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Jan 16, 2025 6:02 pm
GM, what does Lín Jìng need (game-mechanically) to do for the memory-resotration process? She does have Arcane Magic 5, so she can fill in many prerequisite traits if necessary, so even if it's a tricky matter, she should be able to handle it eventually.
Last edited January 16, 2025 6:03 pm
Jan 16, 2025 10:43 pm
Konomi feels like a vein burst on Kanako's head, as she slowly turns to her, her brow twitching. "W-what do you said just now?!" She says, clearly furious. "Ya now, just because you're a little brat, doesn't mean I wouldn't beat the heck out of you!" The manner with the fairy apparently forgotten.

"Huh! Kids these days, man..." She says, keeping up with Konomi as they leave by the exit door.
[ +- ] Answering Eltesla's OOC
Everyone please keep in mind that perks and flaws are meant to modify abilities not the action itself, even if they're just a one time use. This means that flaws that affect the ability's overall usage, not just it's usage in the current action, shouldn't be used on the fly, using the ammunition flaw on a one-time attack, shouldn't be permitted. Other flaw that shouldn't be used on-the-fly is Requirement, as coming up with a requirement for an attack (not an ability), that's only made once, wouldn't make sense (as the person would just pick any requirement that wouldn't penalize her).

Finally, also remember you can have any amount of suites of attacks and other abilities. E. g. could have one that uses ammunition, other that doesn't.

As the group go to help the fans who were attacked, they were relieved that no one was hurt. Luna, being the first to get there, receives some more praise. Overall, these Sumeryu fans were now starting to be fans of everyone of their saviors! (she's still their favorite celebrity though).
Since Líng Jìng doesn't have the witchcraft ability (the one used to dispel curses) she can still cast it on her, and then use it to dispel the 'curse', using normal bonuses for casting. The DN is 8.


Secret Roll

Jan 17, 2025 1:58 am
Eltesla says:
"Luna, right? The corruption would be more obvious at night..." Looking around, Hanami realized they currently had quite the team assembled. She was going after the panty mastermind, but she'd be able to pursue him at her leisure once Yasuo could remember his appearance. She also didn't want anyone else getting attacked, so she decided to adjust her plans. "...But I guess it'd be better to just do it now, while we're all here. I might be able to sense the source of the corruption with my magic. And once we find it, you should be able to cleanse it, right? You seem to have experience, judging by those talismans you were using."
"Yes, exorcising evil spirits is one of a shrine maiden's duties after all. And while they're easier to unveil at night, they're more powerful as well. With our abilities combined, we should be able to find them before nightfall." Luna replied calmly in an almost rehearsed tone of voice. Performing exorcisms was routine for her. The unknown dangers of Yokai Academy did worry her though.

Hmph, my abilities are more than enough. We could always do this ourselves as usual.

But there's still a lot we don't know about this place, so it's safer to go in a group.

Very well then, I'll humor you this time.
Jan 17, 2025 9:23 am
"Oh really? Well, don't think I would not bring misfortune on you if you don't go away. Also who the hell are you calling a kid?" She keeps walking faster and faster, trying to shake her off. "Go and catch your ghosts or whatever it is you do around here. Weirdo!"
Jan 17, 2025 1:39 pm
I'll wait for all posts on the other scene to reply, while I'll only reply to Konomi's lone scene until then.
"Gah! W-weirdo?!! Grr!! Now you've done it!!" She says, grabbing Konomi by the collar. "Your daddy never teach you not to be mean to your seniors?! I will then!!" She yells, furious.
Jan 17, 2025 6:48 pm
Sumeryu arrives back on the scene after delivering the last wounded student to Hanami. She comes in right in time to be inconvenient!

"Panty thieves are quite corrupt," she agrees. "I wouldn't be surprised if they're connected to the forest's infestation of...whatever that stuff was." She waves an elegantly clawed hand at the scorched landscape behind herself.

"Don't worry!" she reassures Luna. "If there is any danger, I'll protect everyone." She said it with such confidence that it was impossible to not be swept up in believing her. She was, after all, so very big, pretty, and charming. Like a dashing warrior princess of legend!

"Show us the way to the evil, Dr. Matsuyama, so that we can vanquish it together." She makes a fist to emphasize the sentiment. The gesture shows off the toned definition of her arm.
Noooooo my fan cluuuuuuuuuub. =,(

Well I guess we can share as long as everyone remembers who the leader totally definitely is and not the person you just let assume she is the leader. =p

Also, thank you for waiting.
Last edited January 17, 2025 6:49 pm
Jan 17, 2025 8:10 pm
Alright, understood. So basically, the use of Requirement in Hanami's Dryad's Kiss is fine since it's a move I built beforehand, but Requirement in an on-the-fly attack isn't good since it could easily be abused.

Also, would Lin Jing not be able to use her Psychic ability to remove the memory alterations? Likely at -1, or a bigger penalty if you'd consider restoring suppressed memories to be more difficult than reading them.
BlondeDragonGenie says:
Sumeryu arrives back on the scene after delivering the last wounded student to Hanami. She comes in right in time to be inconvenient!

"Panty thieves are quite corrupt," she agrees. "I wouldn't be surprised if they're connected to the forest's infestation of...whatever that stuff was." She waves an elegantly clawed hand at the scorched landscape behind herself.

"Somehow I doubt that..." Hanami found it to be a pretty major leap in logic, but she didn't comment much more on it, receiving the last of the wounded and taking care of them. The student only suffered a scrape, so she had them sorted out in under thirty seconds, placing a lollipop in their hand before sending them on their way.
SpeckTech says:
"Yes, exorcising evil spirits is one of a shrine maiden's duties after all. And while they're easier to unveil at night, they're more powerful as well. With our abilities combined, we should be able to find them before nightfall." Luna replied calmly in an almost rehearsed tone of voice.

"Hm, alright then. We'll be counting on you," Hanami replied. Luna looked capable enough in her opinion, so she wasn't too worried. "I'm Hanami Matsuyama, by the way. I don't think we've introduced ourselves."
BlondeDragonGenie says:

"Show us the way to the evil, Dr. Matsuyama, so that we can vanquish it together." She makes a fist to emphasize the sentiment. The gesture shows off the toned definition of her arm.

"Ah..." Hanami's brain momentarily stalled when she caught sight of Sumeryu's arm, but the witch made an admirable recovery. "Ahem... I'm just waiting on the yasha to do her thing, then I'll be good to go."

In the meantime, she closed her eyes and used her magic to reach out to the forest itself. I want to help you. Please, guide me to what's ailing you.


Connect to forest (Arcane Magic) - (5d6)

(63562) = 22

Jan 17, 2025 8:15 pm
Eltesla has a good question. What are my options mechanically - is it only temporarily gaining Witchcraft, or is the Psychic path viable (in which case I'd boost it differently)?
Jan 18, 2025 3:02 am
So, I wouldn't want to reveal the way this strange happening is blocking memories just now, but being that it comes from an unnatural source, the -1 penalty would be the least reasonable (while I was thinking maybe -2), and with that, her Psychic would go to 0, or even -1, so there isn't really a point to it.
Eltesla says:
Alright, understood. So basically, the use of Requirement in Hanami's Dryad's Kiss is fine since it's a move I built beforehand, but Requirement in an on-the-fly attack isn't good since it could easily be abused.
That's correct! Though remember that new moves can be added/modified in any moment of in-between-scenes free-time (I. e. off-cameras training montage, or something).
Jan 18, 2025 3:50 am
Moyreau says:
...and with that, her Psychic would go to 0, or even -1, so there isn't really a point to it.
Keep in mind that she'd also add her Iron-Willed dice.
Jan 18, 2025 3:59 am
Good point!
Ok, that would be a -2 roll in that case.
Jan 18, 2025 5:45 am
"It's nice to meet you then, Miss Matsuyama. My name is Luna. I look forward to working with you." Continuing her polite tone, Luna introduced herself with a slight bow. With their introductions out of the way, it was time for Luna to start her search.

If you would, Miss Freya.

Closing her eyes and clasping her hands in prayer, Luna focused her spiritual energy in an attempt to communicate with the spirits of the forest.

O spirits dwelling in the forest, we seek to purify the corruption poisoning your land...


Commune with forest spirts (Spirit Medium) - (5d6)

(21436) = 16

Lín Jìng / 林静


Jan 18, 2025 6:27 pm
"All right. I'll get ready to do it. Give me some space to prepare."

Lín Jìng opens her third eye, takes a step back, and begins a mystic dance - with wide stances, heavy steps, and wide-swinging mudras. For the duration of the ritual, Lín Jìng's veins glow with all the youki brought to the surface from the core. This takes maybe a minute during which she pays little attention to the surroundings.
Moyreau says:
Good point!
Ok, that would be a -2 roll in that case.
I think that going the psychic route would be more on-brand for the character.

So what she's doing is making two Ritual Castings (-5 Elaborate Gestures, -25 Open to Attack, to reduce the Endurance cost by 30, which is enough to negate the cost of both castings). Now is a great opportunity for someone to show up from the bushes and attack her if that's called for by the plot.

The frist casting is for her to grant herself two more levels of Iron Will (for a total of 5), and the next one would be to grant herself 4 more levels of Psychic (also for a total of 5). If nothing bad happens by the time she's done with the ritual, I'll make another post trying to deal with the memory issue.
Lín Jìng / 林静
Jan 19, 2025 1:53 am
Ok, she can roll.
Jan 19, 2025 11:53 pm
Sumeryu puts her hands on her hips and offers morale support by being big, beautiful, and confident! She's actually pretty good at reassuring people just by her presence. Whether they need it or not. She doesn't know any magic, and she also knows that wizards usually don't like to be interrupted, so she's just observing. And possibly suplexing any bush ninjas.
Jan 20, 2025 3:24 pm
First, a roll of Iron Will (2+5=7 dice) to see how the recent boost fares against Shyness (-1 die to the roll). Hmm, a 6 (single best die) seems decent but not spectacular.

Having completed the preparation, Lín Jìng noticed the dragon silently cheerleading her. She freezed and hesitated for split second, then closed her eyes, opened two of them again, and looked at the dragon once more - this time more confidently - and took a bow, not in the conventional manner, but rather like a performer upon completion of a stage performance, while maintaining her gaze on the cheerleader.

And then she turned away, focusing on the memory-challenged pupil.

"All right, fellow, open your mind, come on," Lín Jìng addressed Hanami's minion.

Lín Jìng reached out into his mind, starting with the superficial, diving deeper into subconscious thoughts, through the recent memories, and finally searching for what was missing in the last few days, trying to learn and memorise all there was hidden even from himself.
And now the psychic roll . . . Currently using boosted Psychic 5 + Iron Will 5 + base 2 dice - penalty of two dice = 10 dice total against a difficulty of 8. I seem to have rolled four 3's (and also three 4's), which is a score of 12.
Last edited January 20, 2025 7:10 pm


Iron Will (2+5=7 dice) to see how the recent boost fares against Shyness (-1 to the roll) - (6d6)

(264532) = 22

Psychic Memory Probe - (10d6)

(3431553434) = 35

Jan 20, 2025 6:42 pm
"What the hell do you mean 'senior'? We are in the same class you moron! I have had enough of you. It's bad fortune for you and don't you dare come crying about it later. Now let go of me you brute!" She shouts trying to get away from Kanako.
Committing 10 endurance to give Kanako -4 unlucky.
Last edited January 20, 2025 6:45 pm
Jan 20, 2025 7:09 pm
You need to roll for it, since Kanako would try to resist it. At +5 Witchcraft, you'd roll 7d6.

Edit: Weaknesses also don't exceed -3.
Last edited January 20, 2025 8:02 pm
Jan 22, 2025 3:20 am
And like that, the clearing on the forest turned into a theater of supernatural forces, as Luna, on her side, seeks contact and harmony with the spirits of nature, while Líng Jìng extends her youki, a monster's lifeforce, to reach the boy's mind and look into his soul's memory, evading whatever it was that was blocking it.
Luna started her invocation first, while Líng Jìng harnessed her powers with the rich liturgy of her ancient rituals before doing her work.

The wind started gathering around Luna, bringing feminine voices of the spirits with her, more specifically, to Freya, who relates them to her. "The source of corruption is a foul creature who have taken habitation into the forest, it's motives unknown... The waning of the Moon is the cause of its empowerment (New moon will be in two days, I. e. Wednesday, will be a lunar eclipse). Seek in wet and boggy places deep into the forest, its aura will be more pungent as the Moon dies. We advise the search to be conducted on the fifth hour after sunset of tomorrow, or on the second of Wednesday night... But take care! For albeit it will be easier to find the creature, it will also be more powerful! Finally, follow the frogs ribbit!" The voices finish, dwindling with the music...
With those shenanigans out of the way, it was the time to uncover another truth: the one behind the indecent thefts!

As Líng Jìng finishes her preparations, her third eye wide opened and gleaming an eerie light, she touches Yasuo's forehead with two of her fingers, effectively entering his mind.

As she does, she finds herself in his memories, a space filled with energy strings, each a memory, and after a short search, finds the one she's looking for. After entering it, she watches the scene unfolds: Yasuo talking with the blurry figure. Weirdly, it doesn't seems like the occultation was taking place in the memory, but that it was actually taking place, the figure simply vanishing from existence (on the memory).

She concentrates to dispel the trick with her powers, immaterial hands compressing the diffuse figure into shape, while it also gains colors, and finally, as the work is done, she takes a look... It was a student boy with an evil and lecherous grin, and eyes of a deceiver. His hair tucked back in an almost charming way. The figure didn't seem unfamiliar to her though, thinking she saw him somewhere. As the conversation ends, with him ordering his partner on taking the "goods" from the little fox, he turns and leaves, but not before bringing his hair forward, forming an ordinary bowl-cut, and putting on a pair of round glasses.
As she gets out of Yasuo's mind, her eyes fall instinctively onto Rikishi, who, incidentally was grinning evilly just as the guy from the memory. "Heh heh, got me!" He says in a shrewd mock-nervousness, while adjusting his glasses, his eyes now looking much sharper than before, giving the girls, specially Hanami, a sinister look. "The ruse was fun while it lasted though! I'm just sad I couldn't have my hands on any of your goods..." He chuckles.
Eltesla is right, weaknesses go to -3 at most, though I won't demand you to roll just this time (not really full of stakes on the action).
"We're in the same class?!!" She bursts out in laughing. "You absolutely don't look at all minimally smart to be ahead in school!!"

At Konomi's threat (and actuation) of cursing her, she doesn't get more serious, just shaking her by her collar, playfully. "Ha ha ha!! You'll curse me? Well, you really don't say that to someone who's holding you by the collar, little gi... Ahh!" She gasps as she's suddenly shoved, the confusion followed by a "Sorry!! Gotta run!!" As Katsuya from before goes running out of the building, a girl following behind, it was Rika! "You, give back what you stole, you little rascal!! I'm going to snap your neck!!" To which Katsuya, running in panic, tears tricking down her face, yells: "I- I already apologized!! It wasn't my fault, I sweaaaaar!!"
Jan 22, 2025 1:07 pm
Lín Jìng immediately becomes invisible upon realising that Rikishi knows that she knows, and hops in a random direction, her landing silenced by her spell.

"So it's you, huh. Anything else you want to say while the consequences haven't began unfolding?" she lets her words be heard, but then immediately hops to another spot again, ready for some sort of ace from Rikishi's sleeve.
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