Lunch time!

Nov 4, 2024 4:31 pm
After the ring bels, the teachers raises from their chair and dismiss the students, "Alright boys and girls." And they directed toward the cafeteria and courtyard. The sun was high, casting a pleasant warmth over the grounds, and the air was buzzing with excitement, and a few lingering whispers about the dramatic events in the auditorium that morning. Tables and benches lined the courtyard, some shaded under wide oaks, and the large double doors to the cafeteria stood open, inviting students in with the delicious scents of a variety of meals.
Passing through the solemn double doors, one would find himself in a huge hall, with a high spiraling roof, supported by spare thin pillars.

The cafeteria was bustling, alive with the sounds of clinking trays, laughter, and murmurs of conversation. Students moved between the rows of food, where trays piled with everything from simple dishes like ramen, to exotic and foreign ones. Curiously, the menu is filled with lots of eastern European and Mediterranean dishes, either for lunch and other meals. Of course, common Japanese dishes were also available.

Outside, in the courtyard, small groups of students from both classes clustered around tables, chatting as they found spots to sit and eat. A few bold upperclassmen lingered by the benches, observing the new students with expressions ranging from friendly to curious, their uniforms marked with badges from various clubs.
Nov 4, 2024 5:13 pm
Lín Jìng mostly stays away from the centre of the cafeteria, but keeps an eye out for the statuesque stunner and the tieless vampire.
Nov 5, 2024 3:35 am
Sumeryu dominates the entire cafeteria space and courtyard with her presence. Not only is she gigantic, she is straightforward, advancing right down the middle in heeled boots that make her even taller.

She already has a fan club, and they're going over a logo and shirt design. Eight girls and three boys swoon and dozens more watch her go past with starstruck admiration. She barely notices, being a knucklehead focused on her mission: lunch. She does, however, wave and smile at Lin Jing.

Her lunch selection is large, as might be expected of a 7-foot-4-inch -the heels add the inches- girl who clearly works out. She seems enamored of the display of variety, there's at least 2000 calories total on the three plates she gets, and she has no shame at all about eating that much. She pays with cash taken from a stuffed wallet. Exact change.

Then Sumeryu claims a table for herself in a spot she likes, at a bench seat table near the drink fountains. If anybody is sitting there, she just takes the seat closest to the middle of that table. She wouldn't fit in the normal cafeteria chairs.
Last edited November 5, 2024 3:35 am
Nov 5, 2024 5:24 am
Ibuki watches her new dragon friend and her many admirers thankful that she seems to be drawing most of romantic attention (little does she know that her own eccentricities will soon cause her own kind of fanclub to form)

In contrast to the spread of food sumeryu has acquired Ibuki has but one bowl, that said bowl however is full of mushrooms, tofu, noodles, and vegetables with soy sauce as Ibuki was surprised to actually find her favourite food here and decided to treat herself.

She does not have any particular choice of seat in mind simply taking one that happened to be available
Nov 6, 2024 7:41 am
Finally... Lunch break. It felt like she'd never make it here. Today was easily the strangest and most eventful first day she'd ever had. Her stomach growled in response to the wonderful smells hitting her nose. Everything on display looked so good, if rather fattening, but it'd have to wait until next time since she already had a lunch with her. Before she left her village this morning, her mom had given her a bento box full of her favorite dishes. It was like she brought a little slice of home with her, and damn it, she was going to enjoy it.

Or at least she wanted to, but she had to go find Aika. I said we'd have lunch together, and I keep my word. She told herself, but she didn't want to admit she'd feel awful if she flaked on the overly affectionate tengu. A deeply buried part of her even looked forward to it. After all, Aika really seemed to like her candy.

As Hanami started to wander through the cafeteria (running into Aika along the way), she couldn't help but notice Sumeryu sitting down. Ibuki didn't seem to be too far off, either. Remembering how they helped out with Aika this morning, she decided that she was going to give them some candy as thanks. Perhaps she'd give something to Matsui Aono too, if she saw him hanging around.

She approached Sumeryu first, only to be initially distracted by the sheer amount of food the giant girl was eating. All that for lunch!? That's enough for three meals! As an aspiring doctor, she felt eating so much was ill-advised, but Sumeryu definitely didn't look overweight. What the hell IS she...? No, really, what kind of yokai is she? Hanami couldn't tell as a glance, but she got over her brief shock and reached into her magical doctor's bag. What she pulled out was a thick bar of chocolate wrapped in a golden foil. Like her lollipops, she made the chocolate last week and has been meaning to have a piece of it, but she didn't mind parting with it for Sumeryu. The way Sumeryu called her Dr. Matsuyama earlier played absolutely no part in her decision...

"Here. For catching the chicken nugg- I mean Aika, earlier. You did a good thing." She said, trying to stay cool at she held the chocolate out to Sumeryu. She was oblivious to the fact she had just made a lot of enemies with that gesture. Still, she at least noticed the temperature rise by a few degrees thanks to the glares of Sumeryu's fan club burning into her very soul. Did it just get hot in here?
Last edited November 7, 2024 12:51 am
Nov 6, 2024 8:09 pm
When Lìng Jing came into the hall, she didn't take long to locate the girl she remembered running off with the tie, although she had no tie in view right now, she was seated with some friends, enjoying a meal. A little bit of asking (or mind probing) would wage that her name is Rika Ishida, 1-A. She is tall and lean, with curly dark hair and light brow expressive eyes. She wore lots of accessories: rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.
In the meanwhile, Hanami didn't needed to bother finding Aika, Aika found her. While looking around, she heard it from behind, "Banami!!!" And then she was held in the strong grasp of the Tengu girl from behind. "Oh, I missed you soooo much!! Did you brought any candy?!!" After a bit more squeezing her, she adds, "I was gonna sit with these cool girls from my class, want to join in?!" She says, as she points to the table Where Sumeryu and Ibuki ate.
Meanwhile, Everyone who's already eating, or about to eat, can't help but be in awe at the delicious food, it's like really weird that this was the most delicious food they've ever had in their whole lives, if they had any found memory with the particular food they were eating, they relived that memory, as they delight on those 5-star dishes.
Nov 6, 2024 8:16 pm
Adela stumbled into the cafeteria, today was just exhausting for her, though much like normal it did not show on her face. She got herself some eastern European dishes, though would strangely ask for chili to be dumped over it...extremely hot chili. Anyone watching her would notice that her meal was covered in the stuff.

The golem noticed some familiar faces, some classmates like the quiet one and the zap dominatrix. She also recognized the Buddhist and the giant too. She would move past them all and head towards the oak tree, deciding to sit under it and eat, just people watching for the moment.
Nov 6, 2024 8:53 pm
Lín Jìng glanced at the tengu - the one who loudly bragged about new connections on the first day at the academy, then at Ishida again, then continued looking all over the room unhurriedly, while trying to recall what juicy details have been passed along the whisper network about this Ishida.


What Secrets are known (base 2 + Know:Secrets 2) - (4d6)

(1341) = 9

Nov 6, 2024 9:11 pm
Sumeryu waves at Ibuki wherever the latter sits.

Indeed, Sumeryu looked like the very picture of health. Perfectly clear skin, perfect proportions, perfectly glossy hair. Sure, her nails were a her hair too red to be normal, and her ears were a little pointed. And she was 7 feet tall barefoot. But she was perfectly-toned and perfectly-built. The giant girl was about a quarter of the way through her food when Hanami approached.

When Hanami greeted her, Sumeryu put down her utensils, which seemed comically small in her hands, wiped her mouth with a napkin even though she hadn't made any mess whatsoever, and slowly turned her head, like a tigress observing her domain. Upon seeing Hanami, her expression morphed from flat and focused to soft and pleasant, a brilliant smile spreading across her incredible features. A weak-willed person might easily get lost in that smile, in those beautiful eyes, in that perfect visage full of genuine happiness at seeing Hanami.

Her eyes flit to the chocolate when Hanami takes the treasure from her back. The sparkling gold wrapper and the smell of home-made chocolate are deeply compelling to Sumeryu. Recognizing the importance of Hanami's gift, the giant stands. She rose standing less than three feet away from Hanami. Sumeryu's amazing chest was level with Hanami's eyes. If she walked directly forward, her nose would be right between Sumeryu's big, round, firm-but-soft breasts. Somebody with an active imagination for dirty thoughts could have all kinds of fun imagining what a girl that pretty and that big could do to them.

"Dr. Matsuyama," replies the giant girl. "Thank you. This is a wonderful gift. You have many amazing talents!"

She uses both hands to take the chocolate, almost reverently, looking at it front and back. From someone with less presence than Sumeryu, it might come across as mockery. But Sumeryu means every bit of her sincerity.

She is also barely holding herself together. The sheer number of cute girls today has been overwhelming for her poor princess-desiring sensibilities. She feels her cheeks flush. Now one of the girls is giving her gold and home made chocolate at the same time. And a girl who's brilliant and focused and capable, too! Sumeryu decides then and there that Hanami Matsuyama must be hers. To have and treasure and claim forever. Woe betide anyone else who tries to woo the magical medical schoolgirl.

The giant will have to sit down before she freaks out and squees about how wonderful Hanami is.

Keep it together, Sumeryu!

Politely, the giant gestures to the bench. "Please sit with me. I would like your company and to know more about you."

She really can't help being chivalrous!
Last edited November 6, 2024 9:12 pm
Nov 6, 2024 9:15 pm
Ibuki wonders if dragons can eat chocolate
Nov 7, 2024 12:24 pm
Good, I played it off perfectly. Now- Just as she started to inwardly congratulate herself for staying calm, Hanami's train of thought was brought to a screeching halt when Sumeryu stood up, towering over her. Her fight-or-flight response immediately kicked in, but she wasn't scared of Sumeryu, no. She feared herself and what she might do while faced with the most incredible boobs she'd ever seen. She liked to believed she wasn't a pervert (how true that is varies), but she couldn't hardly think for a solid moment. Big... Big... Big... Dare she 'trip' forward and get a faceful...? Would that be so bad...!?

It was good that Sumeryu took the chocolate out of her hand when she did, because Hanami had been close to dropping it. "Uh-huh... Don't read too much into it..." She murmured in response to Sumeryu's gratitude. While the massive girl inspected the chocolate wrapped in wondrously shiny golden foil, Hanami took the chance to get her thoughts in order. What in the hell am I thinking? Focus.

"S-Sit with you...?" It was a simple request, but the way Sumeryu stated it so forwardly made her heart flutter. "S-Sure. We were coming over to ask to sit with you anyway." Hanami said, pointing a thumb back at her excitable tagalong, Aika. "She really wanted to, and well, I couldn't refuse." She was trying to reclaim a bit of her cool-headed facade, but she was failing spectacularly.

Hanami sat down on the bench and started to rummage around in her bag. "So... What kind of monster are you?" She asked Sumeryu, trying to keep her curiosity from showing too strongly. She pulled a multi-layered wooden bento box out of her bag and placed it on the table. It seemed to emanate magic for those that could perceive it.


Nosebleeder (DN 4; Iron-Willed) - (4d6)

(1323) = 9

Nov 8, 2024 12:09 am
Oh dear. Sumeryu forgot the customary two refusals. She is always bad about that. But...homemade chocolate! Gold foil! She can hardly be expected to be perfectly polite, can she?

She places the precious chocolate on the table directly in front of where she would sit, giving it pride of place. Simultaneously, she marshaled her self control while looking at Aika, the tengu on the other side of Hanami. It was simply Sumeryu's normal neutral expression, but Sumeryu is gigantic, physically powerful, and immensely charismatic. Who knows how intimidating a simple look might be?

The giant's gathering of composure means that she sat only after Hanami did, which is, as with so much she does, unintentionally gallant.

She sits next to Hanami, close enough that the other girl would just have to lean to the side to touch the top of her head to the bicep of the prettiest person in the school. With reverence, Sumeryu unwraps the chocolate. Her huge size makes the otherwise big bar seem smaller.

"I am a dragon," she says, matter-of-factly and with some pride. Sure, it's normal for a supposedly lost and immensely powerful species of monster to just be having lunch. Just a Monday.

"May I know what manner of monster you are as well, Dr. Matsuyama?" No sarcasm at all. Not even the slightest shade of mockery. Only respect for Hanami's demonstrated abilities.

She slices a small piece off the bar with her unusually sharp nail, stabs it, and puts it in her mouth.


Five seconds.

Aaaand she loses it.

"It's so good!" announces the huge redhead, louder than before, excited. She wears a big smile, brows drawn up and out in astonishment.

"A doctor and a chef!"

Don't grab the meganekko! Bear hugs in public are rude.
Last edited November 8, 2024 1:07 am
Nov 8, 2024 2:49 am
"so dragons can have chocolate interesting, i wonder what other traits are different from their animal counterparts... is she cold blooded?" Ibuki is hypothesising
Nov 8, 2024 11:58 am
S-She's so close... And she's like a furnace. From this close, Hanami could feel the heat radiating off of Sumeryu. She couldn't help but be comforted by the warmth.

"You're a dragon? Pfft. If you're trying to April Fools me, you could at least go for something a little more believable." Hanami laughed, finding that Sumeryu's 'joke' helped her relax a little. After presumably going extinct ages ago, dragons were relegated to mere myth. It was impossible for one to be sitting next to her right now. If only she knew.

"Oh, I'm a witch..." She answered softly. Her hat and wand were big hints, and she normally might've had the urge to be sarcastic about it, but hearing 'Dr. Matsuyama' flow from Sumeryu's lips again in that earnest manner made it impossible to do so. What's happening to me...?

Hanami lifted her scarf over her mouth to hide her own smile when she saw how much Sumeryu enjoyed her chocolate. "O-Of course. There's a lot I can do! Specialization is for insects, you know?" She bragged.

Oh, wait a minute... She'd almost forgotten about Ibuki. She was still intending to thank her as well. "That's right, I want to thank you too, for carrying Aika earlier." She said to Ibuki, intentionally not bringing up how she was carried as well. As far as Hanami was concerned, that undignified little moment never happened. Or at least, she would pretend as hard as she could. "Do you like candy? I have all sorts in my bag."
Nov 8, 2024 12:44 pm
"... are witches really so different from humans as to be a separate species classified as a monster? Huh i suppose i should have studied more about the monster- wait how would I even have gone about studying these things?!"

Ibuki is broken out of her thoughts by Hanami's offer "As one who is following the path of Buddha, my likes would be considered attachment to the world... Though I suppose being here I am already far enough from that path right now and it would not do to reject and offering of Alms so I shall partake, would you happen to have any lollipops?"
Nov 9, 2024 12:46 am
Soft skin. Ample chest. Supple limbs. Shining hair. Truly

Oh yes yes, yes! Ibuki is here also. Ibuki wants Sumeryu to be a proud guardian of the dharma. So she must be composed and wise. Anything else would be unbecoming of a dragon!

She clears her throat of the squee building up.

Someone with an eye out for nonhuman behavior, such as Ibuki, would probably notice that Sumeryu holds things in her mouth, like her tableware, much more often than other people. That would be consistent with a nonhumanoid monster.

Sumeryu takes another bite of the chocolate and makes a pleased noise at the delectable taste.

After considering Hanami's statements about jokes, Sumeryu concludes that honesty will serve her well. Everyone is impressed by the majesty of dragons, after all!

"I am not trying to fool you." As before, the giant beauty is utterly sincere. She is not irritated or even offended. After all, Sumeryu was quite possibly the only dragon in the world. She hopes not. But no others have made themselves known in a very long time.

"Would you take fire breathing as proof?"

She looks up, purses her lips, and exhales a thin jet of blue-hot flame. It's only a few inches long and just for a couple seconds, so as not to set off any fire alarms or sprinklers.

It's not a threat, merely a display. Showing that she is telling the truth.

"I agree," she adds, unaffected by the heat that was just between her soft, plush lips. Wow, she'd really drawn attention to her mouth with that one. "We should always be ready to grow and improve."
Nov 9, 2024 3:26 am
"Sure, I've got plenty of those." Hanami reached into her doctor's bag and pulled out a few homemade lollipops of assorted flavors. She leaned over the table to hand them to Ibuki. "So, a Buddhist, huh? I can respect that. Feel free to ask for another anytime you'd like. Just don't ask for too many. It'd be bad for your path and your teeth," she said. Really though, she wouldn't mind indulging anyone who liked her candy.

Hanami almost instinctively took Sumeryu at face value when she stated she wasn't trying to deceive. However, Hanami was a natural skeptic, so she wasn't convinced by the beautiful dragon girl's subdued display of firepower. "There's quite a few monster species that can breathe fire. It's certainly not something unique to dragons," she rebutted. "You're really committed to this bit, huh...? Okay, if you're supposedly a dragon, then show me your horns and claws. Your wings too, if you have those."
Last edited November 9, 2024 3:27 am
Nov 9, 2024 4:18 am
Ibuki will suck on her lollipop and turn to sumeryu with a look of curiosity she didn't even know dragons were considered extinct... Well anymore non existent than what every other monster is supposed to be but she is still intrigued by what an actual dragon would look like
Nov 9, 2024 4:55 am
Proud if her kind and majesty, Sumeryu points at the top of her head. Hanami will have to lean backwards to see what she's pointing at. Tufts of unruly hair that, on a second look, are too regular, too symmetrical, to be normal hair. Then they change back to hair again.

"My hair, claws, and horns are the same material."

She holds her left hand out for Hanami to take and examine. Her big, soft, elegant hand. Her fingernails are sharp and red, but they're not cosmetic. If and when Hanami looks at Sumeryu's nails, they grow into 3-inch talons, dark red with a silvery sheen and a wavy pattern on the cutting edge. Then they retract to nails again.

"I will have to transform to show you my wings. My full body would not fit in this room." She seems quite proud of that, smiling bright.
Last edited November 9, 2024 4:56 am
Nov 9, 2024 5:15 am
When Luna arrived at the cafeteria, it was already lively with the chatter of students and the aroma of their meals. She was merely fashionably late, and totally didn't get lost on the way there.

See? I told you we should have taken a left at the last hallway! Now, look! There are barely any seats left open.

On the bright side, at least the lunch line has died down already.

Although Luna thought that, some items on the lunch menu had already run out. Luckily, there was still ramen available. As she stepped out of the line, she surveyed the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit. She wondered if there were any seats left in the cafeteria, or if one of the open tables in the courtyard would be better.
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