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Nov 12, 2024 3:39 am
Ibuki has no idea how to respond this sudden turn of events so she will focus on the detail of Ruby being the chef and turn too look at the kitchen area
Nov 12, 2024 4:12 am
"I-I don't have a fever!" Hanami protested immediately. She couldn't believe that her blush was so obvious that Aika could pick up on it. "You just need to worry about yourself, alright? Hold still." She channeled magic into her wand and held the tip close to Aika's hand. "Heal."

A warm, gentle healing light shrouded Aika's hand. In mere moments, it was like the bruise never existed in the first place. She could've just bandaged it up and let Aika suffer the pain of her own stupidity for the rest of the day, but Hanami felt the tengu learned her lesson already. Or at least, that's how she justified it to herself, but she just couldn't let Aika stay in pain.
As Hanami finished treating Aika, she thought most of the (unwanted) excitement had passed, but she was wrong. She felt herself get dizzy as the sight of Sumeryu's breasts getting pushed up by Katsuya's arms made blood rush to her head. By some miracle though, her nose didn't start bleeding. Maybe it was the sudden sweet scent in the air that helped her avoid springing a leak. What is that...? It smells so good. So delicious... Her sweet tooth was acting up now, but she figured out pretty quickly that the smell wasn't food, to her disappointment.

Her eyelid twitched. For some reason, watching that innocent kiss land on Sumeryu's cheek made her heart twist, but that petty feeling was quickly extinguished when she saw Katsuya's eye. She scoffed at the girl's rambled explanation, but not because of anything the youko did. This is why there needs to be an actual nurse. Someone can need help at any time.

"Okay, look... That 'curative' is offensively bad. There could be scarring, or worse, it could get infected." Hanami said bluntly. She'd just used healing magic on Aika, and while she could do it again for Katsuya, she'd rather avoid tiring herself out, so she decided to handle this without magic if possible. "If the damn 'nurse' is busy, then I'll take care of you." She slid her bento to the side and placed her doctor's bag on the table. She went through it for the supplies needed to treat Katsuya's eye, then she started with what she found.


Heal Aika's hand (Healer) - (6d6)

(131111) = 8

Supplies (Gear - Dimensional Pocket) - (6d6)

(612514) = 19

Treat Katsuya's Eye (Smart, Knowledge (Medicine) - (8d6)

(55564545) = 39

Nov 12, 2024 2:27 pm
Kanako stared at Hanami's work with a growing tension in her brow, eyes occasionally veering towards Sumeryu in ill-disguised annoyance.

"Tch, Hope you're not as bad at healing as you are at flying."

She stares at Sumeryu again, eyes now seething with undisguised hostility.

"Sure you won't keep getting distracted by something?" She chugs the rest of her milk to signal that she's not expecting a reply.
Nov 12, 2024 2:54 pm
Ibuki will sense the aura of gloomy hostility and turn towards Kanako

"Greeting I don't believe we've met my name is Ibuki, by the way you appear to be trying to stare daggers into Sumeryu there I assume you are upset about something, might I ask what she has done to cause offence?" Ibuki thinks back to the incident with konomi and wonders what misunderstanding caused this one
Nov 12, 2024 4:04 pm
"Shut it. I didn't get to use even half of my power in that race. You won't be so lucky next time!" Hanami retorted as she worked. Her focus was mainly on Katsuya, so she didn't quite notice Kanako's glances toward Sumeryu.

"I don't know, will you keep running your otaku mouth?" She shot back without missing a beat. Though, what Kanako meant by distraction had evidently went over Hanami's head. In fact, she only realized the succubus's displeasure when Ibuki explicitly mentioned it. She glanced between Kanako and Sumeryu a few times.

She's mad at Sumeryu? Okay, that makes two now... But why would- ...Ohhh. Hanami put it together when she noted the huge differences between the two girls. She didn't even try to hide her knowing smirk as she continued to treat Katsuya. "Heh. I see now. Well, I don't ever get 'distracted', but if I did, I'd just take a look at you to ground myself." She teased. "Can I count on you, Missile?"
Nov 12, 2024 7:43 pm
Kanako's face blushes a furious bruise-red, first in shock and then in undiluted fury. Her hands clench into fists, reflexively crushing the milk carton.

"The girl that came out of a doujin is one thing, but you... you...!"

She points at Hanami, a million comebacks fighting for supremacy inside her brain. The one that surfaced was perhaps not the most eloquent, but it felt right.

"A loser shouldn't talk so tough!"
Nov 13, 2024 2:56 am
"Hmph. That's the best one you had rattling around up there? Maybe you should read more books and less doujin." Hanami smirked. However, she quickly realized that she just revealed she knew what doujins were. Her cheeks flushing, she tried to course correct. "N-Not that I know what a doujin is. But it sounds like an otaku thing, and that stuff rots your brain."

Flawless deflection. No one will suspect a thing.
Nov 13, 2024 3:05 am
The giant dragon-girl watch the comparatively small Hanami and actually tiny Aika go at it again. She had missed round one.

Sumeryu smiles warmly at Hanami. Approval. Good regard. "You're a compassionate, concienstious person, Dr. Matsuyama. You're lucky, tengu-san, that Dr. Matsuyama is so generous with her time and skills."

When Katsuya grabs Sumeryu from behind, the redhead goes very still. She doesn't want to hurt whoever is hugging her by moving suddenly; when Sumeryu moves quickly, so does whatever is in the way.

"Miss Momochichi! Ah, that's all right." she doesn't notice how well the girl's hug frames her bountiful chest, instead focused on Katsuya's delightful pastry and flower scent and the softness of her hair and tails. The smooch nearly makes her explode. She has to take a couple deep breaths.

"You should let Dr. Matsuyama look at that," she added, torn between squeezing Katsuya, kidnapping both her and Hanami, and passing out from kawaii overload.

So distracted by cuteness is the dragon girl that she fails to notice Kanako's fury, either at her or Hanami. Oh no! Is trouble brewing already? She's not even half done with lunch.
Nov 13, 2024 3:26 am
"Doujin?" wondered Luna, tilting her head in confusion. "What kind of book is it? I don't think I've read one before."

While Luna had read a few books before, mostly historical texts and children's stories, she was still quite sheltered. This was especially true for any of the more risque things a child might find in the back of a store or online.

Hmm, with the pure reactions of these young maidens, I can most likely surmise the contents of these modern day texts. It might finally be time for you to enter adulthood, Luna.

Eh? Adulthood? That makes it even more confusing!

"Maybe I should ask the librarian after school today..." She thought that surely they'd be more knowledgeable about these kinds of books, right?
Nov 13, 2024 3:56 am
Ibuki contemplates the chances that Ruby is also the librarian

"I believe doujin is the term used for self-published print works, their typically derivatives of existing works made by fans i believe"
Ibuki growing up in a buddhist temple is also rather sheltered having spent most of her reading time on buddhist scripture
Nov 13, 2024 1:35 pm
"Ehhh? Why is everyone fighting all of the sudden?" She glances around the scene nervously. "Food should be eaten in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere, right?"
Nov 13, 2024 1:41 pm
Despite how amusing the fumble on Aika's healing is, even a 3 would be appropriate to heal her, and I can't imagine how that would turn into a disaster (in a funny way, as all of this has zero drama in it)
As the girls back and forth, Hanami treats Aika, a simple wave of her hand and the bruise is gone, along with the pain. Aika's eyes shimmer and she embraces her in a tight grip, squeezing the soul out of her! "Thank you Banami!! You're so kind!!"

After that, she goes to treat Katsuya's eye. Deeming it more serious, she picks an alchemical pomade from her bag and brushes it around her eye. As she removes the curative, she sees the bad state it was in, she had a black eye, swollen and with small cuts on the corners, really detracting from the girls cuteness. With the medical expertise she had (and incredible success) She conclude that such an injury would be very weird from a fall damage, being so concentrated on a small point. What's more, the injury's patter was very close to that of a fist...

Anyway, the ointment applied, the injury almost instantly disappeared, leaving no scar.
Katsuya cautiously touches her eye socks, to check if they still hurt. After concluding they didn't, her face gleamed on a cheerful and adorable, "Thanks, miss Bananas!! You're so nice!!" And almost reenacting Aika, she hugs her, though much less strongly, her perty but weaker body pressing against Hanami's.
After a long hug, she breaks apart, taking turns glaring at Sumeryu and Hanami (whose she was sitting between) and also Ibuki (with her very accurate contemplations); Luna, to whom she smiles "Oh! You look like me!!" Kanako, who she eye with curiosity, as if not quite understanding her, and finally Konomi, to whom she raises her ears and wags her tail, "Hey there, little one! What's your name?"

"Woa!! You guys are so cool!! Your friends must be very lucky!"
Nov 13, 2024 2:09 pm
"so this is that so called 'telephone' game' Ibuki says regarding how hanami's name is being further altered
Nov 13, 2024 3:03 pm
Matsui remained concealed in his hiding spot. Leaning nonchalantly against a nearby pillar, watching with barely concealed curiosity as the scene unfolded. He’d caught most of the conversation—enough, at least, to know that someone had been stealing intimate belongings from some of the girls. The fact that it had happened multiple times, and even right after classes, was intriguing and… brazen.

When Rika abruptly cut her friend off, her expression shifting to something between worry and determination, Matsui’s interest sharpened. He watched the interaction between Rika and one of the other girls, the latter quickly blushing scarlet. Rika then signaled a few other girls, each one looking around with a blend of suspicion and focus as they seemed to begin searching for someone. It couldn’t possibly be him…could it? Best not to find out.

As Rika slipped out of the hall, Matsui made his decision and decided to try and follow her at a safe distance. He wasn’t entirely sure what he expected to find, but the way Rika was acting told him this was more than just a petty prank to her.
Rolling to remain hidden and follow Rika:
1. 2d6 base
2. 2d6 base + 3d6 quick


Hide - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Pursue - (5d6)

(52552) = 19

Nov 13, 2024 4:29 pm
The conversation's awkward derailing into the territories of normies sapped some of the rage from Kanako's heart, returning her face to a shade that less resembled a malevolent hematoma. She thanked her decision to buy safety covers for her thin books and tankobon—she wasn't actually reading anything too spicy, but it upheld her cultural image—and it protected the virgin eyes of the dozy young ladies and Buddhist at the table.

Some things are just social etiquette, after all - even for a Succubus. She adjusted her glasses with a noncommittal grunt that sounded almost conciliatory.

"The path of self-pusblished Manga... is deep. That's all I'll say."
Nov 13, 2024 4:43 pm
"Oh perhaps you could teach me about it someday Miss Kanako, seeking knowledge is a a key point on the road to enlightenment afterall. Maybe someday there will eveb be Sutra adapted to manga form "
Nov 13, 2024 5:06 pm


Nosebleeder (DN 4; +Iron-Willed, -Soft Spot (Sweets)) - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Nov 13, 2024 5:30 pm
What the hell...? This injury... Did she get punched in the face? Hanami frowned. The thought of anyone doing that to this girl pissed her off, but she was hugged before she got the chance to ask about it. The question still lingered in the back of her mind though.

"D-Don't call me nice!" She growled, her mind just completely glossing over the fact that she was called Bananas. "I just couldn't stand seeing you walk around looking like that..." Hanami muttered. Katsuya's hug wasn't damn near bone-crushing like Aika's, which she appreciated, but she found her will being tested by Katsuya's soft body and sweet scent. Every time she breathed in, her mind was nearly carried away by the mouth-watering fragrance. Can this hug please end before I lose my mind?

She'd get her wish soon enough, though now a part of her was disappointed it was over. Make up your mind, damn it... She took a moment to calm her flushed cheeks, then tried to find a good moment to quietly whisper to Katsuya. "Did someone hit you...?"

She couldn't resist poking at Kanako some more. "Oh, I'd also like to be taught about the world of doujins! You must know all the good ones." She said innocently. Hehehe, the bait is set. I've got plausible deniability too. Go on, reveal yourself!
Last edited November 13, 2024 5:38 pm
Nov 13, 2024 5:49 pm
"Oh! Manga! Reading manga sounds like fun." Konomi perks up.
"Though I have never heard of this doujin thing either. Do they have doujins with magical-girls? I always like magical-girl manga, they are my favorite."
Last edited November 13, 2024 5:51 pm

Lín Jìng / 林静


Nov 13, 2024 6:01 pm
So Ishida is on her way, but Aono is nowhere to be seen either. Hmm, maybe I should speed up the timetable, thought Lín Jìng to herself, and walked to a nearby bathroom. In the small corridor near the stalls, there was about enough place to extend both hands and swing them about. And it was secluded enough to minimise the chance of any odd questions.

So she opened her third eye, adopted a wide stance, and made a few wide-motion mudras with both arms and a few ritual steps with the legs, redirecting the youki channels in such a way as to become as unnoticeable as a quiet breeze, intent to walk out of the room and sneakily catch up with Ishida (and maybe Aono) on the thankfully known way upstairs.
Using Magic (Arcane) 5 to gain Invisibility 5 (and immediately become unoticeable, including reduced noise/scent/&c.), using Ritual Arcana casting (Elaborate Gesture -5, Open to Attack -25, reduced Endurance cost by -30 which is enough to negate the 20 Endurance cost of the magic. Since she's wide 'open to attack' and generally too focused on the casting, there's a short but strong opportunity for something to happen if someone manages to sneak up on her in the time being.
Lín Jìng / 林静
Last edited November 13, 2024 6:01 pm
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