D&D 5e Expedition

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Oct 8, 2016 1:54 am
I didn't think I'd want to run a game on here so soon, but I've been really inspired by a lot of the ideas that I've seen thus far, and encouraged by the wonderful player base that this site seems to have. I've been tossing around a few ideas to run in a D&D 5e campaign. I'm very familiar with 5e, but obviously not too familiar with GP (only in one game at the moment, and we haven't started yet), though it seems pretty intuitive. I've been in PbP games before, at least. I probably won't be able to start for a couple weeks, but I figured I should see if there's interest for it in the meantime:

The Explorer's Guild has seen a great deal of activity as of late. Much of the known world has been traversed and mapped, and the Guild has found itself overpopulated for the now dwindling amount of work that it has. However, there is still one location left unchecked, and it is perhaps the largest and most dangerous. Players would either be members of the Explorer's Guild or freelance/contractors as they begin to explore the depths beneath the world's surface, long abandoned by the Dwarves for the dangers that made it uninhabitable. Within is bound to be some of the most valuable treasure, the most powerful magics, and the most ancient discoveries that the world has ever known. It will also be the most dangerous venture the Explorer's Guild has ever undertaken.

This campaign is likely a mix of spelunking adventure, great discoveries and lots of horror. Expect strange, custom-made creatures and NPCs, unique magic items, and plenty of danger. Characters can return to the surface to rest/restock (or replace fallen PCs) in between expeditions, receiving funding for the discoveries that they've made.

That's what I've got right now, anyway. My other idea is a dragonslaying epic, if there's no want for this.

Let me know if there's interest!
Oct 8, 2016 2:01 am
I'd be up for it, but I'm in quite a few games so ill let others have a go first.
Last edited Oct 8, 2016 2:01 am
Oct 8, 2016 2:49 am
what setting? forgotten realms?
Oct 8, 2016 2:50 am
Likely something home brewed. Probably a good bit of inspiration from the Underdark though.
Oct 8, 2016 2:52 am
The deep depths exploration sounds interesting to me.
Oct 8, 2016 2:55 am
hmm.. can I play a bard? need to keep your spirits up when you're in caves
Oct 8, 2016 2:57 am
I plan on leaving any official classes open, including Unearthed Arcana ones. Bards are great :)
Oct 8, 2016 2:58 am
An adventure in the Underdark sounds interesting. I'd be up for it.
Oct 8, 2016 3:06 pm
Yeps in in for a rogue character game ^^
Oct 8, 2016 3:19 pm
Im up for it!
Oct 8, 2016 10:05 pm
Sounds neat. I'm up for this.
Oct 8, 2016 10:36 pm
Great! Glad people are interested.

GP Question: I can edit game descriptions and character creation guidelines and such after I've made a game, right? If I can, then I can go ahead and make the game and at least put in some world information.
Oct 8, 2016 10:39 pm
You certainly can.

With 5e you will get a deluge of applicants; there is no rush to get everything finalized, but from my own experience it is better to have everything ready and throw it up at once, that way you get people who are truly interested in what you have to offer rather than random applicants looking for any 5e they can get.
Last edited Oct 8, 2016 10:40 pm
Oct 8, 2016 10:39 pm
Thank you! :)
Oct 9, 2016 12:22 am
Okay, I've made a game for it. I'm leaving it closed for now until I get everything set up and it's a time closer to when I can run it.


The forum for it should be public, so feel free to ask any questions as I add things and get set up.
Last edited Oct 9, 2016 12:23 am
Oct 9, 2016 12:24 am
I'm interested, I thought about playing a warlock spec'd for stealth.
Oct 9, 2016 1:11 am
marithyme says:
With 5e you will get a deluge of applicants; there is no rush to get everything finalized, but from my own experience it is better to have everything ready and throw it up at once, that way you get people who are truly interested in what you have to offer rather than random applicants looking for any 5e they can get.
Oops. I replied too fast and didn't see your Edit until just now. This is excellent advice that I didn't consider beforehand. I'll leave the game Closed until I get all of the information in that I feel is necessary. I'll open it once it's all ready to run and start to take players at that time. That way people will have had a chance to read through it first. Thank you again.
XOSkel10 says:
I'm interested, I thought about playing a warlock spec'd for stealth.
That sounds great! :) Keep an eye out for when it opens.
Oct 9, 2016 1:49 am
Oh you know I am in.
Oct 9, 2016 7:37 am
Alright, I've posted up a good bit of info on what I'm thinking of running with. I had to go through an edit it a bit so feel free to PM me if there are any inconsistencies.

Descent Info

I'll open it up after I get some more information in it. Also, I'd like for people to have a chance to look it over and see if they're interested or not now that there is a bigger picture.
Last edited Oct 9, 2016 7:38 am
Oct 9, 2016 8:33 am
How long is this campaign going to run? More specifically, up to what level do you expect characters to reach?
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