In front of House Lyrandar
The soldier, Lady Kue, is dressed in her armor and has a backpack and a satchel at her side. On the other is a sword, and to the backpack is strapped a shield. The shield shows a deck of cards, 9 to ace, on top of the Cyre emblem.
Hey guys. I have been thinking. This feels fishy. An oracle knowing where we are, kind of explains it self, but getting our names wrong? My real name is Kue d'Orien*. My call sign was Queen of Diamond, and somewhere down the line it became Lady Kue OOC:
*Its not uncommon for people to take the dragonmarked house name, if they work there, but usually only those with a dragonmark get to use the
d' affication. That her name is d'Orien means that she bears the dragonmark of House Orien, the house of Passage.
She gives a quick salute.
Quatermaster in the Cyre special forces.
Anyway this mission, to obtain an artifact that just happens to have resurfaced? Seems a heist disguised as a prophecy.
I would love to be proven wrong, but I am preparing myself for betrailOOC:
@Knighthawke are you with us?
Last edited Nov 10, 2024 2:23 pm