Sumeryu waves at Ibuki wherever the latter sits.
Indeed, Sumeryu looked like the very picture of health. Perfectly clear skin, perfect proportions, perfectly glossy hair. Sure, her nails were a her hair too red to be normal, and her ears were a little pointed. And she was 7 feet tall barefoot. But she was perfectly-toned and perfectly-built. The giant girl was about a quarter of the way through her food when Hanami approached.
When Hanami greeted her, Sumeryu put down her utensils, which seemed comically small in her hands, wiped her mouth with a napkin even though she hadn't made any mess whatsoever, and slowly turned her head, like a tigress observing her domain. Upon seeing Hanami, her expression morphed from flat and focused to soft and pleasant, a brilliant smile spreading across her incredible features. A weak-willed person might easily get lost in that smile, in those beautiful eyes, in that perfect visage full of genuine happiness at seeing Hanami.
Her eyes flit to the chocolate when Hanami takes the treasure from her back. The sparkling gold wrapper and the smell of home-made chocolate are deeply compelling to Sumeryu. Recognizing the importance of Hanami's gift, the giant stands. She rose standing less than three feet away from Hanami. Sumeryu's amazing chest was level with Hanami's eyes. If she walked directly forward, her nose would be right between Sumeryu's big, round, firm-but-soft breasts. Somebody with an active imagination for dirty thoughts could have all kinds of fun imagining what a girl that pretty and that big could do to them.
"Dr. Matsuyama," replies the giant girl.
"Thank you. This is a wonderful gift. You have many amazing talents!"
She uses both hands to take the chocolate, almost reverently, looking at it front and back. From someone with less
presence than Sumeryu, it might come across as mockery. But Sumeryu means every bit of her sincerity.
She is also barely holding herself together. The sheer number of cute girls today has been overwhelming for her poor princess-desiring sensibilities. She feels her cheeks flush. Now one of the girls is giving her
gold and
home made chocolate at the same time. And a girl who's brilliant and focused and capable, too! Sumeryu decides then and there that Hanami Matsuyama must be hers. To have and treasure and claim forever. Woe betide anyone else who tries to woo the magical medical schoolgirl.
The giant will have to sit down before she freaks out and squees about how wonderful Hanami is.
Keep it together, Sumeryu!
Politely, the giant gestures to the bench.
"Please sit with me. I would like your company and to know more about you."
She really can't help being chivalrous!
Last edited November 6, 2024 9:12 pm