Lunch time!

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Nov 29, 2024 2:35 pm
"-Jìng" Ibuki finds herself slightly off balance glancing around at these new people she hasn't met before.

"Um well that was some shortcut Lín Jìng... Well anyway it is nice to meet you my fellow cohorts my name is Ibuki I wish you the best of luck in your studies"
Nov 30, 2024 3:44 pm
Meanwhile being shaken, Aika cheerfully says: "Why yes, of course I'll borrow it to you, Banami, er, I mean, Hanami!!" She plucks her phone out of her pocket to show her, "You could even call me later with it, you know, eh?" But after pondering, she realizes, "O right, I wouldn't be able to attend, if you had it with you... hmm..."

While that plays out, Rikishi regains consciousness, quickly grabbing his ruined glasses (the lenses still there, if all cracked) and putting them on, a glimpse of relief on his face as he does so. He slowly stands to his feet and cleans the dust from his clothes, "Aww man, what an awful day!" He says, darting to his classroom.
This takes place just before the Yard scene, Hanami mustn't be absent
Nov 30, 2024 4:10 pm
Oops, I didn't realize Rikishi was completely knocked out.
Hanami seemed to calm down a bit. She let Aika go and cleared her throat, trying to play off how she freaked out. "T-Thanks... I'll borrow it later, then." A moment passed before Hanami realized Aika got her name right. "Wait. Hanami!? Y-You finally got it... I didn't think you had it in you." She was honestly impressed. She had thought Aika's bird brain would never make the correction.

She realized that they were one of the few people still left, so she knew it was time to go unless she wanted to be late. "Shit, I've got to run. See you later, Aika. And don't go hurting yourself again, you hear?" She said sternly, wagging a finger in a scolding manner. She turned and rushed off to class.
Dec 3, 2024 3:32 am
Sumeryu does not mind that Lin Jing is holding her hand. It is both right and endearing that a magical maiden would seek the company and protection of a great and wondrous -and immensely good-looking- dragon like herself.

"Hello, class 1-B." She have a medium-depth bow. Less than customary but more than enough. A generous helping of respect from someone so obviously amazing. Is she full of herself? Maybe. Does being 7 feet tall and so gorgeous that pristine sun-dappled woodland glades feel ashamed to be compared to her justify her confidence? Why yes. Yes it does.

"I am Himeji Sumeryu. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintances."

If only Hanami could have known that Sumeryu was in her classroom at that very moment!
Dec 3, 2024 6:38 am
Lín Jìng fishes out her phone with the free hand, and finally writes down the (conveniently easy to remember) number, followed by her best attempt to guess how to write Sumeryu's name.
Last edited January 12, 2025 5:36 am

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