Last chapter. The Heaven's Wing
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Feb 9, 2025 6:28 pm
There are no visible threats in the area so Mercer will move towards the scuttling and attack if it needs attacked.
Feb 9, 2025 7:15 pm
Great! Mercer is moving through R3. Hank, Corbin, Douklan are you going with him or split the group?Feb 10, 2025 12:26 am
"CAN ONE OF YOU CUT THE ALARM?" Douklan says, trying to be loud enough to be heard over the ear-splitting noise, as he follows Mercer with his gun at the ready. ::This seems like an automated defense system...:: he has time to think ::But how was the alarm set AFTER the room was torn apart? And what kind of automated defense drone would be big enough that we could hear it over that noise...?::
Feb 10, 2025 2:10 pm
Corbin will move to R3 and see if he can access the alarm system from the top set of terminals.
Feb 11, 2025 3:41 pm
Hank will join Corbin on the other terminal to see if he can stop the alarm. He will quickly scan the room first, to make sure there isn't an immediate threat.
Feb 12, 2025 9:56 am
The blaring klaxon was deafening, reverberating through their helmets as the team rushed back into the life support room. Hank and Corbin moved toward the console, the glow of the screen reflecting off their visors.
"Shut it off before it draws more attention," Erin said as well, scanning the room with her rifle raised.
Hank barely acknowledged her and Douklan, already navigating the interface. His fingers hovered over the controls, ready to override the alarm...
A hiss.
The door to the corridor slid open.
Everyone turned.
For a split second, the threshold was empty, the sterile corridor beyond bathed in artificial light. Then something stepped through.
It was humanoid. Almost.
The remains of a station uniform clung to it in shreds, fabric melted into glossy, blackened flesh. The skin—if it was even still skin—was dark as oil, wet-looking and stretched too tightly over an emaciated frame. Its arms were too long, fingers ending in twisted claws that flexed and twitched as if testing the air.
Then there were the eyes.
Pulsing, unnatural green, devoid of pupils, glowing with a sickly inner light. They locked onto the group, unblinking. The thing’s jaw sagged open too far, its maw a black pit from which a bubbling, wet rasp escaped.

Then another noise—faint, distant but unmistakable.
More footsteps.
They weren’t alone.
"Shut it off before it draws more attention," Erin said as well, scanning the room with her rifle raised.
Hank barely acknowledged her and Douklan, already navigating the interface. His fingers hovered over the controls, ready to override the alarm...
A hiss.
The door to the corridor slid open.
Everyone turned.
For a split second, the threshold was empty, the sterile corridor beyond bathed in artificial light. Then something stepped through.
It was humanoid. Almost.
The remains of a station uniform clung to it in shreds, fabric melted into glossy, blackened flesh. The skin—if it was even still skin—was dark as oil, wet-looking and stretched too tightly over an emaciated frame. Its arms were too long, fingers ending in twisted claws that flexed and twitched as if testing the air.
Then there were the eyes.
Pulsing, unnatural green, devoid of pupils, glowing with a sickly inner light. They locked onto the group, unblinking. The thing’s jaw sagged open too far, its maw a black pit from which a bubbling, wet rasp escaped.

Then another noise—faint, distant but unmistakable.
More footsteps.
They weren’t alone.
Rolling Initiative... PCs go first. What do you do?Rolls
Initiative (creature) - (1d8)
(4) = 4
Initiative (Mercer and PCs) - (2d8h1+2)
(52) + 2 = 7
Feb 12, 2025 4:25 pm
We won initiative. Yes, it's hostile.While the picture is of an alien space-uh-creature, the description is of a highly modified human. It's a zombie. We need to kill it now and be ready to kill everything following it.
Feb 12, 2025 4:37 pm
I wait for GM confirmation to answers, because until then it is theory. I know it is probably hostile, but initiative doesn't always mean something is attacking so I want to confirm.Feb 12, 2025 5:32 pm
Does it look aggressive?Feb 12, 2025 5:47 pm
Daryen says:
Can he turn off the life support *here*?Feb 12, 2025 6:04 pm
Mercer will interpose himself between it and the party, shield up, going full defense.
Feb 13, 2025 12:20 am
Corbin continues to work at shutting off the alarm. The noise is not going to help anyone think straight. As he works, he says quietly, "Don't shoot first..."
Feb 13, 2025 4:17 pm
Hank will make sure that the alarm stops and then shut down life support. Yes, it will take hours for it to take effect, but there are apparently lots of whatever these things are around here, so anything that can eventually help is a positive. Do note that we can always turn it back on if I am totally wrong about what these things are.
"The longer you take to eliminate this one, the more we're gonna have to deal with at once."
"The longer you take to eliminate this one, the more we're gonna have to deal with at once."
OK, gonna be completely honest here. Even if these were normal, unaltered people, I'd still recommend shooting them. We are here to steal something that is incalculably valuable, and these are Not Nice People. As normal humans, they would kill us on sight, so shooting them first would make perfect sense. We are the invaders here; everyone is hostile. That they are now zombies of some sort just makes the moral calculus that much easier. Unless I am *completely* misreading this. Also, we have the chance to take them on piece-meal right now. If we wait, they will be able to swarm us. I am not following all of this hesitation.Feb 14, 2025 12:44 am
Douklan does not wait to hear the start of a discussion of whether the nightmarish creature is the first reasonable member of the church they've met, a rabid flesh-eating mutant, a victim horribly altered by a nanotech plague, or, worst of all, an actual freaking alien. He just shoots it.
Is it correct to say that this door that opened to reveal the monster/mutant/undead is in the opposite direction from where we heard the noise of the BIG THING approaching us?Last edited February 14, 2025 12:56 am
Plasma Projector, damage on a hit - (1d20+8, 2d8+2)
1d20+8 : (12) + 8 = 20
2d8+2 : (84) + 2 = 14
The thing
Feb 15, 2025 2:40 pm
Douklan didn’t hesitate. He leveled his plasma projector and fired. The weapon’s discharge flared brilliant orange, a miniature star erupting from the barrel.
The shot should have burned straight through the creature’s malformed chest, but instead, it stopped.
An invisible force rippled outward, a shimmering distortion in the air, as if the very fabric of space had tensed against the shot. The plasma crackled against it, held for a split second in defiance—then the shield wavered. The projectile forced its way through, though weakened, and struck the creature’s shoulder.
The thing staggered back, its ruined uniform smoldering, green eyes narrowing in something that might have been pain or rage.
Then it raised its hand.
The room detonated. An unseen force erupted outward, a tidal wave of raw, telekinetic energy. Consoles exploded in showers of sparks, screens flickered and died, their thin surfaces reduced to twitching static. Loose panels were torn from the ceiling, wires spilling out like exposed veins, sparking against the metal walls. Equipment was flung across the room, slamming into walls and bulkheads with bone-rattling force. The sheer pressure sent the team staggering.
And yet—the thing had not entered the room. It simply stood there, just beyond the doorway, its hand still raised, fingers curling into a slow, deliberate fist.
The shot should have burned straight through the creature’s malformed chest, but instead, it stopped.
An invisible force rippled outward, a shimmering distortion in the air, as if the very fabric of space had tensed against the shot. The plasma crackled against it, held for a split second in defiance—then the shield wavered. The projectile forced its way through, though weakened, and struck the creature’s shoulder.
The thing staggered back, its ruined uniform smoldering, green eyes narrowing in something that might have been pain or rage.
Then it raised its hand.
The room detonated. An unseen force erupted outward, a tidal wave of raw, telekinetic energy. Consoles exploded in showers of sparks, screens flickered and died, their thin surfaces reduced to twitching static. Loose panels were torn from the ceiling, wires spilling out like exposed veins, sparking against the metal walls. Equipment was flung across the room, slamming into walls and bulkheads with bone-rattling force. The sheer pressure sent the team staggering.
And yet—the thing had not entered the room. It simply stood there, just beyond the doorway, its hand still raised, fingers curling into a slow, deliberate fist.
Continues in my next post
The thing
Creature's HP
RB (Repair Bot)
Feb 15, 2025 2:46 pm
Amidst the flying debris and flickering, shattered screens, RB took the brunt of the force. The repair bot had been standing near the console, its sensors locked onto the creature. It barely had time to process the incoming energy wave before it was caught in the storm.
RB’s chassis crumpled like paper, its reinforced plating buckling under the telekinetic force. Sparks erupted from its joints as its servos seized, its limbs spasming violently before being torn apart at the seams. One of its arms was flung against the far wall, where it clattered to the floor, twitching weakly before falling still.
Its voice crackled over the comms, distorted and failing. "T-T-Tactical reassessm—"
The speaker cut out as its optical sensors flickered one last time, its core overloaded and rupturing in a burst of blue-white light. The once-reliable repair bot collapsed into a heap of ruined metal and lifeless components.
RB was gone.
RB’s chassis crumpled like paper, its reinforced plating buckling under the telekinetic force. Sparks erupted from its joints as its servos seized, its limbs spasming violently before being torn apart at the seams. One of its arms was flung against the far wall, where it clattered to the floor, twitching weakly before falling still.
Its voice crackled over the comms, distorted and failing. "T-T-Tactical reassessm—"
The speaker cut out as its optical sensors flickered one last time, its core overloaded and rupturing in a burst of blue-white light. The once-reliable repair bot collapsed into a heap of ruined metal and lifeless components.
RB was gone.

RB (Repair Bot)
Continues in my next postRolls
Damage to RB
Feb 15, 2025 2:56 pm
Is it correct to say that this door that opened to reveal the monster/mutant/undead is in the opposite direction from where we heard the noise of the BIG THING approaching us?OOC:
What do you do?Feb 15, 2025 5:27 pm
Hate losing RB, but I guess it was inevitable ...Also, just to be clear: When you say the "room detonated", you mean all the electronics and such (including RB). It doesn't appear that we or our equipment took damage, correct?
Feb 15, 2025 5:31 pm
Not inevitable, was a roll. Rolls
Mercer Canaan Furio: Stab - Usual roll - (1D20+9)
(17) + 9 = 26
Mercer Canaan Furio: Masterwork 1 Vibroblade (Advanced Medium) - (1D10+1+2)
(5) + 3 = 8
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