Against the Cult: Meet Me at the Bar Fight (1.9)
(this was preceded by round one, followed by round three)
Chase defers his turn until after Myrtha, as he holds the door shut and waits to see what happens when she opens the other door. Myrtha throws the door open and can't see much inside the dark room, though she hears some scuffling. It's strange that the door wasn't locked - whoever was inside must have really been in a hurry to do something else. She tenses, expecting an attack. Chase, meanwhile, hears "Just you wait until we get this door open - we're gonna kill you!" from the people slamming on the door he's holding shut, as well as a bunch of clomping boots and banging. It occurs to him to wonder about the floorplan that Theran told him about...
For his part, Theran slams the bed and scrambles across it. He immediately sees what Myrtha was hearing: the feet of someone in the fireplace, shimmying up the chimney! Aanbo waits in the dark wings like a coiled spring.

"HE'S ESCAPING UP THE CHIMNEY!" Theran yells to his companions. Chase hears the people behind the door say "Did he say chimney? What?!?"
Myrtha steps into the dark room, intending to help but not really able to see enough to navigate. "You're not going anywhere, Derek!" She follows the voices in the dark, moving toward Theran and Aanbo. "I will stay out here and watch your backs." Chase adds, leaning against the spear to keep the door from slamming open. Aanbo rolls gracefully over the bed and springs to his feet again as Theran ducks and squeezes himself into the fireplace. He manages to slide his staff in on a diagonal and, unable to swing the weapon, just jabs it up at the retreating Derek. The retreating assassin grunts in pain and surprise; Derek takes 10 bludgeoning damage. "Good form." Aanbo observes. Examining the chimney, Aanbo is pretty confident that a couple of blows from a maul, pick, or hammer might crack the bricks but would definitely break apart the mortar holding the bricks together.
Back in the hallway, the door that Chase's magic spear has pinned shut rattles and bounces as one of the people on the other side throw their weight against it. But then the next door down the hall opens, and first one, then another hooded and armed man steps forth and approaches. "You killed Hamiff? Unbelievers and murderers will face justice at my hand!" The first guy dashes to reach Chase, so his turn is done. The second one hangs back, waiting to see how he can support his friend (and either unequipped with a ranged attack or unwilling to risk hitting his friend with one).
Boosted by the shillelagh in his posterior, Derek continues to climb.

16 - Myrtha (6/12)
22 - Chase (8/11)
15 - Theran (13/13)
15 - Aanbo (16/19)
13 - Others
1 - Derek -10
When Therans sees Derek trying to affect an escape, he charges after.
Attack (Staff - Shillelagh) - (1d20+5)
(13) + 5 = 18
Damage (Bludgeoning, Magic) - (1d8+3)
(7) + 3 = 10
The monk enters the room and inspects the stone above the fireplace to see if there's a potential weak point that might prove vulnerable to a well-placed strike.
History - Stonecunning - (1d20+5)
(19) + 5 = 24
Myrtha steps into the dark room, intending to help but not really able to see enough to navigate. "You're not going anywhere, Derek!" She follows the voices in the dark, moving toward Theran and Aanbo. "I will stay out here and watch your backs." Chase adds, leaning against the spear to keep the door from slamming open. Aanbo rolls gracefully over the bed and springs to his feet again as Theran ducks and squeezes himself into the fireplace. He manages to slide his staff in on a diagonal and, unable to swing the weapon, just jabs it up at the retreating Derek. The retreating assassin grunts in pain and surprise; Derek takes 10 bludgeoning damage. "Good form." Aanbo observes. Examining the chimney, Aanbo is pretty confident that a couple of blows from a maul, pick, or hammer might crack the bricks but would definitely break apart the mortar holding the bricks together.
Back in the hallway, the door that Chase's magic spear has pinned shut rattles and bounces as one of the people on the other side throw their weight against it. But then the next door down the hall opens, and first one, then another hooded and armed man steps forth and approaches. "You killed Hamiff? Unbelievers and murderers will face justice at my hand!" The first guy dashes to reach Chase, so his turn is done. The second one hangs back, waiting to see how he can support his friend (and either unequipped with a ranged attack or unwilling to risk hitting his friend with one).
Boosted by the shillelagh in his posterior, Derek continues to climb.

Note: I hope it's obvious from the map, but the two cultists have emerged from the middle door in the north wall. Chase is holding the westernmost door in the north wall.
16 - Myrtha (6/12)
22 - Chase (8/11)
15 - Theran (13/13)
15 - Aanbo (16/19)
13 - Others
1 - Derek -10
Hearing the commotion outside, he declares, "More killers in the hallway!"
Hammer vs Chimney Bricks - (1d20+1, 1d4+1)
1d20+1 : (12) + 1 = 13
1d4+1 : (3) + 1 = 4
to hit, damage - (1d20+5, 1d6+3)
1d20+5 : (15) + 5 = 20
1d6+3 : (3) + 3 = 6
If we want to rule that as prone that's fine. It's a sort of weird in-between that rules don't really cover.
Attack (Staff - Shillelagh) - (1d20+5)
(15) + 5 = 20
Damage (Bludgeoning, Magic) - (1d8+3)
(4) + 3 = 7
(this was preceded by round two, followed by round four)
Chase lets go of the spear, leans against the door as it's being shoved from the other side, and whips out his sword. As the robed maniac runs up, Chase stabs him. The thug, Traver, takes 6 damage.
Theran pokes up the chimney with his staff again; Derek takes 7 damage.
Then Aanbo pulls out his hammer and smashes the chimney, which collapses, dropping bricks and Derek onto Theran. Theran and Derek each take 2 bludgeoning damage.
Myrtha is hearing a lot of commotion - particularly the cascade of a LOT of bricks - but she's uncertain where to swing her sword to not slash her allies in the dark. Myrtha swings, trying to home in on the sound, but does not manage to connect.
Traver, the robed assailant that is fighting with Chase, attacks the ranger, but Chase manages to parry the club. Melano, who held back, makes a decision, and runs away down the hall and disappears around the corner to the east. The unseen guy behind the door continues to batter on the door that Chase is holding closed.
Derek groans in exasperation and some pain. "I just want to leave, but you had to make it difficult, didn't you?" On his back, he shifts to attack with his shortsword, loose bricks falling from his body as he moves. He blade stabs at Myrtha's thighs. Though she is unable to see the attack, Myrtha is nevertheless unharmed as it glances off of her mail. Derek uses his move to get to his feet, but he is hemmed in on all sides by the Dungeon Busters and cannot slip away even in the darkness.

16 - Myrtha (6/12)
22 - Chase (8/11)
15 - Theran (11/13)
15 - Aanbo (16/19)
13 - Traver, Melano, guy behind the door (-6, ?, ?)
1 - Derek -19
Chimney collapse damage - (1d6)
(2) = 2
Traver attacks Chase AC16, bludgeoning damage on a hit - (1d20+4, 1d4+2)
1d20+4 : (8) + 4 = 12
1d4+2 : (2) + 2 = 4
Derek's choice of target in the dark (1-Myrtha, 2-Aanbo, 3-Theran) - (1d3)
(1) = 1
Derek attack on Myrtha AC18, piercing damage on a hit - (2d20l1+5, 1d6+3)
2d20l1+5 : (2010) + 5 = 15
1d6+3 : (2) + 3 = 5
Note that if Myrtha's turn takes her away from Derek before he will attack, I will NOT amend his action to attack one of the others. He's missed with his attack this round.
longsword to hit (disadvantage), damage - (2d20L1+5, 1d8+3)
2d20L1+5 : (313) + 5 = 8
1d8+3 : (7) + 3 = 10
(this was preceded by round three, followed by round five)
Myrtha slashed in the darkness, her blade whistling through the air. From the ground, Theran rolled over and tried to smash Derek's legs, but the assassin, instinctively dodging the heavy sword blows, happened to step out of reach. Backed into a corner by the wardrobe, the killer reared back with his blade to stab towards Myrtha, but Aanbo stepped in with a kick. Derek caught in on his shoulder with a grunt, raising his hands to fend off any further attack from the monk's foot. But Aanbo's fists caught the murderer in his undefended groin and then, as he doubled over, punched him in the neck. Derek, turning purple, his windpipe crushed, unable to breathe, collapsed at last. Derek takes 6 damage and goes down. Myrtha hears the thud of the body and the clatter of a dagger as it falls from lifeless hands. Bricks clatter as Theran shifts in the pile. Everyone can hear Chase fighting in the hallway, as well as the approaching thud of boots coming from beyond the secret door...

"The second thug down the hall ran back down around the corner. Maybe went for help or might be coming around behind you!"Chase says as he slashes at Traver, but the robed assailant manages to dodge the attacks. Traver responds by trying to shove Chase back away from the door. Chase, expecting a blow, is unprepared for Traver's move, and he's shoved back away from the door. Traver grabs the spear and wrenches it free of the floorboards. He yells: "Looks like they got Donovan, too!" The door opens, swinging into the hallway between Traver and Chase as the third person steps out in front of Traver.
The other man, Melano, having opened a different door and run down the hidden corridor, appears in the secret doorway with a candlestick in one hand and a cudgel in the other. The flickering light illuminates the room, and he stares in surprise at the sight of Theran on the floor under a pile of bricks, Myrtha in heavy armor with her sword out, and Aanbo standing belligerently over the dead Derek.

16 - Myrtha (6/12)
22 - Chase (8/11)
15 - Theran (11/13)
15 - Aanbo (16/19)
13 - Traver, Melano, guy behind the door (-6, ?, ?)
1 - Derek