Lunch time!

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Nov 17, 2024 6:13 am
What did I just get myself into...!?! By some miracle, Hanami's nose didn't start spraying profusely, but her mind still buzzed with a million thoughts, most of them involving Ruby Tojo. The warmth of the witch woman's whisper still lingered on her ear, driving her mad with less than pure images of what 'next time' could entail. She thought her first day couldn't possibly get any crazier, then she ended up getting a perverted masochist interested in her. At this point, her blushing face glowed almost like lava.

"Y-You can't join!!" Hanami said to Katsuya immediately, a little too quickly. She realized she was focusing on the wrong part of what Katsuya said. "I-I mean, we're not playing anything in the first place! There is no game!" She corrected herself as she hurriedly started to eat what remained of her layered bento. Naturally, she was quite keen to escape and calm down, but there wasn't enough time left to find somewhere else to eat if she intended on finishing her food, so she stayed put for now.
"Mmph..." She swallowed a bite of tamagoyaki and gently elbowed Katsuya to get her attention. Hanami still wanted to know if Katsuya received her eye injury from being hit by someone, but figured this might not be the best place for it. "We're gonna get interrupted or overheard, so could you tell me about your eye later? Once we can be alone." She whispered softly, concern evident on her face. However, her face warped back into her standard mask of vague annoyance when she finally realized how badly the youko was butchering her name. "Also... My name is not Bananas. it's Hanami Matsuyama."
Nov 17, 2024 2:21 pm
Katsuya seems briefly disappointed by Hanami not letting her join, which quickly vanishes. At her remarks about her eye, she simply nods, her hands clasped to her skirt.

As Hanami finishes complaining about her name, a group of students approach them, clearly seniors. "Oy, Katsuya, we gonna bother you some more before classes start, come." Said their leader, who talked in a harshly tone, was tall and had a dark complexion, with black hair. The two guys behind him were snarking with their shadowy faces.

Katsuya's eyes widen for an instant, and, after giving Hanami and Sumeryu a grateful look, she raises to her feet. "O-ok... Byebye guys! See you later!"
Nov 17, 2024 4:03 pm
Ibuki will observe the group of seniors remembering konomi's encounter earlier and trying to gauge their intent


insight - (2d6)

(51) = 6

Nov 17, 2024 4:08 pm
One it became clear that the search will be lengthy, Lín Jìng gave up on following Ishida, found a secluded place to become visible again (but did not release the spells just in case she needed the subtle edge again), and returned to her place to (hopefully) finish the lunch.
Nov 17, 2024 7:32 pm
Hanami's hackles were immediately raised when the seniors approached. What the hell could they want with a freshmen like Momochichi? Suspicious. With the information available to her, she could infer these guys probably pushed Katsuya around earlier and intended to do the same again. She wanted to brandish her wand and demand answers from them, but she managed to push her impulses down. Not yet, not here, not unless it was necessary. But she wasn't going to just let them be alone with Katsuya either. They clearly weren't up to anything good.

Before Katsuya could go, Hanami grabbed her hand and rose to her feet as well. "I'm so sorry, senpais. But we're going to be walking to classes together. Right, Momochichi?" She asked Katsuya, in an attempt to give the youko a way out of this.
Nov 18, 2024 1:53 am
Sumeryu had been relieved to have an excuse to not be the focus of so many kawaii beams. Laser-targeted anti-dragon missiles. The lewd exchange couldn't have made her blush any harder, though she was imagining Ruby in several inappropriate outfits and covering her thoughts by shoveling the last of her food in her mouth.

When the seniors accosted Momochichi, the dragon girl wiped her mouth with a napkin and then laid her hands flat on the table.

Hanami has already grabbed Katsuya, so all Sumeryu does is stand up, turn around, and look down at the older boys with a glowering stare that could freeze a bonfire solid.
Nov 18, 2024 10:20 am
Konomi Pouts: "Why is everyone in this school so obsessed with picking on the freshmen. It's getting old fast."
Nov 18, 2024 7:37 pm
Kanako shrugs at Konomi's statement without looking away from her reading. She doesn't particularly understand whatever the upperclassmen are about, and she thinks it's all rather troglodytic... so long as they don't step on her toes.
Nov 18, 2024 11:33 pm
As Hanami grabs Katsuya's hand, she quickly raises her eyes onto hers, down to the joined hands and back again, giving her a cute cute, if maybe awkward look.

After that instant of strangeness, she turns back at the seniors, and at the girls interposing them. "I-it's okay guys... I'll reach up with you latter... I promise, ok." She says with her head lowered. "He, that's right! You heard the girl!" The leader of them says rudely.

Ibuki couldn't peer at their true intentions, but their dark complexion and ominous aura are quite clear to her, they're up to no good.

Katsuya tugs gently at her hand, not enough to break Hanami's grasp, but suggesting she wants it freed.
Nov 19, 2024 12:22 am
Hanami only held onto Katsuya's hand tighter in response to the tug. She clearly wasn't just going to let her go, though it's likely that Katsuya could overpower her if she wanted to. After all, witches aren't known for their physical strength.

She fixed her golden eyes on the leader. He was too eager, and it only made her more suspicious. "You know what? I don't trust you, asshole!" Hanami dropped the barely respectful tone she'd taken. They might be her senpai, but if they were truly picking on freshmen, then they weren't worth her respect. Her free hand twitched at her side. Despite telling herself she wouldn't cast anything yet, her impulses struck anew and won out this time. "Now tell me the truth! What're you going to do to her?" She pulled out her wand and casted a curse of truthfulness at the leader.
20 Endurance for a -3 Weakness


inflict -3 Compulsion (Honesty) [Witchcraft, Smart] - (9d6)

(353616646) = 40

Nov 19, 2024 1:26 am
Luna could only watch Ruby with a frozen smile, utterly confused at why the scantily clad woman was moaning in pleasure after being zapped by Hanami. To the outside world, it would appear that the event fried her innocent mind. And to an extent, it was true inside her mind as well.

Eh? Huh? What's going on? Is Miss Tojo-sensei okay?

Oh, my dear sweet child, there are things you'll learn as you get older.

Huh? What's that supposed to mean?

It wasn't long before she snapped out of her thoughts though. It was hard not to with how loud and rude the upperclassmen were being. As Hanami confronted the bullies on behalf of Katsuya, Luna watched, waiting to see what would happen next.
Nov 19, 2024 2:45 am
Sumeryu folds her arms and waits, like a ominous storm on the distant horizon. She couldn't be clearer about her intentions if she said it out loud - which she didn't - "if you try to drag Momochichi-san away I will crush you."

It pleases her that Dr-Princess Matsuyama is beside her in this goal.
Nov 19, 2024 5:04 am
"hmm for a moment i thought that most monsters were just strange deviants... I see that there arr still actual monsters like me here" ibuki does not know if she is comforted by this fact

Ibuki turns to katsuya "Miss Momochichi... No, Katsuya are you really OK or do you want our help? I know there are those that feel they must deal with problems by themselves but let assure this is not the case here, you are pur classmate and more than that im sure we would like to consider ourselves your friends, if you need help we will do so. But i must hear it from you that you want this help, it has long been a teaching that unsolicited help takes away the independence of the recipient so I shall ask you this again, Katsuya Momochichi do you desire our help"

Ibuki is holding onto her buddhist beads as she talks
should i roll something like a charisma persuasian for this?
Nov 19, 2024 9:48 am
Lín Jìng carefully watches the situation unfold, and trying to recall if any of the older pupils match the dossiers the family gave her, while also preparing to dive under the table if needed.


Knowledge: Secrets - (4d6)

(1533) = 12

Nov 21, 2024 2:58 am
Before Hanami throws her spell, one of the two guys behind the leader, so far hidden under his shadow, comes forth: he's a skinny and feeble looking guy, with a light brown bowl-cut and large round glasses that hide his eyes, quite similar to Kanako's.

Speaking about Kanako, this guy turns to stare at her, with curiosity, the at the book she's reading, then she gasps with a pleasant surprise. Saying in a high pitched and airy tone: "Woa!! You're reading Magical girls in Perilous naughty adventures (or whatever name you want =P)!!! Gah!! I'm a huge fan too!!" He says, coming closer.

At the girls bafflement, he quickly says, without a sign of having thought out the consequences of revealing that to a bunch of girls: "Oh, you may be wondering how I saw it through the protective cover... He chuckles while adjusting his glasses, looking serious and mysterious, "You see, I can see through opaque surfaces... In other words for the normies, I have X-ray vision!!"

As that sips in, and he feels murderous eyes on him, he quickly rectify it: "B-but don't worry!! I can only see through a single layer of objects!" He sighs in relief, now that it was acceptable, he thought. "That's still horrible, you dumbass!!" Said Aika, raising her fist... After a while, she relaxes, "Haha!! What you guys thought of my Banami impression? What? Ha- Hanami?!! No way!!"
But, as Hanami casts her devastating honesty spell, the leader starts talking, still rudely: "We were just gonna take Katsuya for a while and ask her to st-" He clasps his mouth with both his hands, realizing the nature of the spell. He then pulls the X-ray guy back at his side "Oy, Rikishi!! You're the smart guy, y-you should be the one doing the talking!" He says, as he violently pulls the boy close to him, giving him a menacing look as he whispers on his ear.

After a moment, the boy, Rikishi, steps forward to talk, looking uncomfortable, "W-what he tried to say was that she's a, uh... An acquaintance of him... And that he would ask her to do some stuff for him, as she commonly do for quite some time already..." He pauses, swearing nervously, "N-now, this stuff is o-of very private and embarrassing matter... For both parties, a-and Katsuya would hate for it to be revealed... D-do you guys really want to continue your inquiry?"
With her observation, Lìn Jìng couldn't bring anything on them, not without having the full names of them.
Nov 21, 2024 12:01 pm
Ibuki preaching DN 6
Last edited November 21, 2024 12:01 pm


charisma - (3d6)

(443) = 11

Nov 21, 2024 6:24 pm
Tch. Damn it! Hanami scoffed. She knew her truth curse was perfect, beyond perfect, but of course, it could be countered by simply not speaking. She'd just have to force the leader to talk, then! She was not letting him escape now.

Hanami was completely unconvinced by Rikishi's excuses. Throwing discretion to the wind, she pressed on. "You bet your ass I'm continuing, bowl cut! How come you're not letting your little leader talk? Does he not have the balls to admit one of you punched her in the eye?" She growled.
Nov 21, 2024 7:03 pm
Lín Jìng keeps sitting and watching, but now she mentally estimates the distance from Kanako to the smart bespectacled fellow. If this works, this should be good no matter what way it goes, she thought to herself.
I'd like to try either teleporting or (if the latter has a noticeably easier to succeed at) telekinetically moving the bowl-cut fellow's glasses to Kanako. If teleporting, then into the space between the two halves of the open book, if telekinetically moving, then just moving, in such a way as to make it easy for her to grab them and do whatever. Regardless of whether it would be teleportation or telekinesis, she'd use No Gesture and Onset, so there would be a bit of time more time for something to happen in the mean time. For either ability, my dice pool would be 5 (teleportation 3 + base 2 dice, or TK's Will modifier, for Will 3 and 2 base dice).


Snatch the glasses - (5d6)

(24354) = 18

Nov 23, 2024 2:06 am
Líng Jìng, peering from the distance, with a wave of her arm, snatches the glasses away from Rikishi, and drop then just in front of Kanako, inside the book she was reading, "Gah! My glasses!" He protests, trying to catching them, and failing to do so. "I-I can't see without them!! Heh... I'm really helpless, right?" He starts giggling, and a trick of blood slips from his nose, "B-besides... I can see through two layers without them... gulp."

But his speech is cut short by Hanami's accusation, he gazing directly at her: "Wa?!! Punch her?! Are you crazy?!! H- he would never!!" He looks back at the big guy, "W-wait... Yasuo, you punched her?! You really did?!! What the heck?!" He backs off from the two guys.

"Y-yeah, I did!" Rikishi screams out, unable to keep the truth. "Why?!! Katsuya never hurt a fly!! Why would you do that?!" With that, the Yasuo guy advanced menacingly towards him and the rest of the group, uttering: "I demanded something from her! Something I ordered her to steal! Damn, I can't remember what it was!!" He seemed really confused, how could he forgot something that he just saw? "Whatever, she refused and... and I got mad!! Now, cut the crap, you rat!! Siding with these losers? I'll give you a nice beating too!" He says, snapping his fingers.

Then he turns his eyes to Sumeryu, and hesitates for a moment.
If Sumeryu wants to use her intimidation to stop him, she must roll, DN8 to fully stop him.

While at that confusion, Ibuki and Katsuya talk, her talk mellowing the fox girl out: "S-sorry... But I can't, I can't put you guys in trouble! You're all being so nice to me..." She lowers her visage, "I never had anyone offer me help before... heh, this is so embarrassing..."

Raising her gaze and looking at the interactions between Hanami and Sumeryu with the seniors, she sighs, with a glimpse of relief, "Seems like they're already at it..."
Nov 23, 2024 5:45 am
Huh, that's strange. So are the glasses the source of his ability or not? Guess I misjudged. But his words aren't making sense either, is he lying half the time? Lín Jìng is a bit confused by his reaction, and tries to get a feel for his surface thoughts to make sense of it.
Psychic, read surface thoughts (an action that is automatically subtle and casual as per the write-up), base 2 dice + Will 3 + 1 bonus for only reading the surface thoughts.


Psychic: read surface thoughts - (6d6)

(213564) = 21

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