Delirium says:
RP) ... That, more than anything, made her decision for her. If she wanted to people to notice her for more then her looks, she had to say something disruptive, get them to notice her. ...
Are you sure you want to do that? They are a gentlemen's club and, even in 2024, women are not allowed to be members, and it has been made pretty clear to
Emma that they expect her not to speak until spoken to. Being 'disruptive' is more likely to get you tossed out (in the rain) than to miraculously get them on your side.
If you choose to keep this reaction, roll
Keep Your Cool to avoid ending this meeting prematurely. (We will provide another avenue for you to learn something if we have to.)
On a Miss you offend them enough that they have you removed (or attempt to, you can, of course, resist (and they can, of course, call the cops if you do)).
On a Hit they are offended, but you apparently have enough value that they make concessions for your lack of couth and speak to you more.
On a 10+ ... I don't know... what do you think
Emma is offering them? What value would they gain from allowing your rudeness and disruption to their club? You may still have to smooth things over (with a Persuade, maybe) before they would let you stay and berate them in their own club, or one of the men (you can choose which) may take you aside (as the women
tried to do) and speak to you privately.
You are not in a position of power here, and are being rude. :)