Lunch time!
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Nov 14, 2024 3:46 am
"Ooh, how interesting! I think it'd be fun for us to learn more about them too, Miss Kanako. Maybe we can start a book club?" Luna, with her pure curiosity, joined Konomi and Ibuki in further asking Kanako about her hobbies. All the while the three girls were blissfully unaware of the darker side of doujinshi...
Nov 14, 2024 4:59 am
Fortunately for Sumeryu - and everyone else, due to their physical proximity to her - she completely missed the discussions about doujin. Romantic fanfiction of her favorite series would have pushed her over the edge completely into incoherent babbling and cuddling various people who may or may not want to be cuddled.
When Konomi suggests eating the delicious lunch in peace, Sumeryu replies, "I agree, Miss Watanabe!" She was just touch too formal and fast on the uptake. Just a little.
"Magical girls! You mean like Sailor Moon?" Sumery added, on the subject of mahou shoujo. Magical girls were near and dear to her own fiery heart, and her collection of manga was nearly encyclopedic. Not that anyone else knew that. Or needed to know it. Dragons are majestic! Not nerds!
She tries to cover her boiling embarrassment with going back to her lunch. It mostly works, since she got some pizza and therefore has tomato sauce nearby.
When Konomi suggests eating the delicious lunch in peace, Sumeryu replies, "I agree, Miss Watanabe!" She was just touch too formal and fast on the uptake. Just a little.
"Magical girls! You mean like Sailor Moon?" Sumery added, on the subject of mahou shoujo. Magical girls were near and dear to her own fiery heart, and her collection of manga was nearly encyclopedic. Not that anyone else knew that. Or needed to know it. Dragons are majestic! Not nerds!
She tries to cover her boiling embarrassment with going back to her lunch. It mostly works, since she got some pizza and therefore has tomato sauce nearby.
Nov 14, 2024 5:13 am
"hmm would hanami count as a 'magical girl' or is there a distinction between magical girl and girl that does magic?"
Nov 14, 2024 1:57 pm
Finally Konomi was part of a conversation that did not revolve around her size or some awkward misunderstanding. She perks up even more:
"Yes! Yes! Like Sailor Moon! Though I think in order to qualify as a magical girl you need to transform and get a frilly outfit. And also you need a cute pet that gives you power ups and stuff. Otherwise you would be a witch or a sorceress or something like that. Although witches do have familiars.... hmm..."
She interrupts her train of thought to address Sumeryu: "... also we are all friends here, so don't be so formal. Right? You don't mind if I call you Sumeryu, do you? Sumeryu..... Sumeryu-chan!"
"Yes! Yes! Like Sailor Moon! Though I think in order to qualify as a magical girl you need to transform and get a frilly outfit. And also you need a cute pet that gives you power ups and stuff. Otherwise you would be a witch or a sorceress or something like that. Although witches do have familiars.... hmm..."
She interrupts her train of thought to address Sumeryu: "... also we are all friends here, so don't be so formal. Right? You don't mind if I call you Sumeryu, do you? Sumeryu..... Sumeryu-chan!"
Nov 14, 2024 4:46 pm
Hanami had blushed a bit when Konomi asked if there were doujins with magical girls. Oh, she has no idea... Hanami didn't like magical girls, but somewhat paradoxically, she liked doujins involving them. She had a certain fascination with seeing them lose.
She side-eyed Sumeryu curiously. She hadn't expected the dragon girl to know anything about magical girls. Sailor Moon is huge though, so I suppose she might've read it or heard about it in passing. She figured.
Her eye twitched in annoyance. The insinuation that she was even remotely comparable to a magical girl displeased her. "No, Ibuki, I'm not a magical girl," she scoffed, putting disdain on the term. She turned her gaze to Konomi. "And not all witches have familiars, brat. I should know, since I'm a witch. You've pretty much summed it up though. A magical girl is not simply a girl that does magic. Cheesy transformations, overdesigned outfits and annoying mascots are what magical girls are all about."
She side-eyed Sumeryu curiously. She hadn't expected the dragon girl to know anything about magical girls. Sailor Moon is huge though, so I suppose she might've read it or heard about it in passing. She figured.
Her eye twitched in annoyance. The insinuation that she was even remotely comparable to a magical girl displeased her. "No, Ibuki, I'm not a magical girl," she scoffed, putting disdain on the term. She turned her gaze to Konomi. "And not all witches have familiars, brat. I should know, since I'm a witch. You've pretty much summed it up though. A magical girl is not simply a girl that does magic. Cheesy transformations, overdesigned outfits and annoying mascots are what magical girls are all about."
Lín Jìng / 林静
Nov 14, 2024 8:24 pm

Lín Jìng / 林静
And on the move she was, quietly going towards where Ishida should be going.
Using Magic (Arcane) 5 to gain Art of Invisibility 3, spending 5 Endurance. So 5 Invisibility and 3 Art of Invisiblity are currently in use to stay unnoticed.Nov 15, 2024 4:34 pm
Konomi has no intention of letting Hanami call her a brat again without some sort of retort. She snarks back at her in a sarcastic tone:
"You don't have a familiar? Why not? Does that mean you are some sort of second rate witch? Did you fail some sort of witch exam?"
"You don't have a familiar? Why not? Does that mean you are some sort of second rate witch? Did you fail some sort of witch exam?"
Nov 15, 2024 8:15 pm
Being very cautious, Lín Jìng gives pursue of the pursuer and the girl being pursued: it was a double pursue!
Unfortunately, she underestimated Matsui's sneakiness, as he vanished from sight! Leaving the somewhat flustered & somewhat desirous girls wanting. She could still follow Rika though, and so she did... As did Matsui.
But alas! As she reached her locker, a mysterious chocolate smell lingering in the air, she opens it and her face turned into horror, "It's gone!!! No way!! H-how... Someone must have stolen it!!" She turns introspective: "Well, I stole it first!! Not fair!!"
As she searched the locker, she seemed to find a written note, "S-sorry?!! Sorry my ass!! Whoever did this is dead-meat!!" She says, as she locks the cabinet and walks away, wheezing and stomping. "I'm gonna find this tie, and this lame thief!! I've never had anything I couldn't find!!"
As Katsuya seemed to begin answering Hanami's secret question, she could very much have a scare, as she instantly hears from right behind her: "Oh! I love these!! If you girls wanna try my magical girl costumes, just say the word!!" She points shamelessly right at Konomi: "Ah!! You'd look specially cute in one!!"
As they turn, they see Ruby, in a very costumey parody of a chef's suit, although showing more skin than probably would be allowed in any kitchen; on her head stood a very silly, very tall and wide chef hat. She studies Katsuya for a moment.
"Now, now... If you wanted my attention, dear, you should just say it! No need to make silly lies about injuries, alright?" She says lovingly and cluelessly. "I had to rush all my kitchen duties, but everything turned out fine in the end, so no problem with that!!"
As she looked down at Hanami (and Hanami couldn't help but look up), she couldn't hold a blush of her cheeks. "Ahem... You know..." She starts, bending a bit her head and body, "I too have been a bad girl..." She hugs herself, stalking the students and the headmaster... Will you zap me too??" She says, winking and poking the tip of her nose.
Unfortunately, she underestimated Matsui's sneakiness, as he vanished from sight! Leaving the somewhat flustered & somewhat desirous girls wanting. She could still follow Rika though, and so she did... As did Matsui.
But alas! As she reached her locker, a mysterious chocolate smell lingering in the air, she opens it and her face turned into horror, "It's gone!!! No way!! H-how... Someone must have stolen it!!" She turns introspective: "Well, I stole it first!! Not fair!!"
As she searched the locker, she seemed to find a written note, "S-sorry?!! Sorry my ass!! Whoever did this is dead-meat!!" She says, as she locks the cabinet and walks away, wheezing and stomping. "I'm gonna find this tie, and this lame thief!! I've never had anything I couldn't find!!"
As Katsuya seemed to begin answering Hanami's secret question, she could very much have a scare, as she instantly hears from right behind her: "Oh! I love these!! If you girls wanna try my magical girl costumes, just say the word!!" She points shamelessly right at Konomi: "Ah!! You'd look specially cute in one!!"
As they turn, they see Ruby, in a very costumey parody of a chef's suit, although showing more skin than probably would be allowed in any kitchen; on her head stood a very silly, very tall and wide chef hat. She studies Katsuya for a moment.
"Now, now... If you wanted my attention, dear, you should just say it! No need to make silly lies about injuries, alright?" She says lovingly and cluelessly. "I had to rush all my kitchen duties, but everything turned out fine in the end, so no problem with that!!"
As she looked down at Hanami (and Hanami couldn't help but look up), she couldn't hold a blush of her cheeks. "Ahem... You know..." She starts, bending a bit her head and body, "I too have been a bad girl..." She hugs herself, stalking the students and the headmaster... Will you zap me too??" She says, winking and poking the tip of her nose.
Nov 15, 2024 10:07 pm
When Konomi explains the qualifications to be mahou shoujo, Sumeryu coughs, almost choking on the food in her mouth. Could Sumeryu be a magical girl and her princesses be cute mascots that give her power boosts? That would be the dream! Dragons are majestic and powerful warriors, and Sumeryu can do a cool transformation.
She drools a little bit. Good thing there's still food on her plates. Just be voracious, yeah.
Being addressed directly makes her jump enough to notice. "Ah! Yes, Sumeryu-chan is fine. Should I-" minor stutter -"call you Konomi-chan then?"
She doesn't notice Ruby's innuendo, occupied instead by her own fantasies or herself, Hanami, Konomi, and Katsuya in super kawaii outfits fighting evil by moonlight.
She drools a little bit. Good thing there's still food on her plates. Just be voracious, yeah.
Being addressed directly makes her jump enough to notice. "Ah! Yes, Sumeryu-chan is fine. Should I-" minor stutter -"call you Konomi-chan then?"
She doesn't notice Ruby's innuendo, occupied instead by her own fantasies or herself, Hanami, Konomi, and Katsuya in super kawaii outfits fighting evil by moonlight.
Nov 15, 2024 10:53 pm
"Of course you should!" Konomi gleefully answers. "We really are friends now. And if magical girls have taught me one thing, it's that the power of friendship always wins in the end." She delivers the last part as if she was some sort of sage entrusting her pupils with ancient wisdom.
Nov 15, 2024 11:38 pm
An angry vein throbbed on Hanami's forehead. Oh, this little shit... Before she could reconsider squabbling with a kid, or at least what appeared to be one, her temper flared. "I don't have a familiar because I didn't want one. Familiars aren't the cutesy magical girl mascots you think they are, brat, they're a commitment. There's also no such thing as a 'witch exam'. That's just common sense. But I guess I can't expect much from someone who looks and acts like she still pisses the bed!" Hanami snarked back to Konomi.
She cursed under her breath when Ruby Tojo interrupted her just as she was about to get an answer out of Katsuya. She'd have to find another moment to ask. Her eyes scanned Ruby's chef costume, lingering over exposed skin a little longer than she intended. That's what she wears to cook...!? Hat aside, it's so sexy— Hanami pushed down her more monkey-brained thoughts. No, that's got to be some health code violation... Yeah. Hanami crossed her arms. "Tch. I wouldn't be caught dead in a magical girl costume. And Momochichi wasn't lying about being injured! I took care of it for her, that's all," Hanami informed.
"Wh... What...??" Hanami was initially at a loss for words due to what Ruby said to her. Her heart was about to nearly leap out of her chest. Embarrassment, confusion and arousal all fought for dominance in her head. Where did she hear about the zapping? Did Miss Shirayuki tell her!? Her frustration toward the yuki-onna teacher was alive and well again, but that was currently a minor concern. She was more concerned with how Ruby seemed to be asking her for a zap. She had heard from Mizore that Ruby was an M, but this was beyond anything she'd expected. "A-Are you insane? You can't just come up and ask for it, you half-baked cosplayer!!" Despite her own protests, she still pulled out her wand and cast a ray of painful lightning at Ruby. I'm not playing into this... This is purely to set her straight! She thought, but she found it hard to fool herself.
She cursed under her breath when Ruby Tojo interrupted her just as she was about to get an answer out of Katsuya. She'd have to find another moment to ask. Her eyes scanned Ruby's chef costume, lingering over exposed skin a little longer than she intended. That's what she wears to cook...!? Hat aside, it's so sexy— Hanami pushed down her more monkey-brained thoughts. No, that's got to be some health code violation... Yeah. Hanami crossed her arms. "Tch. I wouldn't be caught dead in a magical girl costume. And Momochichi wasn't lying about being injured! I took care of it for her, that's all," Hanami informed.
"Wh... What...??" Hanami was initially at a loss for words due to what Ruby said to her. Her heart was about to nearly leap out of her chest. Embarrassment, confusion and arousal all fought for dominance in her head. Where did she hear about the zapping? Did Miss Shirayuki tell her!? Her frustration toward the yuki-onna teacher was alive and well again, but that was currently a minor concern. She was more concerned with how Ruby seemed to be asking her for a zap. She had heard from Mizore that Ruby was an M, but this was beyond anything she'd expected. "A-Are you insane? You can't just come up and ask for it, you half-baked cosplayer!!" Despite her own protests, she still pulled out her wand and cast a ray of painful lightning at Ruby. I'm not playing into this... This is purely to set her straight! She thought, but she found it hard to fool herself.
Nosebleeder (DN 6; Iron-Willed) - (4d6)
(6514) = 16
Zap (Arcane Magic) - (5d6)
(16621) = 16
Nov 16, 2024 1:14 am
Don't. Explode. Grabbing other students is rude. She can't take it much longer.
"Konomi-chan then! And I agree, friendship is the greatest power of all. Together, friends can accomplish more than they ever could alone."
Finish your lunch, Sumeryu!
Finally, the dragon girl notices Ruby. Who is very scandalously-dressed and also multitalented. She, too, might make an acceptable princess. Hanami seemed to dislike Ruby, though, which would disqualify the latter.
"Konomi-chan then! And I agree, friendship is the greatest power of all. Together, friends can accomplish more than they ever could alone."
Finish your lunch, Sumeryu!
Finally, the dragon girl notices Ruby. Who is very scandalously-dressed and also multitalented. She, too, might make an acceptable princess. Hanami seemed to dislike Ruby, though, which would disqualify the latter.
Nov 16, 2024 4:51 am
As Ruby approached their lively group, Luna took note of her... strange, to say the least, chef's outfit. "I've never seen a chef dressed like this before... Is it an outfit for a special occasion?"
At the same time, Luna was subconsciously taking in the sights of Ruby's figure and letting her eyes wander around the risque outfit. Her gaze was innocent though, looking on with the admiration of a naive child.
At the same time, Luna was subconsciously taking in the sights of Ruby's figure and letting her eyes wander around the risque outfit. Her gaze was innocent though, looking on with the admiration of a naive child.
Nov 16, 2024 5:00 am
Ibuki will be sipping her tea as Ruby comes over and will proceed to choke on it as Ruby talks about stalking headmasters and zapping
As she attempts to mentally recover her composure she will take another sip of tea just as hanami actually zaps Ruby causing ibuki to do an actual spit take
"Cough...cough... What? Why? Is this just what the medcial community is like in the monster world?" Ibuki's usually calm demeanour has broken down for the first time as she is stun locked while trying to process what just happened
As she attempts to mentally recover her composure she will take another sip of tea just as hanami actually zaps Ruby causing ibuki to do an actual spit take
"Cough...cough... What? Why? Is this just what the medcial community is like in the monster world?" Ibuki's usually calm demeanour has broken down for the first time as she is stun locked while trying to process what just happened
Nov 16, 2024 9:35 am
Well, seems like I'm to keep following her and see if she can live up to her bragging, thought Lín Jìng to herself.
Nov 16, 2024 4:11 pm
Kanako will turn to give Ibuki a semi-sympathetic look.
"Monsters tend to live loudly... in an academy that gathers a bunch of them like this, you'd best bet that you get oddballs like her."
She crosses her arms and looks askance at Hanami and Ruby.
"I mean, you're the one who decided to introduce yourself by reciting a Sutra, so you're pretty eccentric as well."
"Monsters tend to live loudly... in an academy that gathers a bunch of them like this, you'd best bet that you get oddballs like her."
She crosses her arms and looks askance at Hanami and Ruby.
"I mean, you're the one who decided to introduce yourself by reciting a Sutra, so you're pretty eccentric as well."
Nov 16, 2024 4:16 pm
Ibuki is unsure how she feels having her Buddhism being equated to... whatever is going on but she is chalking it up cultural differences
Nov 16, 2024 5:00 pm
Matsui facespalms at the revelation. A thief steals from the thief. He’d take a moment to appreciate the irony of the situation if he wasn’t so annoyed. At this rate, it seemed like getting a new tie would be easier than recovering the one he’d lost.
Nov 16, 2024 9:14 pm
As Hanami's wand powers, it shoots a bright ray of lightning, shining the woman! Ruby jumps up and agitatedly shake, "Gyaaa!!" uttering a loud (and quite lewd) moan, drawing everyone left in the hall's eyes to them (most people already leaving to their classrooms).
As the zapping ensues, Ruby raises her hands to caress her burning cheeks, giving Hanami a wild and hungry look, before falling sitting on the ground, panting.
"Oh my... H-Hanami! You're... You're something else..." She says, still blushing, "I wasn't zapped so good (by another person, that is, teehee) for a looong time!!" She says, slowly getting up to her feet and dusting her clothes calmly, seemingly uncaring for all the eyes set on her. "It seems I can, in fact, just come and ask for it, fufufu!"
Then she tries to put a parody of a serious face, with a smirk, "Well, you accomplished your purpose, I'll forget the headmaster and the other students, for now... I've found a much more, uh... Delectable target, fufufu!" As she finishes, she looks at the clock on the wall, "Oh-oh, time to go... See ya girls!" She approaches the little which very closely and whispers on her ear: "Until next time, Ha-Na-Mi!"
"You're you calling miss Bananas Hanami, mrs. Tojo? Besides, what game are you two playing?!! It looks fun!! Let me join!" Says Katsuya from Hanami's and Sumeryu's side.
Meanwhile, Rika conducted her investigation for all that wanted to spy, in the small time she had before the beginning of classes. "hmm... This was surely done during class hours... So it can't have been a student... This seems linked to that underwear disappearing event... I'll ask that girl more details later." She says out loud to herself, like a proper detective.
As the zapping ensues, Ruby raises her hands to caress her burning cheeks, giving Hanami a wild and hungry look, before falling sitting on the ground, panting.
"Oh my... H-Hanami! You're... You're something else..." She says, still blushing, "I wasn't zapped so good (by another person, that is, teehee) for a looong time!!" She says, slowly getting up to her feet and dusting her clothes calmly, seemingly uncaring for all the eyes set on her. "It seems I can, in fact, just come and ask for it, fufufu!"
Then she tries to put a parody of a serious face, with a smirk, "Well, you accomplished your purpose, I'll forget the headmaster and the other students, for now... I've found a much more, uh... Delectable target, fufufu!" As she finishes, she looks at the clock on the wall, "Oh-oh, time to go... See ya girls!" She approaches the little which very closely and whispers on her ear: "Until next time, Ha-Na-Mi!"
"You're you calling miss Bananas Hanami, mrs. Tojo? Besides, what game are you two playing?!! It looks fun!! Let me join!" Says Katsuya from Hanami's and Sumeryu's side.
Meanwhile, Rika conducted her investigation for all that wanted to spy, in the small time she had before the beginning of classes. "hmm... This was surely done during class hours... So it can't have been a student... This seems linked to that underwear disappearing event... I'll ask that girl more details later." She says out loud to herself, like a proper detective.
What the heck I just narrated?!! *-* Anyway, I'll be writing the next scenes, you guys are free to act in here until them.Nov 17, 2024 5:03 am
Yep, that is definitely a nosebleed checkRolls
Nosebleeder (DN 8; Iron-Willed) - (4d6)
(6365) = 20
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