyone. She genuinely didn't like being restrained, but she wouldn't mind if the situation had been reversed. The thought of having Mizore at her mercy somehow was highly appealing.
Nov 7, 2024 8:03 am
Lín Jìng tries to imagine the hypothetical situation Hanami seems to be reacting to, and let the image slip through the psychic link, though without being deliberately 'pushed', it would be easy to 'shut down' such a transmission.
Nov 7, 2024 8:13 am
Adela, having no idea what was going on with this mental link had enough of this. She would walk straight up in between Hanami and Mizore and just held her arms out, if needed she would grip both their wrists, but restrained from it now. "Second time. Second fight. You're making this awkward for everyone else. Let's just sit until the bell rings."

She was getting really annoyed at all this chaos. Nevermind the fact that is happened often. This place was going to be pure hell.
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