Lunch time!

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Nov 4, 2024 4:31 pm
After the ring bels, the teachers raises from their chair and dismiss the students, "Alright boys and girls." And they directed toward the cafeteria and courtyard. The sun was high, casting a pleasant warmth over the grounds, and the air was buzzing with excitement, and a few lingering whispers about the dramatic events in the auditorium that morning. Tables and benches lined the courtyard, some shaded under wide oaks, and the large double doors to the cafeteria stood open, inviting students in with the delicious scents of a variety of meals.
Passing through the solemn double doors, one would find himself in a huge hall, with a high spiraling roof, supported by spare thin pillars.

The cafeteria was bustling, alive with the sounds of clinking trays, laughter, and murmurs of conversation. Students moved between the rows of food, where trays piled with everything from simple dishes like ramen, to exotic and foreign ones. Curiously, the menu is filled with lots of eastern European and Mediterranean dishes, either for lunch and other meals. Of course, common Japanese dishes were also available.

Outside, in the courtyard, small groups of students from both classes clustered around tables, chatting as they found spots to sit and eat. A few bold upperclassmen lingered by the benches, observing the new students with expressions ranging from friendly to curious, their uniforms marked with badges from various clubs.
Nov 4, 2024 5:13 pm
Lín Jìng mostly stays away from the centre of the cafeteria, but keeps an eye out for the statuesque stunner and the tieless vampire.
Nov 5, 2024 3:35 am
Sumeryu dominates the entire cafeteria space and courtyard with her presence. Not only is she gigantic, she is straightforward, advancing right down the middle in heeled boots that make her even taller.

She already has a fan club, and they're going over a logo and shirt design. Eight girls and three boys swoon and dozens more watch her go past with starstruck admiration. She barely notices, being a knucklehead focused on her mission: lunch. She does, however, wave and smile at Lin Jing.

Her lunch selection is large, as might be expected of a 7-foot-4-inch -the heels add the inches- girl who clearly works out. She seems enamored of the display of variety, there's at least 2000 calories total on the three plates she gets, and she has no shame at all about eating that much. She pays with cash taken from a stuffed wallet. Exact change.

Then Sumeryu claims a table for herself in a spot she likes, at a bench seat table near the drink fountains. If anybody is sitting there, she just takes the seat closest to the middle of that table. She wouldn't fit in the normal cafeteria chairs.
Last edited November 5, 2024 3:35 am
Nov 5, 2024 5:24 am
Ibuki watches her new dragon friend and her many admirers thankful that she seems to be drawing most of romantic attention (little does she know that her own eccentricities will soon cause her own kind of fanclub to form)

In contrast to the spread of food sumeryu has acquired Ibuki has but one bowl, that said bowl however is full of mushrooms, tofu, noodles, and vegetables with soy sauce as Ibuki was surprised to actually find her favourite food here and decided to treat herself.

She does not have any particular choice of seat in mind simply taking one that happened to be available
Nov 6, 2024 7:41 am
Finally... Lunch break. It felt like she'd never make it here. Today was easily the strangest and most eventful first day she'd ever had. Her stomach growled in response to the wonderful smells hitting her nose. Everything on display looked so good, if rather fattening, but it'd have to wait until next time since she already had a lunch with her. Before she left her village this morning, her mom had given her a bento box full of her favorite dishes. It was like she brought a little slice of home with her, and damn it, she was going to enjoy it.

Or at least she wanted to, but she had to go find Aika. I said we'd have lunch together, and I keep my word. She told herself, but she didn't want to admit she'd feel awful if she flaked on the overly affectionate tengu. A deeply buried part of her even looked forward to it. After all, Aika really seemed to like her candy.

As Hanami started to wander through the cafeteria (running into Aika along the way), she couldn't help but notice Sumeryu sitting down. Ibuki didn't seem to be too far off, either. Remembering how they helped out with Aika this morning, she decided that she was going to give them some candy as thanks. Perhaps she'd give something to Matsui Aono too, if she saw him hanging around.

She approached Sumeryu first, only to be initially distracted by the sheer amount of food the giant girl was eating. All that for lunch!? That's enough for three meals! As an aspiring doctor, she felt eating so much was ill-advised, but Sumeryu definitely didn't look overweight. What the hell IS she...? No, really, what kind of yokai is she? Hanami couldn't tell as a glance, but she got over her brief shock and reached into her magical doctor's bag. What she pulled out was a thick bar of chocolate wrapped in a golden foil. Like her lollipops, she made the chocolate last week and has been meaning to have a piece of it, but she didn't mind parting with it for Sumeryu. The way Sumeryu called her Dr. Matsuyama earlier played absolutely no part in her decision...

"Here. For catching the chicken nugg- I mean Aika, earlier. You did a good thing." She said, trying to stay cool at she held the chocolate out to Sumeryu. She was oblivious to the fact she had just made a lot of enemies with that gesture. Still, she at least noticed the temperature rise by a few degrees thanks to the glares of Sumeryu's fan club burning into her very soul. Did it just get hot in here?
Last edited November 7, 2024 12:51 am
Nov 6, 2024 8:09 pm
When Lìng Jing came into the hall, she didn't take long to locate the girl she remembered running off with the tie, although she had no tie in view right now, she was seated with some friends, enjoying a meal. A little bit of asking (or mind probing) would wage that her name is Rika Ishida, 1-A. She is tall and lean, with curly dark hair and light brow expressive eyes. She wore lots of accessories: rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.
In the meanwhile, Hanami didn't needed to bother finding Aika, Aika found her. While looking around, she heard it from behind, "Banami!!!" And then she was held in the strong grasp of the Tengu girl from behind. "Oh, I missed you soooo much!! Did you brought any candy?!!" After a bit more squeezing her, she adds, "I was gonna sit with these cool girls from my class, want to join in?!" She says, as she points to the table Where Sumeryu and Ibuki ate.
Meanwhile, Everyone who's already eating, or about to eat, can't help but be in awe at the delicious food, it's like really weird that this was the most delicious food they've ever had in their whole lives, if they had any found memory with the particular food they were eating, they relived that memory, as they delight on those 5-star dishes.
Nov 6, 2024 8:16 pm
Adela stumbled into the cafeteria, today was just exhausting for her, though much like normal it did not show on her face. She got herself some eastern European dishes, though would strangely ask for chili to be dumped over it...extremely hot chili. Anyone watching her would notice that her meal was covered in the stuff.

The golem noticed some familiar faces, some classmates like the quiet one and the zap dominatrix. She also recognized the Buddhist and the giant too. She would move past them all and head towards the oak tree, deciding to sit under it and eat, just people watching for the moment.
Nov 6, 2024 8:53 pm
Lín Jìng glanced at the tengu - the one who loudly bragged about new connections on the first day at the academy, then at Ishida again, then continued looking all over the room unhurriedly, while trying to recall what juicy details have been passed along the whisper network about this Ishida.


What Secrets are known (base 2 + Know:Secrets 2) - (4d6)

(1341) = 9

Nov 6, 2024 9:11 pm
Sumeryu waves at Ibuki wherever the latter sits.

Indeed, Sumeryu looked like the very picture of health. Perfectly clear skin, perfect proportions, perfectly glossy hair. Sure, her nails were a her hair too red to be normal, and her ears were a little pointed. And she was 7 feet tall barefoot. But she was perfectly-toned and perfectly-built. The giant girl was about a quarter of the way through her food when Hanami approached.

When Hanami greeted her, Sumeryu put down her utensils, which seemed comically small in her hands, wiped her mouth with a napkin even though she hadn't made any mess whatsoever, and slowly turned her head, like a tigress observing her domain. Upon seeing Hanami, her expression morphed from flat and focused to soft and pleasant, a brilliant smile spreading across her incredible features. A weak-willed person might easily get lost in that smile, in those beautiful eyes, in that perfect visage full of genuine happiness at seeing Hanami.

Her eyes flit to the chocolate when Hanami takes the treasure from her back. The sparkling gold wrapper and the smell of home-made chocolate are deeply compelling to Sumeryu. Recognizing the importance of Hanami's gift, the giant stands. She rose standing less than three feet away from Hanami. Sumeryu's amazing chest was level with Hanami's eyes. If she walked directly forward, her nose would be right between Sumeryu's big, round, firm-but-soft breasts. Somebody with an active imagination for dirty thoughts could have all kinds of fun imagining what a girl that pretty and that big could do to them.

"Dr. Matsuyama," replies the giant girl. "Thank you. This is a wonderful gift. You have many amazing talents!"

She uses both hands to take the chocolate, almost reverently, looking at it front and back. From someone with less presence than Sumeryu, it might come across as mockery. But Sumeryu means every bit of her sincerity.

She is also barely holding herself together. The sheer number of cute girls today has been overwhelming for her poor princess-desiring sensibilities. She feels her cheeks flush. Now one of the girls is giving her gold and home made chocolate at the same time. And a girl who's brilliant and focused and capable, too! Sumeryu decides then and there that Hanami Matsuyama must be hers. To have and treasure and claim forever. Woe betide anyone else who tries to woo the magical medical schoolgirl.

The giant will have to sit down before she freaks out and squees about how wonderful Hanami is.

Keep it together, Sumeryu!

Politely, the giant gestures to the bench. "Please sit with me. I would like your company and to know more about you."

She really can't help being chivalrous!
Last edited November 6, 2024 9:12 pm
Nov 6, 2024 9:15 pm
Ibuki wonders if dragons can eat chocolate
Nov 7, 2024 12:24 pm
Good, I played it off perfectly. Now- Just as she started to inwardly congratulate herself for staying calm, Hanami's train of thought was brought to a screeching halt when Sumeryu stood up, towering over her. Her fight-or-flight response immediately kicked in, but she wasn't scared of Sumeryu, no. She feared herself and what she might do while faced with the most incredible boobs she'd ever seen. She liked to believed she wasn't a pervert (how true that is varies), but she couldn't hardly think for a solid moment. Big... Big... Big... Dare she 'trip' forward and get a faceful...? Would that be so bad...!?

It was good that Sumeryu took the chocolate out of her hand when she did, because Hanami had been close to dropping it. "Uh-huh... Don't read too much into it..." She murmured in response to Sumeryu's gratitude. While the massive girl inspected the chocolate wrapped in wondrously shiny golden foil, Hanami took the chance to get her thoughts in order. What in the hell am I thinking? Focus.

"S-Sit with you...?" It was a simple request, but the way Sumeryu stated it so forwardly made her heart flutter. "S-Sure. We were coming over to ask to sit with you anyway." Hanami said, pointing a thumb back at her excitable tagalong, Aika. "She really wanted to, and well, I couldn't refuse." She was trying to reclaim a bit of her cool-headed facade, but she was failing spectacularly.

Hanami sat down on the bench and started to rummage around in her bag. "So... What kind of monster are you?" She asked Sumeryu, trying to keep her curiosity from showing too strongly. She pulled a multi-layered wooden bento box out of her bag and placed it on the table. It seemed to emanate magic for those that could perceive it.


Nosebleeder (DN 4; Iron-Willed) - (4d6)

(1323) = 9

Nov 8, 2024 12:09 am
Oh dear. Sumeryu forgot the customary two refusals. She is always bad about that. But...homemade chocolate! Gold foil! She can hardly be expected to be perfectly polite, can she?

She places the precious chocolate on the table directly in front of where she would sit, giving it pride of place. Simultaneously, she marshaled her self control while looking at Aika, the tengu on the other side of Hanami. It was simply Sumeryu's normal neutral expression, but Sumeryu is gigantic, physically powerful, and immensely charismatic. Who knows how intimidating a simple look might be?

The giant's gathering of composure means that she sat only after Hanami did, which is, as with so much she does, unintentionally gallant.

She sits next to Hanami, close enough that the other girl would just have to lean to the side to touch the top of her head to the bicep of the prettiest person in the school. With reverence, Sumeryu unwraps the chocolate. Her huge size makes the otherwise big bar seem smaller.

"I am a dragon," she says, matter-of-factly and with some pride. Sure, it's normal for a supposedly lost and immensely powerful species of monster to just be having lunch. Just a Monday.

"May I know what manner of monster you are as well, Dr. Matsuyama?" No sarcasm at all. Not even the slightest shade of mockery. Only respect for Hanami's demonstrated abilities.

She slices a small piece off the bar with her unusually sharp nail, stabs it, and puts it in her mouth.


Five seconds.

Aaaand she loses it.

"It's so good!" announces the huge redhead, louder than before, excited. She wears a big smile, brows drawn up and out in astonishment.

"A doctor and a chef!"

Don't grab the meganekko! Bear hugs in public are rude.
Last edited November 8, 2024 1:07 am
Nov 8, 2024 2:49 am
"so dragons can have chocolate interesting, i wonder what other traits are different from their animal counterparts... is she cold blooded?" Ibuki is hypothesising
Nov 8, 2024 11:58 am
S-She's so close... And she's like a furnace. From this close, Hanami could feel the heat radiating off of Sumeryu. She couldn't help but be comforted by the warmth.

"You're a dragon? Pfft. If you're trying to April Fools me, you could at least go for something a little more believable." Hanami laughed, finding that Sumeryu's 'joke' helped her relax a little. After presumably going extinct ages ago, dragons were relegated to mere myth. It was impossible for one to be sitting next to her right now. If only she knew.

"Oh, I'm a witch..." She answered softly. Her hat and wand were big hints, and she normally might've had the urge to be sarcastic about it, but hearing 'Dr. Matsuyama' flow from Sumeryu's lips again in that earnest manner made it impossible to do so. What's happening to me...?

Hanami lifted her scarf over her mouth to hide her own smile when she saw how much Sumeryu enjoyed her chocolate. "O-Of course. There's a lot I can do! Specialization is for insects, you know?" She bragged.

Oh, wait a minute... She'd almost forgotten about Ibuki. She was still intending to thank her as well. "That's right, I want to thank you too, for carrying Aika earlier." She said to Ibuki, intentionally not bringing up how she was carried as well. As far as Hanami was concerned, that undignified little moment never happened. Or at least, she would pretend as hard as she could. "Do you like candy? I have all sorts in my bag."
Nov 8, 2024 12:44 pm
"... are witches really so different from humans as to be a separate species classified as a monster? Huh i suppose i should have studied more about the monster- wait how would I even have gone about studying these things?!"

Ibuki is broken out of her thoughts by Hanami's offer "As one who is following the path of Buddha, my likes would be considered attachment to the world... Though I suppose being here I am already far enough from that path right now and it would not do to reject and offering of Alms so I shall partake, would you happen to have any lollipops?"
Nov 9, 2024 12:46 am
Soft skin. Ample chest. Supple limbs. Shining hair. Truly

Oh yes yes, yes! Ibuki is here also. Ibuki wants Sumeryu to be a proud guardian of the dharma. So she must be composed and wise. Anything else would be unbecoming of a dragon!

She clears her throat of the squee building up.

Someone with an eye out for nonhuman behavior, such as Ibuki, would probably notice that Sumeryu holds things in her mouth, like her tableware, much more often than other people. That would be consistent with a nonhumanoid monster.

Sumeryu takes another bite of the chocolate and makes a pleased noise at the delectable taste.

After considering Hanami's statements about jokes, Sumeryu concludes that honesty will serve her well. Everyone is impressed by the majesty of dragons, after all!

"I am not trying to fool you." As before, the giant beauty is utterly sincere. She is not irritated or even offended. After all, Sumeryu was quite possibly the only dragon in the world. She hopes not. But no others have made themselves known in a very long time.

"Would you take fire breathing as proof?"

She looks up, purses her lips, and exhales a thin jet of blue-hot flame. It's only a few inches long and just for a couple seconds, so as not to set off any fire alarms or sprinklers.

It's not a threat, merely a display. Showing that she is telling the truth.

"I agree," she adds, unaffected by the heat that was just between her soft, plush lips. Wow, she'd really drawn attention to her mouth with that one. "We should always be ready to grow and improve."
Nov 9, 2024 3:26 am
"Sure, I've got plenty of those." Hanami reached into her doctor's bag and pulled out a few homemade lollipops of assorted flavors. She leaned over the table to hand them to Ibuki. "So, a Buddhist, huh? I can respect that. Feel free to ask for another anytime you'd like. Just don't ask for too many. It'd be bad for your path and your teeth," she said. Really though, she wouldn't mind indulging anyone who liked her candy.

Hanami almost instinctively took Sumeryu at face value when she stated she wasn't trying to deceive. However, Hanami was a natural skeptic, so she wasn't convinced by the beautiful dragon girl's subdued display of firepower. "There's quite a few monster species that can breathe fire. It's certainly not something unique to dragons," she rebutted. "You're really committed to this bit, huh...? Okay, if you're supposedly a dragon, then show me your horns and claws. Your wings too, if you have those."
Last edited November 9, 2024 3:27 am
Nov 9, 2024 4:18 am
Ibuki will suck on her lollipop and turn to sumeryu with a look of curiosity she didn't even know dragons were considered extinct... Well anymore non existent than what every other monster is supposed to be but she is still intrigued by what an actual dragon would look like
Nov 9, 2024 4:55 am
Proud if her kind and majesty, Sumeryu points at the top of her head. Hanami will have to lean backwards to see what she's pointing at. Tufts of unruly hair that, on a second look, are too regular, too symmetrical, to be normal hair. Then they change back to hair again.

"My hair, claws, and horns are the same material."

She holds her left hand out for Hanami to take and examine. Her big, soft, elegant hand. Her fingernails are sharp and red, but they're not cosmetic. If and when Hanami looks at Sumeryu's nails, they grow into 3-inch talons, dark red with a silvery sheen and a wavy pattern on the cutting edge. Then they retract to nails again.

"I will have to transform to show you my wings. My full body would not fit in this room." She seems quite proud of that, smiling bright.
Last edited November 9, 2024 4:56 am
Nov 9, 2024 5:15 am
When Luna arrived at the cafeteria, it was already lively with the chatter of students and the aroma of their meals. She was merely fashionably late, and totally didn't get lost on the way there.

See? I told you we should have taken a left at the last hallway! Now, look! There are barely any seats left open.

On the bright side, at least the lunch line has died down already.

Although Luna thought that, some items on the lunch menu had already run out. Luckily, there was still ramen available. As she stepped out of the line, she surveyed the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit. She wondered if there were any seats left in the cafeteria, or if one of the open tables in the courtyard would be better.
Nov 9, 2024 6:02 am
Ibuki will self consciously ruffle her own hair wondering if that's how her horns work as well

There are still a few seats available at Ibuki's table as it appears people are keeping their distance, perhaps rumours of her Sutra lecture have already spread...
Nov 9, 2024 6:49 am
"Keratin, yeah. I'm aware." Hanami nodded. When she was offered Sumeryu's hand, she simply stared for a moment. Wait, can I...? Her heart immediately skipped a beat, but she didn't dare pass up the chance to caress- er, examine, the dragon's hand. Though she tried to appear calm and analytical, her mind was overwhelmed with thoughts only tangentially related to Sumeryu being a dragon. Soft... Soft... Soft...! Her brain was stuck in a loop for the second time in the past five minutes.

"Wait, seriously...?" The cafeteria was already exceptionally spacious, so Hanami could only imagine the size of Sumeryu's full body if it wouldn't be able to fit. "Hmph... I guess I have no choice but to believe you for now. But I'd really like if you showed me your transformation later. If that's okay..." She noticed that she'd been holding onto Sumeryu's hand for too long, so she pulled back hurriedly and tried to play it off.

"Ahem... If you're a dragon, then you'd be a fascinating subject to examine. Your physiology must be a mystery waiting to be solved!" Hanami's eyes sparkled. It seemed the challenge of exploring uncharted territory was exciting to her.
Nov 9, 2024 6:01 pm
"I-buki-chan...." Konomi pops up next to Ibuki, her mood having improved substantially from earlier. She takes a seat at the table. "Mind if I sit next to you?" She asks after already sitting down.

With a cheerful "Itadakimasu!" she digs in to a rather large bowl of pasta. "This is really good. I did not expect them to have foreign food here. My grandma is not very fond of it, so I rarely get to eat any. But I think I could get used to this. Grandma said I need to eat plenty of rice every day or I won't grow. But pasta will do the trick as well, right?" She interrupts her musings to dig in to her food some more.
Nov 9, 2024 6:42 pm
Matsui passed the heavy doors to the lunch hall, stepping into a sea of chattering voices and mingling students, their unique auras filling the room with an undercurrent of unrestrained energy. Every type of yokai seemed to be present, their conversations blending into a constant hum as they swapped stories and postured over trays of delectable cafeteria food.

He let his eyes drift over the crowd, searching with mild disinterest until they landed on a familiar face. There she was, seated and laughing with her friends, his tie nowhere in sight. The girl who had boldly snatched it from him at the entrance ceremony clearly hadn’t enjoyed her spoils, seemingly having discarded the precious fabric already.

Bobbing and weaving through the hall, Matsui gradually made his way closer to her table, making sure to stay out of sight. Eventually, he posted up against a pillar, still a good distance from the group, but hopefully close enough his enhanced hearing could sift through the noise, and glean something useful from their conversation.
Rolling to Eavesdrop: 2d6 base + 3d6 Enhanced Hearing.


Eavesdropping - (5d6)

(55161) = 18

Nov 9, 2024 7:28 pm
Lín Jìng stares into her dish, or at least so it seems. But this is no idle musing. She's thinking about something important, keeping her thoughts narrowly focused and tightly gripped, like a wild creature that might slip out of one's fingers.

The tie is a great prize. Snatching it was a success. But he seems wary now. Better move it to a safer place temporarily. The spot behind the heating radiator under a windowsill in a rarely-used corridor would be perfect - like the one at the top floor, between the stairs the janitor's closet (not the roof exit - that one is too busy a place). Yeah, there it can stay safe until the 'heat' dies down and it'll be safe to retrieve it. It would be even better if someone distracted him while I'm doing that.

And then she releases the thought, like a messenger-bird freed from a cage, letting it 'fly' towards Ishida's psyche, and nest there as if at home.
Using Psychic 1 with Iron Will 3, to Implant an Idea or Encourage an Action -2, plus the two basic dice, for a total of 4 dice, targeting Ishida.


Implant course of action - (4d6)

(6523) = 16

Nov 9, 2024 10:18 pm
Adela finished eating her extremely spicy food as she watched the friend group speak to each other. It was nice seeing how close everyone was getting. But she didn't belong with them, at least that's what she thought, so the golem got up and discarded the rest of her lunch. Herbeyes then scanned the area again before shrugging. Nothing here was her business.

She would gather up her things, including art supplies, and make her way back towards the forest, the way she came, that spirit needed her statue painted after all. Maybe Adela could start that now.
Nov 9, 2024 11:10 pm
Uh-oh! Sumeryu is accidentally holding hands with Hanami! It's so inappropriate for people their age! Think of the ratings! She takes a deep breath to keep from exploding and just stealing Hanami right there.

It's a relief when Hanami lets go, mostly because Sumeryu was half a second away from detonating in squeals of delight. She puts her hand back on the table. It's really not fair, that she can have such pretty hands yet be so strong at the same time.

"Of course I will show you later. It isn't a secret. I just don't want to step on anyone or demolish things without a good reason." Sincerity, as usual, but with some bragging.

"And I would like if you explored my physiology. So little is known about dragons, after all, and I would like to learn just as much as you, Dr. Matsuyama." She flashes another big, charming smile.

Quadruple entendre. Unintentional all four ways. How hopeless are these two? Sumeryu doesn't even notice that Hanami basically propositioned her and she essentially agreed, in the cafeteria of all places.

Sumeryu holds up her other hand to wave at Luna, Konomi, and Adela. Neither an invite nor a rebuke, just an acknowledgement. She did claim a rather prominent table and sit in the middle of it.
Nov 10, 2024 12:26 am
Kanako was not easily distracted by the mountains of exotic food - she grabbed a Yakisoba Pan (because it's delicious and efficient) and a carton of strawberry-flavored milk (because hope is the last to die) and made her way into the yard.

The real challenge was finding somewhere to eat where she wouldn't be bothered. That table... to crowded. That one... too flashy. That other one... empty! Even worse - it reeks of desperation and attracts loners. What about that one...

Oh, that table looks alright. She looked it over. A few people from her class... and a corner seat. Not the best option, there's some... irritants... but it beats the other alternatives. She sits down in an isolated seat before digging in.

Nov 10, 2024 3:21 am
Aline says:
"I-buki-chan...." Konomi pops up next to Ibuki, her mood having improved substantially from earlier. She takes a seat at the table. "Mind if I sit next to you?" She asks after already sitting down.
"Why of course you are free sit where you like however..." *Ibuki looks at the large bowl of pasta and back to the rather small konomi* "Are you sure your OK with eating all of that? It seems like quite alot of someone of your stature"
Last edited November 10, 2024 3:22 am
Nov 10, 2024 5:26 am
As Luna was surveying the room, she managed to spot Sumeryu waving her over. Although with Sumeryu's size, it was hard not to. Someone had also just finished eating and left, which worked out quite nicely. The open seat was practically calling out to her.

"Hello again, Miss Sumeryu and everyone." Luna gave a quick greeting as she sat down at the table before she began eating her ramen.
Nov 10, 2024 5:30 am
"No, I get it. I'll be looking forward to it." Hanami couldn't help but imagine herself riding on the back of a transformed Sumeryu. It was a scene right out of a fairy tale, as well as a long-forgotten childhood dream of hers. I could actually ride a real dragon... if I asked. Asking would be the hard part.

Only when Hanami heard 'explore my physiology' did she realized how her own phrasing had sounded. She shook off the thoughts of performing a different kind of examination, one of the hands-on variety. "R-Right then. Maybe I could run some tests on you in the infirmary sometime. Though I haven't actually been there yet. I'd also have to ask Miss Tojo for permission, just to be sure."

When Hanami got a look at Konomi, she initially felt a little worried for this cute but random child. Is someone just letting their kid wander around...? No, she's wearing a uniform. Skipped a few grades, maybe? If that was the case, Hanami considered it normal that a growing girl would have a big appetite. Seeing as the kid seemed to know Ibuki and vice versa, Hanami glanced at the oni. "Who's the brat? Someone from your class?" She asked Ibuki.

She was starting to really feel hungry now, so she tapped her wand on the top of her layered bento. A brief glow emanated from it as she unraveled the temporal spell keeping the contents in a hot and fresh state. She was in the middle of pulling out her chopsticks when she noticed another new arrival at the corner of their table. She would've just ignored it and focused on her food if not for the familiarity of the newcomer. "Wait... It's you! The missile from this morning!" She pointed her chopsticks at Kanako.
Nov 10, 2024 6:29 am
"If by brat you are referring to konomi here she is indeed my classmate, and konomi this is hanami we met at the earlier on the way to the ceremony, greetings to you as well Luna"
Nov 10, 2024 7:14 pm
Lín Jìng successfully plants the thoughts on Rika's mind; besides, she also hears that Rika has quite the fame to find lost objects, but that she never helps others for free.

Rika was with some friends, while a girl comes in and pleads her to help, stating that some of her stuff simply vanished, specially (and she says that with great flusterment) some pieces of her underwear. She adds that a lot of her friends, whose dorms or lockers are close to her, suffered the same, and it seemed to have happened around the time of the commencement ceremony and the first hour of classes, while to some, it seemed their private 'stuff' disappeared right after classes ended, in the first minutes of lunch time. That's what Matsui hears, for when the girl would add more details, Rika cut her short.

The thought planted, Rika suddenly looks nervous and worried. She excuses her friends and lefts her place, but not before whispering something to a friend. The second girl promptly blushes at her request, but nods with resolve nonetheless.

She calls some other of the more... gifted girls, and they start looking around, as if searching for someone.
Meanwhile, the girls all have a great time, despite the immense flusterment of Sumeryu and Hanami. The recent additon of Luna, Konomi and the begrudging Kanako makes things even better!

As they get deeper into her inuendo-full propositions, blushing more furiously as they speak, Sumeryu hears from behind her, "Don't even think of doing anything dirty to my Banami!!!" And then AIka throws a downward punch at the top of Sumeryu's head, one she hardly felt, despite the evident strength Aika put into it.

As she turn, Aika stands there, all rough, snapping her fingers, "Anyone who mess with my Banami will pay!" She says in a menacing tone, despite her moist twitching eyes and bruised hand.
I'd like a roll for Matsui to remain hidden (if he wants to), DN 6.
Nov 10, 2024 8:35 pm
"Who are you calling a brat?" Konomi snaps back at Hanami. "I forgive you this one time, just because the food is so good, but next time I..." She interrupts herself as Aika throws her ineffective punch. "...Wait! are they fighting?" She gestures towards them.
Nov 10, 2024 8:37 pm
Lín Jìng relaxes a bit, then looks around. The plan seems to be working, but it'll take some time until the next step becomes possible. Meanwhile, she spends some more time watching Aono, Sumeryu, and the tengu.
Eventually she'll depart as part of the plan, but if someone wants to interrupt, there's some opportunity for that.
Last edited November 10, 2024 8:39 pm
Nov 10, 2024 11:34 pm
"Miss Luna," acknowledges the giant with a gentle smile as Luna sits down.

Sumeryu is a silly person and doesn't notice just how many people have gathered at her table.

"Miss Konomi," she continues. "It's good to see that you're doing better since this morning."

"Is that a home-cooked lunch? Did you make it yourself?" she asks Hanami, leaning over a couple inches to inspect the steaming bento.

Sumeryu further fails to notice Aika running up to her and hitting her in the head. It didn't hurt in the slightest. It takes her a full two seconds to recognize that Aika had even struck her. She twists her waist and shoulders to look behind herself at Aika.

"Who is Banami? Do you mean Dr. Matsuyama?" she asks Aika, actually unsure of the crow-girl's meaning. "Oh dear! You've hurt yourself. Maybe Dr. Matsuyama will help you out with that, if you ask nicely." She is, as always, being completely genuine. Not a hint of sarcasm or self-righteousness or passive-aggression to be found anywhere on her person. She sees that Aika has hurt herself and suggests a remedy without volunteering anybody for anything.
Nov 11, 2024 3:31 am
Ibuki's inner demon is telling her to poke hanami to see what happens, ibuki attempts to crush that side of her


Iron will - impulsive - (2d6)

(35) = 8

Nov 11, 2024 7:51 am
"No, my mother made it. She wouldn't let me leave without taking it, even though I said there'd be food here..." She admitted to Sumeryu. Hanami tried to sound annoyed, but she was obviously grateful for the food. After all, it was the last time she'd be able to have her mom's cooking for a while. A fond smile appeared on her face when she grabbed a crispy croquette with her chopsticks and took a bite. "Mm!~"

She snorted, clearly not taking Konomi seriously, but before she could, perhaps unwisely, ask what the girl would do 'next time', she was shocked into a mortified silence by Aika's actions. This damn chicken nugget...!! When did I lose track of her!? And did she say 'dirty'!? Her cheeks burned crimson. At this point, the mild butchering of her name was the least of her worries.

After opening and closing her mouth a few times in a failed attempt to find words, she eventually managed to speak. "You idiot... What the hell are you doing!? N-No one's trying to do anything dirty to anyone, so what're you getting pissed about!?" Slamming her chopsticks down, she quickly rose from her seat beside Sumeryu so she could interpose herself between Aika and the dragon. "Hmph. Now look at you. You went and hurt your hand over what, exactly? A stupid misunderstanding. Just sit down and let me look at your hand," she demanded of the tengu girl, glaring up at her disapprovingly.
Last edited November 11, 2024 7:53 am
Nov 11, 2024 10:17 pm
Aika nods at Hanami with a snore, sitting besides her, she lets the witch checks her hand, "S-sorry miss Banami... I didn't want to cause you trouble... Y-you're very kind checking on my hand! I feel like I've hit solid stone!!" In truth, the hand wasn't in a grave state, just a minor bruise, bones intact.

After recovering a bit of her composure, she eyes Hanami's face for a moment. Uh... By the way, your face is red as a tomato... Are you alright? Could you have a fever?! She says, looking genuinely preoccupated.
While that happened, Rika already leaved the hall, seeming nervous, and her scouts were covering some good ground; at the same time, Sumeryu suffered a much more devastating surprise attack...

While distracted with Aika and Hanami's interaction, a girly voice yells: "Hey gals!! Oh, hello, miss cake mountain!! Oah... Ah!! Why is the floor so slippery!!!" as Sumeryu suddenly feels a pair of arms, small and soft arms, wrap around her upper waist, just bellow her bust, the pressure making them stand out even more (promptling Hanami to burst bleed from her nose if she doesn't pass a DN 4 check), as the full weight of a small girl is thrown against her back (which doesn't stagger her the least); at the same time, a pungent but delightful sweet smell fills the air around the table. As she stops in place by the anchor that was Sumeryu, she doesn't release from Sumeryu.

It was Katsuya Momochichi from before. She looks as gleeful as ever, but has a badly made curative around her left eye.

The shock from the apparent fall waning out, she climbs up on Sumeryu, "Woa!! You saved me!! A thousand thanks!! And a a smooooooochy" She says, before leaving a tight smooch on her cheek.

After that, noticing everyone's concerns, she says (all in one breath), pointing at her eye, "Oh... Don't worry folks, this is just me being clumsy! I fell flat on my face, teehee... the infirmary was closed, as the nurse is now serving as the kitchen chef (which I find so convenient, as I'm staaarving!). So I made this quick curative (I'm not very good at it) and headed here... But I couldn't resist coming by and greet you guys!!!" After that, she inhales deeply.
By the way, I'd like Matsui to roll to keep hidden (DN6) if he wants. And I'll be narrating Adela's scene soon.
Nov 12, 2024 3:06 am
Nosebleed roll


Resist! (DN 4; Iron-Willed) - (4d6)

(2414) = 11

Nov 12, 2024 3:39 am
Ibuki has no idea how to respond this sudden turn of events so she will focus on the detail of Ruby being the chef and turn too look at the kitchen area
Nov 12, 2024 4:12 am
"I-I don't have a fever!" Hanami protested immediately. She couldn't believe that her blush was so obvious that Aika could pick up on it. "You just need to worry about yourself, alright? Hold still." She channeled magic into her wand and held the tip close to Aika's hand. "Heal."

A warm, gentle healing light shrouded Aika's hand. In mere moments, it was like the bruise never existed in the first place. She could've just bandaged it up and let Aika suffer the pain of her own stupidity for the rest of the day, but Hanami felt the tengu learned her lesson already. Or at least, that's how she justified it to herself, but she just couldn't let Aika stay in pain.
As Hanami finished treating Aika, she thought most of the (unwanted) excitement had passed, but she was wrong. She felt herself get dizzy as the sight of Sumeryu's breasts getting pushed up by Katsuya's arms made blood rush to her head. By some miracle though, her nose didn't start bleeding. Maybe it was the sudden sweet scent in the air that helped her avoid springing a leak. What is that...? It smells so good. So delicious... Her sweet tooth was acting up now, but she figured out pretty quickly that the smell wasn't food, to her disappointment.

Her eyelid twitched. For some reason, watching that innocent kiss land on Sumeryu's cheek made her heart twist, but that petty feeling was quickly extinguished when she saw Katsuya's eye. She scoffed at the girl's rambled explanation, but not because of anything the youko did. This is why there needs to be an actual nurse. Someone can need help at any time.

"Okay, look... That 'curative' is offensively bad. There could be scarring, or worse, it could get infected." Hanami said bluntly. She'd just used healing magic on Aika, and while she could do it again for Katsuya, she'd rather avoid tiring herself out, so she decided to handle this without magic if possible. "If the damn 'nurse' is busy, then I'll take care of you." She slid her bento to the side and placed her doctor's bag on the table. She went through it for the supplies needed to treat Katsuya's eye, then she started with what she found.


Heal Aika's hand (Healer) - (6d6)

(131111) = 8

Supplies (Gear - Dimensional Pocket) - (6d6)

(612514) = 19

Treat Katsuya's Eye (Smart, Knowledge (Medicine) - (8d6)

(55564545) = 39

Nov 12, 2024 2:27 pm
Kanako stared at Hanami's work with a growing tension in her brow, eyes occasionally veering towards Sumeryu in ill-disguised annoyance.

"Tch, Hope you're not as bad at healing as you are at flying."

She stares at Sumeryu again, eyes now seething with undisguised hostility.

"Sure you won't keep getting distracted by something?" She chugs the rest of her milk to signal that she's not expecting a reply.
Nov 12, 2024 2:54 pm
Ibuki will sense the aura of gloomy hostility and turn towards Kanako

"Greeting I don't believe we've met my name is Ibuki, by the way you appear to be trying to stare daggers into Sumeryu there I assume you are upset about something, might I ask what she has done to cause offence?" Ibuki thinks back to the incident with konomi and wonders what misunderstanding caused this one
Nov 12, 2024 4:04 pm
"Shut it. I didn't get to use even half of my power in that race. You won't be so lucky next time!" Hanami retorted as she worked. Her focus was mainly on Katsuya, so she didn't quite notice Kanako's glances toward Sumeryu.

"I don't know, will you keep running your otaku mouth?" She shot back without missing a beat. Though, what Kanako meant by distraction had evidently went over Hanami's head. In fact, she only realized the succubus's displeasure when Ibuki explicitly mentioned it. She glanced between Kanako and Sumeryu a few times.

She's mad at Sumeryu? Okay, that makes two now... But why would- ...Ohhh. Hanami put it together when she noted the huge differences between the two girls. She didn't even try to hide her knowing smirk as she continued to treat Katsuya. "Heh. I see now. Well, I don't ever get 'distracted', but if I did, I'd just take a look at you to ground myself." She teased. "Can I count on you, Missile?"
Nov 12, 2024 7:43 pm
Kanako's face blushes a furious bruise-red, first in shock and then in undiluted fury. Her hands clench into fists, reflexively crushing the milk carton.

"The girl that came out of a doujin is one thing, but you... you...!"

She points at Hanami, a million comebacks fighting for supremacy inside her brain. The one that surfaced was perhaps not the most eloquent, but it felt right.

"A loser shouldn't talk so tough!"
Nov 13, 2024 2:56 am
"Hmph. That's the best one you had rattling around up there? Maybe you should read more books and less doujin." Hanami smirked. However, she quickly realized that she just revealed she knew what doujins were. Her cheeks flushing, she tried to course correct. "N-Not that I know what a doujin is. But it sounds like an otaku thing, and that stuff rots your brain."

Flawless deflection. No one will suspect a thing.
Nov 13, 2024 3:05 am
The giant dragon-girl watch the comparatively small Hanami and actually tiny Aika go at it again. She had missed round one.

Sumeryu smiles warmly at Hanami. Approval. Good regard. "You're a compassionate, concienstious person, Dr. Matsuyama. You're lucky, tengu-san, that Dr. Matsuyama is so generous with her time and skills."

When Katsuya grabs Sumeryu from behind, the redhead goes very still. She doesn't want to hurt whoever is hugging her by moving suddenly; when Sumeryu moves quickly, so does whatever is in the way.

"Miss Momochichi! Ah, that's all right." she doesn't notice how well the girl's hug frames her bountiful chest, instead focused on Katsuya's delightful pastry and flower scent and the softness of her hair and tails. The smooch nearly makes her explode. She has to take a couple deep breaths.

"You should let Dr. Matsuyama look at that," she added, torn between squeezing Katsuya, kidnapping both her and Hanami, and passing out from kawaii overload.

So distracted by cuteness is the dragon girl that she fails to notice Kanako's fury, either at her or Hanami. Oh no! Is trouble brewing already? She's not even half done with lunch.
Nov 13, 2024 3:26 am
"Doujin?" wondered Luna, tilting her head in confusion. "What kind of book is it? I don't think I've read one before."

While Luna had read a few books before, mostly historical texts and children's stories, she was still quite sheltered. This was especially true for any of the more risque things a child might find in the back of a store or online.

Hmm, with the pure reactions of these young maidens, I can most likely surmise the contents of these modern day texts. It might finally be time for you to enter adulthood, Luna.

Eh? Adulthood? That makes it even more confusing!

"Maybe I should ask the librarian after school today..." She thought that surely they'd be more knowledgeable about these kinds of books, right?
Nov 13, 2024 3:56 am
Ibuki contemplates the chances that Ruby is also the librarian

"I believe doujin is the term used for self-published print works, their typically derivatives of existing works made by fans i believe"
Ibuki growing up in a buddhist temple is also rather sheltered having spent most of her reading time on buddhist scripture
Nov 13, 2024 1:35 pm
"Ehhh? Why is everyone fighting all of the sudden?" She glances around the scene nervously. "Food should be eaten in a quiet and relaxed atmosphere, right?"
Nov 13, 2024 1:41 pm
Despite how amusing the fumble on Aika's healing is, even a 3 would be appropriate to heal her, and I can't imagine how that would turn into a disaster (in a funny way, as all of this has zero drama in it)
As the girls back and forth, Hanami treats Aika, a simple wave of her hand and the bruise is gone, along with the pain. Aika's eyes shimmer and she embraces her in a tight grip, squeezing the soul out of her! "Thank you Banami!! You're so kind!!"

After that, she goes to treat Katsuya's eye. Deeming it more serious, she picks an alchemical pomade from her bag and brushes it around her eye. As she removes the curative, she sees the bad state it was in, she had a black eye, swollen and with small cuts on the corners, really detracting from the girls cuteness. With the medical expertise she had (and incredible success) She conclude that such an injury would be very weird from a fall damage, being so concentrated on a small point. What's more, the injury's patter was very close to that of a fist...

Anyway, the ointment applied, the injury almost instantly disappeared, leaving no scar.
Katsuya cautiously touches her eye socks, to check if they still hurt. After concluding they didn't, her face gleamed on a cheerful and adorable, "Thanks, miss Bananas!! You're so nice!!" And almost reenacting Aika, she hugs her, though much less strongly, her perty but weaker body pressing against Hanami's.
After a long hug, she breaks apart, taking turns glaring at Sumeryu and Hanami (whose she was sitting between) and also Ibuki (with her very accurate contemplations); Luna, to whom she smiles "Oh! You look like me!!" Kanako, who she eye with curiosity, as if not quite understanding her, and finally Konomi, to whom she raises her ears and wags her tail, "Hey there, little one! What's your name?"

"Woa!! You guys are so cool!! Your friends must be very lucky!"
Nov 13, 2024 2:09 pm
"so this is that so called 'telephone' game' Ibuki says regarding how hanami's name is being further altered
Nov 13, 2024 3:03 pm
Matsui remained concealed in his hiding spot. Leaning nonchalantly against a nearby pillar, watching with barely concealed curiosity as the scene unfolded. He’d caught most of the conversation—enough, at least, to know that someone had been stealing intimate belongings from some of the girls. The fact that it had happened multiple times, and even right after classes, was intriguing and… brazen.

When Rika abruptly cut her friend off, her expression shifting to something between worry and determination, Matsui’s interest sharpened. He watched the interaction between Rika and one of the other girls, the latter quickly blushing scarlet. Rika then signaled a few other girls, each one looking around with a blend of suspicion and focus as they seemed to begin searching for someone. It couldn’t possibly be him…could it? Best not to find out.

As Rika slipped out of the hall, Matsui made his decision and decided to try and follow her at a safe distance. He wasn’t entirely sure what he expected to find, but the way Rika was acting told him this was more than just a petty prank to her.
Rolling to remain hidden and follow Rika:
1. 2d6 base
2. 2d6 base + 3d6 quick


Hide - (2d6)

(66) = 12

Pursue - (5d6)

(52552) = 19

Nov 13, 2024 4:29 pm
The conversation's awkward derailing into the territories of normies sapped some of the rage from Kanako's heart, returning her face to a shade that less resembled a malevolent hematoma. She thanked her decision to buy safety covers for her thin books and tankobon—she wasn't actually reading anything too spicy, but it upheld her cultural image—and it protected the virgin eyes of the dozy young ladies and Buddhist at the table.

Some things are just social etiquette, after all - even for a Succubus. She adjusted her glasses with a noncommittal grunt that sounded almost conciliatory.

"The path of self-pusblished Manga... is deep. That's all I'll say."
Nov 13, 2024 4:43 pm
"Oh perhaps you could teach me about it someday Miss Kanako, seeking knowledge is a a key point on the road to enlightenment afterall. Maybe someday there will eveb be Sutra adapted to manga form "
Nov 13, 2024 5:06 pm


Nosebleeder (DN 4; +Iron-Willed, -Soft Spot (Sweets)) - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Nov 13, 2024 5:30 pm
What the hell...? This injury... Did she get punched in the face? Hanami frowned. The thought of anyone doing that to this girl pissed her off, but she was hugged before she got the chance to ask about it. The question still lingered in the back of her mind though.

"D-Don't call me nice!" She growled, her mind just completely glossing over the fact that she was called Bananas. "I just couldn't stand seeing you walk around looking like that..." Hanami muttered. Katsuya's hug wasn't damn near bone-crushing like Aika's, which she appreciated, but she found her will being tested by Katsuya's soft body and sweet scent. Every time she breathed in, her mind was nearly carried away by the mouth-watering fragrance. Can this hug please end before I lose my mind?

She'd get her wish soon enough, though now a part of her was disappointed it was over. Make up your mind, damn it... She took a moment to calm her flushed cheeks, then tried to find a good moment to quietly whisper to Katsuya. "Did someone hit you...?"

She couldn't resist poking at Kanako some more. "Oh, I'd also like to be taught about the world of doujins! You must know all the good ones." She said innocently. Hehehe, the bait is set. I've got plausible deniability too. Go on, reveal yourself!
Last edited November 13, 2024 5:38 pm
Nov 13, 2024 5:49 pm
"Oh! Manga! Reading manga sounds like fun." Konomi perks up.
"Though I have never heard of this doujin thing either. Do they have doujins with magical-girls? I always like magical-girl manga, they are my favorite."
Last edited November 13, 2024 5:51 pm

Lín Jìng / 林静


Nov 13, 2024 6:01 pm
So Ishida is on her way, but Aono is nowhere to be seen either. Hmm, maybe I should speed up the timetable, thought Lín Jìng to herself, and walked to a nearby bathroom. In the small corridor near the stalls, there was about enough place to extend both hands and swing them about. And it was secluded enough to minimise the chance of any odd questions.

So she opened her third eye, adopted a wide stance, and made a few wide-motion mudras with both arms and a few ritual steps with the legs, redirecting the youki channels in such a way as to become as unnoticeable as a quiet breeze, intent to walk out of the room and sneakily catch up with Ishida (and maybe Aono) on the thankfully known way upstairs.
Using Magic (Arcane) 5 to gain Invisibility 5 (and immediately become unoticeable, including reduced noise/scent/&c.), using Ritual Arcana casting (Elaborate Gesture -5, Open to Attack -25, reduced Endurance cost by -30 which is enough to negate the 20 Endurance cost of the magic. Since she's wide 'open to attack' and generally too focused on the casting, there's a short but strong opportunity for something to happen if someone manages to sneak up on her in the time being.
Lín Jìng / 林静
Last edited November 13, 2024 6:01 pm
Nov 14, 2024 3:46 am
"Ooh, how interesting! I think it'd be fun for us to learn more about them too, Miss Kanako. Maybe we can start a book club?" Luna, with her pure curiosity, joined Konomi and Ibuki in further asking Kanako about her hobbies. All the while the three girls were blissfully unaware of the darker side of doujinshi...
Nov 14, 2024 4:59 am
Fortunately for Sumeryu - and everyone else, due to their physical proximity to her - she completely missed the discussions about doujin. Romantic fanfiction of her favorite series would have pushed her over the edge completely into incoherent babbling and cuddling various people who may or may not want to be cuddled.

When Konomi suggests eating the delicious lunch in peace, Sumeryu replies, "I agree, Miss Watanabe!" She was just touch too formal and fast on the uptake. Just a little.

"Magical girls! You mean like Sailor Moon?" Sumery added, on the subject of mahou shoujo. Magical girls were near and dear to her own fiery heart, and her collection of manga was nearly encyclopedic. Not that anyone else knew that. Or needed to know it. Dragons are majestic! Not nerds!

She tries to cover her boiling embarrassment with going back to her lunch. It mostly works, since she got some pizza and therefore has tomato sauce nearby.
Nov 14, 2024 5:13 am
"hmm would hanami count as a 'magical girl' or is there a distinction between magical girl and girl that does magic?"
Nov 14, 2024 1:57 pm
Finally Konomi was part of a conversation that did not revolve around her size or some awkward misunderstanding. She perks up even more:
"Yes! Yes! Like Sailor Moon! Though I think in order to qualify as a magical girl you need to transform and get a frilly outfit. And also you need a cute pet that gives you power ups and stuff. Otherwise you would be a witch or a sorceress or something like that. Although witches do have familiars.... hmm..."

She interrupts her train of thought to address Sumeryu: "... also we are all friends here, so don't be so formal. Right? You don't mind if I call you Sumeryu, do you? Sumeryu..... Sumeryu-chan!"
Nov 14, 2024 4:46 pm
Hanami had blushed a bit when Konomi asked if there were doujins with magical girls. Oh, she has no idea... Hanami didn't like magical girls, but somewhat paradoxically, she liked doujins involving them. She had a certain fascination with seeing them lose.

She side-eyed Sumeryu curiously. She hadn't expected the dragon girl to know anything about magical girls. Sailor Moon is huge though, so I suppose she might've read it or heard about it in passing. She figured.

Her eye twitched in annoyance. The insinuation that she was even remotely comparable to a magical girl displeased her. "No, Ibuki, I'm not a magical girl," she scoffed, putting disdain on the term. She turned her gaze to Konomi. "And not all witches have familiars, brat. I should know, since I'm a witch. You've pretty much summed it up though. A magical girl is not simply a girl that does magic. Cheesy transformations, overdesigned outfits and annoying mascots are what magical girls are all about."

Lín Jìng / 林静


Nov 14, 2024 8:24 pm
Lín Jìng / 林静
Lín Jìng sighed in relief and disappeared. No interruptions, no trouble so far. She added another reinforcement of her 'cloak', though this time casting the spell while already on her way, with a concise variant of the mudras, and thus letting a bit of inefficiency to creep into the youki flows. Oh well, the cost of doing business on the move.

And on the move she was, quietly going towards where Ishida should be going.
Using Magic (Arcane) 5 to gain Art of Invisibility 3, spending 5 Endurance. So 5 Invisibility and 3 Art of Invisiblity are currently in use to stay unnoticed.
Nov 15, 2024 4:34 pm
Konomi has no intention of letting Hanami call her a brat again without some sort of retort. She snarks back at her in a sarcastic tone:
"You don't have a familiar? Why not? Does that mean you are some sort of second rate witch? Did you fail some sort of witch exam?"
Nov 15, 2024 8:15 pm
Being very cautious, Lín Jìng gives pursue of the pursuer and the girl being pursued: it was a double pursue!

Unfortunately, she underestimated Matsui's sneakiness, as he vanished from sight! Leaving the somewhat flustered & somewhat desirous girls wanting. She could still follow Rika though, and so she did... As did Matsui.

But alas! As she reached her locker, a mysterious chocolate smell lingering in the air, she opens it and her face turned into horror, "It's gone!!! No way!! H-how... Someone must have stolen it!!" She turns introspective: "Well, I stole it first!! Not fair!!"

As she searched the locker, she seemed to find a written note, "S-sorry?!! Sorry my ass!! Whoever did this is dead-meat!!" She says, as she locks the cabinet and walks away, wheezing and stomping. "I'm gonna find this tie, and this lame thief!! I've never had anything I couldn't find!!"
As Katsuya seemed to begin answering Hanami's secret question, she could very much have a scare, as she instantly hears from right behind her: "Oh! I love these!! If you girls wanna try my magical girl costumes, just say the word!!" She points shamelessly right at Konomi: "Ah!! You'd look specially cute in one!!"

As they turn, they see Ruby, in a very costumey parody of a chef's suit, although showing more skin than probably would be allowed in any kitchen; on her head stood a very silly, very tall and wide chef hat. She studies Katsuya for a moment.

"Now, now... If you wanted my attention, dear, you should just say it! No need to make silly lies about injuries, alright?" She says lovingly and cluelessly. "I had to rush all my kitchen duties, but everything turned out fine in the end, so no problem with that!!"

As she looked down at Hanami (and Hanami couldn't help but look up), she couldn't hold a blush of her cheeks. "Ahem... You know..." She starts, bending a bit her head and body, "I too have been a bad girl..." She hugs herself, stalking the students and the headmaster... Will you zap me too??" She says, winking and poking the tip of her nose.
Nov 15, 2024 10:07 pm
When Konomi explains the qualifications to be mahou shoujo, Sumeryu coughs, almost choking on the food in her mouth. Could Sumeryu be a magical girl and her princesses be cute mascots that give her power boosts? That would be the dream! Dragons are majestic and powerful warriors, and Sumeryu can do a cool transformation.

She drools a little bit. Good thing there's still food on her plates. Just be voracious, yeah.

Being addressed directly makes her jump enough to notice. "Ah! Yes, Sumeryu-chan is fine. Should I-" minor stutter -"call you Konomi-chan then?"

She doesn't notice Ruby's innuendo, occupied instead by her own fantasies or herself, Hanami, Konomi, and Katsuya in super kawaii outfits fighting evil by moonlight.
Nov 15, 2024 10:53 pm
"Of course you should!" Konomi gleefully answers. "We really are friends now. And if magical girls have taught me one thing, it's that the power of friendship always wins in the end." She delivers the last part as if she was some sort of sage entrusting her pupils with ancient wisdom.
Nov 15, 2024 11:38 pm
An angry vein throbbed on Hanami's forehead. Oh, this little shit... Before she could reconsider squabbling with a kid, or at least what appeared to be one, her temper flared. "I don't have a familiar because I didn't want one. Familiars aren't the cutesy magical girl mascots you think they are, brat, they're a commitment. There's also no such thing as a 'witch exam'. That's just common sense. But I guess I can't expect much from someone who looks and acts like she still pisses the bed!" Hanami snarked back to Konomi.

She cursed under her breath when Ruby Tojo interrupted her just as she was about to get an answer out of Katsuya. She'd have to find another moment to ask. Her eyes scanned Ruby's chef costume, lingering over exposed skin a little longer than she intended. That's what she wears to cook...!? Hat aside, it's so sexy— Hanami pushed down her more monkey-brained thoughts. No, that's got to be some health code violation... Yeah. Hanami crossed her arms. "Tch. I wouldn't be caught dead in a magical girl costume. And Momochichi wasn't lying about being injured! I took care of it for her, that's all," Hanami informed.

"Wh... What...??" Hanami was initially at a loss for words due to what Ruby said to her. Her heart was about to nearly leap out of her chest. Embarrassment, confusion and arousal all fought for dominance in her head. Where did she hear about the zapping? Did Miss Shirayuki tell her!? Her frustration toward the yuki-onna teacher was alive and well again, but that was currently a minor concern. She was more concerned with how Ruby seemed to be asking her for a zap. She had heard from Mizore that Ruby was an M, but this was beyond anything she'd expected. "A-Are you insane? You can't just come up and ask for it, you half-baked cosplayer!!" Despite her own protests, she still pulled out her wand and cast a ray of painful lightning at Ruby. I'm not playing into this... This is purely to set her straight! She thought, but she found it hard to fool herself.


Nosebleeder (DN 6; Iron-Willed) - (4d6)

(6514) = 16

Zap (Arcane Magic) - (5d6)

(16621) = 16

Nov 16, 2024 1:14 am
Don't. Explode. Grabbing other students is rude. She can't take it much longer.

"Konomi-chan then! And I agree, friendship is the greatest power of all. Together, friends can accomplish more than they ever could alone."

Finish your lunch, Sumeryu!

Finally, the dragon girl notices Ruby. Who is very scandalously-dressed and also multitalented. She, too, might make an acceptable princess. Hanami seemed to dislike Ruby, though, which would disqualify the latter.
Nov 16, 2024 4:51 am
As Ruby approached their lively group, Luna took note of her... strange, to say the least, chef's outfit. "I've never seen a chef dressed like this before... Is it an outfit for a special occasion?"

At the same time, Luna was subconsciously taking in the sights of Ruby's figure and letting her eyes wander around the risque outfit. Her gaze was innocent though, looking on with the admiration of a naive child.
Nov 16, 2024 5:00 am
Ibuki will be sipping her tea as Ruby comes over and will proceed to choke on it as Ruby talks about stalking headmasters and zapping

As she attempts to mentally recover her composure she will take another sip of tea just as hanami actually zaps Ruby causing ibuki to do an actual spit take

"Cough...cough... What? Why? Is this just what the medcial community is like in the monster world?" Ibuki's usually calm demeanour has broken down for the first time as she is stun locked while trying to process what just happened
Nov 16, 2024 9:35 am
Well, seems like I'm to keep following her and see if she can live up to her bragging, thought Lín Jìng to herself.
Nov 16, 2024 4:11 pm
Kanako will turn to give Ibuki a semi-sympathetic look.

"Monsters tend to live loudly... in an academy that gathers a bunch of them like this, you'd best bet that you get oddballs like her."

She crosses her arms and looks askance at Hanami and Ruby.

"I mean, you're the one who decided to introduce yourself by reciting a Sutra, so you're pretty eccentric as well."
Nov 16, 2024 4:16 pm
Ibuki is unsure how she feels having her Buddhism being equated to... whatever is going on but she is chalking it up cultural differences
Nov 16, 2024 5:00 pm
Matsui facespalms at the revelation. A thief steals from the thief. He’d take a moment to appreciate the irony of the situation if he wasn’t so annoyed. At this rate, it seemed like getting a new tie would be easier than recovering the one he’d lost.
Nov 16, 2024 9:14 pm
As Hanami's wand powers, it shoots a bright ray of lightning, shining the woman! Ruby jumps up and agitatedly shake, "Gyaaa!!" uttering a loud (and quite lewd) moan, drawing everyone left in the hall's eyes to them (most people already leaving to their classrooms).

As the zapping ensues, Ruby raises her hands to caress her burning cheeks, giving Hanami a wild and hungry look, before falling sitting on the ground, panting.

"Oh my... H-Hanami! You're... You're something else..." She says, still blushing, "I wasn't zapped so good (by another person, that is, teehee) for a looong time!!" She says, slowly getting up to her feet and dusting her clothes calmly, seemingly uncaring for all the eyes set on her. "It seems I can, in fact, just come and ask for it, fufufu!"

Then she tries to put a parody of a serious face, with a smirk, "Well, you accomplished your purpose, I'll forget the headmaster and the other students, for now... I've found a much more, uh... Delectable target, fufufu!" As she finishes, she looks at the clock on the wall, "Oh-oh, time to go... See ya girls!" She approaches the little which very closely and whispers on her ear: "Until next time, Ha-Na-Mi!"

"You're you calling miss Bananas Hanami, mrs. Tojo? Besides, what game are you two playing?!! It looks fun!! Let me join!" Says Katsuya from Hanami's and Sumeryu's side.
Meanwhile, Rika conducted her investigation for all that wanted to spy, in the small time she had before the beginning of classes. "hmm... This was surely done during class hours... So it can't have been a student... This seems linked to that underwear disappearing event... I'll ask that girl more details later." She says out loud to herself, like a proper detective.
What the heck I just narrated?!! *-* Anyway, I'll be writing the next scenes, you guys are free to act in here until them.
Nov 17, 2024 5:03 am
Yep, that is definitely a nosebleed check


Nosebleeder (DN 8; Iron-Willed) - (4d6)

(6365) = 20

Nov 17, 2024 6:13 am
What did I just get myself into...!?! By some miracle, Hanami's nose didn't start spraying profusely, but her mind still buzzed with a million thoughts, most of them involving Ruby Tojo. The warmth of the witch woman's whisper still lingered on her ear, driving her mad with less than pure images of what 'next time' could entail. She thought her first day couldn't possibly get any crazier, then she ended up getting a perverted masochist interested in her. At this point, her blushing face glowed almost like lava.

"Y-You can't join!!" Hanami said to Katsuya immediately, a little too quickly. She realized she was focusing on the wrong part of what Katsuya said. "I-I mean, we're not playing anything in the first place! There is no game!" She corrected herself as she hurriedly started to eat what remained of her layered bento. Naturally, she was quite keen to escape and calm down, but there wasn't enough time left to find somewhere else to eat if she intended on finishing her food, so she stayed put for now.
"Mmph..." She swallowed a bite of tamagoyaki and gently elbowed Katsuya to get her attention. Hanami still wanted to know if Katsuya received her eye injury from being hit by someone, but figured this might not be the best place for it. "We're gonna get interrupted or overheard, so could you tell me about your eye later? Once we can be alone." She whispered softly, concern evident on her face. However, her face warped back into her standard mask of vague annoyance when she finally realized how badly the youko was butchering her name. "Also... My name is not Bananas. it's Hanami Matsuyama."
Nov 17, 2024 2:21 pm
Katsuya seems briefly disappointed by Hanami not letting her join, which quickly vanishes. At her remarks about her eye, she simply nods, her hands clasped to her skirt.

As Hanami finishes complaining about her name, a group of students approach them, clearly seniors. "Oy, Katsuya, we gonna bother you some more before classes start, come." Said their leader, who talked in a harshly tone, was tall and had a dark complexion, with black hair. The two guys behind him were snarking with their shadowy faces.

Katsuya's eyes widen for an instant, and, after giving Hanami and Sumeryu a grateful look, she raises to her feet. "O-ok... Byebye guys! See you later!"
Nov 17, 2024 4:03 pm
Ibuki will observe the group of seniors remembering konomi's encounter earlier and trying to gauge their intent


insight - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Nov 17, 2024 4:08 pm
One it became clear that the search will be lengthy, Lín Jìng gave up on following Ishida, found a secluded place to become visible again (but did not release the spells just in case she needed the subtle edge again), and returned to her place to (hopefully) finish the lunch.
Nov 17, 2024 7:32 pm
Hanami's hackles were immediately raised when the seniors approached. What the hell could they want with a freshmen like Momochichi? Suspicious. With the information available to her, she could infer these guys probably pushed Katsuya around earlier and intended to do the same again. She wanted to brandish her wand and demand answers from them, but she managed to push her impulses down. Not yet, not here, not unless it was necessary. But she wasn't going to just let them be alone with Katsuya either. They clearly weren't up to anything good.

Before Katsuya could go, Hanami grabbed her hand and rose to her feet as well. "I'm so sorry, senpais. But we're going to be walking to classes together. Right, Momochichi?" She asked Katsuya, in an attempt to give the youko a way out of this.
Nov 18, 2024 1:53 am
Sumeryu had been relieved to have an excuse to not be the focus of so many kawaii beams. Laser-targeted anti-dragon missiles. The lewd exchange couldn't have made her blush any harder, though she was imagining Ruby in several inappropriate outfits and covering her thoughts by shoveling the last of her food in her mouth.

When the seniors accosted Momochichi, the dragon girl wiped her mouth with a napkin and then laid her hands flat on the table.

Hanami has already grabbed Katsuya, so all Sumeryu does is stand up, turn around, and look down at the older boys with a glowering stare that could freeze a bonfire solid.
Nov 18, 2024 10:20 am
Konomi Pouts: "Why is everyone in this school so obsessed with picking on the freshmen. It's getting old fast."
Nov 18, 2024 7:37 pm
Kanako shrugs at Konomi's statement without looking away from her reading. She doesn't particularly understand whatever the upperclassmen are about, and she thinks it's all rather troglodytic... so long as they don't step on her toes.
Nov 18, 2024 11:33 pm
As Hanami grabs Katsuya's hand, she quickly raises her eyes onto hers, down to the joined hands and back again, giving her a cute cute, if maybe awkward look.

After that instant of strangeness, she turns back at the seniors, and at the girls interposing them. "I-it's okay guys... I'll reach up with you latter... I promise, ok." She says with her head lowered. "He, that's right! You heard the girl!" The leader of them says rudely.

Ibuki couldn't peer at their true intentions, but their dark complexion and ominous aura are quite clear to her, they're up to no good.

Katsuya tugs gently at her hand, not enough to break Hanami's grasp, but suggesting she wants it freed.
Nov 19, 2024 12:22 am
Hanami only held onto Katsuya's hand tighter in response to the tug. She clearly wasn't just going to let her go, though it's likely that Katsuya could overpower her if she wanted to. After all, witches aren't known for their physical strength.

She fixed her golden eyes on the leader. He was too eager, and it only made her more suspicious. "You know what? I don't trust you, asshole!" Hanami dropped the barely respectful tone she'd taken. They might be her senpai, but if they were truly picking on freshmen, then they weren't worth her respect. Her free hand twitched at her side. Despite telling herself she wouldn't cast anything yet, her impulses struck anew and won out this time. "Now tell me the truth! What're you going to do to her?" She pulled out her wand and casted a curse of truthfulness at the leader.
20 Endurance for a -3 Weakness


inflict -3 Compulsion (Honesty) [Witchcraft, Smart] - (9d6)

(353616646) = 40

Nov 19, 2024 1:26 am
Luna could only watch Ruby with a frozen smile, utterly confused at why the scantily clad woman was moaning in pleasure after being zapped by Hanami. To the outside world, it would appear that the event fried her innocent mind. And to an extent, it was true inside her mind as well.

Eh? Huh? What's going on? Is Miss Tojo-sensei okay?

Oh, my dear sweet child, there are things you'll learn as you get older.

Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

It wasn't long before she snapped out of her thoughts though. It was hard not to with how loud and rude the upperclassmen were being. As Hanami confronted the bullies on behalf of Katsuya, Luna watched, waiting to see what would happen next.
Nov 19, 2024 2:45 am
Sumeryu folds her arms and waits, like a ominous storm on the distant horizon. She couldn't be clearer about her intentions if she said it out loud - which she didn't - "if you try to drag Momochichi-san away I will crush you."

It pleases her that Dr-Princess Matsuyama is beside her in this goal.
Nov 19, 2024 5:04 am
"hmm for a moment i thought that most monsters were just strange deviants... I see that there arr still actual monsters like me here" ibuki does not know if she is comforted by this fact

Ibuki turns to katsuya "Miss Momochichi... No, Katsuya are you really OK or do you want our help? I know there are those that feel they must deal with problems by themselves but let assure this is not the case here, you are pur classmate and more than that im sure we would like to consider ourselves your friends, if you need help we will do so. But i must hear it from you that you want this help, it has long been a teaching that unsolicited help takes away the independence of the recipient so I shall ask you this again, Katsuya Momochichi do you desire our help"

Ibuki is holding onto her buddhist beads as she talks
should i roll something like a charisma persuasian for this?
Nov 19, 2024 9:48 am
Lín Jìng carefully watches the situation unfold, and trying to recall if any of the older pupils match the dossiers the family gave her, while also preparing to dive under the table if needed.


Knowledge: Secrets - (4d6)

(1533) = 12

Nov 21, 2024 2:58 am
Before Hanami throws her spell, one of the two guys behind the leader, so far hidden under his shadow, comes forth: he's a skinny and feeble looking guy, with a light brown bowl-cut and large round glasses that hide his eyes, quite similar to Kanako's.

Speaking about Kanako, this guy turns to stare at her, with curiosity, the at the book she's reading, then she gasps with a pleasant surprise. Saying in a high pitched and airy tone: "Woa!! You're reading Magical girls in Perilous naughty adventures (or whatever name you want =P)!!! Gah!! I'm a huge fan too!!" He says, coming closer.

At the girls bafflement, he quickly says, without a sign of having thought out the consequences of revealing that to a bunch of girls: "Oh, you may be wondering how I saw it through the protective cover... He chuckles while adjusting his glasses, looking serious and mysterious, "You see, I can see through opaque surfaces... In other words for the normies, I have X-ray vision!!"

As that sips in, and he feels murderous eyes on him, he quickly rectify it: "B-but don't worry!! I can only see through a single layer of objects!" He sighs in relief, now that it was acceptable, he thought. "That's still horrible, you dumbass!!" Said Aika, raising her fist... After a while, she relaxes, "Haha!! What you guys thought of my Banami impression? What? Ha- Hanami?!! No way!!"
But, as Hanami casts her devastating honesty spell, the leader starts talking, still rudely: "We were just gonna take Katsuya for a while and ask her to st-" He clasps his mouth with both his hands, realizing the nature of the spell. He then pulls the X-ray guy back at his side "Oy, Rikishi!! You're the smart guy, y-you should be the one doing the talking!" He says, as he violently pulls the boy close to him, giving him a menacing look as he whispers on his ear.

After a moment, the boy, Rikishi, steps forward to talk, looking uncomfortable, "W-what he tried to say was that she's a, uh... An acquaintance of him... And that he would ask her to do some stuff for him, as she commonly do for quite some time already..." He pauses, swearing nervously, "N-now, this stuff is o-of very private and embarrassing matter... For both parties, a-and Katsuya would hate for it to be revealed... D-do you guys really want to continue your inquiry?"
With her observation, Lìn Jìng couldn't bring anything on them, not without having the full names of them.
Nov 21, 2024 12:01 pm
Ibuki preaching DN 6
Last edited November 21, 2024 12:01 pm


charisma - (3d6)

(443) = 11

Nov 21, 2024 6:24 pm
Tch. Damn it! Hanami scoffed. She knew her truth curse was perfect, beyond perfect, but of course, it could be countered by simply not speaking. She'd just have to force the leader to talk, then! She was not letting him escape now.

Hanami was completely unconvinced by Rikishi's excuses. Throwing discretion to the wind, she pressed on. "You bet your ass I'm continuing, bowl cut! How come you're not letting your little leader talk? Does he not have the balls to admit one of you punched her in the eye?" She growled.
Nov 21, 2024 7:03 pm
Lín Jìng keeps sitting and watching, but now she mentally estimates the distance from Kanako to the smart bespectacled fellow. If this works, this should be good no matter what way it goes, she thought to herself.
I'd like to try either teleporting or (if the latter has a noticeably easier to succeed at) telekinetically moving the bowl-cut fellow's glasses to Kanako. If teleporting, then into the space between the two halves of the open book, if telekinetically moving, then just moving, in such a way as to make it easy for her to grab them and do whatever. Regardless of whether it would be teleportation or telekinesis, she'd use No Gesture and Onset, so there would be a bit of time more time for something to happen in the mean time. For either ability, my dice pool would be 5 (teleportation 3 + base 2 dice, or TK's Will modifier, for Will 3 and 2 base dice).


Snatch the glasses - (5d6)

(24354) = 18

Nov 23, 2024 2:06 am
Líng Jìng, peering from the distance, with a wave of her arm, snatches the glasses away from Rikishi, and drop then just in front of Kanako, inside the book she was reading, "Gah! My glasses!" He protests, trying to catching them, and failing to do so. "I-I can't see without them!! Heh... I'm really helpless, right?" He starts giggling, and a trick of blood slips from his nose, "B-besides... I can see through two layers without them... gulp."

But his speech is cut short by Hanami's accusation, he gazing directly at her: "Wa?!! Punch her?! Are you crazy?!! H- he would never!!" He looks back at the big guy, "W-wait... Yasuo, you punched her?! You really did?!! What the heck?!" He backs off from the two guys.

"Y-yeah, I did!" Rikishi screams out, unable to keep the truth. "Why?!! Katsuya never hurt a fly!! Why would you do that?!" With that, the Yasuo guy advanced menacingly towards him and the rest of the group, uttering: "I demanded something from her! Something I ordered her to steal! Damn, I can't remember what it was!!" He seemed really confused, how could he forgot something that he just saw? "Whatever, she refused and... and I got mad!! Now, cut the crap, you rat!! Siding with these losers? I'll give you a nice beating too!" He says, snapping his fingers.

Then he turns his eyes to Sumeryu, and hesitates for a moment.
If Sumeryu wants to use her intimidation to stop him, she must roll, DN8 to fully stop him.

While at that confusion, Ibuki and Katsuya talk, her talk mellowing the fox girl out: "S-sorry... But I can't, I can't put you guys in trouble! You're all being so nice to me..." She lowers her visage, "I never had anyone offer me help before... heh, this is so embarrassing..."

Raising her gaze and looking at the interactions between Hanami and Sumeryu with the seniors, she sighs, with a glimpse of relief, "Seems like they're already at it..."
Nov 23, 2024 5:45 am
Huh, that's strange. So are the glasses the source of his ability or not? Guess I misjudged. But his words aren't making sense either, is he lying half the time? Lín Jìng is a bit confused by his reaction, and tries to get a feel for his surface thoughts to make sense of it.
Psychic, read surface thoughts (an action that is automatically subtle and casual as per the write-up), base 2 dice + Will 3 + 1 bonus for only reading the surface thoughts.


Psychic: read surface thoughts - (6d6)

(213564) = 21

Nov 23, 2024 6:00 am
Moyreau says:

"Y-yeah, I did!" He screams out, unable to keep the truth. "Why?!! Katsuya never hurt a fly!! Why would you do that?!" With that, the Yasuo guy advanced menacingly towards him and the rest of the group, "I demanded something from her! Something I ordered her to steal! Damn, I can't remember what it was!!" He seemed really confused, how could he forgot something that he just saw? "Whatever, she refused and... and I got mad!! Now, cut the crap, you rat!! Siding with these losers? I'll give you a nice beating too!" He says, snapping his fingers.

Is Yasuo the one speaking here? Besides the second line of dialogue, which I assumed to be Rikishi.
Nov 24, 2024 9:29 pm
"You have one chance to walk away," Sumeryu says, lethally calm. She is staring down at Yasuo with her feet planted shoulder-width apart, arms crossed under her breasts.

Unfortunately for Yasuo, she is spoiling for a reason to show off for all of the cute princesses around, so she isn't quite as serious about shooing him away as she could be. There's a hint of a smirk on her gorgeous lips.
Last edited November 24, 2024 9:30 pm


Intimidation - (4d6)

(2256) = 15

Nov 24, 2024 9:59 pm
"Here we go again...." Konomi sighs. She has no intention of getting involved and quickly finishes her meal. "Maybe I should go and eat somewhere else from now on. This is all way to stressful."

She returns her tray and makes her way out of the cafeteria, intending to explore the school a bit more.
I hope wandering off like this is not too much of a problem.
Last edited November 24, 2024 9:59 pm
Nov 24, 2024 10:51 pm
And the truth is revealed. Hanami was angered by the revelation, and she was tempted to brutally punish Yasuo somehow for daring to do such a thing, but his words gave her pause. How could he not remember what he wanted Katsuya to steal? He was still under her truth curse, so it was likely that he truly didn't remember, but that didn't add up. Did someone manipulate him, maybe? Rikishi's apparent shock only strengthened that possibility in her mind. It seemed Yasuo had acted on his own, independently of his two lackeys. And while she couldn't speak on the finer details of his character yet, she judged through Rikishi's reaction that punching a cute and harmless girl like Katsuya was probably out of character for him. Something strange is going on. She forced herself to stay cool.

When Sumeryu warned Yasuo, it was immediately clear to Hanami that Yasuo would get his ass kicked severely if he threw a punch. As satisfying as that would be, she couldn't let it happen if there was a chance he wasn't fully responsible for what he was doing. She finally let go of Katsuya's hand as she stepped forth to support Sumeryu and to hopefully keep her from breaking her senpai in half. "No one's getting a beating, you damn punk," she said to Yasuo. Pointing her wand, she attempted to curse him with cowardice. No one needed to get hurt if he backed down.
10 Endurance for a -2 Weakness
Last edited November 24, 2024 11:07 pm


Inflict -2 Fear (Violence) [Witchcraft, Smart] - (9d6)

(265544342) = 35

Nov 25, 2024 1:42 am

"If you truly feel you must handle this yourself then it is not my place to stop you, but know that if you should desire help you need only ask for it. It would be no trouble at all" with that she will get up from her seat and step to the side abiding by her word
Last edited November 25, 2024 1:42 am
Nov 25, 2024 2:44 am
Kanako liked to consider herself aloof. Contented. Above it all. She thought that after her win in that aerial race earlier, she'd be able to coast on it for a while. She had been relying on it to bump up her otherwise intemperate personality.

That positive feeling had long since dissolved into the broth, the bruise-colored blush of her apoplectic rage. Her bloodshot eyes were focused on the nosebleeding X-ray fellow with deep resentment she hadn't even held for the witch or the oversized redhead.

"Oi, Otaku-Kun."

She spoke with a veneer of calm as she put down her volume and gripped his glasses with enough force to bend the frame.

"You know what happens to the pervy characters after they do their stuff, right?"

In a flash of movement, the Succubus bypassed the rest of the table in a blind rage and smashed the glasses into his face with the totality of force that she could muster.


Attack Roll (Martial Arts DX4) - ((2d6)+3)

(33) + 3 = 9

Reroll - (5d6)

(36416) = 20

Nov 26, 2024 11:11 pm
Sumeryu glances at Hanami as the good doctor stands beside her. Her smile is approving.

Definitely a strong princess pick.

Kanako's sudden fury takes the red-haired giant girl by surprise. Her eyebrows shoot up and she uncrosses her arms in preparation for immanent violence, though she does not take a stance.
Nov 27, 2024 2:28 pm
"Ara?! W-wait!! I-I didn't do nothing!!!" Rikishi screamed his lungs out, terrified, as Kanako swiftly dashes over the table and digs the boy's glasses on his face in a punch, sending him flying and spinning as his nosebleed (either the previous or the one caused by her) spirals around in the air.

The flying "pervert" has, as landing, another vacant table, which his body promptly smashes into a bed of detritus. He completely stunned, can only look at his assailer with a silly face, half-unconscious.
Meanwhile, the big guy starts trembling at the sight of the two girls, the imposing dragon-girl and the shilling witch. Gasping for words, he only gives a startled high-pitched cry, as he turns and runs from his life.
As the dust settles (quite literally), the whole refectory is empty, besides the group, and half a dozen girls looking for some guy. The bells ring, warning that classes are about to start in a few minutes.

"Y-you guys didn't... You didn't have to help... R-really..." Katsuya says, her eyes moistened, "But thank, from the depths of my heart, I'll never forget this!"

The heartwarming moment was paused as she looked aside, to Kanako, half-startled, "Waa!! But why did you hit Rikishi-senpai?!!! I-I must call mrs. Ruby!! Oh, he's bleeding!"


Rikishi's defense - (2d6)

(12) = 3

Yasuo's mental defenses - (4d6)

(5542) = 16

Nov 27, 2024 3:14 pm
Ibuki is slightly startled as her speech was followed promptly by violence that far overshadowed her words, she is left feeling abit stunned at how swiftly people progress things here

She will end up deciding to call out to kanako "Ahem well i had my own reservations about his...behaviour, don't you feel the response may have been a bit much no?" Ibuki will gesture at the pile that rikishi is now in
Nov 27, 2024 4:59 pm
"Hey, wait!" Hanami called after Yasuo, but to no avail. She hadn't realized that he'd bolt right away, but perhaps she should've expected it. At any rate, she couldn't ask him about what he ordered Katsuya to steal. She wouldn't have time to ask Katsuya either, since class was about to start. She'd have to rush just to make it on time.

Her thoughts were interrupted though, for she was blindsided by Katsuya's deep gratitude. "Hmph... D-Don't mention it." She crossed her arms and tried to play it cool, but her cheeks were getting red in a rather obvious manner. "I didn't want to have to fix you up a second time. That's the only reason."

She realized what happened to Rikishi at the same time as Katsuya did. A chill (she couldn't tell if it was good or bad) ran down her spine just from the mere mention of Ruby, and she was quick to reject the idea of calling her. "NO!! I... I mean, she already left. Just leave the bowl cut to me," she assured Katsuya.

She approached Rikishi's half-conscious body with her wand at the ready. She couldn't blame Kanako for punching him. If she hadn't been focused on Katsuya's issue, she would've zapped him herself. However, her irritation wasn't entirely righteous. A part of her was disappointed that he wasn't taking full advantage of his gifts. Idiot. What kind of dumbass goes around announcing they have X-Ray vision? If I had X-ray vision, no one would ever know... She started to daydream about having such an ability. She glanced back at their table and looked at everyone. She didn't concern herself with Kanako due to the succubus's lack of curves, but she easily pictured everyone else in just their bras and panties. Sumeryu in particular was wearing bold black lace- Wait, shit, no!! Focus! The trickle of blood from her nose brought her back to reality.

Getting back to what she was doing, she prodded Rikishi's face with her wand like she was poking a dead bug. "Er... Heal."
Last edited November 27, 2024 10:48 pm


Heal Rikishi (Healer) - (6d6)

(161452) = 19

Nov 27, 2024 7:15 pm
Seeing that things wrapped up peacefully, or as peacefully as possible, Luna decided to head back to her classroom. The bell had just rung, so she didn't have long before she'd be late.
Nov 28, 2024 2:01 am
Kanako stands there seething for a few seconds before exhaling and stretching her arms.

"Aaaah~ I feel a bit more refreshed now."

She turns to Katsuya and Ibuki, her previously apoplectic magenta complexion dissipated into her usual vaguely arrogant expression of boredom.

"He was walking around with a nosebleed and talking about being able to see through clothes. Really, I just skipped Judge and Jury and gave him some retributive justice."

With not another word, she walks off to class with a spring in her step.
Nov 28, 2024 5:39 am
Ibuki thinks to herself "Monsters really do have strength beyond how they look huh... well i suppose im no different so maybe that was to be expected. I wonder if there is someone here that could possibly even match my strength, that could be good to know in caee of another... incident. Though thinking about it maybe that 'Me' would acrually fit this place better" Ibuki let's out a sort of hollow chuckle

Lín Jìng / 林静


Nov 28, 2024 6:06 am
Lín Jìng looked at Luna as she left the room, and then turned her gaze back to the crowd in the middle of the room. At which point she realised that there wasn't much of a crowd left. Many students have rushed off once the signal rang, and some others seemed distracted (such as the doctor). Lín Jìng stood up abruptly, and walked quickly towards the statuesque stunner, with all three eyes wide open as if she just saw a kaiju, darting around at the nearest pupils still remaining at the centre of the room; and yet despite all the visible anxiety, her right hand already began making the well-rehearsed mudras for a teleportation.

She came to a full stop as abruptly as she started moving, standing in front of Sumeryu, within arm's reach, staring straight ahead.

"Um, I'm going to take a shortcut to get to class faster. I can take one or maybe two of you with me on this path . . ." she trailed off timorously, while her hand's movements seemed to be approaching some sort of crescendo mere seconds away.
Lín Jìng / 林静
Nov 28, 2024 9:32 am
Ibuki notices Lín Jìng approach "Why hello that's kind of you to offer, my name is Ibuki what might yours be?"
Nov 28, 2024 7:59 pm
"You're welcome," Sumeryu says to Katusya with a pleasant smile. "It's unacceptable that they would make you steal for them and then hit you."

Sumeryu is so enamored with Hanami's just and forthright behavior and with Luna, Konomi, and Katsuya's cuteness that she fails to consider how silly the idea of Katsuya stealing anything is. She smells so good, and is so clumsy, that she'd probably give away the plane before getting in the door.

She reevaluates the grumpy meganneko Kanako and declares, giving a thumbs up, "Excellent strike."

Hanami had no way of knowing -or did she?- that Sumeryu was, in fact, wearing bold black lace underwear. Even if her bra is of the sports variety, it is fancy and enticing. For Sumeryu, it is an appreciation for high-quality things. Titillation had not crossed her mind in regards to her choice of lingerie.

With approval, "Admirable and generous as always, Dr. Matsuyama, even to the undeserving."

The super-sized supermodel has her hands on her hips, observing Hanami work her literal magic, when Lin Jing approaches her. The sudden appearance of a third eye does not disturb Sumeryu at all.

"Thank you. I'll take you up on that offer."

She bows her head, enough to know she did it but no more.

"Dr. Matsuyama, my phone number is 070-108-8787. Call if you need anything or just want to chat."

And then she turns her attention make to Lin Jing and holds out her elegant, smooth hand for the latter to take.
That is a real Japanes phone number. I dont know whose it is so please don't call it. It consists entirely of lucky numbers, for the supertitious and/or Buddhist out there.
Last edited November 28, 2024 8:00 pm

Lín Jìng / 林静


Nov 28, 2024 8:10 pm
"Lín Jìng," answers the foreigner without quite realising who it was asking the question, then swings her arms wide and in a waltz-like motion slides closer to Sumeryu, grasping her hand, completing the ritual.
As before, performing a teleport 'out of sight' (i.e. difficulty 4) Area Effect 1, and Elaborate Gestures, whatever's the nuisance for the eye is called [which normally only happens when Lín Jìng casts Arcane stuff], to offset the Endurance cost back to 0. Sumeryu and another character can hitch a ride by getting into the area of effect around her in time.
Lín Jìng / 林静
Last edited November 28, 2024 8:13 pm


Base 2 dice + teleport 3, difficulty 4. - (5d6)

(44256) = 21

Nov 29, 2024 11:10 am
Ibuki steps forward to continue her introduction "its nice to meet you Lín-" As she just so happens to step into range of the teleportation before she can finish her sentence completely not expecting this when she heard 'shortcut'
Nov 29, 2024 1:02 pm
As always? This struck Hanami as overfamiliar, considering she only met the dragon girl today, but the accompanying praise caused her to easily overlook it. She couldn't imagine that Sumeryu meant anything by it. "O-Of course," she muttered, not looking back as to hide her briefly flushed cheeks and bleeding nose. When her carefully crafted healing spell finished, she was fairly sure that Rikishi would at least be able to make it to his next class, though he might still be in plenty of pain.

She brought a tissue to her nose and wiped away the blood before leaving Rikishi with some whispered parting words. "This isn't over. I still want to know what your bastard leader wanted from Momochichi. You're going to answer a few questions later, or I'm going to make that washing board's punch seem tame in comparison. How would you like to feel needles under your fingernails for the rest of the week?" She threatened. She wasn't sure if she could subject someone to a curse like that even if it was technically within her power, but Rikishi didn't know that, so she felt it was safe to bluff.
Once she came back to the table, she realized the Missile, the brat and the other fox girl had left. She also noticed Lin Jing's presence, but only vaguely remembered the yasha from class. Right... She had a hell of a shit-eating smirk for some reason! The memory annoyed her, but she paid it no mind, figuring it was about time for her to be on her way. However, her thought process was thrown into disarray when Sumeryu gave her phone number to her, as if it were nothing. Hanami's face went beet red. "W-What...!? I, um... Sure!" The poor witch had no hope of being prepared for that move. Is she hitting on me!?

Watching Lin Jing take Sumeryu's hand like that irked Hanami for some reason that she couldn't quite process, but they (along with Ibuki) vanished before she could say anything, leaving her to sputter indignantly. "W-What the hell...!? Hey!"

She had no idea what that was about, but it made one thing clear in her wildly beating heart. I need a phone. Right now!! She didn't actually have a personal phone. Growing up in a remote witch village meant she never needed one. Anyone she wanted to see was within walking distance, after all. And for those times when she did want to contact someone far away, her house had a magical phone that tapped into natural ley lines instead of the cell towers that humans used. She didn't have access to that anymore though.

I'll just need to make my own then! But until then, I'll need to borrow one. Hanami concluded. In a flash, she grabbed Aika by the shoulders. "Do you have a phone!? Can I make a call with it later!?" She looked almost crazed as she shook Aika with surprising strength.


Threaten Rikishi - (2d6)

(44) = 8

Nov 29, 2024 1:52 pm
Appearing at an empty space near the blackboard in class, Lín Jìng stepped to the side, not yet relinquishing her grasp of Sumeryu's hand, and faced the class, or at least the half of the kids who have already arrived.

"Dear class," she gulped, eyes darting around the crowd, "this is my," she only now realised how little of this she thought through, "uh, this is my brave and inimitable schoolmate from the other class, uh . . ." she trailed off and took another step, half-hiding behind Sumeryu while still trying to not let go of Sumeryu's hand.
Nov 29, 2024 2:35 pm
"-Jìng" Ibuki finds herself slightly off balance glancing around at these new people she hasn't met before.

"Um well that was some shortcut Lín Jìng... Well anyway it is nice to meet you my fellow cohorts my name is Ibuki I wish you the best of luck in your studies"
Nov 30, 2024 3:44 pm
Meanwhile being shaken, Aika cheerfully says: "Why yes, of course I'll borrow it to you, Banami, er, I mean, Hanami!!" She plucks her phone out of her pocket to show her, "You could even call me later with it, you know, eh?" But after pondering, she realizes, "O right, I wouldn't be able to attend, if you had it with you... hmm..."

While that plays out, Rikishi regains consciousness, quickly grabbing his ruined glasses (the lenses still there, if all cracked) and putting them on, a glimpse of relief on his face as he does so. He slowly stands to his feet and cleans the dust from his clothes, "Aww man, what an awful day!" He says, darting to his classroom.
This takes place just before the Yard scene, Hanami mustn't be absent
Nov 30, 2024 4:10 pm
Oops, I didn't realize Rikishi was completely knocked out.
Hanami seemed to calm down a bit. She let Aika go and cleared her throat, trying to play off how she freaked out. "T-Thanks... I'll borrow it later, then." A moment passed before Hanami realized Aika got her name right. "Wait. Hanami!? Y-You finally got it... I didn't think you had it in you." She was honestly impressed. She had thought Aika's bird brain would never make the correction.

She realized that they were one of the few people still left, so she knew it was time to go unless she wanted to be late. "Shit, I've got to run. See you later, Aika. And don't go hurting yourself again, you hear?" She said sternly, wagging a finger in a scolding manner. She turned and rushed off to class.
Dec 3, 2024 3:32 am
Sumeryu does not mind that Lin Jing is holding her hand. It is both right and endearing that a magical maiden would seek the company and protection of a great and wondrous -and immensely good-looking- dragon like herself.

"Hello, class 1-B." She have a medium-depth bow. Less than customary but more than enough. A generous helping of respect from someone so obviously amazing. Is she full of herself? Maybe. Does being 7 feet tall and so gorgeous that pristine sun-dappled woodland glades feel ashamed to be compared to her justify her confidence? Why yes. Yes it does.

"I am Himeji Sumeryu. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances."

If only Hanami could have known that Sumeryu was in her classroom at that very moment!
Dec 3, 2024 6:38 am
Lín Jìng fishes out her phone with the free hand, and finally writes down the (conveniently easy to remember) number, followed by her best attempt to guess how to write Sumeryu's name.
Last edited January 12, 2025 5:36 am

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