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Jan 7, 2025 11:16 pm
Moyreau says:
Hey @SpeckTech, your action seems to have been made redundant by Hanami's, if you want to modify your action, like changing the effect of the talismans before the beginning of the next round, feel free to. If not, I'll make your barrier roll (which was great!) count for the defenses of anyone the kinoko attack, if they're lower.
I think I'll stick with the barrier for this round to keep it simple. I'll just do attack talismans next round probablyđź‘Ť
Jan 8, 2025 11:58 am
Ibuki might not be used to supernatural evil trees but she does know when people need help. She takes a deep breath and takes a stance raising one fist in front of her she then takes three great strides forwards each of her steps on the ground leaving an imprint in the earth as she seems to grow larger with each step forward.
"Destruction in three steps"
She then plants her foot one last time on the ground and strikes the tree
Elaborate gestures and effective
i think the damage is 15 if i didnt mess up again
Last edited January 8, 2025 12:05 pm


Destruction in three steps - (7d6)

(3552356) = 29

tree defence - (3d6)

(626) = 14

Jan 9, 2025 6:17 am
Sumeryu is confident in her near-invulnerability, but she isn't above thanking people or praising them when they do well.

"Thanks! And dodge!" she yells as Ibuki goes past her. She is gratified that so many students have come to help the evil tree's victims and also that Sumeryu herself doesn't have to herd cats.

It doesn't occur to her that she might not necessarily be the leader of any group that forms. Her assurance in her own right-of-place is harder than her head.

Sumeryu plants both feet, stomping hard enough to make the ground shake, much as Ibuki had done. She holds her hands out in front of her and downward, palms out, and draws in a huge breath of air through her nose, much more than a normal person could hold. The disruption is enough to pull papers and pens a few inches towards her. Now that the innocent victims were out of the way, it was time to destroy the enemy.

Then she leaned forward and let out her breath. From her mouth emerges heat, so bright and pure that the air itself ignites and burns white, scorching the grass into ash instantly in a wave of destruction.

I have named it Furious Flame Fulmination, because alliteration is cool.

Added Elaborate Gestures and Unwieldy and a rank of AoE where it normally wouldn't have them, since she has extra time and space to do the move of doom. With AoE twice, she can target 5 mushrooms and the tree at the same time. She'll hit the 5 kinoko that are closest to her and the evil tree.

Affinity: Fire (duh) +0
Area Effect x2 +20
Ranged +0
Elaborate Gestures -5
Unwieldy -5

Applying Area of Effect reduces Defense rolls by 1 per pick, so -2 in this case. Since the Kinoko have 2 defense, they'll be reduced to 1/2 of one die.

Depending on their Vulnerability to fire, they'll take a damage modifier like so:
Vulnerability 0: *1
Vulnerability 1: *1.5
Vulnerability 2: *2
Vulnerability 3: *3

Sumeryu gets a 12 to hit. Kinoko 1, 2, 3, and 5 defend with 1s, Kiniko 4 defense with a 2, and evil tree defends with a 4. Sumeryu's DX with this attack is 3. The damage is as follows, not accounting for any Armored the baddies may have.

Target Margin DMG @ Vuln 0 DMG @ Vuln 1 DMG @ Vuln 2 DMG @ Vuln 3
Kinoko 1 11 33 49 66 99
Kinoko 2 11 33 49 66 99
Kinoko 3 11 33 49 66 99
Kinoko 4 10 30 45 60 90
Kinoko 5 11 33 49 66 99
Evil Tree 8 24 36 48 72

Last edited January 9, 2025 6:43 am


Furious Flame Fulmination - (5d6)

(46463) = 23

Sumeryu defense roll - (1d6)

(3) = 3

Kinoko 1 defense - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Kinoko 2 defense - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Kinoko 3 defense - (1d6)

(2) = 2

Kinoko 4 defense - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Kinoko 5 defense - (1d6)

(1) = 1

Evil tree - (1d6)

(4) = 4

Jan 11, 2025 3:55 am
At Hanami's spell, an array of tendrils sprout out of her wand, passing through the breaches of her dwindling barrier, and dash at the tree, latching at it's trunk, they sinisterly seem to pump out all of it's moistness, and soon, the tree looks dry, creaky, and withered!

And then, Ibuki does her three step dance, before landing a powerful punch at the tree, making it coil back, releasing the girls in its branches, who promptly run away, as a big chunk of the tree's now dried and crumbly bark shatter! She them easily steps away, at Sumeryu's call.

This last prepping her attack, devouring an immense amount of air with her dragon lungs, she heats it into a devastating fire and then breath it out, a see of flames floods the clearing, Hanami's barrier protecting her and the fan at the edge of the threat zone, as the infernal waves take the two kinoko's in her front. Finally, as it reaches the tree, now dry, and thus extra flammable, it quickly catches fire, crumbling and turning into a huge pile of blazing black stuff.
Ok, this was just a 'tuturial' combat, so some quick notes (no need to redo anything): Changing to the No Complications Flaw also wouldn't work, as complications can only be done by damage, since your action doesn't deal damage, it can't benefit from it. The same logic always apply, a flaw should take out of the ability's natural potential. Also, instead of using an unique perk to add your witchcraft to the attack roll, you'd better use Arcane to cast 'Attack' for you (or another ability, instead of making a perk to add the magic dice directly); also, the Ammunition flaw shouldn't be used on an attack made on the fly, but you could apply it to your Magic ability, to simulate casting a one-use magic attack.

By the way, very nice of you doing all that math for me, BlondeDragonGenie! Awesome stuff.

Also, I'd recommend Hanami to buy, in the future, some points in Knowledge: attack spells/ wand attacks (or something like that), an ability that could only be used in magic based attack rolls, and only cost half the normal price!

As Konomi notices who just rammed her, Kanako says, with a wincing grimace and a hand on her head. "Ouch! R-run on the corridors?!! Whatever! You're letting her escape!" She points at the tiny fairy, just as she disappears behind a corridor. "That oversized gnat got my comic!!" As the fairy disappears, she sigh, grumpy, and stands up, ready to leave, defeated. "Sight... What a pain..."
Jan 11, 2025 2:12 pm
Konomi glances in to the direction Kanako had indicated, but the fairy is already gone. She gets up, rubbing her elbow.
"Urg. What a pain indeed. There is no one there. Have you hit your head or something? Never mind, I don't think it would make a difference with you."

Scoffing she gets ready to leave as well.

Lín Jìng / 林静


Jan 11, 2025 3:24 pm
Lín Jìng grasps for a random other mushroom spirit, trying to push it into any nearby hard surface, roaring demonically. (If by then all the targets are burned to a crisp, she would still do it to one of them out of principle).
Lín Jìng / 林静


Initiative (no modifiers) - (2d6)

(15) = 6

Basic TK attack (Will-based 2+3 dice, 1+3=4 DX) - (5d6)

(61433) = 17

Defence by Kinoko spirit (mushroom) - (2d6)

(21) = 3

Jan 12, 2025 5:05 am
Moyreau says:
Changing to the No Complications Flaw also wouldn't work, as complications can only be done by damage, since your action doesn't deal damage, it can't benefit from it. The same logic always apply, a flaw should take out of the ability's natural potential.

Damage isn't the only source of Complications. It can also be inflicted when a PC rolls an Amazing Success in an opposed roll and their enemy does not.
Moyreau ('Playing The Game' thread) says:

Amazing success

Rolling above max difficulty grants an Amazing Success, which means that the character just achieves something above what they were aiming for. This can be related purely in the narration, but it may also change the local circumstances in a way beneficial to the PCs. If a character rolls an Amazing Success in an opposed roll and their opponent does not, the PC can choose to inflict a Complication on their opponent, like giving him a temporary flaw or triggering one of his own flaws.
OVA (Page 105) says:

...This roll is treated like an opposed roll, with your result being compared to another made by your opponent, the Defense Roll...
With that in mind, the unique 'No Complications' flaw does take out of the ability's natural potential. Granted, I don't think it'd be valid to use normally, but since I was actively maintaining a barrier, doubling my Barrier dice and thus making an Amazing Success fairly likely, I thought it was relevant to add as a temporary flaw. Case in point, Hanami's defense roll was an Amazing Success (18). I intentionally gave up the opportunity to inflict Complications on any kinoko that attacked the barrier in order to save a bit more Endurance.

However, I'm realizing her defense roll shouldn't have been 10d6, but 8d6 instead. When applying Ineffective, her effective Barrier level was 3, but when maintaining the barrier, I doubled the base 2d6 dice as well when I should've only doubled the Barrier dice. The reason I believe I goofed is because I just noticed the wording of the 'Don't Hurt Me!' combat action. It explicitly states that it doubles the number of dice in your Defense Roll. If the Barrier advantage was intended to do the same, it would have the same wording, but it doesn't. So that was my mistake right there.
Moyreau says:
Also, instead of using an unique perk to add your witchcraft to the attack roll, you'd better use Arcane to cast 'Attack' for you (or another ability, instead of making a perk to add the magic dice directly); also, the Ammunition flaw shouldn't be used on an attack made on the fly, but you could apply it to your Magic ability, to simulate casting a one-use magic attack.
I considered casting Attack on myself, but I was pretty sure the fight was going to end quickly so I went the perk route to avoid wasting Endurance. The hunch turned out to be right since Sumeryu absolutely nuked everything, but I'll avoid using Ammunition with on-the-fly attacks in the future. Also, if I'm understanding right, using Ammunition directly on my Magic abilities would lock me out of them entirely for the rest of the day once I ran out of uses. Unless you mean I could offset the Endurance cost of casting Attack by attaching the Ammunition flaw to it? For example, casting Attack +2 (10 Endurance at my current level of Arcane) with Ammunition x2 (-10 Endurance, 3 uses) attached for a net cost of zero?
Moyreau says:
Also, I'd recommend Hanami to buy, in the future, some points in Knowledge: attack spells/ wand attacks (or something like that), an ability that could only be used in magic based attack rolls, and only cost half the normal price!
I didn't know Knowledge could apply to specific types of attacks in that way. I'll keep that in consideration when experience comes in.

When the blinding brightness of Sumeryu's Furious Flame Fulmination faded, Hanami dropped her barrier and saw what little remained of the evil tree, kinoko spirits, and whatever else happened to be in the path of that overwhelming wave of flames. Gone, reduced to ashes. The destruction stretched on as far as she could see. What terrifying power! She quickly recovered from her awed state. ...Hmph, she's lucky I softened it up for her and Ibuki.

As a witch, she wasn't a fan of the wanton destruction of nature, but she could return later to restore it, or at the very least stimulate the growth of new plant life. She might also look into whatever corrupted the spirits. But for now, she was more concerned about pursuing the mysterious panty mastermind.

"Not bad." She gave her props to everyone present. That was when she noticed that she couldn't see Lin Jing. Frowning, she glanced around in vain. She initially thought Lin Jing ran off, but she remembered from the midst of the brief battle...
vicky_molokh says:

"FEEL THE WRATH OF THE TRIAD PRINCESS!" shouts Lín Jìng, flickering into visibility for a fraction of a second as she flilngs the little mushroom into the sinister tree.
No, wait... She was still here, helping out. There's a good chance she hasn't left yet. Hanami concluded. No clue what she was yelling about, though... "Hey, 'Triad Princess'! I've been looking for you! I need your help." Hanami called out. "I need someone good with yojutsu!"
Jan 12, 2025 5:45 am
Lín Jìng reluctantly shows up next to Hanami, and whispers:

"Uh, hello. I happen to know someone good with youjutsu. I can arrange some help in exchange for a similar favour. Usually of the secret kind."
Jan 12, 2025 6:02 am
By the time Luna reacted, it felt like the battle was already over. In what felt like the blink of an eye, all the monsters were burned to a crisp, and there was nothing left for her to do.

"Whoa... what incredible power." I hope we never have to be on the receiving end of that. With a slight sweatdrop, Luna remarked at Sumeryu's awesome power.

That being said, now that the battle was over, it was time to tend to the wounded. She saw most of the students escape to safety, but there were still a few entangled in the branches from the tree monster.

"Um, is everyone okay?" asked Luna, as she approached the tangled students.
Jan 12, 2025 11:21 am
Ibuki brushes some soot off herself as she takes a deep breath. "What we're those things and what did they want? Is this just what is commonplace here?"
Jan 12, 2025 6:06 pm
"Ah...!!" Hanami yelped, flinching when Lin Jing showed up out of nowhere and whispered to her. "Jeez, that's creepy." She murmured before clearing her throat and adjusting her witch hat as if she didn't just get jump scared five seconds ago.

"Fine. If you can really get me some help, then I'll owe you a favor. Just try not to ask for anything illegal," Hanami replied, keeping her voice down. She started to explain. "To keep it short, I'm going after a panty thief and that big dumb idiot—" She jabbed a thumb towards Yasuo where he stood a little ways off. "—got his memories altered by the culprit. Since it was done by a yokai ability, I can't restore them with my witch magic, so that's why I need a yojutsu user."

"Those were corrupted spirits of the forest," Hanami answered Ibuki aloud, turning her gaze on the devout girl. "It's not normal. Usually, the presence of corrupted forest spirits implies some sort of deeper taint that must be cleansed..." As she spoke, she noticed the slight damage that Ibuki took. "You're hurt. Let me see."
Jan 12, 2025 7:30 pm
"Thank you," Lín Jìng adjusted her tie. "Tell me what kind of secrets would you be willing to trade for my help, and what more should I know about the task at hand."
Jan 13, 2025 4:09 am
Is the issue with Ammunition and on-the-fly attacks that Hanami was using Magic to make an attack with Ammunition, when Magic comes with Ammunition already, in a sense? Because I also used Ammunition with the Big Rock Attack, which seemed reasonable at the time, as there was only the one big rock around. If I need to avoid that in the future though, I will.

Also, thanks for your complements and you're welcome for the table.
The giant dragon girl is proud of herself for obliterating the baddies and preens a little while everyone is in awe of her. The moment passes too soon for her liking, but there's no point forcing it, so she moves on when the rest of the Magical Girl Combat Squad™ does.

She turns around in place and declares, "Excellent work, everyone! Dr. Matsuyama, Luna, your barriers kept the innocent safe. Ibuki, Lin, thanks for covering me."

She looks at each girl in turn when addressing her, except Lin Jing, who is invisible. Sumeryu knows that Lin is present, though, what with the triad princess shouting.

WAIT. WAIT A SECOND. Triad Princess! Doctor Princess, Violence Princess, Sexy Teacher Princess, Adorable Princess... Sumeryu wonders how she can acquire Triad Princess as well. She's pretty sure she has Doctor Princess in the bag; she's cute and even asked to spend time with her. Sexy Teacher Princess is clearly enamored. Hmmm. What was she doing again? Oh, right.

"Doctor Matsuyama," she addressed the blonde magical chocolatier-physician-wizard, "We have to ask-Oh, you're already doing it. Fantastic. I knew I could count on you." The incredibly gorgeous giant redhead gives Hanami a big, beautiful smile.

Then she goes to the tree to try to extricate anyone else who's still wounded and bring them to Hanami for treatment.
I hope I got everyone's roles and actions correct and didn't forget anyone. My mother came back from the hospital, not because she's better -though she's recovering remarkably well and fast- but because Medicare refuses to pay for any more hospital time. So now I'm her nurse, running her business, and I have my own two jobs. I'm very, very tired and have precious little free time. Writing that combat action with the table took about 10 hours, sneaking snippets on my phone here and there.
Last edited January 13, 2025 9:03 am
Jan 13, 2025 6:08 am
Ibuki looks down at the minor bumb she received it having barely registered. "Oh this? While it is kind of you to offer trust me i am... tougher than i look, i believe you check with the victims first before feeling the need to tend to me" she seems a tad reluctant to be examined at the moment for some reason

"Corrupted spirits you say... as a follower of the Buddha I am ashamed to say I had not noticed the imbalance. Perhaps i shall look into this further as recompense for my lack of awareness" ibuki clutches her prayer beads as she speaks
ouch im sorry you had to go through that, feel free to take your time with your time or even a break if life is really being hardz at worst we can cath you up when things are better! And i do hope things get better for you soon i have had a lot of fun playing with you so far!
Jan 14, 2025 12:56 am
"Any kind of secret that you're interested in, and I really mean any kind. I'll honor my word, if you honor yours. I've already told you everything you need to know. I just need a yojutsu user to get rid of the alterations to my lackey's memories so he can remember the one responsible for the panty stealing." Hanami said to Lin Jing. She felt as if she might regret offering any kind of secret, but she figured the yasha wouldn't ask for anything too bad.

Noticing Ibuki's reluctance, Hanami nodded, a hint of respect in her eyes. "Well, alright. Just be careful. There will probably be stronger spirits near the source of the corruption. I can go with you later, if you'd like."

She jumped a bit when addressed by Sumeryu. That smile made her cheeks visibly redden. "Er... Of course! I'm always two steps ahead!" Hanami boasted, even though she didn't actually know what Sumeryu was about to say. Ask about what, exactly? Maybe she's also investigating the panty thefts? Hanami wondered, blissfully unaware of the inner workings of Sumeryu's head.

As the wounded are brought to her, she pulled supplies out of her doctor's bag and proceeded to swiftly and efficiently care for them.
I fully agree with tacokarp.


Treat Wounded (Knowledge [Medicine], Smart) - (6d6)

(621546) = 24

Jan 14, 2025 1:37 am
"Ah, a loan request. Very well. Pleasure doing business with you," she adjusted her tie again.

"Would you and your minion like to go somewhere more private, or would you like to handle your panty problem right here?

I can also quickly teleport to a suitable shop and back to solve the immediate problem if you just tell me the required sizes."
Last edited January 16, 2025 5:42 pm
Jan 14, 2025 4:36 am
"the assistance would be appreciated for i am still rather inexperienced in the world of monsters at large, in case you havent deduced by now i have lived most of my life at a temple away from society"
Jan 14, 2025 5:40 pm
"Oh, um, it was nothing!" Luna replied to Sumeryu, a bit flustered from being recognized. "Everyone else did all the fighting anyways."

As she listened to Hanami’s hypothesis for the attack, some questions were raised as a second voice mused in Luna’s head.

The forest is potentially corrupted, huh? It would fall under our duty if true… we ought to investigate soon.

Um, how soon?

Now soon.

Aww… Luna sighed internally. Those cafes at the mall will have to wait for later then…

Luna turned to Hanami and Ibuki. "Um, if the forest really is full of corrupted spirits, it would be better to handle them sooner before the corruption spreads further. More monsters might attack if we wait…."
Jan 16, 2025 4:48 am
Thank you for being concerned for me. I enjoy playing and would like to keep doing it. I'm just very busy and very tired. For example, today we had three separate sets of visitors while I was trying to work.
Sumeryu had simply been about to ask Hanami to do what she was already doing: using her magic to heal the injured. But of course, Sumeryu had managed to lead into a misunderstanding of the most gallant possible kind. She can't help it. "Thank you, Dr. Matsuyama."

The giant beauty carries on a conversation while moving injured students back and forth. To Luna, she replies, "Your help protected the innocent, and that was the whole objective."

She's carrying each student in a princess carry, which she merely knows to be the best way to move a person without injuring them further but which is, of course, terrifically charming and princely. Hang in there, Sumeryu! Maybe some day you'll realize how much of a dork you really are!
Last edited January 16, 2025 4:49 am
Jan 16, 2025 3:46 pm
vicky_molokh says:
"Ah, a loan request. Very well. Pleasure doing business with you," she adjusted her tie again.

"Would you and your minion like to go somewhere your private, or would you like to handle your panty problem right here?

I can also quickly teleport to a suitable shop and back to solve the immediate problem if you just tell me the required sizes."
"...?" Hanami blushed when she realized what Lin Jing was implying. "M-My panties didn't get stolen! I'm just nipping this problem in the bud before that happens!" She insisted. "Anyways, let's just do it right here. Come here, Yasuo!" She shouted at her unfortunate sempai.
tacokarp says:
"the assistance would be appreciated for i am still rather inexperienced in the world of monsters at large, in case you havent deduced by now i have lived most of my life at a temple away from society"
SpeckTech says:

Luna turned to Hanami and Ibuki. "Um, if the forest really is full of corrupted spirits, it would be better to handle them sooner before the corruption spreads further. More monsters might attack if we wait…."
Hanami shrugged. "Don't mention it, Ibuki. I'm a witch, I can't just turn a blind eye when the forest needs help." Her attention would be drawn by Luna. She vaguely remembered the yĹŤko girl from lunch.

"Luna, right? The corruption would be more obvious at night..." Looking around, Hanami realized they currently had quite the team assembled. She was going after the panty mastermind, but she'd be able to pursue him at her leisure once Yasuo could remember his appearance. She also didn't want anyone else getting attacked, so she decided to adjust her plans. "...But I guess it'd be better to just do it now, while we're all here. I might be able to sense the source of the corruption with my magic. And once we find it, you should be able to cleanse it, right? You seem to have experience, judging by those talismans you were using."
Last edited January 16, 2025 3:47 pm
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